vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 -- BGAssist
2 -- Copyright 2005 original author. Copyright is expressly not transferred to Blizzard.
3 --
4 -- Battleground helper functionality
5 --
6 -- Author: Marc aka Saien on Hyjal
7 --
8 --
9 --
10 -- Changes:
11 -- 2006.01.03
12 -- Updated to 1.9 TOC
13 -- Updated to supported multiple BG Queues.
14 -- Auto Join will not auto join if you're already in another BG.
15 -- AFK works like this: When you zone in to a BG, you lose your AFK but
16 -- are almost immediately reflagged. This zones you out, losing your space
17 -- in the queue. This is verified as of 1.9. Due to this, Autojoin will
18 -- once again not join when AFK.
19 -- 2005.10.10
20 -- Due to Blizzard changes, Autojoin will again join when you're AFK.
21 -- Autorez in BG option removed as it has been implemented by Blizzard
22 -- 2005.09.13
23 -- TOC change to 1700 and adjust to 1.7 changes
24 -- Arathi Basin timers work.
25 -- Timers have been changed to match the mainmap colors. Timer will show the color
26 -- of the attacking faction. This is opposite previous versions.
27 -- To avoid group-bug problems, Autoleave group leaves the group at the win/loss screen.
28 -- If you /afk out it will still leave the group after you zone.
29 -- WSG/AB: Config option to not autojoin instances that exist at the time you queue up.
30 -- 2005.09.03
31 -- Will no longer popup an error when more than 10 targets are to be displayed on target list
32 -- Target list will show/hide when checking/unchecking the config option immediately,
33 -- not just when you zone.
34 -- 2005.08.24
35 -- Alliance sites being captured now are cyan in the timer. Dark blue just too hard to see.
36 -- Timer countdowns will now only show the first word of the name.
37 -- Fixed bug causing error popup in AV.
38 -- Option to autoaccept group invites when in a BG
39 -- Option to autoleave your group when leaving BG
40 -- Will not auto enter BG when dead or ghost.
41 -- Fixed Slidore's quest name -again-. Hey, I'm horde and can't test it
42 -- 2005.08.13
43 -- Class breakdown on score window.
44 -- Targetting assistance window. See web.
45 -- Fixed typo in Sildore's quest name.
46 -- Warsong Gulch: Flag carrier named onscreen now. Needs translations for
47 -- filthy foreigners to work.
48 -- German updates, though quests need more work for autocomplete. Frogs are mostly done now, except for new stuff.
49 -- 2005.07.19
50 -- Will not autoenter if you're AFK
51 -- French localization partially in place. Still requires update, German is
52 -- completly undone. Note that quest turnins will not work unless setup for
53 -- your language properly. As I speak neither language (and proud of it) this
54 -- is all on your shoulders, not mine.
55 -- Rez timer in place. Might not be entirely accurate (based on your network lag)
56 -- and won't start counting down until you die once after zoning in.
57 -- Checkmark for not showing the window at zonein was being set backwards.
58 -- 2007.07.15-2
59 -- Unnecessary zone restriction on autorez removed (aka Should work in Gulch now)
60 -- 2005.07.15
61 -- Auto release in BG
62 -- Keybinding to toggle window on or off regardless of in BG or not
63 -- Config option to not turn window on when entering BG
64 -- Player per faction counts are unncessary now.
65 --
67 BGASSIST_VERSION = "2006.01.03";
72 local BGAssist_ItemTrack = {
73 [17422] = "INV_Shoulder_19", -- "Armor Scraps"
74 -- Horde
75 [17306] = "INV_Potion_50", -- "Stormpike Soldier's Blood"
76 [17642] = "INV_Misc_Pelt_Bear_02", -- "Alterac Ram Hide"
77 [18142] = "INV_Misc_Head_Elf_02", -- "Severed Night Elf Head"
78 [18143] = "INV_Misc_MonsterTail_02", -- "Tuft of Gnome Hair"
79 [18206] = "INV_Misc_Bone_03", -- "Dwarf Spine"
80 [18144] = "INV_Misc_Bone_07", -- "Human Bone Chip"
81 [17326] = "INV_Misc_Food_52", -- "Stormpike Soldier's Flesh",
82 [17327] = "INV_Misc_Food_72", -- "Stormpike Lieutenant's Flesh"
83 [17328] = "INV_Misc_Food_69", -- "Stormpike Commander's Flesh",
84 -- Alliance
85 [17423] = "INV_Misc_Gem_Pearl_06", -- "Storm Crystal"
86 [17643] = "INV_Misc_Pelt_Bear_02", -- "Frostwolf Hide"
87 [18145] = "INV_Misc_Foot_Centaur", -- "Tauren Hoof"
88 [18146] = "INV_Potion_82", -- "Darkspear Troll Mojo"
89 [18207] = "INV_Misc_Bone_08", -- "Orc Tooth"
90 [18147] = "INV_Misc_Organ_01", -- "Forsaken Heart"
91 [17502] = "INV_Jewelry_Talisman_06", -- "Frostwolf Soldier's Medal"
92 [17503] = "INV_Jewelry_Talisman_04", -- "Frostwolf Lieutenant's Medal"
93 [17504] = "INV_Jewelry_Talisman_12", -- "Frostwolf Commander's Medal"
94 };
95 local BGAssist_Alterac_Quests = {
96 ["Irondeep Supplies"] = true,
97 ["Coldtooth Supplies"] = true,
98 ["Master Ryson's All Seeing Eye"] = true,
99 ["Empty Stables"] = true, -- Wolf/Ram turnin
100 -- Horde
101 ["More Booty!"] = { item = 17422, min=20 },
102 ["Lokholar the Ice Lord"] = { item = 17306, max=4 },
103 ["A Gallon of Blood"] = { item = 17306, min=5 },
104 ["Ram Hide Harnesses"] = { item = 17642 },
105 ["Darkspear Defense"] = { item = 18142 },
106 ["Tuft it Out"] = { item = 18143 },
107 ["Wanted: MORE DWARVES!"] = { item = 18206 },
108 ["I've Got A Fever For More Bone Chips"]= { item = 18144 },
109 ["Call of Air - Guse's Fleet"] = { item = 17326 },
110 ["Call of Air - Jeztor's Fleet"] = { item = 17327 },
111 ["Call of Air - Mulverick's Fleet"] = { item = 17328 },
112 -- Alliance
113 ["More Armor Scraps"] = { item = 17422, min=20 },
114 ["Ivus the Forest Lord"] = { item = 17423, max=4 },
115 ["Crystal Cluster"] = { item = 17423, min=5 },
116 ["Ram Riding Harnesses"] = { item = 17643 },
117 ["What the Hoof?"] = { item = 18145 },
118 ["Staghelm's Mojo Jamboree"] = { item = 18146 },
119 ["Wanted: MORE ORCS!"] = { item = 18207 },
120 ["One Man's Love"] = { item = 18147 },
121 ["Call of Air - Slidore's Fleet"] = { item = 17502 },
122 ["Call of Air - Vipore's Fleet"] = { item = 17503 },
123 ["Call of Air - Ichman's Fleet"] = { item = 17504 },
124 };
125 local BGAssist_FlagRegexp = {
126 ["RESET"] = { ["regexp"] = "The flags are now placed at their bases." },
127 ["PICKED"] = { ["one"] = "FACTION", ["two"] = "PLAYER",
128 ["regexp"] = "The ([^ ]*) [fF]lag was picked up by ([^!]*)!" },
129 ["DROPPED"] = { ["one"] = "FACTION", ["two"] = "PLAYER",
130 ["regexp"] = "The ([^ ]*) [fF]lag was dropped by ([^!]*)!" },
131 ["RETURNED"] ={ ["one"] = "FACTION", ["two"] = "PLAYER",
132 ["regexp"] = "The ([^ ]*) [fF]lag was returned to its base by ([^!]*)!" },
133 ["CAPTURED"] ={ ["one"] = "PLAYER", ["two"] = "FACTION",
134 ["regexp"] = "([^ ]*) captured the ([^ ]*) flag!" },
135 };
136 local ALTERACVALLEY = "Alterac Valley";
137 local WARSONGGULCH = "Warsong Gulch";
138 local ARATHIBASIN = "Arathi Basin";
140 local DISPLAY_MENU_LOCKWINDOW = "Lock Window Position";
141 local DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOSHOW = "Auto Show Window when Entering BG";
142 local DISPLAY_MENU_AUTORELEASE = "Auto Release in BG";
143 local DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOQUEST = "Auto Confirm Quests";
144 local DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOENTER = "Auto Enter BG";
145 local DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOSIGNUP = "Auto Signup for BG";
146 local DISPLAY_MENU_TIMERSHOW = "Show Capture Timers";
147 local DISPLAY_MENU_ITEMSHOW = "Show BG Item Counts";
148 local DISPLAY_MENU_GYCOUNTDOWN = "Show Timer for GY Rezzing";
149 local DISPLAY_MENU_FLAGTRACKING = "Track Flags";
150 local DISPLAY_MENU_TARGETTINGASSISTANCE = "Use Targetting Assistance Window";
151 local DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOACCEPTGROUP = "Auto accept group invites in BG";
152 local DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOLEAVEGROUP = "Auto leave group when leaving BG";
153 local DISPLAY_MENU_NOPREEXISTING = "No pre-existing instances";
154 local DISPLAY_MENU_SHOWCAPTUREDFLAGS = "Show flags already captured";
158 local DISPLAY_TEXT_PREEXISTING = "Offered BG instance is pre-existing";
159 local DISPLAY_TEXT_ENTERINGBATTLEGROUNDS = "Entering Battlegrounds";
160 local DISPLAY_TEXT_LEFTBATTLEGROUNDS = "Left Battlegrounds";
161 local DISPLAY_TEXT_TIMEUNTILREZ = "Time Until Ressurection";
162 local DISPLAY_TEXT_TIMELEFT = "Time Left";
163 local DISPLAY_TEXT_SECONDS = "seconds";
164 local DISPLAY_TEXT_MINUTES = "minutes";
165 local DISPLAY_TEXT_NOTENTERINGAFK = "Not entering BG because you are AFK";
166 local DISPLAY_TEXT_FLAGHOLDERNOTCLOSEENOUGH = "Flag Holder not close enough to target.";
167 local BATTLEGROUND_GOSSIP_TEXT = "I would like to go to the battleground.";
168 local MATCHING_MARKED_AFK = "You are now AFK";
169 local MATCHING_CLEARED_AFK = "You are no longer AFK.";
170 local FACTION_ALLIANCE = "Alliance";
171 local FACTION_HORDE = "Horde";
172 local CLASS_WARRIOR = "Warrior";
173 local CLASS_MAGE = "Mage";
174 local CLASS_ROGUE = "Rogue";
175 local CLASS_DRUID = "Druid";
176 local CLASS_HUNTER = "Hunter";
177 local CLASS_SHAMAN = "Shaman";
178 local CLASS_PRIEST = "Priest";
179 local CLASS_WARLOCK = "Warlock";
180 local CLASS_PALADIN = "Paladin"
182 if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then
183 -- Mail updates to
184 -- DISPLAY_xxx variables can be anything you want to display
186 BINDING_NAME_BGASSIST_TOGGLE = "Toggle BGAssist Window";
187 BGAssist_Alterac_Quests = {
188 ["Fournitures d'Irondeep"] = true,
189 ["Fournitures de Coldtooth"] = true,
190 ["L'Oeil qui voit tout de maître Ryson"] = true,
191 ["Ecuries vides"] = true,
192 -- Horde
193 ["Plus de butin !"] = { item = 17422, min=20 },
194 ["Lokholar le Seigneur des Glaces"] = { item = 17306, max=4 },
195 ["Quelques litres de sang"] = { item = 17306, min=5 },
196 ["Harnais en cuir de bélier"] = { item = 17642 },
197 ["La défense des Darkspear"] = { item = 18142 },
198 ["Pour une poignée de cheuveux"] = { item = 18143 },
199 ["On recherche : PLUS DE NAINS !"] = { item = 18206 },
200 ["I've Got A Fever For More Bone Chips"]= { item = 18144 },
201 ["L'appel des airs - l'escadrille de Guse"] = { item = 17326 },
202 ["L'appel des airs - l'escadrille de Jeztor"] = { item = 17327 },
203 ["L'appel des airs - l'escadrille de Mulverick"]= { item = 17328 },
204 -- Alliance
205 ["Plus de morceaux d'armure !"] = { item = 17422, min=20 },
206 ["Ivus le Seigneur des for\195\170ts"] = { item = 17423, max=4 },
207 ["Crystal Cluster"] = { item = 17423, min=5 },
208 ["Harnais pour b\195\169liers"] = { item = 17643 },
209 ["Chasse aux sabots !"] = { item = 18145 },
210 ["La collection de mojos de Staghelm"] = { item = 18146 },
211 ["On recherche : PLUS D'ORCS !"] = { item = 18207 },
212 ["L'amour d'un homme"] = { item = 18147 },
213 ["L'appel des airs - l'escadrille de Slidore"] = { item = 17502 },
214 ["L'appel des airs - l'escadrille de Vipore"] = { item = 17503 },
215 ["L'appel des airs - l'escadrille d'Ichman"] = { item = 17504 },
216 };
217 BGAssist_FlagRegexp = {
218 ["RESET"] = { ["regexp"] = "The flags are now placed at their bases." },
219 ["PICKED"] = { ["one"] = "FACTION", ["two"] = "PLAYER",
220 ["regexp"] = "The ([^ ]*) flag was picked up by ([^!]*)!" },
221 ["DROPPED"] = { ["one"] = "FACTION", ["two"] = "PLAYER",
222 ["regexp"] = "The ([^ ]*) flag was dropped by ([^!]*)!" },
223 ["RETURNED"] ={ ["one"] = "FACTION", ["two"] = "PLAYER",
224 ["regexp"] = "The ([^ ]*) flag was returned to its base by ([^!]*)!" },
225 ["CAPTURED"] ={ ["one"] = "PLAYER", ["two"] = "FACTION",
226 ["regexp"] = "([^ ]*) captured the ([^ ]*) flag!" },
227 };
228 ALTERACVALLEY = "Vall\195\169e d'Alterac";
229 WARSONGGULCH = "Goulet des Warsong";
230 ARATHIBASIN = "Arathi Basin";
231 DISPLAY_MENU_LOCKWINDOW = "Verrouiller la position de la fen\195\170tre de BGAssist";
232 DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOSHOW = "Afficher automatiquement la fen\195\170tre de BGAssist dans le BG";
233 DISPLAY_MENU_AUTORELEASE = "R\195\169surrection automatique au cimeti\195\168re";
234 DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOQUEST = "Confirmer automatiquement les qu\195\170tes";
235 DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOENTER = "Entrer automatiquement dans le BG";
236 DISPLAY_MENU_TIMERSHOW = "Afficher le temps de capture des cimeti\195\168res et des tours";
237 DISPLAY_MENU_ITEMSHOW = "Afficher le nombre d'items de qu\195\170tes que vous poss\195\169dez";
238 DISPLAY_MENU_GYCOUNTDOWN = "Afficher le temps restant avant r\195\169surrection au cimeti\195\168re";
240 DISPLAY_MENU_TARGETTINGASSISTANCE = "Targetting Assistance Window";
241 DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOACCEPTGROUP = "Auto accept group invites in BG";
242 DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOLEAVEGROUP = "Auto leave group when leaving BG";
243 DISPLAY_MENU_NOPREEXISTING = "No pre-existing instances";
249 DISPLAY_TEXT_TIMELEFT = "Temps restant";
250 DISPLAY_TEXT_SECONDS = "secondes";
251 DISPLAY_TEXT_MINUTES = "minutes";
252 DISPLAY_TEXT_NOTENTERINGAFK = "N'entre pas dans le BG pendant que vous \195\170tes ABS";
253 DISPLAY_TEXT_FLAGHOLDERNOTCLOSEENOUGH = "Flag Holder not close enough to target.";
254 DISPLAY_TEXT_PREEXISTING = "Offered BG instance is pre-existing";
255 BATTLEGROUND_GOSSIP_TEXT = "I would like to go to the battleground.";
256 MATCHING_MARKED_AFK = "You are now AFK";
257 MATCHING_CLEARED_AFK = "You are no longer AFK.";
258 FACTION_ALLIANCE = "Alliance";
259 FACTION_HORDE = "Horde";
260 CLASS_DRUID = "Druide";
261 CLASS_HUNTER = "Chasseur";
262 CLASS_MAGE = "Mage";
263 CLASS_PALADIN = "Paladin"
264 CLASS_PRIEST = "Prêtre";
265 CLASS_ROGUE = "Voleur";
266 CLASS_SHAMAN = "Chaman";
267 CLASS_WARRIOR = "Guerrier";
268 CLASS_WARLOCK = "Démoniste";
269 end
271 if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then
272 -- Mail updates to
273 -- DISPLAY_xxx variables can be anything you want to display
275 BINDING_NAME_BGASSIST_TOGGLE = "BGAssist Fenster ein- oder ausblenden";
276 BGAssist_Alterac_Quests = {
277 ["Irondeep-Vorr\195\164te"] = true,
278 ["Coldtooth-Vorr\195\164te"] = true,
279 ["Meister Rysons Allsehendes Auge"] = true,
280 ["Verwaiste St\195\164lle"] = true, -- Wolf/Ram turnin
281 -- Horde
282 ["Mehr Beute!"] = { item= 17422, min=20 },
283 ["Lokholar der Eislord"] = { item= 17306, max=4 },
284 ["Eine Gallone Blut"] = { item= 17306, min=5 },
285 ["Widderledernes Zaumzeug"] = { item= 17642 },
286 ["Verteidigung der Darkspear"] = { item= 18142 },
287 ["Mehr Gnomhaar"] = { item= 18143 },
288 ["Gesucht: MEHR ZWERGE"] = { item= 18206 },
289 ["Knochensplitterjagd"] = { item= 18144 },
290 ["Ruf der L\195\188fte - Guses Luftflotte"] = { item= 17326 },
291 ["Ruf der L\195\188fte - Jeztors Luftflotte"] = { item= 17327 },
292 ["Ruf der L\195\188fte - Mulvericks Luftflotte"]= { item= 17328 },
293 -- Alliance
294 ["More Armor Scraps"] = { item = 17422, min=20 },
295 ["Ivus der Waldf\195\188rst"] = { item = 17423, max=4 },
296 ["Crystal Cluster"] = { item = 17423, min=5 },
297 ["Ram Riding Harnesses"] = { item = 17643 },
298 ["What the Hoof?"] = { item = 18145 },
299 ["Staghelm's Mojo Jamboree"] = { item = 18146 },
300 ["Gesucht: MEHR ORCS"] = { item = 18207 },
301 ["One Man's Love"] = { item = 18147 },
302 ["Ruf der L\195\188fte - Slidores Luftflotte"] = { item = 17502 },
303 ["Ruf der L\195\188fte - Vipores Luftflotte"] = { item = 17503 },
304 ["Ruf der L\195\188fte - Ichmans Luftflotte"] = { item = 17504 },
305 };
306 BGAssist_FlagRegexp = {
307 ["RESET"] = { ["regexp"] = "The flags are now placed at their bases." },
308 ["PICKED"] = { ["one"] = "FACTION", ["two"] = "PLAYER",
309 ["regexp"] = "The ([^ ]*) flag was picked up by ([^!]*)!" },
310 ["DROPPED"] = { ["one"] = "FACTION", ["two"] = "PLAYER",
311 ["regexp"] = "The ([^ ]*) flag was dropped by ([^!]*)!" },
312 ["RETURNED"] ={ ["one"] = "FACTION", ["two"] = "PLAYER",
313 ["regexp"] = "The ([^ ]*) flag was returned to its base by ([^!]*)!" },
314 ["CAPTURED"] ={ ["one"] = "PLAYER", ["two"] = "FACTION",
315 ["regexp"] = "([^ ]*) captured the ([^ ]*) flag!" },
316 };
317 ALTERACVALLEY = "Alteractal";
318 WARSONGGULCH = "Warsongschlucht";
319 ARATHIBASIN = "Arathi Basin";
320 DISPLAY_MENU_LOCKWINDOW = "Fensterposition fixieren";
321 DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOSHOW = "Fenster automatisch anzeigen, wenn Schlachtfeld betreten wird";
322 DISPLAY_MENU_AUTORELEASE = "Automatisch Geist im Schlachtfeld freilassen";
323 DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOQUEST = "Automatisch Schlachtfeld-Quests best\195\164tigen";
324 DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOENTER = "Automatisch Schlachtfeld betreten";
325 DISPLAY_MENU_TIMERSHOW = "Eroberungs-Timer anzeigen";
326 DISPLAY_MENU_ITEMSHOW = "Anzahl der Schlachtfeld-Gegenst\195\164nde anzeigen";
327 DISPLAY_MENU_GYCOUNTDOWN = "Timer f\195\188r Wiederbelebung beim Friedhof anzeigen";
329 DISPLAY_MENU_TARGETTINGASSISTANCE = "Targetting Assistance Window";
330 DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOACCEPTGROUP = "Auto accept group invites in BG";
331 DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOLEAVEGROUP = "Auto leave group when leaving BG";
332 DISPLAY_MENU_NOPREEXISTING = "No pre-existing instances";
334 DISPLAY_TITLEDISPLAY_ITEMS = "Gegenst\195\164nde";
336 DISPLAY_TEXT_CURRENTCOUNT = "Momentane Anzahl";
338 DISPLAY_TEXT_LEFTBATTLEGROUNDS = "Verlasse Schlachtfeld";
339 DISPLAY_TEXT_TIMEUNTILREZ = "Zeit bis zur Wiederbelebung";
340 DISPLAY_TEXT_TIMELEFT = "Verbleibende Zeit";
341 DISPLAY_TEXT_SECONDS = "sekunden";
342 DISPLAY_TEXT_MINUTES = "minuten";
343 DISPLAY_TEXT_NOTENTERINGAFK = "Betrete das Schlachtfeld nicht, da Ihr AFK seid";
344 DISPLAY_TEXT_FLAGHOLDERNOTCLOSEENOUGH = "Flag Holder not close enough to target.";
345 DISPLAY_TEXT_PREEXISTING = "Offered BG instance is pre-existing";
346 BATTLEGROUND_GOSSIP_TEXT = "I would like to go to the battleground.";
347 MATCHING_MARKED_AFK = "You are now AFK";
348 MATCHING_CLEARED_AFK = "You are no longer AFK.";
349 FACTION_ALLIANCE = "Alliance";
350 FACTION_HORDE = "Horde";
351 CLASS_DRUID = "Druide";
352 CLASS_HUNTER = "J\195\164ger";
353 CLASS_MAGE = "Magier";
354 CLASS_PALADIN = "Paladin"
355 CLASS_PRIEST = "Priester";
356 CLASS_ROGUE = "Schurke";
357 CLASS_SHAMAN = "Schamane";
358 CLASS_WARRIOR = "Krieger";
359 CLASS_WARLOCK = "Hexenmeister";
360 end
362 -- Is stolen from Interface/GlueXML/CharacterCreate.lua
363 local CLASS_ICON_TCOORDS = {
364 [string.upper(CLASS_WARRIOR)] = {0, 0.25, 0, 0.25},
365 [string.upper(CLASS_MAGE)] = {0.25, 0.49609375, 0, 0.25},
366 [string.upper(CLASS_ROGUE)] = {0.49609375, 0.7421875, 0, 0.25},
367 [string.upper(CLASS_DRUID)] = {0.7421875, 0.98828125, 0, 0.25},
368 [string.upper(CLASS_HUNTER)] = {0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5},
369 [string.upper(CLASS_PRIEST)] = {0.49609375, 0.7421875, 0.25, 0.5},
370 [string.upper(CLASS_WARLOCK)] = {0.7421875, 0.98828125, 0.25, 0.5},
371 [string.upper(CLASS_SHAMAN)] = {0.25, 0.49609375, 0.25, 0.5},
372 [string.upper(CLASS_PALADIN)] = {0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75}
373 };
378 [3] = ARATHIBASIN;
379 };
381 local MAXTIMERS = 6;
382 local MAXICONS = 10;
384 -- Bag item tracking
386 -- Track into quest windows for autocomplete
391 -- "GOSSIP_SHOW",
392 -- Autorez
394 -- People counting
396 -- Chat messages
401 -- Warsaw flag tracking
407 -- Well duh
409 };
411 BGAssist_Player = nil; -- global;
412 local BGAssist_Config_Loaded = nil;
413 local BGAssist_CountedPlayers = nil;
414 local BGAssist_Scheduled_MapCheck = nil;
415 local BGAssist_InBattleGround = nil;
416 local BGAssist_TimersActive = nil;
417 local BGAssist_LastTimersProc = 0;
418 local BGAssist_MapItems = {};
419 local BGAssist_TrackedItems = {};
420 local BGAssist_ItemInfo = {};
421 local BGAssist_RezSyncTime = nil;
422 local BGAssist_FlagLocs = { };
423 local BGAssist_LastUpdate = 0;
424 local BGAssist_MaintainingGroup = nil;
425 local BGAssist_PreExistingInstances = nil;
426 local BGAssist_InAFK = nil;
428 local function BGAssist_LinkDecode(link)
429 local id, name;
430 _, _, id, name = string.find(link,"|Hitem:(%d+):%d+:%d+:%d+|h%[([^]]+)%]|h|r$");
431 -- Only first number of itemid is significant in this.
432 if (id and name) then
433 id = id * 1;
434 return name, id;
435 end
436 end
438 local function BGAssist_BagCheck()
439 local bag, slot, size;
440 BGAssist_TrackedItems = {};
441 for bag = 0, 4, 1 do
442 if (bag == 0) then
443 size = 16;
444 else
445 size = GetContainerNumSlots(bag);
446 end
447 if (size and size > 0) then
448 for slot = 1, size, 1 do
449 local itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot);
450 if (itemLink) then
451 local itemName, itemID = BGAssist_LinkDecode(itemLink);
452 local texture, itemCount = GetContainerItemInfo(bag,slot);
453 if (itemID and BGAssist_ItemTrack[itemID]) then
454 if (not BGAssist_TrackedItems[itemID]) then
455 BGAssist_TrackedItems[itemID] = 0;
456 end
457 BGAssist_ItemInfo[itemID] = {
458 ["name"] = itemName,
459 ["texture"] = texture;
460 };
461 BGAssist_TrackedItems[itemID] = BGAssist_TrackedItems[itemID] + itemCount;
462 end
463 end
464 end
465 end
466 end
467 if (BGAssist_Timers:IsVisible()) then
468 BGAssist_Timers_OnShow();
469 end
470 end
472 local function BGAssist_CheckMap()
473 local OUTOFZONEDATA = {
474 [1] = { "Dead Guys", "", 3 };
475 [2] = { "Bar", "Drink Here", 8};
476 [3] = { "Elves Head Point", "ELVES DIE", 11 };
477 [4] = { "Monkey", "Monkey", 13 };
478 };
479 local totallandmarks = GetNumMapLandmarks()
480 local name, description, typ, x, y;
481 local i;
482 for i = 1, totallandmarks, 1 do
483 name, description, typ, x, y = GetMapLandmarkInfo(i);
484 -- typ:
485 -- Alterac Valley
486 -- 0 = Mines, no icon
487 -- 1 = Horde controlled mine
488 -- 2 = Alliance controlled mine
489 -- 3 = Horde graveyard attacked by Alliance
490 -- 4 = Towns (Booty Bay, Stonard, etc)
491 -- 5 = Destroyed tower
492 -- 6 =
493 -- 7 = Uncontrolled Graveyard (Snowfall at start)
494 -- 8 = Horde tower attacked by Alliance
495 -- 9 = Horde controlled tower
496 -- 10 = Alliance controlled tower
497 -- 11 = Alliance tower attacked by Horde
498 -- 12 = Horde controlled graveyard
499 -- 13 = Alliance graveyard attacked by Horde
500 -- 14 = Alliance controlled graveyard
501 -- 15 = Garrisons/Caverns, no icon
502 -- Arathi Basin
503 -- 16 - Gold Mine - Uncontrolled
504 -- 17 - Gold Mine .. in conflict (Alliance capturing)
505 -- 18 - Gold Mine - Alliance controlled
506 -- 19 = Gold Mine .. in conflict (Horde capturing)
507 -- 20 = Gold Mine - Horde Controlled
508 -- 21 = Lumber Mill - Uncontrolled
509 -- 22 = Lumber Mill .. in conflict (Alliance capturing)
510 -- 23 = Lumber Mill - Alliance controlled
511 -- 24 = Lumber Mill .. in conflict (Horde capturing)
512 -- 25 = Lumber Mill - Horde Controlled
513 -- 26 = Blacksmith - Uncontrolled
514 -- 27 = Blacksmith .. in conflict (Alliance capturing)
515 -- 28 = Blacksmith - Alliance controlled
516 -- 29 = Blacksmith .. in conflict (Horde capturing)
517 -- 30 = Blacksmith - Horde controlled
518 -- 31 = Farm - Uncontrolled
519 -- 32 = Farm .. in conflict (Alliance capturing)
520 -- 33 = Farm - Alliance controlled
521 -- 34 = Farm .. in conflict (Horde capturing)
522 -- 35 = Farm - Horde controlled
523 -- 36 = Stables - Uncontrolled
524 -- 37 = Stables .. in conflict (Alliance capturing)
525 -- 38 = Stables - Alliance controlled
526 -- 39 = Stables .. in conflict (Horde capturing)
527 -- 40 = Stables - Horde controlled
528 if (not BGAssist_MapItems[name]) then BGAssist_MapItems[name] = {} end
529 if (typ == 11 or typ == 13 or typ == 9 or typ == 12 -- AV
530 or typ == 20 or typ == 25 or typ == 30 or typ == 35 or typ == 40 -- AB
531 or typ == 19 or typ == 24 or typ == 29 or typ == 34 or typ == 39 -- AB captures
532 ) then
533 if (BGAssist_MapItems[name].owner ~= "HORDE") then
534 BGAssist_MapItems[name].owner = "HORDE";
535 BGAssist_MapItems[name].conflictstart = nil;
536 end
537 elseif (typ == 10 or typ == 3 or typ == 8 or typ == 14 -- AV
538 or typ == 18 or typ == 23 or typ == 28 or typ == 33 or typ == 38 -- AB
539 or typ == 17 or typ == 22 or typ == 27 or typ == 32 or typ == 37 -- AB captures
540 ) then
541 if (BGAssist_MapItems[name].owner ~= "ALLIANCE") then
542 BGAssist_MapItems[name].owner = "ALLIANCE";
543 BGAssist_MapItems[name].conflictstart = nil;
544 end
545 elseif (typ == 0 or typ == 5 or typ == 15 -- AV
546 ) then
547 BGAssist_MapItems[name].owner = nil;
548 end
549 --[[
550 if ( typ == 17 or typ == 22 or typ == 27 or typ == 32 or typ == 37 or -- AB
551 typ == 19 or typ == 24 or typ == 29 or typ == 34 or typ == 39 -- AB
552 ) then
553 Debug ("UNKNOWN: ",name," = ",description," = ",typ,": ",BGAssist_MapItems[name].owner);
554 end
555 ]]
557 if (typ == 3 or typ == 13 or typ == 8 or typ == 11) then -- AV
558 if (not BGAssist_MapItems[name].conflictstart) then
559 BGAssist_MapItems[name].conflictstart = GetTime();
560 BGAssist_MapItems[name].conflictduration = 300;
561 end
562 elseif (typ == 17 or typ == 22 or typ == 27 or typ == 32 or typ == 37 or
563 typ == 19 or typ == 24 or typ == 29 or typ == 34 or typ == 39) then
564 if (not BGAssist_MapItems[name].conflictstart) then
565 BGAssist_MapItems[name].conflictstart = GetTime();
566 BGAssist_MapItems[name].conflictduration = 60;
567 end
568 else
569 BGAssist_MapItems[name].conflictstart = nil
570 end
571 if (typ == 6 or typ > 40) then
572 if (Debug) then Debug ("UNKNOWN: "" = "..description.." = "..typ); end
573 end
574 end
575 if (not BGAssist_Config.timerhide) then
576 BGAssist_Timers_OnShow();
577 end
578 end
580 function BGAssist_CountPlayers()
581 local players = GetNumBattlefieldScores();
582 if (players > 0) then
583 local i;
584 BGAssist_CountedPlayers = {
585 ["Horde"] = {
586 ["count"] = 0,
587 [CLASS_DRUID] = 0, [CLASS_HUNTER] = 0, [CLASS_MAGE] = 0,
590 },
591 ["Alliance"] = {
592 ["count"] = 0,
593 [CLASS_DRUID] = 0, [CLASS_HUNTER] = 0, [CLASS_MAGE] = 0,
596 },
597 };
599 for i = 1, players, 1 do
600 _, _, _, _, _, faction, _, _, class = GetBattlefieldScore(i);
601 if (faction == 0) then faction = "Horde"; else faction = "Alliance"; end
602 BGAssist_CountedPlayers[faction].count = BGAssist_CountedPlayers[faction].count + 1;
603 BGAssist_CountedPlayers[faction][class] = BGAssist_CountedPlayers[faction][class] + 1;
604 end
606 local faction = { "Alliance", "Horde" };
609 local i, j
610 for i = 1, 2, 1 do
611 for j = 1, 8, 1 do
612 if (i == 1 and j == 8) then
613 getglobal("WorldStateScoreFrame_"..faction[i]..j.."Text"):SetText(CLASS_PALADIN..": "..BGAssist_CountedPlayers[faction[i]][CLASS_PALADIN]);
614 else
615 getglobal("WorldStateScoreFrame_"..faction[i]..j.."Text"):SetText(classes[j]..": "..BGAssist_CountedPlayers[faction[i]][classes[j]]);
616 end
617 end
618 end
619 end
620 end
622 local function BGAssist_Alterac_SelectQuest(...)
623 local i;
624 local idx = 0;
625 for i = 1, arg.n, 2 do
626 idx = idx + 1;
627 if (BGAssist_Alterac_Quests[arg[i]]) then
628 local item, min, max;
629 if (type(BGAssist_Alterac_Quests[arg[i]]) == "table") then
630 item = BGAssist_Alterac_Quests[arg[i]].item;
631 min = BGAssist_Alterac_Quests[arg[i]].min;
632 max = BGAssist_Alterac_Quests[arg[i]].max;
633 else
634 item = true;
635 end
636 if (not min or min < 1) then min = 1; end
637 if (not max) then max = 1000; end
638 local count = BGAssist_TrackedItems[item];
639 if (not count) then count = 0; end
640 if (item == true or (count >= min and count <= max)) then
641 if (not BGAssist_Config[BGAssist_Player].turnins[arg[i]]) then
642 BGAssist_Config[BGAssist_Player].turnins[arg[i]] = 0;
643 end
644 BGAssist_Config[BGAssist_Player].turnins[arg[i]] = BGAssist_Config[BGAssist_Player].turnins[arg[i]] + min;
645 SelectGossipAvailableQuest(idx);
646 end
647 end
648 end
649 end
651 local function BGAssist_SignUpForBG(...)
652 local i;
653 local idx = 0;
654 for i = 1, arg.n, 2 do
655 idx = idx + 1;
656 if (arg[i] == BATTLEGROUND_GOSSIP_TEXT) then
657 SelectGossipOption(idx);
658 end
659 end
660 end
662 local function BGAssist_Alterac_AutoProcess(method)
663 if (BGAssist_Alterac_Quests[GetTitleText()]) then
664 if (method == "QUEST_COMPLETE") then
665 QuestRewardCompleteButton_OnClick();
666 elseif (method == "QUEST_PROGRESS") then
667 QuestProgressCompleteButton_OnClick();
668 elseif (method == "QUEST_DETAIL") then
669 QuestDetailAcceptButton_OnClick();
670 elseif (Debug) then
671 Debug ("Unknown METHOD: "..method.." for "..GetTitleText());
672 end
673 end
674 end
676 local function BGAssist_ConfigInit()
677 if (not BGAssist_Config) then
678 BGAssist_Config = {};
679 end
680 if (not BGAssist_Config[BGAssist_Player]) then
681 BGAssist_Config[BGAssist_Player] = {};
682 end
683 if (not BGAssist_Config[BGAssist_Player].turnins) then
684 BGAssist_Config[BGAssist_Player].turnins = {};
685 end
687 if (BGAssist_InBattleGround == ALTERACVALLEY or BGAssist_InBattleGround == ARATHIBASIN) then
688 BGAssist_CheckMap();
689 end
690 BGAssist_ToggleAutoEntry("ON")
691 end
693 function BGAssist_OnLoad()
694 this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
695 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD");
696 -- Autoenter
697 this:RegisterEvent("BATTLEFIELDS_SHOW");
698 this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS");
699 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM");
700 this:RegisterEvent("GOSSIP_SHOW");
702 local playerName = UnitName("player");
703 if (playerName ~= UKNOWNBEING and playerName ~= UNKNOWNOBJECT) then
704 BGAssist_Player = playerName;
705 end
706 end
708 function BGAssist_OnEvent(event)
709 if (event == "VARIABLES_LOADED") then
710 BGAssist_Config_Loaded = 1;
711 if (BGAssist_Player) then
712 BGAssist_ConfigInit();
713 end
714 elseif (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
715 BGAssist_InAFK = nil;
716 elseif (event == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM") then
717 if (string.find(arg1,MATCHING_MARKED_AFK)) then
718 BGAssist_InAFK = true;
719 elseif (string.find(arg1,MATCHING_CLEARED_AFK)) then
720 BGAssist_InAFK = nil;
721 end
722 elseif (event == "BATTLEFIELDS_SHOW") then
723 local mapName = GetBattlefieldInfo();
724 if (mapName == WARSONGGULCH or mapName == ARATHIBASIN) then
725 BGAssist_PreExistingInstances = {};
726 local numBattlefields = GetNumBattlefields();
727 local i;
728 for i = 1, numBattlefields, 1 do
729 BGAssist_PreExistingInstances[GetBattlefieldInstanceInfo(i)] = GetTime();
730 end
731 end
732 if (BGAssist_Config.autosignup) then
733 if (((GetNumPartyMembers() > 0) or (GetNumRaidMembers() > 0)) and IsPartyLeader()) then
734 JoinBattlefield(0,1);
735 else
736 JoinBattlefield(0);
737 end
738 HideUIPanel(BattlefieldFrame);
739 end
740 elseif (event == "UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS") then
741 local i, status, mapName, instanceID;
742 for i = 1, MAX_BATTLEFIELD_QUEUES, 1 do
743 local tmpstatus, tmpmapName, tmpinstanceID = GetBattlefieldStatus(i)
744 if (tmpstatus == "active" or (tmpstatus == "confirm" and not status)) then
745 status = tmpstatus;
746 mapName = tmpmapName;
747 instanceID = tmpinstanceID;
748 end
749 end
750 if (status=="active") then
751 BGAssist_PreExistingInstances = nil;
752 if (not BGAssist_InBattleGround) then
754 BGAssist_RezSyncTime = nil;
755 BGAssist_InBattleGround = mapName;
756 BGAssist_BagCheck();
757 local idx,event;
758 for idx,event in EVENTSINBATTLEGROUND do
759 BGAssist:RegisterEvent(event);
760 end
761 BGAssist_MaintainingGroup = nil;
762 if (not BGAssist_Config.noautoshow) then
763 BGAssist_Timers:Show();
764 end
765 if (not BGAssist_Config.notargetwindow) then
766 BGAssist_Targets:Show();
767 end
768 end
769 if (BGAssist_InBattleGround == WARSONGGULCH) then
770 BGAssist_FlagLocs = { };
771 BGAssist_Flags:Show();
772 end
773 if (BGAssist_InBattleGround == ALTERACVALLEY or BGAssist_InBattleGround == ARATHIBASIN) then
774 BGAssist_CheckMap();
775 end
776 elseif (status=="confirm") then
777 --[[
778 local goodtoenter = true;
779 if (((BGAssist_Config.avoidpreexistingwarsong and
780 mapName == WARSONGGULCH) or
781 (BGAssist_Config.avoidpreexistingarathi and
782 mapName == ARATHIBASIN )) and
783 BGAssist_PreExistingInstances and
784 BGAssist_PreExistingInstances[instanceID]) then
785 local timediff = GetTime() - BGAssist_PreExistingInstances[instanceID];
786 if (timediff < 300) then
787 goodtoenter = false;
789 end
790 end
791 if (goodtoenter and not BGAssist_Config.noautoenter) then
792 if (BGAssist_InAFK) then
794 elseif (not (UnitIsDead("player") or UnitIsGhost("player"))) then
795 local status, mapName, instanceID, idx;
796 for i = 1, MAX_BATTLEFIELD_QUEUES, 1 do
797 local tmpstatus, tmpmapName, tmpinstanceID = GetBattlefieldStatus(i);
798 if (tmpstatus == "confirm") then
799 status = tmpstatus;
800 mapName = tmpmapName;
801 instanceID = tmpinstanceID;
802 idx = i;
803 end
804 end
805 if (status) then
806 StaticPopup_Hide("CONFIRM_BATTLEFIELD_ENTRY", idx);
807 AcceptBattlefieldPort(idx, 1);
808 end
809 end
810 end
811 ]]
812 elseif (BGAssist_InBattleGround) then
813 BGAssist_Timers:Hide();
814 BGAssist_Flags:Hide();
815 BGAssist_Targets:Hide();
816 BGAssist_MaintainingGroup = nil;
817 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("BGAssist: "..DISPLAY_TEXT_LEFTBATTLEGROUNDS..": "..BGAssist_InBattleGround);
818 BGAssist_InBattleGround = nil;
819 BGAssist_RezSyncTime = nil;
820 if (not BGAssist_Config.noautoleavegroup) then
821 LeaveParty();
822 end
823 local idx, event;
824 for idx, event in EVENTSINBATTLEGROUND do
825 BGAssist:UnregisterEvent(event);
826 end
827 end
828 elseif (event == "CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_YELL" or event == "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL" or event == "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE" or event == "CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_HORDE") then
829 if (BGAssist_InBattleGround == ALTERACVALLEY or BGAssist_InBattleGround == ARATHIBASIN) then
830 BGAssist_Scheduled_MapCheck = GetTime()+0.1;
831 elseif (BGAssist_InBattleGround == WARSONGGULCH) then
832 BGAssist_LocateFlags(arg1);
833 end
834 elseif (event == "BAG_UPDATE") then
835 if (BGAssist_InBattleGround == ALTERACVALLEY) then
836 BGAssist_BagCheck();
837 end
838 elseif (event == "AREA_SPIRIT_HEALER_IN_RANGE") then
839 BGAssist_RezSyncTime = GetTime() + GetAreaSpiritHealerTime();
840 -- elseif (event == "QUEST_PROGRESS" or event == "QUEST_COMPLETE" or event == "QUEST_GREETING" or event == "QUEST_DETAIL") then
841 elseif (event == "QUEST_PROGRESS" or event == "QUEST_COMPLETE" or event == "QUEST_DETAIL") then
842 if (not BGAssist_Config.noautoquest and BGAssist_InBattleGround == ALTERACVALLEY) then
843 BGAssist_Alterac_AutoProcess(event);
844 end
845 elseif (event == "GOSSIP_SHOW") then
846 if (not BGAssist_InBattleGround and BGAssist_Config.autosignup) then
847 BGAssist_SignUpForBG(GetGossipOptions());
848 elseif (not BGAssist_Config.noautoquest and BGAssist_InBattleGround == ALTERACVALLEY) then
849 BGAssist_Alterac_SelectQuest(GetGossipAvailableQuests());
850 end
851 elseif (event == "PLAYER_DEAD") then
852 if (BGAssist_Config.autorelease) then
853 StaticPopup_Hide("DEATH");
854 RepopMe();
855 end
856 elseif (event == "UPDATE_BATTLEFIELD_SCORE") then
857 if (GetBattlefieldWinner() and not BGAssist_Config.noautoleavegroup) then
858 LeaveParty();
859 end
860 BGAssist_CountPlayers();
861 elseif (event == "UPDATE_WORLD_STATES") then
862 if (BGAssist_InBattleGround == WARSONGGULCH) then
863 BGAssist_WSGFlags_OnShow();
864 end
865 elseif (event == "PARTY_INVITE_REQUEST") then
866 if (not BGAssist_Config.noacceptgroups) then
867 AcceptGroup();
868 StaticPopupDialogs["PARTY_INVITE"].inviteAccepted = 1;
869 StaticPopup_Hide("PARTY_INVITE");
870 end
871 elseif (event == "PARTY_MEMBER_CHANGED" or event == "PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED") then
872 if (GetNumRaidMembers() == 0) then
873 if (Debug) then Debug ("BGAssist: Party: ",event," PARTY: ",GetNumPartyMembers()," RAID: ",GetNumRaidMembers(), " MAINTAINING: ",BGAssist_MaintainingGroup," LEADER: ",IsPartyLeader()); end
874 end
875 if ((GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 or GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) and BGAssist_MaintainingGroup) then
876 if (GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) then
877 if (IsRaidLeader()) then
878 else
879 BGAssist_MaintainingGroup = nil;
880 end
881 elseif (IsPartyLeader()) then
882 ConvertToRaid();
883 else
884 BGAssist_MaintainingGroup = nil;
885 end
886 else
887 BGAssist_MaintainingGroup = nil;
888 end
889 end
890 end
892 function BGAssist_OnUpdate()
893 local time = GetTime();
894 if (BGAssist_Scheduled_MapCheck and BGAssist_Scheduled_MapCheck <= time) then
895 BGAssist_Scheduled_MapCheck = nil;
896 BGAssist_CheckMap();
897 end
898 end
900 function BGAssist_Timers_OnUpdate(elapsed)
901 local time = GetTime();
902 local starttimer = 1;
903 if (BGAssist_Config.showgycountdown) then
904 local timerobj = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers1");
905 if ( == "Graveyard") then
906 if (BGAssist_RezSyncTime) then
907 local timeleft = BGAssist_RezSyncTime-GetTime();
908 while (timeleft < 0) do
909 BGAssist_RezSyncTime = BGAssist_RezSyncTime + 30;
910 timeleft = math.floor(BGAssist_RezSyncTime-GetTime());
911 end
912 timerobj:SetValue(timeleft);
913 else
914 timerobj:SetValue(30);
915 end
916 starttimer = 2;
917 end
918 end
920 if (BGAssist_TimersActive) then
921 if (BGAssist_TimersActive <= time) then
922 BGAssist_UpdateTimers();
923 else
924 if (BGAssist_LastTimersProc+1 < time) then
925 local i;
926 for i = starttimer, MAXTIMERS, 1 do
927 local timer = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers"..i);
928 if (timer.endtime) then
929 local timeleft = timer.endtime - time;
930 timer:SetValue(timeleft);
931 end
932 end
933 BGAssist_LastTimersProc = time;
934 end
935 end
936 if (this.updateTooltip) then
937 this.updateTooltip = this.updateTooltip - elapsed;
938 if (this.updateTooltip < 0) then
939 BGAssist_Timer_SetTooltip(this.tooltipUpdate);
940 end
941 end
942 end
943 end
945 function BGAssist_DynamicResize()
946 local i;
947 local maxtimer = 0;
948 local maxicon = 0;
949 for i = 1, MAXICONS, 1 do
950 local icon = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers_Icon"..i);
951 if (icon:IsVisible()) then maxicon = i; end
952 end
953 for i = 1, MAXTIMERS, 1 do
954 local timerobj = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers"..i);
955 if (timerobj:IsVisible()) then maxtimer = i; end;
956 end
958 if (BGAssist_Config.timerhide) then maxtimer = 0; end
959 if (BGAssist_Config.itemhide or BGAssist_InBattleGround ~= ALTERACVALLEY) then maxicon = 0; end
961 -- Move Icons to under last timer
962 if (maxicon and maxicon > 0) then
963 BGAssist_Timers_Icon1:ClearAllPoints();
964 if (maxtimer == 0) then
965 BGAssist_Timers_Icon1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","BGAssist_Timers","TOPLEFT",6,-8);
966 else
967 BGAssist_Timers_Icon1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","BGAssist_Timers"..maxtimer,"BOTTOMLEFT",0,-6);
968 end
969 end
970 local iconwidth = 36;
971 local iconheight = 36;
972 if (maxicon and maxicon > 3) then
973 if (maxicon > 4) then
974 iconwidth = 24;
975 else
976 iconwidth = 30;
977 end
978 if (maxicon > 5) then
979 iconheight = 18;
980 end
981 end
982 for i = 1, MAXICONS, 1 do
983 local icon = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers_Icon"..i);
984 local texture = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers_Icon"..i.."NormalTexture");
985 icon:SetWidth(iconwidth);
986 icon:SetHeight(iconheight);
987 texture:SetWidth(iconwidth*2);
988 texture:SetHeight(iconheight*2);
989 end
990 local backdropheight = 16; -- Buffer at top and bottom and room for border
991 backdropheight = backdropheight + (maxtimer*12);
992 if (maxicon > 0 and maxtimer > 0) then backdropheight = backdropheight + 3; end
993 if (maxicon > 5) then
994 backdropheight = backdropheight + (iconheight*2) + 3;
995 elseif (maxicon > 0) then
996 backdropheight = backdropheight + iconheight;
997 end
998 BGAssist_Timers:SetHeight(backdropheight);
999 end
1001 function BGAssist_Timers_OnShow()
1002 UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(BGAssist_Timers_Menu, BGAssist_MenuDropDown_Initialize, "MENU");
1004 BGAssist_UpdateTimers();
1005 BGAssist_UpdateItems();
1006 if (BGAssist_Timers2:IsVisible() or (BGAssist_Timers1:IsVisible() and BGAssist_Config.showgycountdown)) then
1007 BGAssist_Timers_TitleText:SetText(DISPLAY_TITLEDISPLAY_CAPTURE);
1008 else
1009 if (BGAssist_Timers_Icon1:IsVisible()) then
1010 BGAssist_Timers_TitleText:SetText(DISPLAY_TITLEDISPLAY_ITEMS);
1011 else
1012 BGAssist_Timers_TitleText:SetText("BGAssist");
1013 end
1014 end
1015 BGAssist_DynamicResize();
1016 end
1018 function BGAssist_UpdateItems()
1019 local function findicon (item)
1020 local idx = 1;
1021 local found = 0;
1022 while (found == 0 and idx <= MAXICONS) do
1023 local icon = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers_Icon"..idx);
1024 if (icon and icon.item and icon.item == item) then
1025 found = idx;
1026 end
1027 idx = idx + 1;
1028 end
1029 return found;
1030 end
1031 local function fillicon (item, num)
1032 local icon = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers_Icon"..num);
1033 if (icon) then
1034 icon.item = item;
1035 icon:Show();
1036 getglobal("BGAssist_Timers_Icon"..num.."Icon"):SetTexture(BGAssist_ItemInfo[item].texture);
1037 end
1038 end
1040 local showitems = {};
1041 local maxicon = 0;
1042 if (not BGAssist_Config.itemhide and BGAssist_InBattleGround == ALTERACVALLEY and BGAssist_TrackedItems and BGAssist_TrackedItems ~= {}) then
1043 local item;
1044 for item in BGAssist_TrackedItems do
1045 if (BGAssist_TrackedItems[item] > 0) then
1046 showitems[item] = findicon(item);
1047 end
1048 end
1049 for item in showitems do
1050 local idx = 1;
1051 if (showitems[item] == 0) then
1052 while (showitems[item] == 0 and idx <= MAXICONS) do
1053 local icon = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers_Icon"..idx);
1054 if (icon and not icon.item) then
1055 showitems[item] = idx;
1056 end
1057 idx = idx + 1;
1058 end
1059 end
1060 if (showitems[item] > maxicon) then maxicon = showitems[item]; end
1061 fillicon (item, showitems[item])
1062 end
1063 local i;
1064 for i = 1, MAXICONS, 1 do
1065 local icon = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers_Icon"..i);
1066 if (not icon.item or not BGAssist_TrackedItems[icon.item] or BGAssist_TrackedItems[icon.item] < 1) then
1067 if (i < maxicon) then
1068 local j = i+1;
1069 local jicon = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers_Icon"..j);
1070 while (j <= MAXICONS and not jicon.item) do
1071 jicon = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers_Icon"..j);
1072 j = j + 1;
1073 end
1074 if (jicon.item) then
1075 fillicon (jicon.item, j-1);
1076 jicon.item = nil;
1077 end
1078 else
1079 icon.item = nil;
1080 icon:Hide();
1081 end
1082 end
1083 end
1084 else
1085 local i;
1086 for i = 1, MAXICONS, 1 do
1087 local icon = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers_Icon"..i);
1088 icon:Hide();
1089 icon.item = nil;
1090 end
1091 end
1092 end
1094 function BGAssist_UpdateTimers()
1096 local function sort_function (a, b)
1097 local endtime= BGAssist_MapItems[a].conflictstart + BGAssist_MapItems[a].conflictduration;
1098 local atime = endtime - GetTime();
1099 endtime= BGAssist_MapItems[b].conflictstart + BGAssist_MapItems[b].conflictduration;
1100 local btime = endtime - GetTime();
1101 if (atime < btime) then return true; else return false; end
1102 end
1104 local starttimer = 1;
1105 local i, status, mapName, instanceID;
1106 for i = 1, MAX_BATTLEFIELD_QUEUES, 1 do
1107 local tmpstatus, tmpmapName, tmpinstanceID = GetBattlefieldStatus(i);
1108 if (tmpstatus == "active") then
1109 status = tmpstatus;
1110 mapName = tmpmapName;
1111 instanceID = tmpinstanceID;
1112 end
1113 end
1114 if (BGAssist_Config.showgycountdown) then
1115 local timerobj = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers1");
1116 local text = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers1Text");
1117 = "Graveyard";
1118 timerobj:Show();
1119 timerobj:SetStatusBarColor (0, 1, 0);
1120 timerobj:SetMinMaxValues(0,30);
1121 if (BGAssist_RezSyncTime) then
1122 local timeleft = math.floor(BGAssist_RezSyncTime-GetTime());
1123 while (timeleft < 0) do
1124 BGAssist_RezSyncTime = BGAssist_RezSyncTime + 30;
1125 timeleft = math.floor(BGAssist_RezSyncTime-GetTime());
1126 end
1127 timerobj:SetValue(timeleft);
1128 else
1129 timerobj:SetValue(30);
1130 end
1131 text:Show();
1132 text:SetText("Graveyard");
1133 starttimer = 2;
1134 end
1135 if (not BGAssist_Config.timerhide and status == "active") then
1136 if (BGAssist_MapItems == nil or BGAssist_MapItems == {}) then
1137 BGAssist_CheckMap();
1138 if (BGAssist_MapItems == nil or BGAssist_MapItems == {}) then
1139 return;
1140 end
1141 end
1142 local conflicts = {};
1143 local conflictcount = 0;
1144 local red, green, blue;
1145 local name;
1146 for name in BGAssist_MapItems do
1147 if (BGAssist_MapItems[name].conflictstart or (BGAssist_Config.showcapturedflags and BGAssist_InBattleGround == ARATHIBASIN)) then
1148 local endtime = BGAssist_MapItems[name].conflictstart + BGAssist_MapItems[name].conflictduration;
1149 local timeleft = endtime - GetTime();
1150 if (timeleft > 0 or (BGAssist_Config.showcapturedflags and BGAssist_InBattleGround == ARATHIBASIN)) then
1151 conflictcount = conflictcount + 1;
1152 conflicts[conflictcount] = name;
1153 end
1154 end
1155 end
1156 table.sort(conflicts, sort_function);
1157 local timer = starttimer;
1158 local idx = 1;
1159 while (timer <= MAXTIMERS and conflicts[idx]) do
1160 local timerobj = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers"..timer);
1161 local text = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers"..timer.."Text");
1162 red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0;
1163 if (BGAssist_MapItems[conflicts[idx]].owner == "HORDE") then
1164 red = 1;
1165 elseif (BGAssist_MapItems[conflicts[idx]].owner == "ALLIANCE") then
1166 green = 1; blue = 1;
1167 elseif (not BGAssist_MapItems[conflicts[idx]].owner) then
1168 -- Should only be when capturing neutral in AB at start
1169 red = 0.862; green = 0.862; blue = 0.862;
1170 end
1171 local endtime= BGAssist_MapItems[conflicts[idx]].conflictstart +
1172 BGAssist_MapItems[conflicts[idx]].conflictduration;
1173 local timeleft = endtime - GetTime();
1174 if (timeleft < 1) then
1175 BGAssist_Scheduled_MapCheck = GetTime()+1;
1176 BGAssist_MapItems[conflicts[idx]].conflictstart = nil;
1177 end
1178 if (not BGAssist_TimersActive or endtime < BGAssist_TimersActive) then
1179 BGAssist_TimersActive = endtime;
1180 end
1181 = conflicts[idx];
1182 timerobj.endtime = endtime;
1183 timerobj:Show();
1184 timerobj:SetStatusBarColor (red, green, blue);
1185 if (BGAssist_InBattleGround == ALTERACVALLEY) then
1186 timerobj:SetMinMaxValues(0,300);
1187 elseif (BGAssist_InBattleGround == ARATHIBASIN) then
1188 timerobj:SetMinMaxValues(0,60);
1189 elseif (Debug) then
1190 Debug ("INVALID ZONE: ",BGAssist_InBattleGround);
1191 end
1192 timerobj:SetValue(timeleft);
1193 text:Show();
1194 -- local sidx = string.find(conflicts[idx]," ");
1195 -- if (sidx) then
1196 -- text:SetText(string.sub(conflicts[idx],1,sidx-1));
1197 -- else
1198 text:SetText(conflicts[idx]);
1199 -- end
1200 idx = idx + 1;
1201 timer = timer + 1;
1202 end
1203 while (timer <= MAXTIMERS) do
1204 local timerobj = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers"..timer);
1205 local text = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers"..timer.."Text");
1206 = nil;
1207 timerobj.endtime = nil;
1208 timerobj:Hide();
1209 text:SetText("");
1210 text:Hide();
1211 timer = timer + 1;
1212 end
1213 else
1214 for timer = starttimer, MAXTIMERS, 1 do
1215 local timerobj = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers"..timer);
1216 local text = getglobal("BGAssist_Timers"..timer.."Text");
1217 timerobj:Hide();
1218 text:Hide();
1219 end
1220 end
1221 end
1223 function BGAssist_TimersTitle_OnClick(button)
1224 if (arg1 == "RightButton") then
1225 ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, BGAssist_Timers_Menu, "BGAssist_Timers_Menu", 0, 50);
1226 else
1227 if (this:GetButtonState() == "PUSHED") then
1228 this:GetParent():StopMovingOrSizing();
1229 elseif (not BGAssist_Config.windowlocked) then
1230 this:GetParent():StartMoving();
1231 end
1232 end
1233 end
1235 function BGAssist_Timer_SetTooltip(override)
1236 if (not override) then
1237 override = this;
1238 end
1239 local txt;
1240 local timeleft;
1241 if ( == "Graveyard") then
1243 if (BGAssist_RezSyncTime) then
1244 timeleft = math.floor(BGAssist_RezSyncTime-GetTime());
1245 else
1246 timeleft = 30;
1247 end
1248 elseif ( and override.endtime) then
1250 txt =;
1251 timeleft = math.floor(override.endtime - GetTime());
1252 end
1253 if (txt and timeleft) then
1254 txt = txt.."\n"..DISPLAY_TEXT_TIMELEFT..": "..timeleft.." "..DISPLAY_TEXT_SECONDS..".";
1255 if (timeleft > 60) then
1256 txt = txt.."\n("..(math.floor(timeleft/6)/10).." "..DISPLAY_TEXT_MINUTES..")";
1257 end
1258 BGAssist_Timers.updateTooltip = TOOLTIP_UPDATE_TIME;
1259 BGAssist_Timers.tooltipUpdate = override;
1260 local left = override:GetLeft();
1261 if (left > 800) then
1262 GameTooltip:SetOwner(override, "ANCHOR_LEFT");
1263 else
1264 GameTooltip:SetOwner(override, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
1265 end
1266 GameTooltip:SetText(txt);
1267 end
1268 end
1270 function BGAssist_Item_SetTooltip()
1271 if (this.item and BGAssist_ItemInfo[this.item] and BGAssist_ItemInfo[this.item].name) then
1272 local txt = BGAssist_ItemInfo[this.item].name.."\nCurrent Count: "..BGAssist_TrackedItems[this.item];
1273 local left = this:GetLeft();
1274 if (left > 800) then
1275 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_LEFT");
1276 else
1277 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
1278 end
1279 GameTooltip:SetText(txt);
1280 end
1281 end
1283 function BGAssist_MenuDropDown_CheckedToggle()
1284 local mapping = {
1285 [DISPLAY_MENU_LOCKWINDOW] = "windowlocked",
1286 [DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOSHOW] = "noautoshow",
1287 [DISPLAY_MENU_AUTORELEASE] = "autorelease",
1288 [DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOQUEST] = "noautoquest",
1289 [DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOENTER] = "noautoenter",
1290 [DISPLAY_MENU_TIMERSHOW] = "timerhide",
1291 [DISPLAY_MENU_ITEMSHOW] = "itemhide",
1292 [DISPLAY_MENU_GYCOUNTDOWN] = "showgycountdown",
1295 [DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOACCEPTGROUP] = "noacceptgroups",
1296 [DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOLEAVEGROUP] = "noautoleavegroup",
1297 [DISPLAY_MENU_NOPREEXISTING] = "avoidpreexistingwarsong";
1298 [DISPLAY_MENU_SHOWCAPTUREDFLAGS] = "showcapturedflags";
1299 [DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOSIGNUP] = "autosignup";
1300 };
1303 mapping[DISPLAY_MENU_NOPREEXISTING] = "avoidpreexistingarathi";
1304 end
1305 local confoption = mapping[this.value];
1306 if (confoption) then
1307 if (BGAssist_Config[confoption]) then
1308 BGAssist_Config[confoption] = nil;
1309 else
1310 BGAssist_Config[confoption] = true;
1311 end
1312 if (BGAssist_Config.notargetwindow) then
1313 BGAssist_Targets:Hide();
1314 elseif (BGAssist_InBattleGround) then
1315 BGAssist_Targets:Show();
1316 end
1317 BGAssist_Timers_OnShow();
1318 end
1319 end
1321 function BGAssist_MenuDropDown_Initialize()
1322 local info = {};
1325 info.func = BGAssist_MenuDropDown_CheckedToggle;
1328 info.text = DISPLAY_MENU_TIMERSHOW;
1329 info.checked = nil;
1330 if (not BGAssist_Config.timerhide) then info.checked = 1; end
1331 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL);
1333 info.text = DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOQUEST;
1334 info.checked = nil;
1335 if (not BGAssist_Config.noautoquest) then info.checked = 1; end
1336 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL);
1338 info.text = DISPLAY_MENU_ITEMSHOW;
1339 info.checked = nil;
1340 if (not BGAssist_Config.itemhide) then info.checked = 1; end
1341 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL);
1344 info.checked = nil;
1345 if (not BGAssist_Config.noflags) then info.checked = 1; end
1346 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL);
1349 info.checked = nil;
1350 if (BGAssist_Config.avoidpreexistingwarsong) then info.checked = 1; end
1351 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL);
1354 info.checked = nil;
1355 if (BGAssist_Config.avoidpreexistingarathi) then info.checked = 1; end
1356 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL);
1359 info.checked = nil;
1360 if (BGAssist_Config.showcapturedflags) then info.checked = 1; end
1361 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL);
1362 end
1363 else
1364 info.isTitle = true;
1365 info.text = "BGAssist "..BGASSIST_VERSION;
1366 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1368 info = {};
1369 info.hasArrow = 1;
1370 info.notCheckable = 1;
1372 info.text = ALTERACVALLEY;
1373 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1375 info.text = WARSONGGULCH;
1376 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1378 info.text = ARATHIBASIN;
1379 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1381 info = {};
1382 info.func = BGAssist_MenuDropDown_CheckedToggle;
1385 info.checked = nil;
1386 if (BGAssist_Config.windowlocked) then info.checked = 1; end
1387 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1389 info.text = DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOSHOW;
1390 info.checked = nil;
1391 if (not BGAssist_Config.noautoshow) then info.checked = 1; end
1392 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1395 info.checked = nil;
1396 if (BGAssist_Config.autorelease) then info.checked = 1; end
1397 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1399 info.text = DISPLAY_MENU_AUTOENTER;
1400 info.checked = nil;
1401 if (not BGAssist_Config.noautoenter) then info.checked = 1; end
1402 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1405 info.checked = nil;
1406 if (BGAssist_Config.autosignup) then info.checked = 1; end
1407 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1410 info.checked = nil;
1411 if (BGAssist_Config.showgycountdown) then info.checked = 1; end
1412 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1415 info.checked = nil;
1416 if (not BGAssist_Config.notargetwindow) then info.checked = 1; end
1417 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1420 info.checked = nil;
1421 if (not BGAssist_Config.noacceptgroups) then info.checked = 1; end
1422 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1425 info.checked = nil;
1426 if (not BGAssist_Config.noautoleavegroup) then info.checked = 1; end
1427 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1428 end
1429 end
1431 function BGAssist_LocateFlags(chatmsg)
1432 local idx, event, faction, player;
1433 for idx in BGAssist_FlagRegexp do
1434 local start, _, one, two = string.find (chatmsg,BGAssist_FlagRegexp[idx].regexp);
1435 if (start) then
1436 event = idx;
1437 player = nil;
1438 faction = nil;
1439 if (BGAssist_FlagRegexp[event].one == "PLAYER") then player = one; end
1440 if (BGAssist_FlagRegexp[event].one == "FACTION") then faction = one; end
1441 if (BGAssist_FlagRegexp[event].two == "PLAYER") then player = two; end
1442 if (BGAssist_FlagRegexp[event].two == "FACTION") then faction = two; end
1443 end
1444 end
1445 -- The text is reversed
1446 if (faction == FACTION_HORDE) then
1447 faction = "Alliance";
1448 elseif (faction == FACTION_ALLIANCE) then
1449 faction = "Horde";
1450 end
1451 --[[
1452 if (event) then
1453 if (player and faction) then
1454 Debug ("EVENT: "..event.." for "..player.." at "..faction);
1455 else
1456 Debug ("EVENT: "..event);
1457 end
1458 else
1459 Debug ("NO EVENT: "..chatmsg);
1460 end
1461 ]]
1462 if (event == "RESET") then
1463 BGAssist_FlagLocs = { };
1464 elseif (event == "PICKED") then
1465 BGAssist_FlagLocs[faction] = player;
1466 elseif (event == "DROPPED" or event == "RETURNED" or event == "CAPTURED") then
1467 BGAssist_FlagLocs[faction] = nil;
1468 end
1470 BGAssist_WSGFlags_OnShow();
1471 end
1473 function BGAssist_ToggleWindow()
1474 if (BGAssist_Timers:IsVisible()) then
1475 BGAssist_Timers:Hide();
1476 else
1477 BGAssist_Timers:Show();
1478 end
1479 end
1481 function BGAssist_WSGFlags_OnShow()
1482 local stateidx = { "Alliance", "Horde" };
1483 local i;
1484 if (not BGAssist_Config.noflags) then
1485 for i = 1, 2, 1 do
1486 local text, icon, isFlashing = GetWorldStateUIInfo(i);
1487 local displayobj = getglobal ("BGAssist_Flags_"..stateidx[i].."_Text");
1488 if (not isFlashing) then
1489 displayobj:SetText("");
1490 elseif (BGAssist_FlagLocs[stateidx[i]]) then
1491 displayobj:SetText(BGAssist_FlagLocs[stateidx[i]]);
1492 else
1493 displayobj:SetText("(Unknown)");
1494 end
1495 end
1496 else
1497 for i = 1, 2, 1 do
1498 local displayobj = getglobal ("BGAssist_Flags_"..stateidx[i].."_Text");
1499 displayobj:SetText("");
1500 end
1501 end
1502 end
1504 function BGAssist_Flags_OnClick(override)
1505 if (not override) then override = this; end
1506 local stateidx = { ["Alliance"] = 1, ["Horde"] = 2 };
1507 local _, _, isFlashing = GetWorldStateUIInfo(stateidx[override.faction]);
1508 if (isFlashing and BGAssist_FlagLocs[override.faction]) then
1509 TargetByName(BGAssist_FlagLocs[override.faction]);
1510 if (UnitName("target") ~= BGAssist_FlagLocs[override.faction]) then
1511 ClearTarget();
1513 end
1514 end
1515 end
1517 local function BGAssist_UpdateTargets()
1518 local idx;
1519 local unit;
1520 local targets = {};
1521 local targetcounts = {};
1522 local targetidx = 0;
1524 local function sort_function (a,b)
1525 if (targetcounts[] > targetcounts[]) then
1526 return true;
1527 elseif (targetcounts[] < targetcounts[]) then
1528 return false;
1529 --[[
1530 elseif (a.distance > b.distance) then
1531 return true;
1532 elseif (a.distance < b.distance) then
1533 return false;
1534 ]]
1535 elseif ( < then
1536 return true;
1537 else
1538 return false;
1539 end
1540 end
1542 local max = 40;
1543 if (BGAssist_InBattleGround == WARSONGGULCH) then max = 10; end
1545 for idx = 1, max, 1 do
1546 unit = "raid"..idx.."target";
1547 if (UnitName(unit) and UnitCanAttack("player",unit)) then
1548 targetidx = targetidx + 1;
1549 local px,py = GetPlayerMapPosition("player");
1550 local tx,ty = GetPlayerMapPosition("raid"..idx);
1551 local xdist = tx-px;
1552 local ydist = ty-py;
1553 local dist = sqrt(math.pow(xdist,2)+math.pow(ydist,2));
1554 targets[targetidx] = {
1555 ["name"] = UnitName(unit);
1556 ["class"] = UnitClass(unit);
1557 ["unit"] = unit;
1558 ["distance"] = dist;
1559 };
1560 if (not targetcounts[UnitName(unit)]) then
1561 targetcounts[UnitName(unit)] = 0;
1562 end
1563 targetcounts[UnitName(unit)] = targetcounts[UnitName(unit)] + 1;
1564 end
1565 end
1566 if (UnitName("target") and UnitCanAttack("player","target")) then
1567 targetidx = targetidx + 1;
1568 targets[targetidx] = {
1569 ["name"] = UnitName("target");
1570 ["class"] = UnitClass(unit);
1571 ["unit"] = "target";
1572 ["distance"] = 0;
1573 };
1574 if (not targetcounts[UnitName("target")]) then
1575 targetcounts[UnitName("target")] = 0;
1576 end
1577 targetcounts[UnitName("target")] = targetcounts[UnitName("target")] + 1;
1578 end
1579 table.sort (targets, sort_function);
1581 local lasttarget = nil;
1582 local targetidx = 1;
1583 for idx = 1, table.getn(targets), 1 do
1584 if (targetidx < 10 and not UnitIsDead(targets[idx].unit) and targets[idx].name ~= lasttarget) then
1585 local targetobj = getglobal("BGAssist_Targets"..targetidx);
1586 local targettxt = getglobal("BGAssist_Targets"..targetidx.."_Text");
1587 local targethealth = getglobal("BGAssist_Targets"..targetidx.."_Bar_Health");
1588 local iconobj = getglobal("BGAssist_Targets"..targetidx.."_Class");
1590 lasttarget = targets[idx].name;
1591 = targets[idx].name;
1592 targetobj.unit = targets[idx].unit;
1593 if (targets[idx].class) then
1594 targetobj.class = string.upper(targets[idx].class);
1595 local coords = CLASS_ICON_TCOORDS[targetobj.class];
1596 iconobj:SetTexCoord(coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4]);
1597 iconobj:Show();
1598 else
1599 targetobj.class = nil;
1600 iconobj:Hide();
1601 end
1602 -- targettxt:SetText(targetcounts[targets[idx].name].." ("..targets[idx].distance..") = "..targets[idx].name);
1603 targettxt:SetText(targets[idx].name);
1604 local health = UnitHealth(targets[idx].unit);
1605 local maxhealth = UnitHealthMax(targets[idx].unit);
1606 if (maxhealth ~= 100) then
1607 health = math.floor(health/maxhealth*100);
1608 end
1609 targethealth:SetValue(health);
1610 targetobj:Show();
1611 targetidx = targetidx + 1;
1612 end
1613 end
1614 for idx = targetidx, 10, 1 do
1615 local targetobj = getglobal("BGAssist_Targets"..idx);
1616 targetobj:Hide();
1617 = nil;
1618 targetobj.unit = nil;
1619 targetobj.class = nil;
1620 --[[
1621 targetobj:Show();
1622 local targettxt = getglobal("BGAssist_Targets"..idx.."_Text");
1623 targettxt:SetText("SpankingMonkeyAss");
1624 local coords = CLASS_ICON_TCOORDS["SHAMAN"];
1625 local iconobj = getglobal("BGAssist_Targets"..idx.."_Class");
1626 iconobj:SetTexCoord(coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], coords[4]);
1627 ]]
1628 end
1629 end
1631 function BGAssist_Targets_OnUpdate(elapsed)
1632 BGAssist_LastUpdate = BGAssist_LastUpdate+elapsed;
1633 if (BGAssist_LastUpdate > 0.1) then
1634 BGAssist_LastUpdate = 0;
1635 BGAssist_UpdateTargets();
1636 end
1637 end
1639 function BGAssist_TargetMenuDropDown_Initialize()
1640 local info = {};
1643 else
1644 info.isTitle = true;
1645 info.text = "BGAssist "..BGASSIST_VERSION;
1646 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1648 info = {};
1649 info.func = BGAssist_MenuDropDown_CheckedToggle;
1652 info.checked = nil;
1653 if (BGAssist_Config.windowlocked) then info.checked = 1; end
1654 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1655 end
1656 end
1658 function BGAssist_Targets_OnShow()
1659 UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(BGAssist_Targets_Menu, BGAssist_TargetMenuDropDown_Initialize, "MENU");
1660 getglobal(this:GetName().."_TitleText"):SetText(DISPLAY_TITLEDISPLAY_TARGETS);
1661 BGAssist_UpdateTargets();
1662 end
1664 function BGAssist_TargetsTitle_OnClick()
1665 if (arg1 == "RightButton") then
1666 ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, BGAssist_Targets_Menu, "BGAssist_Targets_Menu", 0, 50);
1667 else
1668 if (this:GetButtonState() == "PUSHED") then
1669 this:GetParent():StopMovingOrSizing();
1670 elseif (not BGAssist_Config.windowlocked) then
1671 this:GetParent():StartMoving();
1672 end
1673 end
1674 end
1676 function BGAssist_Target_OnClick()
1677 local unit = this:GetParent().unit;
1678 local name = this:GetParent().name;
1679 if (unit and name and UnitName(unit) == name) then
1680 if (SpellIsTargeting()) then
1681 SpellTargetUnit(unit);
1682 else
1683 TargetUnit(unit);
1684 end
1685 elseif (name) then
1686 TargetByName(name);
1687 end
1688 end
1690 function BGAssist_ClassBreakdown_OnLoad()
1691 WorldStateScoreFrame_Alliance1:ClearAllPoints();
1692 WorldStateScoreFrame_Alliance1:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT","WorldStateScoreFrame_Alliance","TOPRIGHT",-4,-4);
1693 WorldStateScoreFrame_Alliance8:SetTexCoord(0,0.25,0.5,0.75);
1695 local i;
1696 for i = 1, 8, 1 do
1697 getglobal("WorldStateScoreFrame_Alliance"..i.."Text"):ClearAllPoints();
1698 getglobal("WorldStateScoreFrame_Alliance"..i.."Text"):SetPoint("RIGHT","WorldStateScoreFrame_Alliance"..i,"LEFT",0,0);
1699 end
1700 end
1702 function BGAssist_AutoInvite_OnClick()
1703 BGAssist_MaintainingGroup = true;
1704 if (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 and IsPartyLeader()) then
1705 ConvertToRaid();
1706 end
1707 local numNotInRaid = GetNumBattlefieldPositions;
1708 if (numNotInRaid and numNotInRaid > 0) then
1709 local i;
1710 for i = 1, numNotInRaid, 1 do
1711 local _,_,who = GetBattlefieldPosition(i);
1712 InviteByName(who);
1713 end
1714 end
1715 end
1717 function BGAssist_AutomaticBGEntry(data)
1718 local i;
1719 local inbg = nil;
1720 for i = 1, MAX_BATTLEFIELD_QUEUES, 1 do
1721 local tmpstatus, tmpmapName, tmpinstanceID = GetBattlefieldStatus(i)
1722 if (tmpstatus == "active") then
1723 data = nil;
1724 inbg = true;
1725 elseif (not inbg and tmpstatus == "confirm") then
1726 data = i;
1727 end
1728 end
1729 if (not inbg and data) then
1730 local status, mapName, instanceID = GetBattlefieldStatus(data)
1731 local goodtoenter = data;
1732 if (((BGAssist_Config.avoidpreexistingwarsong and
1733 mapName == WARSONGGULCH) or
1734 (BGAssist_Config.avoidpreexistingarathi and
1735 mapName == ARATHIBASIN )) and
1736 BGAssist_PreExistingInstances and
1737 BGAssist_PreExistingInstances[instanceID]) then
1738 local timediff = GetTime() - BGAssist_PreExistingInstances[instanceID];
1739 if (timediff < 300) then
1740 goodtoenter = false;
1742 end
1743 end
1744 if (data and goodtoenter and not BGAssist_Config.noautoenter) then
1745 if (BGAssist_InAFK) then
1747 elseif (not (UnitIsDead("player") or UnitIsGhost("player"))) then
1749 AcceptBattlefieldPort(data, 1);
1750 end
1751 end
1752 end
1753 end
1755 function BGAssist_ToggleAutoEntry(force)
1756 local current;
1757 if (StaticPopupDialogs["CONFIRM_BATTLEFIELD_ENTRY"].OnShow) then
1758 current = true;
1759 end
1760 if (force == "ON" or (not current and force ~= "OFF")) then
1761 StaticPopupDialogs["CONFIRM_BATTLEFIELD_ENTRY"].OnShow = function(data)
1762 BGAssist_AutomaticBGEntry(data);
1763 end
1764 elseif (force == "OFF" or (current and force ~= "ON")) then
1765 StaticPopupDialogs["CONFIRM_BATTLEFIELD_ENTRY"].OnShow = nil;
1766 end
1767 end