vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 
2 ------------------------------
3 -- Are you local? --
4 ------------------------------
6 local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigWigsTest")
8 ----------------------------
9 -- Localization --
10 ----------------------------
12 L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return {
13 ["test"] = true,
14 ["Test"] = true,
15 ["Test Bar"] = true,
16 ["Test Bar 2"] = true,
17 ["Test Bar 3"] = true,
18 ["Test Bar 4"] = true,
19 ["Testing"] = true,
20 ["OMG Bear!"] = true,
21 ["*RAWR*"] = true,
22 ["Victory!"] = true,
23 ["Options for testing."] = true,
24 ["local"] = true,
25 ["Local test"] = true,
26 ["Perform a local test of BigWigs."] = true,
27 ["sync"] = true,
28 ["Sync test"] = true,
29 ["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."] = true,
30 ["Testing Sync"] = true,
31 } end)
33 L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return {
34 -- ["test"] = "테스트",
35 ["Test"] = "테스트",
36 ["Test Bar"] = "테스트 바",
37 ["Test Bar 2"] = "테스트 바 2",
38 ["Test Bar 3"] = "테스트 바 3",
39 ["Test Bar 4"] = "테스트 바 4",
40 ["Testing"] = "테스트중",
41 ["OMG Bear!"] = "OMG Bear!",
42 ["*RAWR*"] = "*공격대경고*",
43 ["Victory!"] = "승리!",
44 ["Options for testing."] = "테스트 설정",
45 -- ["local"] = "지역",
46 ["Local test"] = "지역 테스트",
47 ["Perform a local test of BigWigs."] = "BigWigs의 지역 테스트 실행",
48 -- ["sync"] = "동기화",
49 ["Sync test"] = "동기화 테스트",
50 ["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."] = "BigWigs의 동기화 테스트 실행",
51 ["Testing Sync"] = "동기화 테스트 중",
52 } end)
54 L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return {
55 ["Test"] = "测试",
56 ["Test Bar"] = "测试计时条",
57 ["Test Bar 2"] = "测试计时条2",
58 ["Test Bar 3"] = "测试计时条3",
59 ["Test Bar 4"] = "测试计时条4",
60 ["Testing"] = "测试中",
61 ["OMG Bear!"] = "老天!熊!",
62 ["*RAWR*"] = "*RAWR*",
63 ["Victory!"] = "胜利!",
64 ["Options for testing."] = "测试选项",
65 ["Local test"] = "本地测试",
66 ["Perform a local test of BigWigs."] = "执行一次本地测试。",
67 ["Sync test"] = "同步测试",
68 ["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."] = "执行一次同步测试(需要助力或更高权限)。",
69 ["Testing Sync"] = "同步测试中",
70 } end)
72 L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return {
73 ["Test"] = "測試",
74 ["Test Bar"] = "測試計時條",
75 ["Test Bar 2"] = "測試計時條2",
76 ["Test Bar 3"] = "測試計時條3",
77 ["Test Bar 4"] = "測試計時條4",
78 ["Testing"] = "測試中",
79 ["OMG Bear!"] = "天哪!蘇聯北極熊!",
80 ["*RAWR*"] = "*RAWR*",
81 ["Victory!"] = "勝利!",
82 ["Options for testing."] = "測試選項",
83 ["Local test"] = "本地測試",
84 ["Perform a local test of BigWigs."] = "執行一次本地測試。",
85 ["Sync test"] = "同步測試",
86 ["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."] = "執行一次同步測試(需要助手或領隊權限)。",
87 ["Testing Sync"] = "同步測試中",
88 } end)
90 L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return {
91 -- ["test"] = true,
92 --["Test"] = "Test",
93 ["Test Bar"] = "Test Balken",
94 ["Test Bar 2"] = "Test Balken 2",
95 ["Test Bar 3"] = "Test Balken 3",
96 ["Test Bar 4"] = "Test Balken 4",
97 ["Testing"] = "Teste",
98 ["OMG Bear!"] = "OMG B\195\164r!",
99 ["*RAWR*"] = "RAWR",
100 ["Victory!"] = "Sieg!",
101 ["Options for testing."] = "Optionen f\195\188r den Test von BigWigs.",
102 ["local"] = "Lokal",
103 ["Local test"] = "Lokaler Test",
104 ["Perform a local test of BigWigs."] = "Lokalen Test durchf\195\188hren.",
105 --["sync"] = "sync",
106 ["Sync test"] = "Synchronisations-Test",
107 ["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."] = "Sychronisations-Test durchf\195\188hren.",
108 ["Testing Sync"] = "Synchronisation testen",
109 } end)
111 L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return {
112 --["test"] = "test",
113 --["Test"] = "Test",
114 ["Test Bar"] = "Barre de test",
115 ["Test Bar 2"] = "Barre de test 2",
116 ["Test Bar 3"] = "Barre de test 3",
117 ["Test Bar 4"] = "Barre de test 4",
118 ["Testing"] = "Test",
119 ["OMG Bear!"] = "Un ours !",
120 ["*RAWR*"] = "*GRRR*",
121 ["Victory!"] = "Victoire !",
122 ["Options for testing."] = "Options concernant les tests.",
123 --["local"] = "local",
124 ["Local test"] = "Test local",
125 ["Perform a local test of BigWigs."] = "Effectue un test local de BigWigs.",
126 --["sync"] = "sync",
127 ["Sync test"] = "Test de synchronisation",
128 ["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."] = "Effectue un test de synchronisation de BigWigs.",
129 ["Testing Sync"] = "Test synchro",
130 } end)
132 ----------------------------------
133 -- Module Declaration --
134 ----------------------------------
136 BigWigsTest = BigWigs:NewModule(L["Test"])
137 BigWigsTest.revision = tonumber(string.sub("$Revision: 14954 $", 12, -3))
139 BigWigsTest.consoleCmd = L["test"]
140 BigWigsTest.consoleOptions = {
141 type = "group",
142 name = L["Test"],
143 desc = L["Options for testing."],
144 args = {
145 [L["local"]] = {
146 type = "execute",
147 name = L["Local test"],
148 desc = L["Perform a local test of BigWigs."],
149 func = function() BigWigsTest:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Test") end,
150 },
151 [L["sync"]] = {
152 type = "execute",
153 name = L["Sync test"],
154 desc = L["Perform a sync test of BigWigs."],
155 func = function() BigWigsTest:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SyncTest") end,
156 disabled = function() return ( not IsRaidLeader() and not IsRaidOfficer() ) end,
157 },
158 }
159 }
161 function BigWigsTest:OnEnable()
162 self:RegisterEvent("BigWigs_Test")
163 self:RegisterEvent("BigWigs_RecvSync")
164 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_ThrottleSync", "TestSync", 5)
165 self:RegisterEvent("BigWigs_SyncTest")
166 end
169 function BigWigsTest:BigWigs_SyncTest()
170 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SendSync", "TestSync")
171 end
174 function BigWigsTest:BigWigs_RecvSync(sync)
175 if sync == "TestSync" then
176 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", L["Testing Sync"], "Positive")
177 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["Testing Sync"], 10, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Frost_FrostShock", true, "Green", "Blue", "Yellow", "Red")
178 end
179 end
182 function BigWigsTest:BigWigs_Test()
183 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["Test Bar"], 15, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature")
184 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", L["Testing"], "Attention", true, "Long")
185 self:ScheduleEvent("BigWigs_Message", 5, L["OMG Bear!"], "Important", true, "Alert")
186 self:ScheduleEvent("BigWigs_Message", 10, L["*RAWR*"], "Urgent", true, "Alarm")
187 self:ScheduleEvent("BigWigs_Message", 15, L["Victory!"], "Bosskill", true, "Victory")
189 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["Test Bar 2"], 10, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature")
190 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["Test Bar 3"], 5, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature")
191 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_StartBar", self, L["Test Bar 4"], 3, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Nature_ResistNature", true, "black")
192 end