vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1  
2 ------------------------------
3 -- Are you local? --
4 ------------------------------
6 local BZ = AceLibrary("Babble-Zone-2.2")
7 local BB = AceLibrary("Babble-Boss-2.2")
8 local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigWigs")
11 ----------------------------
12 -- Localization --
13 ----------------------------
15 L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return {
16 ["%s mod enabled"] = true,
17 ["Target monitoring enabled"] = true,
18 ["Target monitoring disabled"] = true,
19 ["%s has been defeated"] = true, -- "<boss> has been defeated"
20 ["%s have been defeated"] = true, -- "<bosses> have been defeated"
22 -- AceConsole strings
23 ["boss"] = true,
24 ["Bosses"] = true,
25 ["Options for boss modules."] = true,
26 ["Options for bosses in %s."] = true, -- "Options for bosses in <zone>"
27 ["Options for %s (r%s)."] = true, -- "Options for <boss> (<revision>)"
28 ["plugin"] = true,
29 ["Plugins"] = true,
30 ["Options for plugins."] = true,
31 ["extra"] = true,
32 ["Extras"] = true,
33 ["Options for extras."] = true,
34 ["toggle"] = true,
35 ["Active"] = true,
36 ["Activate or deactivate this module."] = true,
37 ["reboot"] = true,
38 ["Reboot"] = true,
39 ["Reboot this module."] = true,
40 ["debug"] = true,
41 ["Debugging"] = true,
42 ["Show debug messages."] = true,
43 bosskill_cmd = "kill",
44 bosskill_name = "Boss death",
45 bosskill_desc = "Announce when boss is defeated",
47 ["Other"] = true,
48 ["Load"] = true,
49 ["Load All"] = true,
50 ["Load all %s modules."] = true,
52 -- AceConsole zone commands
53 ["Zul'Gurub"] = "ZG",
54 ["Molten Core"] = "MC",
55 ["Blackwing Lair"] = "BWL",
56 ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "AQ40",
57 ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "AQ20",
58 ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Onyxia",
59 ["Naxxramas"] = "Naxxramas",
60 ["Silithus"] = true,
61 ["Outdoor Raid Bosses"] = "Outdoor",
62 ["Outdoor Raid Bosses Zone"] = "Outdoor Raid Bosses", -- DO NOT EVER TRANSLATE untill I find a more elegant option
63 } end)
65 L:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return {
66 ["%s mod enabled"] = "Module %s activ\195\169",
67 ["Target monitoring enabled"] = "Suivi des cibles activ\195\169",
68 ["Target monitoring disabled"] = "Suivi des cibles d\195\169sactiv\195\169",
69 ["%s has been defeated"] = "%s a \195\169t\195\169 vaincu", -- "<boss> has been defeated"
70 ["%s have been defeated"] = "%s ont \195\169t\195\169 vaincu", -- "<bosses> have been defeated"
72 -- AceConsole strings
73 -- ["boss"] = true,
74 ["Bosses"] = "Boss",
75 ["Options for boss modules."] = "Options des modules des boss.",
76 ["Options for bosses in %s."] = "Options des boss dans %s.", -- "Options for bosses in <zone>"
77 ["Options for %s (r%s)."] = "Options pour %s (r%s).", -- "Options for <boss> (<revision>)"
78 -- ["plugin"] = true,
79 -- ["Plugins"] = true,
80 ["Options for plugins."] = "Options pour les plugins.",
81 -- ["extra"] = true,
82 -- ["Extras"] = true,
83 ["Options for extras."] ="Options pour les extras.",
84 -- ["toggle"] = true,
85 ["Active"] = "Actif",
86 ["Activate or deactivate this module."] = "Activer ou d\195\169sactiver ce module.",
87 -- ["reboot"] = true,
88 ["Reboot"] = "Red\195\169marrer",
89 ["Reboot this module."] = "Red\195\169marrer ce module.",
90 -- ["debug"] = true,
91 ["Debugging"] = "D\195\169boguage",
92 ["Show debug messages."] = "Afficher les messages de d\195\169boguage.",
93 bosskill_name = "Mort des Boss",
94 bosskill_desc = "Annoncer la mort des boss.",
96 -- AceConsole zone commands
97 ["Zul'Gurub"] = "ZG",
98 ["Molten Core"] = "MC",
99 ["Blackwing Lair"] = "BWL",
100 ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "AQ40",
101 ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "AQ20",
102 ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Onyxia",
103 ["Naxxramas"] = "Naxxramas",
104 -- ["Silithus"] = true,
105 ["Outdoor Raid Bosses"] = "Ext\195\169rieur",
106 ["Outdoor Raid Bosses Zone"] = "Outdoor Raid Bosses", -- DO NOT EVER TRANSLATE untill I find a more elegant option
107 } end)
109 L:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function() return {
110 ["%s mod enabled"] = "%s Modul aktiviert",
111 ["Target monitoring enabled"] = "Ziel\195\188berwachung aktiviert",
112 ["Target monitoring disabled"] = "Ziel\195\188berwachung deaktiviert",
113 ["%s has been defeated"] = "%s wurde besiegt", -- "<boss> has been defeated"
114 ["%s have been defeated"] = "%s wurden besiegt", -- "<bosses> have been defeated"
116 -- AceConsole strings
117 -- ["boss"] = true,
118 ["Bosses"] = "Bosse",
119 ["Options for boss modules."] = "Optionen f\195\188r Boss Module.",
120 ["Options for bosses in %s."] = "Optionen f\195\188r Bosse in %s.", -- "Options for bosses in <zone>"
121 ["Options for %s (r%s)."] = "Optionen f\195\188r %s (r%s).", -- "Options for <boss> (<revision>)"
122 -- ["plugin"] = true,
123 ["Plugins"] = "Plugins",
124 ["Options for plugins."] = "Optionen f\195\188r Plugins.",
125 -- ["extra"] = true,
126 ["Extras"] = "Extras",
127 ["Options for extras."] = "Optionen f\195\188r Extras.",
128 -- ["toggle"] = true,
129 ["Active"] = "Aktivieren",
130 ["Activate or deactivate this module."] = "Aktiviert oder deaktiviert dieses Modul.",
131 -- ["reboot"] = true,
132 ["Reboot"] = "Neustarten",
133 ["Reboot this module."] = "Startet dieses Modul neu.",
134 -- ["debug"] = true,
135 ["Debugging"] = "Debugging",
136 ["Show debug messages."] = "Zeige Debug Nachrichten.",
137 -- bosskill_cmd = "kill",
138 bosskill_name = "Boss besiegt",
139 bosskill_desc = "Melde, wenn ein Boss besiegt wurde.",
141 -- AceConsole zone commands
142 ["Zul'Gurub"] = "ZG",
143 ["Molten Core"] = "MC",
144 ["Blackwing Lair"] = "BWL",
145 ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "AQ40",
146 ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "AQ20",
147 ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Onyxia",
148 ["Naxxramas"] = "Naxxramas",
149 -- ["Silithus"] = true,
150 ["Outdoor Raid Bosses"] = "Outdoor",
151 -- ["Outdoor Raid Bosses Zone"] = "Outdoor Raid Bosses", -- DO NOT EVER TRANSLATE untill I find a more elegant option
152 } end)
154 L:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function() return {
155 ["%s mod enabled"] = "%s 모듈 시작",
156 ["Target monitoring enabled"] = "타겟 확인 시작",
157 ["Target monitoring disabled"] = "타겟 확인 꺼짐",
158 ["%s has been defeated"] = "<%s> 물리쳤습니다.", -- "<boss> has been defeated"
159 ["%s have been defeated"] = "<%s> 물리쳤습니다.", -- "<bosses> have been defeated"
161 -- AceConsole strings
162 ["Bosses"] = "보스들",
163 ["Options for boss modules."] = "보스 모듈 설정",
164 ["Options for bosses in %s."] = "%s 에 보스들을 위한 설정", -- "Options for bosses in <zone>"
165 ["Options for %s (r%s)."] = "%s에 대한 설정(r%s).", -- "Options for <boss> (<revision>)"
166 ["Plugins"] = "플러그인들",
167 ["Options for plugins."] = "플러그인 설정",
168 ["Extras"] = "기타",
169 ["Options for extras."] = "기타 설정.",
170 ["Active"] = "활성화",
171 ["Activate or deactivate this module."] = "활성화 혹은 모둘 발견",
172 ["Reboot"] = "재시작",
173 ["Reboot this module."] = "모듈 재시작",
174 ["Debugging"] = "디버깅",
175 ["Show debug messages."] = "디버그 메세지 표시",
176 bosskill_name = "보스 사망",
177 bosskill_desc = "보스를 물리쳤을 때 알림",
179 ["Other"] = "외부",
180 ["Load"] = "불러오기",
181 ["Load All"] = "모두 불러오기",
182 ["Load all %s modules."] = "모든 %s 모듈들을 불러옵니다.",
184 -- AceConsole zone commands
185 ["Zul'Gurub"] = "ZG",
186 ["Molten Core"] = "MC",
187 ["Blackwing Lair"] = "BWL",
188 ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "AQ40",
189 ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "AQ20",
190 ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "오닉시아",
191 ["Naxxramas"] = "낙스라마스",
192 ["Silithus"] = "실리더스",
193 ["Outdoor Raid Bosses"] = "야외",
194 ["Outdoor Raid Bosses Zone"] = "Outdoor Raid Bosses", -- DO NOT EVER TRANSLATE untill I find a more elegant option
195 } end)
197 L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return {
198 ["%s mod enabled"] = "%s模块已开启",
199 ["Target monitoring enabled"] = "目标监视已开启",
200 ["Target monitoring disabled"] = "目标监视已关闭",
201 ["%s has been defeated"] = "%s被击败了!", -- "<boss> has been defeated"
202 ["%s have been defeated"] = "%s被击败了!", -- "<bosses> have been defeated"
204 -- AceConsole strings
205 ["Bosses"] = "首领",
206 ["boss"] = "首领",
207 ["Options for boss modules."] = "首领模块设置。",
208 ["Options for bosses in %s."] = "%s首领模块设置。", -- "Options for bosses in <zone>"
209 ["Options for %s (r%s)."] = "%s模块设置 版本(r%s).", -- "Options for <boss> (<revision>)"
210 ["plugin"] = "插件",
211 ["Plugins"] = "插件",
212 ["Options for plugins."] = "插件设置。",
213 ["extra"] = "额外",
214 ["Extras"] = "额外",
215 ["Options for extras."] = "额外的设置",
216 ["toggle"] = "切换",
217 ["Active"] = "激活",
218 ["Activate or deactivate this module."] = "激活或关闭此模块。",
219 ["reboot"] = "重启",
220 ["Reboot"] = "重启",
221 ["Reboot this module."] = "重启此模块",
222 ["debug"] = "除错",
223 ["Debugging"] = "除错",
224 ["Show debug messages."] = "显示除错信息。",
225 bosskill_name = "首领死亡",
226 bosskill_desc = "首领死亡时提示",
228 ["Other"] = "其他",
229 ["Load"] = "载入",
230 ["Load All"] = "载入所有",
231 ["Load all %s modules."] = "载入所有%s的模块",
233 bosskill_name = "首领死亡",
234 bosskill_desc = "首领被击败时发出提示",
236 -- AceConsole zone commands
237 ["Zul'Gurub"] = "祖尔格拉布",
238 ["Molten Core"] = "熔火之心",
239 ["Blackwing Lair"] = "黑翼之巢",
240 ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉",
241 ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉废墟",
242 ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "奥妮克希亚的巢穴",
243 ["Naxxramas"] = "纳克萨玛斯",
244 ["Silithus"] = "希利苏斯",
245 ["Outdoor Raid Bosses"] = "野外首领",
246 ["Outdoor Raid Bosses Zone"] = "Outdoor Raid Bosses", -- DO NOT EVER TRANSLATE untill I find a more elegant option
247 } end)
249 L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return {
250 ["%s mod enabled"] = "%s模組已開啟",
251 ["Target monitoring enabled"] = "目標監視已開啟",
252 ["Target monitoring disabled"] = "目標監視已關閉",
253 ["%s has been defeated"] = "%s被擊敗了!", -- "<boss> has been defeated"
254 ["%s have been defeated"] = "%s被擊敗了!", -- "<bosses> have been defeated"
256 -- AceConsole strings
257 ["Bosses"] = "首領",
258 ["boss"] = "boss",
259 ["Options for boss modules."] = "首領模組選項。",
260 ["Options for bosses in %s."] = "%s首領模組選項。", -- "Options for bosses in <zone>"
261 ["Options for %s (r%s)."] = "%s模組選項 版本(r%s).", -- "Options for <boss> (<revision>)"
262 ["Extras"] = "其他",
263 ["Options for extras."] = "其他模組選項",
264 ["Plugins"] = "插件",
265 ["Options for plugins."] = "插件選項。",
266 ["toggle"] = "切換",
267 ["Active"] = "啟動",
268 ["Activate or deactivate this module."] = "開啟或關閉此模組。",
269 ["Reboot"] = "重啟",
270 ["Reboot this module."] = "重啟此模組",
271 ["Debugging"] = "除錯",
272 ["Show debug messages."] = "顯示除錯訊息。",
274 bosskill_name = "首領死亡",
275 bosskill_desc = "首領被擊敗時發出提示。",
277 -- AceConsole zone commands
278 ["Zul'Gurub"] = "ZG",
279 ["Molten Core"] = "MC",
280 ["Blackwing Lair"] = "BWL",
281 ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "TAQ",
282 ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "RAQ",
283 ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "OL",
284 ["Naxxramas"] = "NAX",
285 ["Silithus"] = "silithus",
286 ["Outdoor Raid Bosses"] = "outdoor",
287 ["Outdoor Raid Bosses Zone"] = "Outdoor Raid Bosses", -- DO NOT EVER TRANSLATE untill I find a more elegant option
288 } end)
290 ---------------------------------
291 -- Addon Declaration --
292 ---------------------------------
294 BigWigs = AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("AceEvent-2.0", "AceDebug-2.0", "AceModuleCore-2.0", "AceConsole-2.0", "AceDB-2.0", "AceHook-2.1")
295 BigWigs:SetModuleMixins("AceDebug-2.0", "AceEvent-2.0", "CandyBar-2.0")
296 BigWigs:RegisterDB("BigWigsDB", "BigWigsDBPerChar")
297 BigWigs.cmdtable = {type = "group", handler = BigWigs, args = {
298 [L["boss"]] = {
299 type = "group",
300 name = L["Bosses"],
301 desc = L["Options for boss modules."],
302 args = {},
303 disabled = function() return not BigWigs:IsActive() end,
304 },
305 [L["plugin"]] = {
306 type = "group",
307 name = L["Plugins"],
308 desc = L["Options for plugins."],
309 args = {},
310 disabled = function() return not BigWigs:IsActive() end,
311 },
312 [L["extra"]] = {
313 type = "group",
314 name = L["Extras"],
315 desc = L["Options for extras."],
316 args = {},
317 disabled = function() return not BigWigs:IsActive() end,
318 },
319 }}
320 BigWigs:RegisterChatCommand({"/bw", "/BigWigs"}, BigWigs.cmdtable)
321 BigWigs.debugFrame = ChatFrame5
322 BigWigs.revision = tonumber(string.sub("$Revision: 17540 $", 12, -3))
324 --------------------------------
325 -- Module Prototype --
326 --------------------------------
328 BigWigs.modulePrototype.core = BigWigs
329 BigWigs.modulePrototype.debugFrame = ChatFrame5
330 BigWigs.modulePrototype.revision = 1 -- To be overridden by the module!
333 function BigWigs.modulePrototype:OnInitialize()
334 -- Unconditionally register, this shouldn't happen from any other place
335 -- anyway.
336 self.core:RegisterModule(, self)
337 end
340 function BigWigs.modulePrototype:IsBossModule()
341 return self.zonename and self.enabletrigger and true
342 end
345 function BigWigs.modulePrototype:GenericBossDeath(msg)
346 if msg == string.format(UNITDIESOTHER, self:ToString()) then
347 if self.db.profile.bosskill then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", string.format(L["%s has been defeated"], self:ToString()), "Bosskill", nil, "Victory") end
348 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_RemoveRaidIcon")
349 if self.core:IsDebugging() then
350 self.core:LevelDebug(1, "Boss dead, disabling module ["..self:ToString().."].")
351 end
352 self.core:ToggleModuleActive(self, false)
353 end
354 end
357 function BigWigs.modulePrototype:Scan()
358 local t = self.enabletrigger
359 local a = self.wipemobs
360 if not t then return false end
361 if type(t) == "string" then t = {t} end
362 if a then
363 if type(a) == "string" then a = {a} end
364 for k,v in pairs(a) do table.insert(t, v) end
365 end
367 if UnitExists("target") and UnitAffectingCombat("target") then
368 local target = UnitName("target")
369 for _, mob in pairs(t) do
370 if target == mob then
371 return true
372 end
373 end
374 end
376 local num = GetNumRaidMembers()
377 for i = 1, num do
378 local raidUnit = string.format("raid%starget", i)
379 if UnitExists(raidUnit) and UnitAffectingCombat(raidUnit) then
380 local target = UnitName(raidUnit)
381 for _, mob in pairs(t) do
382 if target == mob then
383 return true
384 end
385 end
386 end
387 end
388 return false
389 end
392 function BigWigs.modulePrototype:GetEngageSync()
393 return "BossEngaged"
394 end
397 function BigWigs.modulePrototype:CheckForEngage()
398 local go = self:Scan()
399 local running = self:IsEventScheduled(self:ToString().."_CheckStart")
400 if go then
401 if self.core:IsDebugging() then
402 self.core:LevelDebug(1, "Scan returned true, engaging ["..self:ToString().."].")
403 end
404 self:CancelScheduledEvent(self:ToString().."_CheckStart")
405 if self:IsEventRegistered("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then
406 self:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED")
407 end
408 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SendSync", self:GetEngageSync().." "..self:ToString())
409 elseif not running then
410 self:ScheduleRepeatingEvent(self:ToString().."_CheckStart", self.CheckForEngage, .5, self)
411 end
412 end
415 function BigWigs.modulePrototype:CheckForWipe()
416 local running = self:IsEventScheduled(self:ToString().."_CheckWipe")
417 -- If we are a hunter, we need to check for the FD buff.
418 local _, class = UnitClass("player")
419 if class == "HUNTER" then
420 for i = 1, 16 do
421 local buff = UnitBuff("player", i)
422 if buff and buff == "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Rogue_FeignDeath" then
423 if not running then
424 self:ScheduleRepeatingEvent(self:ToString().."_CheckWipe", self.CheckForWipe, 2, self)
425 end
426 return
427 end
428 end
429 end
431 local go = self:Scan()
432 if not go then
433 if self.core:IsDebugging() then
434 self.core:LevelDebug(1, "Rebooting module ["..self:ToString().."].")
435 end
436 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_RebootModule", self)
437 elseif not running then
438 self:ScheduleRepeatingEvent(self:ToString().."_CheckWipe", self.CheckForWipe, 2, self)
439 end
440 end
442 function BigWigs.modulePrototype:IsRegistered()
443 return self.registered
444 end
446 ------------------------------
447 -- Initialization --
448 ------------------------------
450 function BigWigs:OnInitialize()
451 if not self.version then self.version = GetAddOnMetadata("BigWigs", "Version") end
452 local rev = self.revision
453 for name, module in self:IterateModules() do
454 rev = math.max(rev, module.revision)
455 end
456 self.version = (self.version or "2.0").. " |cffff8888r"..rev.."|r"
457 self:Hook( self, "ToggleModuleActive",
458 function( self, module, state )
459 self.hooks[self]["ToggleModuleActive"](self, module, state)
460 self:TriggerEvent( "BigWigs_ModuleToggle", module, state)
461 end )
462 self.loading = true
463 -- Activate ourselves, or at least try to. If we were disabled during a reloadUI, OnEnable isn't called,
464 -- and self.loading will never be set to something else, resulting in a BigWigs that doesn't enable.
465 self:ToggleActive(true)
466 end
469 function BigWigs:OnEnable()
470 if AceLibrary("AceEvent-2.0"):IsFullyInitialized() then
471 self:AceEvent_FullyInitialized()
472 else
473 self:RegisterEvent("AceEvent_FullyInitialized")
474 end
475 end
477 function BigWigs:AceEvent_FullyInitialized()
478 if GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 or not self.loading then
479 -- Enable all disabled modules that are not boss modules.
480 for name, module in self:IterateModules() do
481 if type(module.IsBossModule) ~= "function" or not module:IsBossModule() then
482 self:ToggleModuleActive(module, true)
483 end
484 end
486 if BigWigsLoD then
487 self:CreateLoDMenu()
488 end
490 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_CoreEnabled")
492 self:RegisterEvent("BigWigs_TargetSeen")
493 self:RegisterEvent("BigWigs_RebootModule")
495 self:RegisterEvent("BigWigs_RecvSync")
496 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_ThrottleSync", "BossEngaged", 5 )
497 else
498 self:ToggleActive(false)
499 end
500 self.loading = nil
501 end
504 function BigWigs:OnDisable()
505 -- Disable all modules
506 for name, module in self:IterateModules() do
507 self:ToggleModuleActive(module, false)
508 end
510 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_CoreDisabled")
511 end
514 -------------------------------
515 -- Module Handling --
516 -------------------------------
518 function BigWigs:RegisterModule(name, module)
519 if module:IsRegistered() then
520 error(string.format("%q is already registered.", name))
521 return
522 end
524 if module:IsBossModule() then self:ToggleModuleActive(module, false) end
526 -- Set up DB
527 local opts
528 if module:IsBossModule() and module.toggleoptions then
529 opts = {}
530 for _,v in pairs(module.toggleoptions) do if v ~= -1 then opts[v] = true end end
531 end
533 if module.db and module.RegisterDefaults and type(module.RegisterDefaults) == "function" then
534 module:RegisterDefaults("profile", opts or module.defaultDB or {})
535 else
536 self:RegisterDefaults(name, "profile", opts or module.defaultDB or {})
537 end
539 if not module.db then module.db = self:AcquireDBNamespace(name) end
541 -- Set up AceConsole
542 if module:IsBossModule() then
543 local cons
544 local revision = type(module.revision) == "number" and module.revision or -1
545 local L2 = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("BigWigs"
546 if module.toggleoptions then
547 local m = module
548 cons = {
549 type = "group",
550 name = name,
551 desc = string.format(L["Options for %s (r%s)."], name, revision),
552 args = {
553 [L["toggle"]] = {
554 type = "toggle",
555 name = L["Active"],
556 order = 1,
557 desc = L["Activate or deactivate this module."],
558 get = function() return m.core:IsModuleActive(m) end,
559 set = function() m.core:ToggleModuleActive(m) end,
560 },
561 [L["reboot"]] = {
562 type = "execute",
563 name = L["Reboot"],
564 order = 2,
565 desc = L["Reboot this module."],
566 func = function() m.core:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_RebootModule", m) end,
567 hidden = function() return not m.core:IsModuleActive(m) end,
568 },
569 [L["debug"]] = {
570 type = "toggle",
571 name = L["Debugging"],
572 desc = L["Show debug messages."],
573 order = 3,
574 get = function() return m:IsDebugging() end,
575 set = function(v) m:SetDebugging(v) end,
576 hidden = function() return not m:IsDebugging() and not BigWigs:IsDebugging() end,
577 },
578 },
579 }
580 local x = 10
581 for _,v in pairs(module.toggleoptions) do
582 local val = v
583 x = x + 1
584 if x == 11 and v ~= "bosskill" then
585 cons.args["headerblankspotthingy"] = {
586 type = "header",
587 order = 4,
588 }
589 end
590 if v == -1 then
591 cons.args["blankspacer"..x] = {
592 type = "header",
593 order = x,
594 }
595 else
596 local l = v == "bosskill" and L or L2
597 if l:HasTranslation(v.."_validate") then
598 cons.args[l[v.."_cmd"]] = {
599 type = "text",
600 order = v == "bosskill" and -1 or x,
601 name = l[v.."_name"],
602 desc = l[v.."_desc"],
603 get = function() return m.db.profile[val] end,
604 set = function(v) m.db.profile[val] = v end,
605 validate = l[v.."_validate"],
606 }
607 else
608 cons.args[l[v.."_cmd"]] = {
609 type = "toggle",
610 order = v == "bosskill" and -1 or x,
611 name = l[v.."_name"],
612 desc = l[v.."_desc"],
613 get = function() return m.db.profile[val] end,
614 set = function(v) m.db.profile[val] = v end,
615 }
616 end
617 end
618 end
619 end
621 if cons or module.consoleOptions then
622 local zonename = type(module.zonename) == "table" and module.zonename[1] or module.zonename
623 local zone = zonename
624 if BZ:HasReverseTranslation(zonename) and L:HasTranslation(BZ:GetReverseTranslation(zonename)) then
625 zone = L[BZ:GetReverseTranslation(zonename)]
626 elseif L:HasTranslation(zonename) then
627 zone = L[zonename]
628 end
629 if not self.cmdtable.args[L["boss"]].args[zone] then
630 self.cmdtable.args[L["boss"]].args[zone] = {
631 type = "group",
632 name = zonename,
633 desc = string.format(L["Options for bosses in %s."], zonename),
634 args = {},
635 }
636 end
637 if module.external then
638 self.cmdtable.args[L["extra"]].args[L2["cmd"]] = cons or module.consoleOptions
639 else
640 self.cmdtable.args[L["boss"]].args[zone].args[L2["cmd"]] = cons or module.consoleOptions
641 end
642 end
643 elseif module.consoleOptions then
644 if module.external then
645 self.cmdtable.args[L["extra"]].args[module.consoleCmd or name] = cons or module.consoleOptions
646 else
647 self.cmdtable.args[L["plugin"]].args[module.consoleCmd or name] = cons or module.consoleOptions
648 end
649 end
651 module.registered = true
652 if module.OnRegister and type(module.OnRegister) == "function" then
653 module:OnRegister()
654 end
656 -- Set up target monitoring, in case the monitor module has already initialized
657 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_RegisterForTargetting", module.zonename, module.enabletrigger)
658 end
661 function BigWigs:EnableModule(module, nosync)
662 local m = self:GetModule(module)
663 if m and m:IsBossModule() and not self:IsModuleActive(module) then
664 self:ToggleModuleActive(module, true)
665 self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", string.format(L["%s mod enabled"], m:ToString() or "??"), "Core", true)
666 if not nosync then self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_SendSync", (m.external and "EnableExternal " or "EnableModule ") .. (m.synctoken or BB:GetReverseTranslation(module))) end
667 end
668 end
671 function BigWigs:BigWigs_RebootModule(module)
672 self:ToggleModuleActive(module, false)
673 self:ToggleModuleActive(module, true)
674 end
677 function BigWigs:BigWigs_RecvSync(sync, module)
678 if sync == "EnableModule" and module then
679 local name = BB:HasTranslation(module) and BB[module] or module
680 if self:HasModule(name) and self:GetModule(name).zonename == GetRealZoneText() then self:EnableModule(name, true) end
681 elseif sync == "EnableExternal" and module then
682 local name = BB:HasTranslation(module) and BB[module] or module
683 if self:HasModule(name) and self:GetModule(name).zonename == GetRealZoneText() then self:EnableModule(name, true) end
684 end
685 end
688 function BigWigs:BigWigs_TargetSeen(mobname, unit)
689 for name,module in self:IterateModules() do
690 if module:IsBossModule() and self:ZoneIsTrigger(module, GetRealZoneText()) and self:MobIsTrigger(module, mobname)
691 and (not module.VerifyEnable or module:VerifyEnable(unit)) then
692 self:EnableModule(name)
693 end
694 end
695 end
698 function BigWigs:ZoneIsTrigger(module, zone)
699 local t = module.zonename
700 if type(t) == "string" then return zone == t
701 elseif type(t) == "table" then
702 for _,mzone in pairs(t) do if mzone == zone then return true end end
703 end
704 end
707 function BigWigs:MobIsTrigger(module, name)
708 local t = module.enabletrigger
709 if type(t) == "string" then return name == t
710 elseif type(t) == "table" then
711 for _,mob in pairs(t) do if mob == name then return true end end
712 end
713 end
716 function BigWigs:CreateLoDMenu()
717 local zonelist = BigWigsLoD:GetZones()
718 for k,v in pairs( zonelist ) do
719 if type(v) ~= "table" then
720 self:AddLoDMenu( k )
721 else
722 self:AddLoDMenu( L["Other"] )
723 end
724 end
725 end
728 function BigWigs:AddLoDMenu( zonename )
729 local zone = nil
730 if L:HasTranslation(zonename) then
731 zone = L[zonename]
732 else
733 zone = L["Other"]
734 end
735 if zone then
736 if not self.cmdtable.args[L["boss"]].args[zone] then
737 self.cmdtable.args[L["boss"]].args[zone] = {
738 type = "group",
739 name = zonename,
740 desc = string.format(L["Options for bosses in %s."], zonename),
741 args = {}
742 }
743 end
744 if zone == L["Other"] then
745 local zones = BigWigsLoD:GetZones()
746 zones = zones[L["Other"]]
747 self.cmdtable.args[L["boss"]].args[zone].args[L["Load"]] = {
748 type = "execute",
749 name = L["Load All"],
750 desc = string.format( L["Load all %s modules."], zonename ),
751 order = 1,
752 func = function()
753 for z, v in pairs( zones ) do
754 BigWigsLoD:LoadZone( z )
755 if self.cmdtable.args[L["boss"]].args[z] and self.cmdtable.args[L["boss"]].args[z].args[L["Load"]] then
756 self.cmdtable.args[L["boss"]].args[z].args[L["Load"]] = nil
757 end
758 end
759 self.cmdtable.args[L["boss"]].args[zone] = nil
760 end
761 }
762 else
763 self.cmdtable.args[L["boss"]].args[zone].args[L["Load"]] = {
764 type = "execute",
765 name = L["Load All"],
766 desc = string.format( L["Load all %s modules."], zonename ),
767 order = 1,
768 func = function()
769 BigWigsLoD:LoadZone( zonename )
770 self.cmdtable.args[L["boss"]].args[zone].args[L["Load"]] = nil
771 end
772 }
773 end
774 end
775 end