vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 BEBOPTIONS = {}
3 BEBConfigHeaderText = "BEB "..BEB.CurrentVersion.." Config",
4 BEBConfigFrameButtonClose = "Close",
5 BEBDefaultsButton = "Defaults",
6 BEBMainSelector = "General",
7 BEBBackgroundSelector = "Background",
8 BEBXpBarSelector = "Xp Bar",
9 BEBRestedXpBarSelector = "Rested Xp Bar",
10 BEBMarkersSelector = "Marker artwork",
11 BEBXpTickSelector = "Xp Tick",
12 BEBRestedXpTickSelector = "Rested Xp Tick",
13 BEBRestedXpTickGlowSelector = "Tick Glow",
14 BEBBarTextSelector = "Bar Text",
15 BEBProfileSelector = "Profiles",
16 BEBDragableCheckButtonText = "Dragable.",
17 BEBFlashingCheckButtonText = "Flash when resting.",
18 BEBShownCheckButtonText = "Shown",
19 BEBShowOnMouseoverCheckButtonText = "Show on mouseover.",
20 BEBClickTextCheckButtonText = "Add text to chat on left click",
21 BEBColorsHeader = "Colors",
22 BEBAttachHeader = "Attach",
23 BEBUnrestedTextureColorButtonText = "Unrested",
24 BEBRestedTextureColorButtonText = "Rested",
25 BEBMaxrestedTextureColorButtonText = "Fully Rested",
26 BEBUnrestedTextColorButtonText = "Unrested",
27 BEBRestedTextColorButtonText = "Rested",
28 BEBMaxrestedTextColorButtonText = "Fully Rested",
29 BEB_MainAttachToFrame_Label = "on frame",
30 BEB_BarTextFrame_Label = "Text on the bar",
31 BEB_TextureFrame_Label = "Texture file",
32 BEB_MainAttachPointButton_Label = "point",
33 BEB_MainAttachToPointButton_Label = "to point",
34 BEB_StrataDDMButton_Label = "Strata",
35 BEBOptionsPositionControlsTitle = "Position",
36 BEBOptionsHeightSlider_Label = "Height",
37 BEBOptionsWidthSlider_Label = "Width",
38 BEBOptionsLevelSlider_Label = "Level",
39 BEBOptions_ColorCopy = "Copy",
40 BEBOptions_ColorPaste = "Paste",
41 BEBProfileFrameCreateButton = "Create",
42 BEBProfileFrameUseButton = "Use",
43 BEBProfileFrameLoadButton = "Load",
44 BEBProfileFrameSaveButton = "Save to",
45 BEBProfileFrameDeleteButton = "Delete",
46 }
48 TOP = "Top",
49 BOTTOM = "Bottom",
50 LEFT = "Left",
51 RIGHT = "Right",
52 TOPLEFT = "Top left",
53 TOPRIGHT = "Top right",
54 BOTTOMLEFT = "Bottom left",
55 BOTTONRIGHT = "Bottom right",
56 CENTER = "Center",
57 }
59 UIParent = "UI Parent",
60 MainMenuExpBar = "UI Experience bar",
61 MainMenuBar = "UI Main bar",
62 ChatFrame1 = "UI Chat frame",
63 MinimapCluster = "UI Minimap",
64 PlayerFrame = "UI Player unit frame",
65 }
66 if (BEB.IsFrame("TitanPanelBarButton")) then
67 BEBOPTIONS.UIATTACHFRAMES.TitanPanelBarButton = "Titan Bar"
68 end
69 if (BEB.IsFrame("TitanPanelAuxBarButton")) then
70 BEBOPTIONS.UIATTACHFRAMES.TitanPanelAuxBarButton = "Titan Bar 2"
71 end
72 --[[if (BEB.IsFrame("DAB_ActionBar_1") then
83 end]]
85 ["$plv"] = "$plv Character's level.",
86 ["$cxp"] = "$cxp Current xp for this level.",
87 ["$mxp"] = "$mxp Total xp needed for this level.",
88 ["$rxp"] = "$rxp Rested xp as reported by the game.",
89 ["$Rxp"] = "$Rxp Actual current rested xp.",
90 ["$Cxp"] = "$Cxp Total xp ever earned for this character.",
91 ["$Mxp"] = "$Mxp Xp to go until you can earn no more.",
92 ["$txp"] = "$txp Xp needed to level.",
93 ["$Txp"] = "$Txp Xp needed to reach level 60.",
94 ["$pdl"] = "$pdl Percent of the way through the current level.",
95 ["$Pdl"] = "$Pdl Percent of the way to the end of level 60.",
96 ["$ptl"] = "$ptl Percent of the level left to complete.",
97 ["$res"] = "$res Shows 'Resting' if you are currently resting.",
98 ["$rst"] = "$rst Shows 'Unrested', 'Rested' or 'Fully Rested'.",
99 ["$ptx"] = "$ptx Pet's current xp for this level.",
100 ["$pty"] = "$pty Pet's total xp needed for this level.",
101 ["$ppc"] = "$ppc Pet's % of the way through the current level.",
102 ["$ppn"] = "$ppn Pet's % of the level left to complete.",
103 ["$pxg"] = "$pxg Pet's xp needed to level.",
104 ["$tts"] = "$tts Time played this session.",
105 ["$rss"] = "$rss Xp per second (session).",
106 ["$rsm"] = "$rsm Xp per minute (session).",
107 ["$rsh"] = "$rsh Xp per hour (session).",
108 ["$tls"] = "$tls Time to level up (session).",
109 ["$xts"] = "$xts Xp earned this session.",
110 ["$prt"] = "$prt Percent of the way to being fully rested.",
111 ["$pre"] = "$pre Percent rested to next level.",
112 ["$nkx"] = "$nkx Kills this session that gave XP.",
113 ["$xpk"] = "$xpk Average XP per kill this session.",
114 ["$kls"] = "$kls Number of kills needed to level up (session).",
115 }
117 ["PlainBackdrop"] = "Plain Backdrop",
118 ["BEB-BarFill-Rounded"] = "Rounded bar",
119 ["BEB-BarFill-RoundedLight"] = "Light rounded bar",
120 ["BEB-BarFill-RoundedUp"] = "Rounded bar lit from above",
121 ["BEB-BarFill-Flat"] = "Flat bar",
122 ["BEB-ExperienceBarMarkers"] = "Default marker artwork",
123 ["BEB-ExhaustionTicks"] = "Default ticks",
124 ["BEB-ExhaustionTicksGlow"] = "Default tick glow",
125 ["BEB-BarFill-Metal"] = "Metallic bar texture",
126 ["BEB-BarFill-Wood"] = "Wooden bar texture",
127 }
129 BACKGROUND = "Lowest",
130 DIALOG = "Higher",
131 FULLSCREEN = "Highest",
132 HIGH = "High",
133 LOW = "Low",
134 MEDIUM = "Medium",
135 }
137 none = "<NONE>",
138 profilealreadyexists = "BEB: The profile you wish to create already exists",
139 frameisinvalid = "BEB: The frame you entered does not exist or is invalid.",
140 optionstextwasmouseover = "BEB: Text was being shown on mouseover, this has been disabled",
141 optionstextwashidden = "BEB: Text was set to never show. Text is now enabled",
142 }
143 --@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ French @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
144 if (GetLocale() == "frFR") then
146 BEBConfigHeaderText = "BEB "..BEB.CurrentVersion.." Config",
147 BEBConfigFrameButtonClose = "Fermer",
148 BEBDefaultsButton = "D\195\169fauts",
149 BEBMainSelector = "G\195\169n\195\169ral",
150 BEBBackgroundSelector = "Fond",
151 BEBXpBarSelector = "Bar d'Xp",
152 BEBRestedXpBarSelector = "Bar d'Xp Repos\195\169",
153 BEBMarkersSelector = "dessin-mod\195\168le",
154 BEBXpTickSelector = "Tick d'Xp",
155 BEBRestedXpTickSelector = "Tick d'Xp Repos\195\169",
156 BEBRestedXpTickGlowSelector = "Lueur du Tick",
157 BEBBarTextSelector = "Texte",
158 BEBProfileSelector = "Profils",
159 BEBDragableCheckButtonText = "D\195\168placable.",
160 BEBFlashingCheckButtonText = "Clignotez en se reposant",
161 BEBShownCheckButtonText = "Visible",
162 BEBShowOnMouseoverCheckButtonText = "Montrez lors d'un mouseover",
163 BEBClickTextCheckButtonText = "Ajoutez le texte au Chat lors d'un clique gauche.",
164 BEBColorsHeader = "Couleurs",
165 BEBAttachHeader = "Attacher",
166 BEBUnrestedTextureColorButtonText = "Pas repos\195\169",
167 BEBRestedTextureColorButtonText = "Repos\195\169",
168 BEBMaxrestedTextureColorButtonText = "Enti\195\168rement repos\195\169",
169 BEBUnrestedTextColorButtonText = "Pas repos\195\169",
170 BEBRestedTextColorButtonText = "Repos\195\169",
171 BEBMaxrestedTextColorButtonText = "Enti\195\168rement repos\195\169",
172 BEB_MainAttachToFrame_Label = "sur l'armature",
173 BEB_BarTextFrame_Label = "Texte sur la barre",
174 BEB_TextureFrame_Label = "Fichier de texture",
175 BEB_StrataDDMButton_Label = "Strata", --
176 BEB_MainAttachPointButton_Label = "point",
177 BEB_MainAttachToPointButton_Label = "au point",
178 BEBOptionsPositionControlsTitle = "Position",
179 BEBOptionsHeightSlider_Label = "Hauteur",
180 BEBOptionsWidthSlider_Label = "Largeur",
181 BEBOptionsLevelSlider_Label = "Level", --
182 BEBOptions_ColorCopy = "Copier",
183 BEBOptions_ColorPaste = "Coller",
184 BEBProfileFrameCreateButton = "Cr\195\169er",
185 BEBProfileFrameUseButton = "Employer",
186 BEBProfileFrameLoadButton = "Charger",
187 BEBProfileFrameSaveButton = "Sauver \195\160",
188 BEBProfileFrameDeleteButton = "supprimer",
189 }
191 TOP = "Sup\195\169rieur",
192 BOTTOM = "Inf\195\169rieur",
193 LEFT = "Gauche",
194 RIGHT = "Droite",
195 TOPLEFT = "Sup\195\169rieur gauche",
196 TOPRIGHT = "Sup\195\169rieur droit",
197 BOTTOMLEFT = "Inf\195\169rieur gauche",
198 BOTTONRIGHT = "Inf\195\169rieur droit",
199 CENTER = "Centre",
200 }
202 UIParent = "UI Parent",
203 MainMenuExpBar = "UI Barre d'exp\195\169rience",
204 MainMenuBar = "UI Barre principale",
205 ChatFrame1 = "UI Cadre du dialogue",
206 MinimapCluster = "UI Petite carte",
207 PlayerFrame = "UI Frame du joueur", --
208 }
209 if (BEB.IsFrame("TitanPanelBarButton")) then
210 BEBOPTIONS.UIATTACHFRAMES.TitanPanelBarButton = "Titan Bar" --
211 end
212 if (BEB.IsFrame("TitanPanelAuxBarButton")) then
213 BEBOPTIONS.UIATTACHFRAMES.TitanPanelAuxBarButton = "Titan Bar 2" --
214 end
216 ["$plv"] = "$plv level du joueur.",
217 ["$cxp"] = "$cxp Xp actuel.",
218 ["$mxp"] = "$mxp Xp total pour ce level.",
219 ["$rxp"] = "$rxp Xp au repos (annoncé par le jeu).",
220 ["$Rxp"] = "$Rxp Xp au repos actuel.",
221 ["$Cxp"] = "$Cxp Xp total gagné par ce joueur.",
222 ["$Mxp"] = "$Mxp Xp restant pour atteindre la fin du level 60.",
223 ["$txp"] = "$txp Xp restant pour ce level.",
224 ["$Txp"] = "$Txp Xp restant pour atteindre le level 60.",
225 ["$pdl"] = "$pdl Pourcentage du level d\195\169j\195\160 effectu\195\169",
226 ["$Pdl"] = "$Pdl Pourcentage restant pour atteindre le level 60.",
227 ["$ptl"] = "$ptl Pourcentage restant du level actuel.",
228 ["$res"] = "$res Montre 'Resting' si vous vous reposez.",
229 ["$rst"] = "$rst Montre 'Unrested', 'Rested' ou 'Fully Rested'.",
230 ["$ptx"] = "$ptx Xp du pet pour ce level.",
231 ["$pty"] = "$pty Xp total du pet pour ce level.",
232 ["$ppc"] = "$ppc Pourcentage du level d\195\169j\195\160 effectu\195\169 pour le pet",
233 ["$ppn"] = "$ppn Pourcentage restant au pet pour le level actuel.",
234 ["$pxg"] = "$pxg Xp du pet restant pour ce level.",
235 ["$tts"] = "$tts Temps jou\195\169 dans cette session.",
236 ["$rss"] = "$rss Xp par seconde (session).",
237 ["$rsm"] = "$rsm Xp par minute (session).",
238 ["$rsh"] = "$rsh Xp par heure (session).",
239 ["$tls"] = "$tls Durée pour changer de level (session).",
240 ["$xts"] = "$xts Xp gagn\195\169 cette session.",
241 ["$prt"] = "$prt Pourcentage de l'Xp de repos.",
242 ["$pre"] = "$pre Pourcentage de l'Xp de repos par rapport à l'Xp restant du level",
243 ["$nkx"] = "$nkx Tu\195\169s pour cette session qui ont donn\195\169 de l'XP.",
244 ["$xpk"] = "$xpk Moyenn d'XP par tu\195\169 pour cette session.",
245 ["$kls"] = "$kls Nombre de tu\195\169 nécessaire pour changer de level (session).",
246 }
248 ["PlainBackdrop"] = "Fond d'\195\169cran plein",
249 ["BEB-BarFill-Rounded"] = "Barre arroundis",
250 ["BEB-BarFill-RoundedLight"] = "Barre arroundis \195\169clair\195\169e",
251 ["BEB-BarFill-RoundedUp"] = "Barre arrondis \195\169clair\195\169e par le dessus",
252 ["BEB-BarFill-Flat"] = "Barre plate",
253 ["BEB-ExperienceBarMarkers"] = "Marqueur iconographique de d\195\169faut",
254 ["BEB-ExhaustionTicks"] = "Ticks de d\195\169faut",
255 ["BEB-ExhaustionTicksGlow"] = "Eclairage des ticks de d\195\169faut",
256 ["BEB-BarFill-Metal"] = "Texture de la barre : metallique", --
257 ["BEB-BarFill-Wood"] = "Texture de la barre : bois", --
258 }
260 BACKGROUND = "Tr\195\168s faible",
261 DIALOG = "Tr\195\168 haute",
262 FULLSCREEN = "Tr\195\168s tr\195\168s haute",
263 HIGH = "Haute",
264 LOW = "Faible",
265 MEDIUM = "Moyenne",
266 }
268 none = "<AUCUN>",
269 profilealreadyexists = "BEB: Le profil que vous souhaitez cr\195\169er d\195\169j\195\160 existe.",
270 frameisinvalid = "BEB: Le cadre que vous avez entr\195\169 n'existe pas ou est invalide.",
271 optionstextwasmouseover = "BEB: Le text s'affichait lorsque vous passiez la souris sur un object, cette option a \195\169t\195\169 d\195\169sactiv\195\169",
272 optionstextwashidden = "BEB: Le text ne s'affichait jamais. Dor\195\169navant, le text s'affiche.",
273 }
274 end
275 --@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ German @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
276 if (GetLocale() == "deDE") then
278 BEBConfigHeaderText = "BEB "..BEB.CurrentVersion.." Konfiguration",
279 BEBConfigFrameButtonClose = "Schlie\195\159en",
280 BEBDefaultsButton = "Voreinstellung",
281 BEBMainSelector = "Allgemeines",
282 BEBBackgroundSelector = "Hintergrund",
283 BEBXpBarSelector = "XP-Leiste",
284 BEBRestedXpBarSelector = "Ausgeruhte XP",
285 BEBMarkersSelector = "Markierungen",
286 BEBXpTickSelector = "Erfahrungsticks",
287 BEBRestedXpTickSelector = "Ausgeruhte Ticks",
288 BEBRestedXpTickGlowSelector = "Ticks Leuchten",
289 BEBBarTextSelector = "Leistentext",
290 BEBProfileSelector = "Profile",
291 BEBDragableCheckButtonText = "Bewegbar",
292 BEBFlashingCheckButtonText = "Blinken wenn ausgeruht",
293 BEBShownCheckButtonText = "Sichtbar",
294 BEBShowOnMouseoverCheckButtonText = "Anzeigen bei Mausber\195\188hrung",
295 BEBClickTextCheckButtonText = "Füge den Text mit Linksklick in den Chat ein.",
296 BEBColorsHeader = "Farben",
297 BEBAttachHeader = "Anheften",
298 BEBUnrestedTextureColorButtonText = "Unausgeruht",
299 BEBRestedTextureColorButtonText = "Ausgeruht",
300 BEBMaxrestedTextureColorButtonText = "Voll ausgeruht",
301 BEBUnrestedTextColorButtonText = "Unausgeruht",
302 BEBRestedTextColorButtonText = "Ausgeruht",
303 BEBMaxrestedTextColorButtonText = "Voll ausgeruht",
304 BEB_MainAttachToFrame_Label = "an Rahmen",
305 BEB_BarTextFrame_Label = "Text in der Leiste",
306 BEB_TextureFrame_Label = "Texturendatei",
307 BEB_MainAttachPointButton_Label = "Punkt",
308 BEB_MainAttachToPointButton_Label = "zu Punkt",
309 BEB_StrataDDMButton_Label = "Strata",
310 BEBOptionsPositionControlsTitle = "Position",
311 BEBOptionsHeightSlider_Label = "H\195\182he",
312 BEBOptionsWidthSlider_Label = "Breite",
313 BEBOptionsLevelSlider_Label = "Level",
314 BEBOptions_ColorCopy = "Kopieren",
315 BEBOptions_ColorPaste = "Einf\195\188gen",
316 BEBProfileFrameCreateButton = "Erstellen",
317 BEBProfileFrameUseButton = "Benutzen",
318 BEBProfileFrameLoadButton = "Laden",
319 BEBProfileFrameSaveButton = "Speichern",
320 BEBProfileFrameDeleteButton = "L\195\182schen",
321 }
323 TOP = "Oben",
324 BOTTOM = "Unten",
325 LEFT = "Links",
326 RIGHT = "Rechts",
327 TOPLEFT = "Oben links",
328 TOPRIGHT = "Oben rechts",
329 BOTTOMLEFT = "Unten links",
330 BOTTONRIGHT = "Unten rechts",
331 CENTER = "Mitte",
332 }
334 UIParent = "UI Parent",
335 MainMenuExpBar = "UI Erfahrungsleiste",
336 MainMenuBar = "UI Hauptleiste",
337 ChatFrame1 = "UI Chat Fenster",
338 MinimapCluster = "UI Minimap",
339 PlayerFrame = "UI UI Einheitenframe des Spielers",
340 }
341 if (BEB.IsFrame("TitanPanelBarButton")) then
342 BEBOPTIONS.UIATTACHFRAMES.TitanPanelBarButton = "Titan Bar"
343 end
344 if (BEB.IsFrame("TitanPanelAuxBarButton")) then
345 BEBOPTIONS.UIATTACHFRAMES.TitanPanelAuxBarButton = "Titan Bar 2"
346 end
348 ["$plv"] = "$plv Charakterlevel.",
349 ["$cxp"] = "$cxp Aktuelle Erfahrung f\195\188r dieses Level.",
350 ["$mxp"] = "$mxp Gesamte Erfahrung f\195\188r dieses Level.",
351 ["$rxp"] = "$rxp Ausgeruhte Erfahrung laut Spiel.",
352 ["$Rxp"] = "$Rxp Tats\195\164chliche ausgeruhte Erfahrung.",
353 ["$Cxp"] = "$Cxp Insgesamt gesammelte Erfahrung f\195\188r diesen Charakter.",
354 ["$Mxp"] = "$Mxp Erfahrung die ben\195\182tigt wird, bis keine Erfahrung mehr gesammelt werden kann.",
355 ["$txp"] = "$txp Erfahrung bis Levelanstieg.",
356 ["$Txp"] = "$Txp Erfahrung bis zu Level 60.",
357 ["$pdl"] = "$pdl Prozent geschafft f\195\188r dieses Level.",
358 ["$Pdl"] = "$Pdl Prozent geschafft bis Ende von Level 60.",
359 ["$ptl"] = "$ptl Noch ben\195\182tigte Prozent f\195\188r dieses Level.",
360 ["$res"] = "$res Zeigt 'Ausruhen' wenn du dich gerade ausruhst.",
361 ["$rst"] = "$rst Zeigt 'Ausgeruht', 'Nicht ausgeruht' und 'Vollst\195\164ndig ausgeruht'.",
362 ["$ptx"] = "$ptx Aktuelle Prozent f\195\188r dieses Level des Tieres.",
363 ["$pty"] = "$pty Gesamte Erfahrung f\195\188r dieses Level des Tieres.",
364 ["$ppc"] = "$ppc Prozent geschafft f\195\188r dieses Level des Tieres.",
365 ["$ppn"] = "$ppn Noch ben\195\182tigte Prozent f\195\188r dieses Level des Tieres.",
366 ["$pxg"] = "$pxg N\195\182tige Erfahrung bis Levelanstieg des Tieres.",
367 ["$tts"] = "$tts Zeit gespielt in dieser Session.",
368 ["$rss"] = "$rss Erfahrung pro Sekunde (Session).",
369 ["$rsm"] = "$rsm Erfahrung pro Minute (Session).",
370 ["$rsh"] = "$rsh Erfahrung pro Stunde (Session).",
371 ["$tls"] = "$tls Zeit bis zum nächsten Level (Session).",
372 ["$xts"] = "$xts Erfahrung gesammelt in dieser Session.",
373 ["$prt"] = "$prt Fehlende Prozent bis vollst\195\164ndig erholt.",
374 ["$pre"] = "$pre Fehlende Prozent bis erholt zum nächsten Level.",
375 ["$nkx"] = "$nkx Kills diese Session, die Erfahrung gaben.",
376 ["$xpk"] = "$xpk Durchschnittliche Erfahrung pro Kill in dieser Session.",
377 ["$kls"] = "$kls Anzahl Kills bis zum n\195\164chsten Level (session).",
378 }
380 BACKGROUND = "Niedrigste",
381 DIALOG = "H\195\182her",
382 FULLSCREEN = "H\195\182chste",
383 HIGH = "Hoch",
384 LOW = "Niedriger",
385 MEDIUM = "Mittel",
386 }
388 ["PlainBackdrop"] = "Schlichter Hintergrund",
389 ["BEB-BarFill-Rounded"] = "Abgerundete Leiste",
390 ["BEB-BarFill-RoundedLight"] = "Leicht abgerundete Leiste",
391 ["BEB-BarFill-RoundedUp"] = "Abgerundete Leiste mit Licht von oben",
392 ["BEB-BarFill-Flat"] = "Flache Leiste",
393 ["BEB-ExperienceBarMarkers"] = "Standardm\195\164\195\159iges Markierungsaussehen",
394 ["BEB-ExhaustionTicks"] = "Standardh\195\164kchen",
395 ["BEB-ExhaustionTicksGlow"] = "Stadard H\195\164kchenleuchten",
396 ["BEB-BarFill-Metal"] = "Metallische Leistentextur",
397 ["BEB-BarFill-Wood"] = "Hölzerne Leistentextur",
398 }
400 none = "<KEINS>",
401 profilealreadyexists = "BEB: Das Profil, dass du anlegen willst existiert bereits.",
402 frameisinvalid = "BEB: Der Rahmen den du eingegeben hast existiert nicht oder ist ung\195\188ltig.",
403 optionstextwasmouseover = "BEB: Text war bei Mausber\195\188hrung eingestellt, das wurde deaktiviert.",
404 optionstextwashidden = "BEB: Text war auf nie zeigen eingestellt. Text ist jetzt aktiviert.",
405 }
406 end