vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[
2 slash
3 Slash command handler for Bongos
4 All commands start with /bg or /bongos
6 Valid strings for <bar>:
7 <number> - an action bar
8 bags - bag bar
9 menu - menu bar
10 pet - pet bar
11 class - class bar
12 stats - stat bar
13 all - all bars
14 --]]
16 local function GetRestofMessage(args)
17 if args[2] then
18 local name = args[2];
19 for i = 3, table.getn(args) do
20 name = name .. " " .. args[i];
21 end
22 return name;
23 end
24 end
26 local function printMsg(msg)
27 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg or "error", 0, 1, 0.4);
28 end
30 --Display commands
31 local function ShowCommands()
32 printMsg("Bongos Commands:");
33 printMsg("/bob - Shows the options menu, if present.");
34 printMsg("/bob help or /bob ? - Displays list of commands");
36 --bar commands
37 printMsg("/bob lock - Locks the position all bars");
38 printMsg("/bob unlock - Unlocks the positions all bars");
39 printMsg("/bob show <bar> - Shows the given bar");
40 printMsg("/bob hide <bar> - Hides the given bar");
41 printMsg("/bob toggle <bar> - Toggles the given bar");
42 printMsg("/bob scale <bar> <value> - Set the scale of the given bar. 1 is normal size.");
43 printMsg("/bob setalpha <bar> <value> - Set the opacity of a bar to <value>. 0 is translucent, 1 is opaque.");
44 printMsg("/bob stickybars <on | off> - Enable/disable bars automatically \"sticking\" to each other when positioning them");
46 --Profile commands
47 printMsg("/bob load <profile> - Loads the given layout.");
48 printMsg("/bob save <profile> - Saves the current setup as <profile>.");
49 printMsg("/bob delete <profile> - Deletes the given saved layout.");
50 printMsg("/bob setdefault <profile> - Sets a given saved profile as the default settings for new characters.");
51 end
53 --Slash handler
54 SlashCmdList["BongosCOMMAND"] = function(msg)
55 if msg == "" then
56 if BOptions then
57 BOptions:Show();
58 else
59 local _, _, _, enabled = GetAddOnInfo("Bongos_Options");
60 if enabled then
61 LoadAddOn("Bongos_Options");
62 else
63 ShowCommands();
64 end
65 end
66 else
67 local args = {};
68 for word in string.gfind(msg, "[^%s]+") do
69 table.insert(args, word);
70 end
71 local cmd = string.lower(args[1]);
73 if cmd == "help" or cmd == "?" then
74 ShowCommands();
75 elseif cmd == "lock" then
76 Bongos_SetLock(true);
77 elseif cmd == "unlock" then
78 Bongos_SetLock(nil);
79 elseif cmd == "stickybars" then
80 Bongos_SetStickyBars(string.lower(args[2]) == "on");
81 elseif cmd == "show" then
82 for i = 2, table.getn(args) do
83 Bongos_ForBar(string.lower(args[i]), BBar.Show, 1);
84 end
85 elseif cmd == "hide" then
86 for i = 2, table.getn(args) do
87 Bongos_ForBar(string.lower(args[i]), BBar.Hide, 1);
88 end
89 elseif cmd == "toggle" then
90 for i = 2, table.getn(args) do
91 Bongos_ForBar(string.lower(args[i]), BBar.Toggle, 1);
92 end
93 elseif cmd == "scale" then
94 local size = table.getn(args);
95 local scale = tonumber(args[size]);
96 for i = 2, size - 1 do
97 Bongos_ForBar(string.lower(args[i]), BBar.SetScale, scale, 1);
98 end
99 elseif cmd == "setalpha" then
100 local size = table.getn(args);
101 local alpha = tonumber(args[size]);
102 for i = 2, size - 1 do
103 Bongos_ForBar(string.lower(args[i]), BBar.SetAlpha, alpha, 1);
104 end
105 elseif cmd == "reset" then
106 BBar.ForAllIDs(BBar.Delete);
107 BScript.CallStartup();
108 elseif cmd == "load" then
109 BProfile.Load(GetRestofMessage(args));
110 elseif cmd == "save" then
111 BProfile.Save(GetRestofMessage(args));
112 elseif cmd == "delete" then
113 BProfile.Delete(GetRestofMessage(args));
114 elseif cmd == "setdefault" then
115 BProfile.SetDefault(GetRestofMessage(args));
116 elseif cmd == "reuse" then
117 if BongosSets.dontReuse then
118 BongosSets.dontReuse = nil;
119 else
120 BongosSets.dontReuse = 1;
121 end
122 ReloadUI()
123 else
124 BMsg("'" .. (cmd or "error") .."' is an unknown command.");
125 end
126 end
127 end
128 SLASH_BongosCOMMAND1 = "/bongos";
129 SLASH_BongosCOMMAND2 = "/bob";