scratch – Blame information for rev 133

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
75 office 1 Cross Browser Zoom and Pixel Ratio Detector
2 ======
3 ------
5 ### Known issues:
6 * In Firefox on retina displays (Macbook Pros), the base zoom level is always 2.0. I'm aware of it and looking for a solution.
7 * In some multi-monitor enviroments where each monitor has a different 'pixel aspect ratio' windows that span accross both monitors might return false pixelAspectRatio values.
9 What is this for?
10 ------
11 Detecting the browser zoom level and device pixel ratio relative to the zoom level.
13 It can be used to show higher-resolution `canvas` or `img` when necessary,
14 to warn users that your site's layout will be broken in their current zoom level,
15 and much more.
16 Personally I'm maintaining it to use Detect-zoom in []('s editor to warn users
17 that their browser is in zoom mode before saving important changes to their website.
19 What happend to @yonran?
20 ------
21 Don't worry, he is well.
22 As of January 2013 [@yonran]( stopped maintaining his source of detect-zoom, and transferred the repository to me.
23 If you are looking to update previous versions note that there were some breaking changes
25 * **Major Changes from the latest yonran version:**
26 * `DetectZoom` object name changed to `detectZoom`
27 * `DetectZoom.ratio()` is no longer publicly accessible
28 * Supported browsers: IE8+, FF4+, modern Webkit, mobile Webkit, Opera 11.1+
29 * *IE6, IE7, FF 3.6 and Opera 10.x are no longer supported*
30 * Added support to be loaded as an AMD and CommonJS module
32 Live Example
33 ------
34 See the Live Example section in
37 Usage
38 ------
39 **Detect-zoom has only two public functions:**
40 * `zoom()` Returns the zoom level of the user's browser using Javascript.
41 * `device()` Returns the device pixel ratio multiplied by the zoom level (Read [more about devicePixelRatio]( at QuirksMode)
43 ```html
44 <script src="detect-zoom.js"></script>
45 <script>
46 var zoom = detectZoom.zoom();
47 var device = detectZoom.device();
49 console.log(zoom, device);
50 </script>
51 ```
53 **AMD Usage**
55 ```javascript
56 require(['detect-zoom'], function(detectZoom){
57 var zoom = detectZoom.zoom();
58 });
59 ```
61 **Installing with NPM**
63 ```bash
64 > npm install detect-zoom
65 ```
67 Changelog
68 ------
70 2013/4/01
71 * Changed WebKit detection from deprecated webkitTextSizeAdjust to webkitMarquee
72 * Changed WebKitMobile detection from unreliable 'ontouchstart' event (can be triggered on desktops too) to 'orientation' property that is hopefully more reliable
73 * Minor version bump to 1.0.4
75 2013/3/29
76 * Added package.json (thanks [@TCampaigne](
77 * Some documentation fixes
78 * Added detect-zoom to npm package manager (again, thanks [@TCampaigne](
80 2013/2/25
81 * Fixed a missing 'else' between ie8 and ie10 detection
82 * Minor version bump to 1.0.2
84 2013/2/15
85 * Added a fix for IE10 Metro (or whatever MS calls it these days..) by [@stefanvanburen](
86 * Minor version bump to 1.0.1
87 * Added minimized version
89 2013/2/05
90 * Merged a pull request that fixed zoom on IE being returned X100 (thanks [@kreymerman](
91 * Refactored the code some more, changed some function names
92 * Browser dependent main function is created only on initialization (thanks [@jsmaker](
93 * _Open Issue: Firefox returns `zoom` and `devicePixelRatio` the same. Still looking for a solution here._
94 * Started versioning - this is version 1.0.0
96 2013/1/27
97 * Added a fix to Mozilla's (Broken as I see it -
98 implementation of window.devicePixel starting Firefox 18
100 2013/1/26
101 * Repository moved here
102 * Refactored most of the code
103 * Removed support for older browsers
104 * Added support for AMD and CommonJS
107 Help Needed
108 ------
110 ***Detect-zoom is not complete, many parts of the code are 6 to 12 months old and I'm still reviewing them
111 I need help testing different browsers, finding better ways to measure zoom on problematic browsers (ahm.. Firefox.. ahm)
112 patches are more than welcome.***
115 License
116 ------
118 Detect-zoom is dual-licensed under the [WTFPL]( and [MIT]( license, at the recipient's choice.