corrade-nucleus-nucleons – Blame information for rev 37

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
37 office 1 /*
2 * DOM Level 2
3 * Object DOMException
4 * @see
5 * @see
6 */
8 function copy(src,dest){
9 for(var p in src){
10 dest[p] = src[p];
11 }
12 }
13 /**
14 ^\w+\.prototype\.([_\w]+)\s*=\s*((?:.*\{\s*?[\r\n][\s\S]*?^})|\S.*?(?=[;\r\n]));?
15 ^\w+\.prototype\.([_\w]+)\s*=\s*(\S.*?(?=[;\r\n]));?
16 */
17 function _extends(Class,Super){
18 var pt = Class.prototype;
19 if(Object.create){
20 var ppt = Object.create(Super.prototype)
21 pt.__proto__ = ppt;
22 }
23 if(!(pt instanceof Super)){
24 function t(){};
25 t.prototype = Super.prototype;
26 t = new t();
27 copy(pt,t);
28 Class.prototype = pt = t;
29 }
30 if(pt.constructor != Class){
31 if(typeof Class != 'function'){
32 console.error("unknow Class:"+Class)
33 }
34 pt.constructor = Class
35 }
36 }
37 var htmlns = '' ;
38 // Node Types
39 var NodeType = {}
40 var ELEMENT_NODE = NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE = 1;
42 var TEXT_NODE = NodeType.TEXT_NODE = 3;
45 var ENTITY_NODE = NodeType.ENTITY_NODE = 6;
47 var COMMENT_NODE = NodeType.COMMENT_NODE = 8;
53 // ExceptionCode
54 var ExceptionCode = {}
55 var ExceptionMessage = {};
56 var INDEX_SIZE_ERR = ExceptionCode.INDEX_SIZE_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[1]="Index size error"),1);
57 var DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = ExceptionCode.DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[2]="DOMString size error"),2);
58 var HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = ExceptionCode.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[3]="Hierarchy request error"),3);
59 var WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = ExceptionCode.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[4]="Wrong document"),4);
60 var INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = ExceptionCode.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[5]="Invalid character"),5);
61 var NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = ExceptionCode.NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[6]="No data allowed"),6);
62 var NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = ExceptionCode.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[7]="No modification allowed"),7);
63 var NOT_FOUND_ERR = ExceptionCode.NOT_FOUND_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[8]="Not found"),8);
64 var NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = ExceptionCode.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[9]="Not supported"),9);
65 var INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = ExceptionCode.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[10]="Attribute in use"),10);
66 //level2
67 var INVALID_STATE_ERR = ExceptionCode.INVALID_STATE_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[11]="Invalid state"),11);
68 var SYNTAX_ERR = ExceptionCode.SYNTAX_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[12]="Syntax error"),12);
69 var INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = ExceptionCode.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[13]="Invalid modification"),13);
70 var NAMESPACE_ERR = ExceptionCode.NAMESPACE_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[14]="Invalid namespace"),14);
71 var INVALID_ACCESS_ERR = ExceptionCode.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR = ((ExceptionMessage[15]="Invalid access"),15);
74 function DOMException(code, message) {
75 if(message instanceof Error){
76 var error = message;
77 }else{
78 error = this;
79, ExceptionMessage[code]);
80 this.message = ExceptionMessage[code];
81 if(Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, DOMException);
82 }
83 error.code = code;
84 if(message) this.message = this.message + ": " + message;
85 return error;
86 };
87 DOMException.prototype = Error.prototype;
88 copy(ExceptionCode,DOMException)
89 /**
90 * @see
91 * The NodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes, without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented. NodeList objects in the DOM are live.
92 * The items in the NodeList are accessible via an integral index, starting from 0.
93 */
94 function NodeList() {
95 };
96 NodeList.prototype = {
97 /**
98 * The number of nodes in the list. The range of valid child node indices is 0 to length-1 inclusive.
99 * @standard level1
100 */
101 length:0,
102 /**
103 * Returns the indexth item in the collection. If index is greater than or equal to the number of nodes in the list, this returns null.
104 * @standard level1
105 * @param index unsigned long
106 * Index into the collection.
107 * @return Node
108 * The node at the indexth position in the NodeList, or null if that is not a valid index.
109 */
110 item: function(index) {
111 return this[index] || null;
112 },
113 toString:function(isHTML,nodeFilter){
114 for(var buf = [], i = 0;i<this.length;i++){
115 serializeToString(this[i],buf,isHTML,nodeFilter);
116 }
117 return buf.join('');
118 }
119 };
120 function LiveNodeList(node,refresh){
121 this._node = node;
122 this._refresh = refresh
123 _updateLiveList(this);
124 }
125 function _updateLiveList(list){
126 var inc = list._node._inc || list._node.ownerDocument._inc;
127 if(list._inc != inc){
128 var ls = list._refresh(list._node);
129 //console.log(ls.length)
130 __set__(list,'length',ls.length);
131 copy(ls,list);
132 list._inc = inc;
133 }
134 }
135 LiveNodeList.prototype.item = function(i){
136 _updateLiveList(this);
137 return this[i];
138 }
140 _extends(LiveNodeList,NodeList);
141 /**
142 *
143 * Objects implementing the NamedNodeMap interface are used to represent collections of nodes that can be accessed by name. Note that NamedNodeMap does not inherit from NodeList; NamedNodeMaps are not maintained in any particular order. Objects contained in an object implementing NamedNodeMap may also be accessed by an ordinal index, but this is simply to allow convenient enumeration of the contents of a NamedNodeMap, and does not imply that the DOM specifies an order to these Nodes.
144 * NamedNodeMap objects in the DOM are live.
145 * used for attributes or DocumentType entities
146 */
147 function NamedNodeMap() {
148 };
150 function _findNodeIndex(list,node){
151 var i = list.length;
152 while(i--){
153 if(list[i] === node){return i}
154 }
155 }
157 function _addNamedNode(el,list,newAttr,oldAttr){
158 if(oldAttr){
159 list[_findNodeIndex(list,oldAttr)] = newAttr;
160 }else{
161 list[list.length++] = newAttr;
162 }
163 if(el){
164 newAttr.ownerElement = el;
165 var doc = el.ownerDocument;
166 if(doc){
167 oldAttr && _onRemoveAttribute(doc,el,oldAttr);
168 _onAddAttribute(doc,el,newAttr);
169 }
170 }
171 }
172 function _removeNamedNode(el,list,attr){
173 //console.log('remove attr:'+attr)
174 var i = _findNodeIndex(list,attr);
175 if(i>=0){
176 var lastIndex = list.length-1
177 while(i<lastIndex){
178 list[i] = list[++i]
179 }
180 list.length = lastIndex;
181 if(el){
182 var doc = el.ownerDocument;
183 if(doc){
184 _onRemoveAttribute(doc,el,attr);
185 attr.ownerElement = null;
186 }
187 }
188 }else{
189 throw DOMException(NOT_FOUND_ERR,new Error(el.tagName+'@'+attr))
190 }
191 }
192 NamedNodeMap.prototype = {
193 length:0,
194 item:NodeList.prototype.item,
195 getNamedItem: function(key) {
196 // if(key.indexOf(':')>0 || key == 'xmlns'){
197 // return null;
198 // }
199 //console.log()
200 var i = this.length;
201 while(i--){
202 var attr = this[i];
203 //console.log(attr.nodeName,key)
204 if(attr.nodeName == key){
205 return attr;
206 }
207 }
208 },
209 setNamedItem: function(attr) {
210 var el = attr.ownerElement;
211 if(el && el!=this._ownerElement){
212 throw new DOMException(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR);
213 }
214 var oldAttr = this.getNamedItem(attr.nodeName);
215 _addNamedNode(this._ownerElement,this,attr,oldAttr);
216 return oldAttr;
217 },
218 /* returns Node */
220 var el = attr.ownerElement, oldAttr;
221 if(el && el!=this._ownerElement){
222 throw new DOMException(INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR);
223 }
224 oldAttr = this.getNamedItemNS(attr.namespaceURI,attr.localName);
225 _addNamedNode(this._ownerElement,this,attr,oldAttr);
226 return oldAttr;
227 },
229 /* returns Node */
230 removeNamedItem: function(key) {
231 var attr = this.getNamedItem(key);
232 _removeNamedNode(this._ownerElement,this,attr);
233 return attr;
238 //for level2
239 removeNamedItemNS:function(namespaceURI,localName){
240 var attr = this.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI,localName);
241 _removeNamedNode(this._ownerElement,this,attr);
242 return attr;
243 },
244 getNamedItemNS: function(namespaceURI, localName) {
245 var i = this.length;
246 while(i--){
247 var node = this[i];
248 if(node.localName == localName && node.namespaceURI == namespaceURI){
249 return node;
250 }
251 }
252 return null;
253 }
254 };
255 /**
256 * @see
257 */
258 function DOMImplementation(/* Object */ features) {
259 this._features = {};
260 if (features) {
261 for (var feature in features) {
262 this._features = features[feature];
263 }
264 }
265 };
267 DOMImplementation.prototype = {
268 hasFeature: function(/* string */ feature, /* string */ version) {
269 var versions = this._features[feature.toLowerCase()];
270 if (versions && (!version || version in versions)) {
271 return true;
272 } else {
273 return false;
274 }
275 },
276 // Introduced in DOM Level 2:
277 createDocument:function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype){// raises:INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR,NAMESPACE_ERR,WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR
278 var doc = new Document();
279 doc.implementation = this;
280 doc.childNodes = new NodeList();
281 doc.doctype = doctype;
282 if(doctype){
283 doc.appendChild(doctype);
284 }
285 if(qualifiedName){
286 var root = doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI,qualifiedName);
287 doc.appendChild(root);
288 }
289 return doc;
290 },
291 // Introduced in DOM Level 2:
292 createDocumentType:function(qualifiedName, publicId, systemId){// raises:INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR,NAMESPACE_ERR
293 var node = new DocumentType();
294 = qualifiedName;
295 node.nodeName = qualifiedName;
296 node.publicId = publicId;
297 node.systemId = systemId;
298 // Introduced in DOM Level 2:
299 //readonly attribute DOMString internalSubset;
301 //TODO:..
302 // readonly attribute NamedNodeMap entities;
303 // readonly attribute NamedNodeMap notations;
304 return node;
305 }
306 };
309 /**
310 * @see
311 */
313 function Node() {
314 };
316 Node.prototype = {
317 firstChild : null,
318 lastChild : null,
319 previousSibling : null,
320 nextSibling : null,
321 attributes : null,
322 parentNode : null,
323 childNodes : null,
324 ownerDocument : null,
325 nodeValue : null,
326 namespaceURI : null,
327 prefix : null,
328 localName : null,
329 // Modified in DOM Level 2:
330 insertBefore:function(newChild, refChild){//raises
331 return _insertBefore(this,newChild,refChild);
332 },
333 replaceChild:function(newChild, oldChild){//raises
334 this.insertBefore(newChild,oldChild);
335 if(oldChild){
336 this.removeChild(oldChild);
337 }
338 },
339 removeChild:function(oldChild){
340 return _removeChild(this,oldChild);
341 },
342 appendChild:function(newChild){
343 return this.insertBefore(newChild,null);
344 },
345 hasChildNodes:function(){
346 return this.firstChild != null;
347 },
348 cloneNode:function(deep){
349 return cloneNode(this.ownerDocument||this,this,deep);
350 },
351 // Modified in DOM Level 2:
352 normalize:function(){
353 var child = this.firstChild;
354 while(child){
355 var next = child.nextSibling;
356 if(next && next.nodeType == TEXT_NODE && child.nodeType == TEXT_NODE){
357 this.removeChild(next);
358 child.appendData(;
359 }else{
360 child.normalize();
361 child = next;
362 }
363 }
364 },
365 // Introduced in DOM Level 2:
366 isSupported:function(feature, version){
367 return this.ownerDocument.implementation.hasFeature(feature,version);
368 },
369 // Introduced in DOM Level 2:
370 hasAttributes:function(){
371 return this.attributes.length>0;
372 },
373 lookupPrefix:function(namespaceURI){
374 var el = this;
375 while(el){
376 var map = el._nsMap;
377 //console.dir(map)
378 if(map){
379 for(var n in map){
380 if(map[n] == namespaceURI){
381 return n;
382 }
383 }
384 }
385 el = el.nodeType == ATTRIBUTE_NODE?el.ownerDocument : el.parentNode;
386 }
387 return null;
388 },
389 // Introduced in DOM Level 3:
390 lookupNamespaceURI:function(prefix){
391 var el = this;
392 while(el){
393 var map = el._nsMap;
394 //console.dir(map)
395 if(map){
396 if(prefix in map){
397 return map[prefix] ;
398 }
399 }
400 el = el.nodeType == ATTRIBUTE_NODE?el.ownerDocument : el.parentNode;
401 }
402 return null;
403 },
404 // Introduced in DOM Level 3:
405 isDefaultNamespace:function(namespaceURI){
406 var prefix = this.lookupPrefix(namespaceURI);
407 return prefix == null;
408 }
409 };
412 function _xmlEncoder(c){
413 return c == '<' && '&lt;' ||
414 c == '>' && '&gt;' ||
415 c == '&' && '&amp;' ||
416 c == '"' && '&quot;' ||
417 '&#'+c.charCodeAt()+';'
418 }
421 copy(NodeType,Node);
422 copy(NodeType,Node.prototype);
424 /**
425 * @param callback return true for continue,false for break
426 * @return boolean true: break visit;
427 */
428 function _visitNode(node,callback){
429 if(callback(node)){
430 return true;
431 }
432 if(node = node.firstChild){
433 do{
434 if(_visitNode(node,callback)){return true}
435 }while(node=node.nextSibling)
436 }
437 }
441 function Document(){
442 }
443 function _onAddAttribute(doc,el,newAttr){
444 doc && doc._inc++;
445 var ns = newAttr.namespaceURI ;
446 if(ns == ''){
447 //update namespace
448 el._nsMap[newAttr.prefix?newAttr.localName:''] = newAttr.value
449 }
450 }
451 function _onRemoveAttribute(doc,el,newAttr,remove){
452 doc && doc._inc++;
453 var ns = newAttr.namespaceURI ;
454 if(ns == ''){
455 //update namespace
456 delete el._nsMap[newAttr.prefix?newAttr.localName:'']
457 }
458 }
459 function _onUpdateChild(doc,el,newChild){
460 if(doc && doc._inc){
461 doc._inc++;
462 //update childNodes
463 var cs = el.childNodes;
464 if(newChild){
465 cs[cs.length++] = newChild;
466 }else{
467 //console.log(1)
468 var child = el.firstChild;
469 var i = 0;
470 while(child){
471 cs[i++] = child;
472 child =child.nextSibling;
473 }
474 cs.length = i;
475 }
476 }
477 }
479 /**
480 * attributes;
481 * children;
482 *
483 * writeable properties:
484 * nodeValue,Attr:value,CharacterData:data
485 * prefix
486 */
487 function _removeChild(parentNode,child){
488 var previous = child.previousSibling;
489 var next = child.nextSibling;
490 if(previous){
491 previous.nextSibling = next;
492 }else{
493 parentNode.firstChild = next
494 }
495 if(next){
496 next.previousSibling = previous;
497 }else{
498 parentNode.lastChild = previous;
499 }
500 _onUpdateChild(parentNode.ownerDocument,parentNode);
501 return child;
502 }
503 /**
504 * preformance key(refChild == null)
505 */
506 function _insertBefore(parentNode,newChild,nextChild){
507 var cp = newChild.parentNode;
508 if(cp){
509 cp.removeChild(newChild);//remove and update
510 }
511 if(newChild.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE){
512 var newFirst = newChild.firstChild;
513 if (newFirst == null) {
514 return newChild;
515 }
516 var newLast = newChild.lastChild;
517 }else{
518 newFirst = newLast = newChild;
519 }
520 var pre = nextChild ? nextChild.previousSibling : parentNode.lastChild;
522 newFirst.previousSibling = pre;
523 newLast.nextSibling = nextChild;
526 if(pre){
527 pre.nextSibling = newFirst;
528 }else{
529 parentNode.firstChild = newFirst;
530 }
531 if(nextChild == null){
532 parentNode.lastChild = newLast;
533 }else{
534 nextChild.previousSibling = newLast;
535 }
536 do{
537 newFirst.parentNode = parentNode;
538 }while(newFirst !== newLast && (newFirst= newFirst.nextSibling))
539 _onUpdateChild(parentNode.ownerDocument||parentNode,parentNode);
540 //console.log(parentNode.lastChild.nextSibling == null)
541 if (newChild.nodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
542 newChild.firstChild = newChild.lastChild = null;
543 }
544 return newChild;
545 }
546 function _appendSingleChild(parentNode,newChild){
547 var cp = newChild.parentNode;
548 if(cp){
549 var pre = parentNode.lastChild;
550 cp.removeChild(newChild);//remove and update
551 var pre = parentNode.lastChild;
552 }
553 var pre = parentNode.lastChild;
554 newChild.parentNode = parentNode;
555 newChild.previousSibling = pre;
556 newChild.nextSibling = null;
557 if(pre){
558 pre.nextSibling = newChild;
559 }else{
560 parentNode.firstChild = newChild;
561 }
562 parentNode.lastChild = newChild;
563 _onUpdateChild(parentNode.ownerDocument,parentNode,newChild);
564 return newChild;
565 //console.log("__aa",parentNode.lastChild.nextSibling == null)
566 }
567 Document.prototype = {
568 //implementation : null,
569 nodeName : '#document',
570 nodeType : DOCUMENT_NODE,
571 doctype : null,
572 documentElement : null,
573 _inc : 1,
575 insertBefore : function(newChild, refChild){//raises
576 if(newChild.nodeType == DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE){
577 var child = newChild.firstChild;
578 while(child){
579 var next = child.nextSibling;
580 this.insertBefore(child,refChild);
581 child = next;
582 }
583 return newChild;
584 }
585 if(this.documentElement == null && newChild.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE){
586 this.documentElement = newChild;
587 }
589 return _insertBefore(this,newChild,refChild),(newChild.ownerDocument = this),newChild;
590 },
591 removeChild : function(oldChild){
592 if(this.documentElement == oldChild){
593 this.documentElement = null;
594 }
595 return _removeChild(this,oldChild);
596 },
597 // Introduced in DOM Level 2:
598 importNode : function(importedNode,deep){
599 return importNode(this,importedNode,deep);
600 },
601 // Introduced in DOM Level 2:
602 getElementById : function(id){
603 var rtv = null;
604 _visitNode(this.documentElement,function(node){
605 if(node.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE){
606 if(node.getAttribute('id') == id){
607 rtv = node;
608 return true;
609 }
610 }
611 })
612 return rtv;
613 },
615 //document factory method:
616 createElement : function(tagName){
617 var node = new Element();
618 node.ownerDocument = this;
619 node.nodeName = tagName;
620 node.tagName = tagName;
621 node.childNodes = new NodeList();
622 var attrs = node.attributes = new NamedNodeMap();
623 attrs._ownerElement = node;
624 return node;
625 },
626 createDocumentFragment : function(){
627 var node = new DocumentFragment();
628 node.ownerDocument = this;
629 node.childNodes = new NodeList();
630 return node;
631 },
632 createTextNode : function(data){
633 var node = new Text();
634 node.ownerDocument = this;
635 node.appendData(data)
636 return node;
637 },
638 createComment : function(data){
639 var node = new Comment();
640 node.ownerDocument = this;
641 node.appendData(data)
642 return node;
643 },
644 createCDATASection : function(data){
645 var node = new CDATASection();
646 node.ownerDocument = this;
647 node.appendData(data)
648 return node;
649 },
650 createProcessingInstruction : function(target,data){
651 var node = new ProcessingInstruction();
652 node.ownerDocument = this;
653 node.tagName = = target;
654 node.nodeValue= = data;
655 return node;
656 },
657 createAttribute : function(name){
658 var node = new Attr();
659 node.ownerDocument = this;
660 = name;
661 node.nodeName = name;
662 node.localName = name;
663 node.specified = true;
664 return node;
665 },
666 createEntityReference : function(name){
667 var node = new EntityReference();
668 node.ownerDocument = this;
669 node.nodeName = name;
670 return node;
671 },
672 // Introduced in DOM Level 2:
673 createElementNS : function(namespaceURI,qualifiedName){
674 var node = new Element();
675 var pl = qualifiedName.split(':');
676 var attrs = node.attributes = new NamedNodeMap();
677 node.childNodes = new NodeList();
678 node.ownerDocument = this;
679 node.nodeName = qualifiedName;
680 node.tagName = qualifiedName;
681 node.namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
682 if(pl.length == 2){
683 node.prefix = pl[0];
684 node.localName = pl[1];
685 }else{
686 //el.prefix = null;
687 node.localName = qualifiedName;
688 }
689 attrs._ownerElement = node;
690 return node;
691 },
692 // Introduced in DOM Level 2:
693 createAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI,qualifiedName){
694 var node = new Attr();
695 var pl = qualifiedName.split(':');
696 node.ownerDocument = this;
697 node.nodeName = qualifiedName;
698 = qualifiedName;
699 node.namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
700 node.specified = true;
701 if(pl.length == 2){
702 node.prefix = pl[0];
703 node.localName = pl[1];
704 }else{
705 //el.prefix = null;
706 node.localName = qualifiedName;
707 }
708 return node;
709 }
710 };
711 _extends(Document,Node);
714 function Element() {
715 this._nsMap = {};
716 };
717 Element.prototype = {
718 nodeType : ELEMENT_NODE,
719 hasAttribute : function(name){
720 return this.getAttributeNode(name)!=null;
721 },
722 getAttribute : function(name){
723 var attr = this.getAttributeNode(name);
724 return attr && attr.value || '';
725 },
726 getAttributeNode : function(name){
727 return this.attributes.getNamedItem(name);
728 },
729 setAttribute : function(name, value){
730 var attr = this.ownerDocument.createAttribute(name);
731 attr.value = attr.nodeValue = "" + value;
732 this.setAttributeNode(attr)
733 },
734 removeAttribute : function(name){
735 var attr = this.getAttributeNode(name)
736 attr && this.removeAttributeNode(attr);
737 },
739 //four real opeartion method
740 appendChild:function(newChild){
741 if(newChild.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE){
742 return this.insertBefore(newChild,null);
743 }else{
744 return _appendSingleChild(this,newChild);
745 }
746 },
747 setAttributeNode : function(newAttr){
748 return this.attributes.setNamedItem(newAttr);
749 },
750 setAttributeNodeNS : function(newAttr){
751 return this.attributes.setNamedItemNS(newAttr);
752 },
753 removeAttributeNode : function(oldAttr){
754 //console.log(this == oldAttr.ownerElement)
755 return this.attributes.removeNamedItem(oldAttr.nodeName);
756 },
757 //get real attribute name,and remove it by removeAttributeNode
758 removeAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName){
759 var old = this.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName);
760 old && this.removeAttributeNode(old);
761 },
763 hasAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName){
764 return this.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName)!=null;
765 },
766 getAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName){
767 var attr = this.getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI, localName);
768 return attr && attr.value || '';
769 },
770 setAttributeNS : function(namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value){
771 var attr = this.ownerDocument.createAttributeNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName);
772 attr.value = attr.nodeValue = "" + value;
773 this.setAttributeNode(attr)
774 },
775 getAttributeNodeNS : function(namespaceURI, localName){
776 return this.attributes.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, localName);
777 },
779 getElementsByTagName : function(tagName){
780 return new LiveNodeList(this,function(base){
781 var ls = [];
782 _visitNode(base,function(node){
783 if(node !== base && node.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE && (tagName === '*' || node.tagName == tagName)){
784 ls.push(node);
785 }
786 });
787 return ls;
788 });
789 },
790 getElementsByTagNameNS : function(namespaceURI, localName){
791 return new LiveNodeList(this,function(base){
792 var ls = [];
793 _visitNode(base,function(node){
794 if(node !== base && node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && (namespaceURI === '*' || node.namespaceURI === namespaceURI) && (localName === '*' || node.localName == localName)){
795 ls.push(node);
796 }
797 });
798 return ls;
800 });
801 }
802 };
803 Document.prototype.getElementsByTagName = Element.prototype.getElementsByTagName;
804 Document.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS = Element.prototype.getElementsByTagNameNS;
807 _extends(Element,Node);
808 function Attr() {
809 };
810 Attr.prototype.nodeType = ATTRIBUTE_NODE;
811 _extends(Attr,Node);
814 function CharacterData() {
815 };
816 CharacterData.prototype = {
817 data : '',
818 substringData : function(offset, count) {
819 return, offset+count);
820 },
821 appendData: function(text) {
822 text =;
823 this.nodeValue = = text;
824 this.length = text.length;
825 },
826 insertData: function(offset,text) {
827 this.replaceData(offset,0,text);
829 },
830 appendChild:function(newChild){
831 throw new Error(ExceptionMessage[HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR])
832 },
833 deleteData: function(offset, count) {
834 this.replaceData(offset,count,"");
835 },
836 replaceData: function(offset, count, text) {
837 var start =,offset);
838 var end =;
839 text = start + text + end;
840 this.nodeValue = = text;
841 this.length = text.length;
842 }
843 }
844 _extends(CharacterData,Node);
845 function Text() {
846 };
847 Text.prototype = {
848 nodeName : "#text",
849 nodeType : TEXT_NODE,
850 splitText : function(offset) {
851 var text =;
852 var newText = text.substring(offset);
853 text = text.substring(0, offset);
854 = this.nodeValue = text;
855 this.length = text.length;
856 var newNode = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(newText);
857 if(this.parentNode){
858 this.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, this.nextSibling);
859 }
860 return newNode;
861 }
862 }
863 _extends(Text,CharacterData);
864 function Comment() {
865 };
866 Comment.prototype = {
867 nodeName : "#comment",
868 nodeType : COMMENT_NODE
869 }
870 _extends(Comment,CharacterData);
872 function CDATASection() {
873 };
874 CDATASection.prototype = {
875 nodeName : "#cdata-section",
877 }
878 _extends(CDATASection,CharacterData);
881 function DocumentType() {
882 };
883 DocumentType.prototype.nodeType = DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE;
884 _extends(DocumentType,Node);
886 function Notation() {
887 };
888 Notation.prototype.nodeType = NOTATION_NODE;
889 _extends(Notation,Node);
891 function Entity() {
892 };
893 Entity.prototype.nodeType = ENTITY_NODE;
894 _extends(Entity,Node);
896 function EntityReference() {
897 };
898 EntityReference.prototype.nodeType = ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE;
899 _extends(EntityReference,Node);
901 function DocumentFragment() {
902 };
903 DocumentFragment.prototype.nodeName = "#document-fragment";
904 DocumentFragment.prototype.nodeType = DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE;
905 _extends(DocumentFragment,Node);
908 function ProcessingInstruction() {
909 }
910 ProcessingInstruction.prototype.nodeType = PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE;
911 _extends(ProcessingInstruction,Node);
912 function XMLSerializer(){}
913 XMLSerializer.prototype.serializeToString = function(node,isHtml,nodeFilter){
914 return,isHtml,nodeFilter);
915 }
916 Node.prototype.toString = nodeSerializeToString;
917 function nodeSerializeToString(isHtml,nodeFilter){
918 var buf = [];
919 var refNode = this.nodeType == 9?this.documentElement:this;
920 var prefix = refNode.prefix;
921 var uri = refNode.namespaceURI;
923 if(uri && prefix == null){
924 //console.log(prefix)
925 var prefix = refNode.lookupPrefix(uri);
926 if(prefix == null){
927 //isHTML = true;
928 var visibleNamespaces=[
929 {namespace:uri,prefix:null}
930 //{namespace:uri,prefix:''}
931 ]
932 }
933 }
934 serializeToString(this,buf,isHtml,nodeFilter,visibleNamespaces);
935 //console.log('###',this.nodeType,uri,prefix,buf.join(''))
936 return buf.join('');
937 }
938 function needNamespaceDefine(node,isHTML, visibleNamespaces) {
939 var prefix = node.prefix||'';
940 var uri = node.namespaceURI;
941 if (!prefix && !uri){
942 return false;
943 }
944 if (prefix === "xml" && uri === ""
945 || uri == ''){
946 return false;
947 }
949 var i = visibleNamespaces.length
950 //console.log('@@@@',node.tagName,prefix,uri,visibleNamespaces)
951 while (i--) {
952 var ns = visibleNamespaces[i];
953 // get namespace prefix
954 //console.log(node.nodeType,node.tagName,ns.prefix,prefix)
955 if (ns.prefix == prefix){
956 return ns.namespace != uri;
957 }
958 }
959 //console.log(isHTML,uri,prefix=='')
960 //if(isHTML && prefix ==null && uri == ''){
961 // return false;
962 //}
963 //node.flag = '11111'
964 //console.error(3,true,node.flag,node.prefix,node.namespaceURI)
965 return true;
966 }
967 function serializeToString(node,buf,isHTML,nodeFilter,visibleNamespaces){
968 if(nodeFilter){
969 node = nodeFilter(node);
970 if(node){
971 if(typeof node == 'string'){
972 buf.push(node);
973 return;
974 }
975 }else{
976 return;
977 }
978 //buf.sort.apply(attrs, attributeSorter);
979 }
980 switch(node.nodeType){
981 case ELEMENT_NODE:
982 if (!visibleNamespaces) visibleNamespaces = [];
983 var startVisibleNamespaces = visibleNamespaces.length;
984 var attrs = node.attributes;
985 var len = attrs.length;
986 var child = node.firstChild;
987 var nodeName = node.tagName;
989 isHTML = (htmlns === node.namespaceURI) ||isHTML
990 buf.push('<',nodeName);
994 for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
995 // add namespaces for attributes
996 var attr = attrs.item(i);
997 if (attr.prefix == 'xmlns') {
998 visibleNamespaces.push({ prefix: attr.localName, namespace: attr.value });
999 }else if(attr.nodeName == 'xmlns'){
1000 visibleNamespaces.push({ prefix: '', namespace: attr.value });
1001 }
1002 }
1003 for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
1004 var attr = attrs.item(i);
1005 if (needNamespaceDefine(attr,isHTML, visibleNamespaces)) {
1006 var prefix = attr.prefix||'';
1007 var uri = attr.namespaceURI;
1008 var ns = prefix ? ' xmlns:' + prefix : " xmlns";
1009 buf.push(ns, '="' , uri , '"');
1010 visibleNamespaces.push({ prefix: prefix, namespace:uri });
1011 }
1012 serializeToString(attr,buf,isHTML,nodeFilter,visibleNamespaces);
1013 }
1014 // add namespace for current node
1015 if (needNamespaceDefine(node,isHTML, visibleNamespaces)) {
1016 var prefix = node.prefix||'';
1017 var uri = node.namespaceURI;
1018 var ns = prefix ? ' xmlns:' + prefix : " xmlns";
1019 buf.push(ns, '="' , uri , '"');
1020 visibleNamespaces.push({ prefix: prefix, namespace:uri });
1021 }
1023 if(child || isHTML && !/^(?:meta|link|img|br|hr|input)$/i.test(nodeName)){
1024 buf.push('>');
1025 //if is cdata child node
1026 if(isHTML && /^script$/i.test(nodeName)){
1027 while(child){
1028 if({
1029 buf.push(;
1030 }else{
1031 serializeToString(child,buf,isHTML,nodeFilter,visibleNamespaces);
1032 }
1033 child = child.nextSibling;
1034 }
1035 }else
1036 {
1037 while(child){
1038 serializeToString(child,buf,isHTML,nodeFilter,visibleNamespaces);
1039 child = child.nextSibling;
1040 }
1041 }
1042 buf.push('</',nodeName,'>');
1043 }else{
1044 buf.push('/>');
1045 }
1046 // remove added visible namespaces
1047 //visibleNamespaces.length = startVisibleNamespaces;
1048 return;
1049 case DOCUMENT_NODE:
1051 var child = node.firstChild;
1052 while(child){
1053 serializeToString(child,buf,isHTML,nodeFilter,visibleNamespaces);
1054 child = child.nextSibling;
1055 }
1056 return;
1058 return buf.push(' ',,'="',node.value.replace(/[<&"]/g,_xmlEncoder),'"');
1059 <&"]/ case TEXT_NODE:
1060 <&"]/ return buf.push([<&]/g,_xmlEncoder));
1061 <&"]/<&]/ case CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
1062 <&"]/<&]/ return buf.push( '<![CDATA[',,']]>');
1063 <&"]/<&]/ case COMMENT_NODE:
1064 <&"]/<&]/ return buf.push( "<!--",,"-->");
1065 <&"]/<&]/ case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
1066 <&"]/<&]/ var pubid = node.publicId;
1067 <&"]/<&]/ var sysid = node.systemId;
1068 <&"]/<&]/ buf.push('<!DOCTYPE ',;
1069 <&"]/<&]/ if(pubid){
1070 <&"]/<&]/ buf.push(' PUBLIC "',pubid);
1071 <&"]/<&]/ if (sysid && sysid!='.') {
1072 <&"]/<&]/ buf.push( '" "',sysid);
1073 <&"]/<&]/ }
1074 <&"]/<&]/ buf.push('">');
1075 <&"]/<&]/ }else if(sysid && sysid!='.'){
1076 <&"]/<&]/ buf.push(' SYSTEM "',sysid,'">');
1077 <&"]/<&]/ }else{
1078 <&"]/<&]/ var sub = node.internalSubset;
1079 <&"]/<&]/ if(sub){
1080 <&"]/<&]/ buf.push(" [",sub,"]");
1081 <&"]/<&]/ }
1082 <&"]/<&]/ buf.push(">");
1083 <&"]/<&]/ }
1084 <&"]/<&]/ return;
1086 <&"]/<&]/ return buf.push( "<?",," ",,"?>");
1087 <&"]/<&]/ case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE:
1088 <&"]/<&]/ return buf.push( '&',node.nodeName,';');
1089 <&"]/<&]/ //case ENTITY_NODE:
1090 <&"]/<&]/ //case NOTATION_NODE:
1091 <&"]/<&]/ default:
1092 <&"]/<&]/ buf.push('??',node.nodeName);
1093 <&"]/<&]/ }
1094 <&"]/<&]/}
1095 <&"]/<&]/function importNode(doc,node,deep){
1096 <&"]/<&]/ var node2;
1097 <&"]/<&]/ switch (node.nodeType) {
1098 <&"]/<&]/ case ELEMENT_NODE:
1099 <&"]/<&]/ node2 = node.cloneNode(false);
1100 <&"]/<&]/ node2.ownerDocument = doc;
1101 <&"]/<&]/ //var attrs = node2.attributes;
1102 <&"]/<&]/ //var len = attrs.length;
1103 <&"]/<&]/ //for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
1104 <&"]/<&]/ //node2.setAttributeNodeNS(importNode(doc,attrs.item(i),deep));
1105 <&"]/<&]/ //}
1106 <&"]/<&]/ case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:
1107 <&"]/<&]/ break;
1108 <&"]/<&]/ case ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
1109 <&"]/<&]/ deep = true;
1110 <&"]/<&]/ break;
1111 <&"]/<&]/ //case ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE:
1112 <&"]/<&]/ //case PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE:
1113 <&"]/<&]/ ////case TEXT_NODE:
1114 <&"]/<&]/ //case CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
1115 <&"]/<&]/ //case COMMENT_NODE:
1116 <&"]/<&]/ // deep = false;
1117 <&"]/<&]/ // break;
1118 <&"]/<&]/ //case DOCUMENT_NODE:
1119 <&"]/<&]/ //case DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE:
1120 <&"]/<&]/ //cannot be imported.
1121 <&"]/<&]/ //case ENTITY_NODE:
1122 <&"]/<&]/ //case NOTATION_NODEļ¼š
1123 <&"]/<&]/ //can not hit in level3
1124 <&"]/<&]/ //default:throw e;
1125 <&"]/<&]/ }
1126 <&"]/<&]/ if(!node2){
1127 <&"]/<&]/ node2 = node.cloneNode(false);//false
1128 <&"]/<&]/ }
1129 <&"]/<&]/ node2.ownerDocument = doc;
1130 <&"]/<&]/ node2.parentNode = null;
1131 <&"]/<&]/ if(deep){
1132 <&"]/<&]/ var child = node.firstChild;
1133 <&"]/<&]/ while(child){
1134 <&"]/<&]/ node2.appendChild(importNode(doc,child,deep));
1135 <&"]/<&]/ child = child.nextSibling;
1136 <&"]/<&]/ }
1137 <&"]/<&]/ }
1138 <&"]/<&]/ return node2;
1139 <&"]/<&]/}
1140 <&"]/<&]///
1141 <&"]/<&]///var _relationMap = {firstChild:1,lastChild:1,previousSibling:1,nextSibling:1,
1142 <&"]/<&]/// attributes:1,childNodes:1,parentNode:1,documentElement:1,doctype,};
1143 <&"]/<&]/function cloneNode(doc,node,deep){
1144 <&"]/<&]/ var node2 = new node.constructor();
1145 <&"]/<&]/ for(var n in node){
1146 <&"]/<&]/ var v = node[n];
1147 <&"]/<&]/ if(typeof v != 'object' ){
1148 <&"]/<&]/ if(v != node2[n]){
1149 <&"]/<&]/ node2[n] = v;
1150 <&"]/<&]/ }
1151 <&"]/<&]/ }
1152 <&"]/<&]/ }
1153 <&"]/<&]/ if(node.childNodes){
1154 <&"]/<&]/ node2.childNodes = new NodeList();
1155 <&"]/<&]/ }
1156 <&"]/<&]/ node2.ownerDocument = doc;
1157 <&"]/<&]/ switch (node2.nodeType) {
1158 <&"]/<&]/ case ELEMENT_NODE:
1159 <&"]/<&]/ var attrs = node.attributes;
1160 <&"]/<&]/ var attrs2 = node2.attributes = new NamedNodeMap();
1161 <&"]/<&]/ var len = attrs.length
1162 <&"]/<&]/ attrs2._ownerElement = node2;
1163 <&"]/<&]/ for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
1164 <&"]/<&]/ node2.setAttributeNode(cloneNode(doc,attrs.item(i),true));
1165 <&"]/<&]/ }
1166 <&"]/<&]/ break;;
1167 <&"]/<&]/ case ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
1168 <&"]/<&]/ deep = true;
1169 <&"]/<&]/ }
1170 <&"]/<&]/ if(deep){
1171 <&"]/<&]/ var child = node.firstChild;
1172 <&"]/<&]/ while(child){
1173 <&"]/<&]/ node2.appendChild(cloneNode(doc,child,deep));
1174 <&"]/<&]/ child = child.nextSibling;
1175 <&"]/<&]/ }
1176 <&"]/<&]/ }
1177 <&"]/<&]/ return node2;
1178 <&"]/<&]/}
1180 <&"]/<&]/function __set__(object,key,value){
1181 <&"]/<&]/ object[key] = value
1182 <&"]/<&]/}
1183 <&"]/<&]///do dynamic
1184 <&"]/<&]/try{
1185 <&"]/<&]/ if(Object.defineProperty){
1186 <&"]/<&]/ Object.defineProperty(LiveNodeList.prototype,'length',{
1187 <&"]/<&]/ get:function(){
1188 <&"]/<&]/ _updateLiveList(this);
1189 <&"]/<&]/ return this.$$length;
1190 <&"]/<&]/ }
1191 <&"]/<&]/ });
1192 <&"]/<&]/ Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype,'textContent',{
1193 <&"]/<&]/ get:function(){
1194 <&"]/<&]/ return getTextContent(this);
1195 <&"]/<&]/ },
1196 <&"]/<&]/ set:function(data){
1197 <&"]/<&]/ switch(this.nodeType){
1198 <&"]/<&]/ case ELEMENT_NODE:
1199 <&"]/<&]/ case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:
1200 <&"]/<&]/ while(this.firstChild){
1201 <&"]/<&]/ this.removeChild(this.firstChild);
1202 <&"]/<&]/ }
1203 <&"]/<&]/ if(data || String(data)){
1204 <&"]/<&]/ this.appendChild(this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(data));
1205 <&"]/<&]/ }
1206 <&"]/<&]/ break;
1207 <&"]/<&]/ default:
1208 <&"]/<&]/ //TODO:
1209 <&"]/<&]/ = data;
1210 <&"]/<&]/ this.value = data;
1211 <&"]/<&]/ this.nodeValue = data;
1212 <&"]/<&]/ }
1213 <&"]/<&]/ }
1214 <&"]/<&]/ })
1216 <&"]/<&]/ function getTextContent(node){
1217 <&"]/<&]/ switch(node.nodeType){
1218 <&"]/<&]/ case ELEMENT_NODE:
1219 <&"]/<&]/ case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE:
1220 <&"]/<&]/ var buf = [];
1221 <&"]/<&]/ node = node.firstChild;
1222 <&"]/<&]/ while(node){
1223 <&"]/<&]/ if(node.nodeType!==7 && node.nodeType !==8){
1224 <&"]/<&]/ buf.push(getTextContent(node));
1225 <&"]/<&]/ }
1226 <&"]/<&]/ node = node.nextSibling;
1227 <&"]/<&]/ }
1228 <&"]/<&]/ return buf.join('');
1229 <&"]/<&]/ default:
1230 <&"]/<&]/ return node.nodeValue;
1231 <&"]/<&]/ }
1232 <&"]/<&]/ }
1233 <&"]/<&]/ __set__ = function(object,key,value){
1234 <&"]/<&]/ //console.log(value)
1235 <&"]/<&]/ object['$$'+key] = value
1236 <&"]/<&]/ }
1237 <&"]/<&]/ }
1238 <&"]/<&]/}catch(e){//ie8
1239 <&"]/<&]/}
1241 <&"]/<&]///if(typeof require == 'function'){
1242 <&"]/<&]/ exports.DOMImplementation = DOMImplementation;
1243 <&"]/<&]/ exports.XMLSerializer = XMLSerializer;
1244 <&"]/<&]///}