vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 aUF = AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("AceEvent-2.0", "AceHook-2.0", "AceDB-2.0", "AceConsole-2.0")
2 aUF.Layouts = {}
4 local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("ag_UnitFrames")
5 local AceOO = AceLibrary("AceOO-2.0")
7 local print = function(msg) if msg then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg) end end
11 function aUF:OnInitialize()
12 self:RegisterDB("aUFDB")
13 self:RegisterDefaults('profile', aUF_DEFAULT_OPTIONS)
15 self:SetupVariables()
16 self:UpdateBlizzVisibility()
17 self:InitMenu()
18 self:RegisterEvents()
19 self:LoadStringFormats()
20 if UnitInRaid("player") == 1 then
22 end
23 aUF:ScheduleRepeatingEvent("agUF_auraPoolSchedule",self.AuraPool, 0.3, self)
24 end
26 function aUF:AuraPool()
27 local n = 0
28 for k,v in pairs(self.auraUpdatePool) do
29 if v == true and self.auraUpdates + n < 5 then
30 self.units[k]:UpdateAuras(true)
31 n = n + 1
32 else
33 break
34 end
35 end
36 aUF.auraUpdates = 0
37 end
39 function aUF:Reset()
40 self:ResetDB("profile")
41 self:LoadStringFormats()
42 self:CallUnitMethods("Reset")
43 self:CallUnitMethods("Reset",nil,nil,nil,"subgroups")
44 end
46 function aUF:OnProfileEnable()
47 self:CallUnitMethods("Reset")
48 end
52 function aUF:RegisterEvents()
53 self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN")
54 self:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED")
55 self:RegisterEvent("RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE")
56 self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PET","PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED")
57 self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED")
59 self:RegisterEvent("agUF_UpdateGroups")
60 end
62 function aUF:SetupVariables()
63 self.auraUpdates = 0
64 self.auraUpdatePool = {}
66 = {}
68 self.imagePath = "Interface\\AddOns\\ag_UnitFrames\\images\\"
69 self.fontPath = "Interface\\AddOns\\ag_UnitFrames\\fonts\\"
71 self.wowClasses = {"player","pet","party","partypet","target","targettarget","raid","raidpet"}
73 -- Which auras can the player see?
74 self.CanDispel = {
75 ["PRIEST"] = {
76 ["Magic"] = true,
77 ["Disease"] = true,
78 },
79 ["SHAMAN"] = {
80 ["Poison"] = true,
81 ["Disease"] = true,
82 },
83 ["PALADIN"] = {
84 ["Magic"] = true,
85 ["Poison"] = true,
86 ["Disease"] = true,
87 },
88 ["MAGE"] = {
89 ["Curse"] = true,
90 },
91 ["DRUID"] = {
92 ["Curse"] = true,
93 ["Poison"] = true,
94 }
95 }
97 -- Various constants like colors, textures...
99 self.DebuffColor = {
100 ["Magic"] = {
101 r = 1,
102 g = 0,
103 b = 0,
104 },
105 ["Disease"] = {
106 r = 0.25,
107 g = 1,
108 b = 0,
109 },
110 ["Poison"] = {
111 r = 0,
112 g = 0.25,
113 b = 1,
114 },
115 ["Curse"] = {
116 r = 0.75,
117 g = 0,
118 b = 0.75,
119 }
120 }
122 self.RepColor = {
123 [1] = {r = 226/255, g = 45/255, b = 75/255},
124 [2] = {r = 226/255, g = 45/255, b = 75/255},
125 [3] = {r = 0.75, g = 0.27, b = 0},
126 [4] = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 34/255},
127 [5] = {r = 0.2, g = 0.8, b = 0.15},
128 [6] = {r = 0.2, g = 0.8, b = 0.15},
129 [7] = {r = 0.2, g = 0.8, b = 0.15},
130 [8] = {r = 0.2, g = 0.8, b = 0.15},
131 }
133 self.HealthColor = {
134 r = 0.11,
135 g = 0.84,
136 b = 0.3,
137 }
139 self.ManaColor = {
140 [0] = { r = 48/255, g = 113/255, b = 191/255}, -- Mana
141 [1] = { r = 226/255, g = 45/255, b = 75/255}, -- Rage
142 [2] = { r = 255/255, g = 210/255, b = 0}, -- Focus
143 [3] = { r = 255, g = 220/255, b = 25/255}, -- Energy
144 [4] = { r = 0.00, g = 1.00, b = 1.00} -- Happiness
145 }
147 self.Borders = {
148 ["Classic"] = {["texture"] = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",["size"] = 16,["insets"] = 5},
149 ["Nurfed"] = {["texture"] = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Border",["size"] = 16,["insets"] = 5},
150 ["Hidden"] = {["texture"] = "",["size"] = 0,["insets"] = 3},
151 }
152 self.Bars = {
153 ["Default"] = self.imagePath.."AceBarFrames.tga",
154 ["Classic"] = "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-StatusBar",
155 ["Smooth"] = self.imagePath.."smooth.tga",
156 ["Bumps"] = self.imagePath.."Bumps.tga",
157 ["Perl"] = self.imagePath.."Perl.tga",
158 ["Gloss"] = self.imagePath.."Gloss.tga",
159 ["Wisps"] = self.imagePath.."Wisps.tga",
160 ["Bars"] = self.imagePath.."Bars.tga",
161 ["Smudge"] = self.imagePath.."Smudge.tga",
162 ["Dabs"] = self.imagePath.."Dabs.tga",
163 ["Rain"] = self.imagePath.."Rain.tga",
164 ["Hatched"] = self.imagePath.."Hatched.tga",
165 ["Cracked"] = self.imagePath.."Cracked.tga",
166 ["Grid"] = self.imagePath.."Grid.tga",
167 ["Button"] = self.imagePath.."Button.tga",
168 ["Skewed"] = self.imagePath.."Skewed.tga",
169 ["Diagonal"] = self.imagePath.."Diagonal.tga",
170 ["Cloud"] = self.imagePath.."Cloud.tga",
171 ["Water"] = self.imagePath.."Water.tga",
172 ["Charcoal"] = self.imagePath.."Charcoal.tga",
173 ["BantoBar"] = self.imagePath.."BantoBar.tga",
174 }
176 self.RaidColors = {
177 ["DRUID"] = "|cffff7c0a",
178 ["HUNTER"] = "|cffaad372",
179 ["MAGE"] = "|cff68ccef",
180 ["PALADIN"] = "|cfff48cba",
181 ["PRIEST"] = "|cffffffff",
182 ["ROGUE"] = "|cfffff468",
183 ["SHAMAN"] = "|cfff48cba",
184 ["WARLOCK"] = "|cff9382C9",
185 ["WARRIOR"] = "|cffc69b6d",
186 }
188 self.RaidRole = {
189 ["DRUID"] = "healer",
190 ["HUNTER"] = "dps",
191 ["MAGE"] = "dps",
192 ["PALADIN"] = "healer",
193 ["PRIEST"] = "healer",
194 ["ROGUE"] = "dps",
195 ["SHAMAN"] = "healer",
196 ["WARLOCK"] = "dps",
197 ["WARRIOR"] = "tank",
198 }
200 self.UnitInformation = {
201 ["name"] = function(u) local type = string.gsub(u, "%d", "") if self.db.profile[type].RaidColorName and UnitIsPlayer(u) then local _,x=UnitClass(u) return string.format("%s%s%s",aUF.RaidColors[x] or "",UnitName(u) or "","|cFFFFFFFF") else return UnitName(u) or "" end end,
203 ["status"] = function (u) if UnitIsDead(u) then return "Dead" elseif UnitIsGhost(u) then return "Ghost" elseif (not UnitIsConnected(u)) then return "Offline" elseif (UnitAffectingCombat(u)) then return "Combat" elseif (u== "player" and IsResting()) then return "Resting" else return "" end end,
204 ["statuscolor"] = function (u) if UnitIsDead(u) then return "|cffff0000" elseif UnitIsGhost(u) then return "|cff9d9d9d" elseif (not UnitIsConnected(u)) then return "|cffff8000" elseif (UnitAffectingCombat(u)) then return "|cffFF0000" elseif (u== "player" and IsResting()) then return WatchDog:GetHex(UnitReactionColor[4]) else return "" end end,
205 ["happycolor"] = function (u) local x=GetPetHappiness() return ( (x==2) and "|cffFFFF00" or (x==1) and "|cffFF0000" or "" ) end,
207 ["aghp"] = function(u) return self:Tag_aghp(u) or "" end,
208 ["agpercenthp"] = function(u) return self:Tag_aghp(u,1) or "" end,
209 ["agmissinghp"] = function(u) return self:Tag_aghp(u,2) or "" end,
210 ["agsmarthp"] = function(u) return self:Tag_aghp(u,3) or "" end,
212 ["agmana"] = function(u) return self:Tag_agmana(u) or "" end,
213 ["agpercentmana"] = function(u) return self:Tag_agmana(u,1) or "" end,
214 ["agmissingmana"] = function(u) return self:Tag_agmana(u,2) or "" end,
215 ["agsmartmana"] = function(u) return self:Tag_agmana(u,3) or "" end,
217 ["agclass"] = function (u) if UnitIsPlayer(u) then return (UnitClass(u) or "Unknown") else return (UnitCreatureFamily(u) or UnitCreatureType(u) or "") end end,
218 ["agrace"] = function (u) if string.find(u,"target") then return UnitRace(u) or "" else return "" end end,
219 ["agtype"] = function (u) if (UnitIsPlusMob(u)) then return aUF:TargetGetMobType(u) or "" else return "" end end,
221 ["curhp"] = function (u) return UnitHealth(u) or 0 end,
222 ["maxhp"] = function (u) return UnitHealthMax(u) or 1 end,
223 ["percenthp"] = function (u) local hpmax = UnitHealthMax(u) return (hpmax ~= 0) and floor((UnitHealth(u) / hpmax) * 100) or 0 end,
224 ["missinghp"] = function (u) return UnitHealthMax(u) - UnitHealth(u) or 0 end,
226 ["curmana"] = function (u) return UnitMana(u) or 1 end,
227 ["maxmana"] = function (u) return UnitManaMax(u) or 0 end,
228 ["percentmana"] = function (u) local mpmax = UnitManaMax(u) return (mpmax ~= 0) and floor((UnitMana(u) / mpmax) * 100) or 0 end,
229 ["missingmana"] = function (u) return UnitHealthMax(u) - UnitHealth(u) or 0 end,
231 ["typemana"] = function (u) local p=UnitPowerType(u) return ( (p==1) and "Rage" or (p==2) and "Focus" or (p==3) and "Energy" or "Mana" ) end,
232 ["level"] = function (u) local x = UnitLevel(u) return ((x>0) and x or "??") end,
233 ["class"] = function (u) return (UnitClass(u) or "Unknown") end,
234 ["creature"] = function (u) return (UnitCreatureFamily(u) or UnitCreatureType(u) or "Unknown") end,
235 ["smartclass"] = function (u) if UnitIsPlayer(u) then return self.UnitInformation["class"](u) else return self.UnitInformation["creature"](u) end end,
236 ["combos"] = function (u) return (GetComboPoints() or 0) end,
237 ["combos2"] = function (u) return string.rep("@", GetComboPoints()) end,
238 ["classification"] = function (u) if UnitClassification(u) == "rare" then return "Rare " elseif UnitClassification(u) == "eliterare" then return "Rare Elite " elseif UnitClassification(u) == "elite" then return "Elite " elseif UnitClassification(u) == "worldboss" then return "Boss " else return "" end end,
239 ["faction"] = function (u) return (UnitFactionGroup(u) or "") end,
240 ["connect"] = function (u) return ( (UnitIsConnected(u)) and "" or "Offline" ) end,
241 ["race"] = function (u) return ( UnitRace(u) or "") end,
242 ["pvp"] = function (u) return ( UnitIsPVP(u) and "PvP" or "" ) end,
243 ["plus"] = function (u) return ( UnitIsPlusMob(u) and "+" or "" ) end,
244 ["sex"] = function (u) local x = UnitSex(u) return ( (x==0) and "Male" or (x==1) and "Female" or "" ) end,
245 ["rested"] = function (u) return (GetRestState()==1 and "Rested" or "") end,
246 ["leader"] = function (u) return (UnitIsPartyLeader(u) and "(L)" or "") end,
247 ["leaderlong"] = function (u) return (UnitIsPartyLeader(u) and "(Leader)" or "") end,
249 ["happynum"] = function (u) return (GetPetHappiness() or 0) end,
250 ["happytext"] = function (u) return ( getglobal("PET_HAPPINESS"..(GetPetHappiness() or 0)) or "" ) end,
251 ["happyicon"] = function (u) local x=GetPetHappiness() return ( (x==3) and ":)" or (x==2) and ":|" or (x==1) and ":(" or "" ) end,
253 ["curxp"] = function (u) return (UnitXP(u) or "") end,
254 ["maxxp"] = function (u) return (UnitXPMax(u) or "") end,
255 ["percentxp"] = function (u) local x=UnitXPMax(u) if (x>0) then return floor( UnitXP(u)/x*100+0.5) else return 0 end end,
256 ["missingxp"] = function (u) return (UnitXPMax(u) - UnitXP(u)) end,
257 ["restedxp"] = function (u) return (GetXPExhaustion() or "") end,
259 ["tappedbyme"] = function (u) if UnitIsTappedByPlayer("target") then return "*" else return "" end end,
260 ["istapped"] = function (u) if UnitIsTapped(u) and (not UnitIsTappedByPlayer("target")) then return "*" else return "" end end,
261 ["pvpranknum"] = function (u) if (UnitPVPRank(u) >= 1) then return ((UnitPVPRank(u)-4) or "") else return "" end end,
262 ["pvprank"] = function (u) if (UnitPVPRank(u) >= 1) then return (GetPVPRankInfo(UnitPVPRank(u), u) or "" ) else return "" end end,
263 ["fkey"] = function (u)
264 local _,_,fkey = string.find(u, "^party(%d)$")
265 if u == "player" then
266 fkey = 0
267 end
268 if not fkey then
269 return ""
270 else
271 return "F"..(fkey+1)
272 end
273 end,
274 ["white"] = function (u) return "|cFFFFFFFF" end,
275 ["aggro"] = function (u)
276 local x = (UnitReaction("player",u) or 5)
277 return self:GiveHex(UnitReactionColor[x].r, UnitReactionColor[x].g, UnitReactionColor[x].b)
278 end,
279 ["difficulty"] = function (u) if UnitCanAttack("player",u) then local x = (UnitLevel(u)>0) and UnitLevel(u) or 99 local color = GetDifficultyColor(x) return aUF:GiveHex(color.r,color.g,color.b) else return "" end end,
280 ["colormp"] = function (u) local x = ManaBarColor[UnitPowerType(u)] return self:GiveHex(x.r, x.g, x.b) end,
281 ["inmelee"] = function (u) if PlayerFrame.inCombat then return "|cffFF0000" else return "" end end,
282 ["incombat"] = function (u) if UnitAffectingCombat(u) then return "|cffFF0000" else return "" end end,
283 ["raidcolor"] = function (u) local _,x=UnitClass(u) if x and UnitIsPlayer(u) then return (self.RaidColors[x] or "") else return "" end end,
284 }
286 self.formats = {
287 ["Health"] = {
288 ["Absolute"] = "[aghp]",
289 ["Difference"] = "[agmissinghp]",
290 ["Percent"] = "[agpercenthp]",
291 ["Smart"] = "[agsmarthp]",
292 ["Hide"] = "",
293 },
294 ["Mana"] = {
295 ["Absolute"] = "[agmana]",
296 ["Difference"] = "[agmissingmana]",
297 ["Percent"] = "[agpercentmana]",
298 ["Smart"] = "[agsmartmana]",
299 ["Hide"] = "",
300 },
301 ["Name"] = {
302 ["Default"] = "[name]",
303 ["Hide"] = "",
304 },
305 ["Class"] = {
306 ["Default"] = "[agtype][difficulty][level][white] [raidcolor][agclass][white] [agrace]",
307 ["Hide"] = "",
308 }
309 }
312 self.HelperFunctions = {}
313 self.units = {}
314 self.subgroups = {}
315 self.changedSubgroups = {}
316 end
318 -- EVENTS
320 function aUF:PLAYER_LOGIN()
321 aUF:CreateObject("player","player","XP")
322 aUF:CreateObject("pet","pet","XP")
323 aUF:CreateObject("target","target","Combo")
324 aUF:CreateObject("targettarget","targettarget","Metro")
327 end
330 if then
332 end
333 if self.units.targettarget then
334 if UnitExists("target") then
335 self.units.targettarget:Start()
336 else
337 self.units.targettarget:Stop()
338 end
339 end
340 end
343 for i = 1,4 do
344 if aUF:CheckVisibility("party"..i) == true then
345 aUF:CreateObject("party"..i)
346 end
347 if aUF:CheckVisibility("partypet"..i) == true then
348 aUF:CreateObject("partypet"..i)
349 end
350 end
351 end
353 function aUF:RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE()
354 for i = 1,40 do
355 if aUF:CheckVisibility("raid"..i) == true then
356 aUF:CreateObject("raid"..i,"raid"..i,"Raid")
357 end
358 end
360 end
362 function aUF:agUF_UpdateGroups()
363 for name in self.changedSubgroups do
364 if string.find(name,"party") then
365 self.subgroups[name].raid = false
366 end
367 self.subgroups[name]:Update()
368 end
369 self.changedSubgroups = {}
370 end
374 function aUF:CreateObject(name,unit,type,db)
375 if not self.units[name] then
376 if not unit then
377 unit = name
378 end
379 if not type then
380 self.units[name] = self.classes.aUFunit:new(name,unit,db)
381 else
382 self.units[name] = self.classes["aUFunit"..type]:new(name,unit,db)
383 end
384 end
385 end
387 function aUF:FindObjects(sortBy,object)
388 local table = {}
389 if not object then object = "units" end
390 if self[object] then
391 for _,v in self[object] do
392 if v[sortBy] then
393 if not table[v[sortBy]] then
394 table[v[sortBy]] = {}
395 end
396 tinsert(table[v[sortBy]],v)
397 end
398 end
399 end
400 return table
401 end
403 function aUF:CallUnitMethods(func,arg,find,type,object)
404 if not func then return end
405 if find and type then
406 if aUF:FindObjects(type)[find] then
407 for _,unitObject in aUF:FindObjects(type,object)[find] do
408 if unitObject[func] then
409 unitObject[func](unitObject,arg)
410 end
411 end
412 end
413 else
414 if not object then object = "units" end
415 if self[object] then
416 for _,unitObject in self[object] do
417 unitObject[func](unitObject,arg)
418 end
419 end
420 end
421 end
423 function aUF:CheckVisibility(unit)
424 local _,_,type = string.find(unit, "(%a+)")
426 -- if self.db.profile[type].AlwaysShow == true then
427 -- return true
428 -- end
429 -- Special cases
430 -- Hide targettarget if player is targetting self
431 if unit == "targettarget" then
432 if UnitName("player") == UnitName("target") then
433 return false
434 end
435 -- Hide partyframes in raid
436 elseif type == "party" then
437 if self.db.profile.RaidHideParty == true and UnitInRaid("player") == 1 then
438 return false
439 end
440 elseif type == "partypet" then
441 if self.db.profile.RaidHideParty == true and UnitInRaid("player") == 1 then
442 return false
443 end
444 local parent = string.gsub(unit,"pet","")
445 if aUF:CheckVisibility(parent) == false then
446 return false
447 end
448 elseif type == "raidpet" then
449 local parent = string.gsub(unit,"pet","")
450 if not aUF:CheckVisibility(parent) then
451 return false
452 end
453 end
455 if (UnitExists(unit) and not self.db.profile[type].HideFrame == true) then
456 return true
457 end
458 end
460 function aUF:UtilFactionColors(unit)
461 local r, g, b = 0,0,0
462 local a = 0.5
463 if ( UnitPlayerControlled(unit) ) then
464 if ( UnitCanAttack(unit, "player") ) then
465 if ( not UnitCanAttack("player", unit) ) then
466 r = self.ManaColor[0].r
467 g = self.ManaColor[0].g
468 b = self.ManaColor[0].b
469 else
470 r = self.ManaColor[1].r
471 g = self.ManaColor[1].g
472 b = self.ManaColor[1].b
473 end
474 elseif ( UnitCanAttack("player", unit) ) then
475 r = self.ManaColor[3].r
476 g = self.ManaColor[3].g
477 b = self.ManaColor[3].b
478 elseif ( UnitIsPVP(unit) ) then
479 r = self.HealthColor.r
480 g = self.HealthColor.g
481 b = self.HealthColor.b
482 else
483 r = self.ManaColor[0].r
484 g = self.ManaColor[0].g
485 b = self.ManaColor[0].b
486 end
487 elseif ( UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) ) or UnitIsDead(unit) then
488 r = 0.5
489 g = 0.5
490 b = 0.5
491 else
492 local reaction = UnitReaction(unit, "player")
493 if ( reaction ) then
494 if reaction == 5 or reaction == 6 or reaction == 7 then
495 r = self.HealthColor.r
496 g = self.HealthColor.g
497 b = self.HealthColor.b
498 elseif reaction == 4 then
499 r = self.ManaColor[3].r
500 g = self.ManaColor[3].g
501 b = self.ManaColor[3].b
502 elseif reaction == 1 or reaction == 2 or reaction == 3 then
503 r = self.ManaColor[1].r
504 g = self.ManaColor[1].g
505 b = self.ManaColor[1].b
506 else
507 r = UnitReactionColor[reaction].r
508 g = UnitReactionColor[reaction].g
509 b = UnitReactionColor[reaction].b
510 end
511 end
512 end
513 return {r = r,g = g,b = b}
514 end
516 function aUF:GiveHex(r,g,b)
517 r=r*255
518 g=g*255
519 b=b*255
520 return string.format("|cff%2x%2x%2x", r, g, b) or ""
521 end
523 function aUF:GetRaidColors(class)
524 if self.RaidColors[class] then
525 return self.RaidColors[class]
526 else
527 return "|r"
528 end
529 end
531 function aUF:TargetGetMobType(unit)
532 local classification = UnitClassification(unit)
533 if ( classification == "worldboss" ) then
534 return "Boss "
535 elseif ( classification == "rareelite" ) then
536 return "Rare-Elite "
537 elseif ( classification == "elite" ) then
538 return "Elite "
539 elseif ( classification == "rare" ) then
540 return "Rare "
541 else
542 return nil;
543 end
544 end
546 function aUF:UnitDebuff(unit,id,filter)
547 local aura, count, t = UnitDebuff(unit,id)
548 local _, eClass = UnitClass("player")
550 if filter == 1 then
551 if ( self.CanDispel[eClass] and self.CanDispel[eClass][t] == true or ( eClass == "PRIEST" and aura == "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_AshesToAshes") ) then
552 return aura, count or 0, t
553 end
554 else
555 return aura, count or 0, t
556 end
557 end
559 function aUF:FeedbackUpdate()
560 local maxalpha = 0.6
561 local found
562 for objectName,v in do
563 found = true
564 local unitOjbect = aUF.units[objectName]
565 local elapsedTime = GetTime() - unitOjbect.feedbackStartTime
566 if ( elapsedTime < COMBATFEEDBACK_FADEINTIME ) then
567 local alpha = maxalpha*(elapsedTime / COMBATFEEDBACK_FADEINTIME)
568 unitOjbect.HitIndicator:SetAlpha(alpha)
570 unitOjbect.HitIndicator:SetAlpha(maxalpha)
573 unitOjbect.HitIndicator:SetAlpha(alpha)
574 else
575 unitOjbect.HitIndicator:Hide()
576[objectName] = nil
577 end
578 end
579 if not found then
580 self:CancelScheduledEvent("agUF_CombatSchedule")
581 end
582 end
584 -- Dewdrop stuff
586 function aUF:CreateMenu()
587 self.dewdrop = AceLibrary("Dewdrop-2.0")
589 local unitTable = {}
590 unitTable.UnitHeader = {
591 name = L"unitsettings",
592 type = 'header',
593 desc = "desc",
594 order = 1,
595 }
596 for order,unit in ipairs(self.wowClasses) do
597 unitTable[unit] = aUF:CreateDewdrop(unit,(order + 1),true)
598 end
600 local agDewdropMenu = {
601 type= 'group',
602 args = {
603 AddonHeader = {
604 name = L"addonname",
605 type = 'header',
606 desc = "desc",
607 order = 1,
608 },
609 Units = {
610 name = L"units",
611 type = 'group',
612 desc = L"UnitDesc",
613 args = unitTable,
614 order = 2,
615 },
616 Borders = {
617 name = L"borders",
618 type = 'text',
619 desc = L"BordersDesc",
620 get = function()
621 return self.db.profile.BorderStyle
622 end,
623 set = function(option)
624 self.db.profile.BorderStyle = option
625 self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground")
626 self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground",nil,nil,nil,"subgroups")
627 end,
628 validate = {"Classic", "Nurfed", "Hidden"},
629 order = 3,
630 },
631 FrameColors = {
632 type= 'group',
633 name = L"framecolors",
634 desc = L"framecolorsdesc",
635 args = {
636 partybg = {
637 name = L"partybg",
638 type = 'color',
639 desc = L"partybgdesc",
640 hasAlpha = true,
641 get = function()
642 return self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.r, self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.g, self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.b, self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.a
643 end,
644 set = function(r, g, b, a)
645 self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.r, self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.g, self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.b, self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.a = r, g, b, a
646 self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground")
647 self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground",nil,nil,nil,"subgroups")
648 end,
649 order = 1,
650 },
651 targetbg = {
652 name = L"targetbg",
653 type = 'color',
654 desc = L"targetbgdesc",
655 hasAlpha = true,
656 get = function()
657 return self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.r, self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.g, self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.b, self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.a
658 end,
659 set = function(r, g, b, a)
660 self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.r, self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.g, self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.b, self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.a = r, g, b, a
661 self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground")
662 self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground",nil,nil,nil,"subgroups")
663 end,
664 order = 2,
665 },
666 border = {
667 name = L"bordercolor",
668 type = 'color',
669 desc = L"bordercolordesc",
670 hasAlpha = true,
671 get = function()
672 return self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.r, self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.g, self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.b, self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.a
673 end,
674 set = function(r, g, b, a)
675 self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.r, self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.g, self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.b, self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.a = r, g, b, a
676 self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground")
677 self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground",nil,nil,nil,"subgroups")
678 end,
679 order = 3,
680 },
681 },
682 order = 4,
683 },
684 BarColors = {
685 type= 'group',
686 args = {
687 Health = {
688 name = L"health",
689 type = 'color',
690 desc = L"healthDesc",
691 get = function()
692 return self.db.profile.HealthColor.r, self.db.profile.HealthColor.g, self.db.profile.HealthColor.b
693 end,
694 set = function(r, g, b)
695 self.db.profile.HealthColor.r, self.db.profile.HealthColor.g, self.db.profile.HealthColor.b = r, g, b
696 self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor")
697 end,
698 order = 1,
699 },
700 Mana = {
701 name = L"mana",
702 type = 'color',
703 desc = L"manaDesc",
704 get = function()
705 return self.db.profile.ManaColor[0].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[0].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[0].b
706 end,
707 set = function(r, g, b)
708 self.db.profile.ManaColor[0].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[0].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[0].b = r, g, b
709 self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor")
710 end,
711 order = 2,
712 },
713 Rage = {
714 name = L"rage",
715 type = 'color',
716 desc = L"rageDesc",
717 get = function()
718 return self.db.profile.ManaColor[1].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[1].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[1].b
719 end,
720 set = function(r, g, b)
721 self.db.profile.ManaColor[1].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[1].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[1].b = r, g, b
722 self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor")
723 end,
724 order = 3,
725 },
726 Energy = {
727 name = L"energy",
728 type = 'color',
729 desc = L"energyDesc",
730 get = function()
731 return self.db.profile.ManaColor[3].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[3].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[3].b
732 end,
733 set = function(r, g, b)
734 self.db.profile.ManaColor[3].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[3].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[3].b = r, g, b
735 self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor")
736 end,
737 order = 4,
738 },
739 PetFocus = {
740 name = L"petfocus",
741 type = 'color',
742 desc = L"petfocusDesc",
743 get = function()
744 return self.db.profile.ManaColor[2].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[2].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[2].b
745 end,
746 set = function(r, g, b)
747 self.db.profile.ManaColor[2].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[2].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[2].b = r, g, b
748 self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor")
749 end,
750 order = 5,
751 },
752 },
753 order = 5,
754 name = L"barcolors",
755 desc = L"barcolorsDesc",
756 },
757 BarStyle = {
758 name = L"barstyle",
759 type = 'text',
760 desc = L"BarStyleDesc",
761 get = function()
762 return self.db.profile.BarStyle
763 end,
764 set = function(option)
765 self.db.profile.BarStyle = option
766 self:CallUnitMethods("BarTexture")
767 end,
768 validate = {"Classic", "Default","Smooth", "Bars", "Bumps", "Button", "Cloud", "Cracked", "Dabs", "Diagonal", "Gloss", "Grid", "Hatched", "Perl", "Rain", "Skewed", "Smudge", "Water", "Wisps","Charcoal","BantoBar"},
769 order = 6,
770 },
771 ShowPvPIcon = {
772 name = L"pvpicon",
773 type = 'toggle',
774 desc = L"ShowPVPIconDesc",
775 get = function()
776 return self.db.profile.ShowPvPIcon
777 end,
778 set = function(option)
779 self.db.profile.ShowPvPIcon = option
780 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdatePvP",true)
781 end,
782 order = 7,
783 },
784 ShowGroupIcons = {
785 name = L"groupicon",
786 type = 'toggle',
787 desc = L"ShowGroupIconsDesc",
788 get = function()
789 return self.db.profile.ShowGroupIcons
790 end,
791 set = function(option)
792 self.db.profile.ShowGroupIcons = option
793 self:CallUnitMethods("LabelsCheckLeader")
794 end,
795 order = 8,
796 },
797 HighlightSelected = {
798 name = L"highlightselected",
799 type = 'toggle',
800 desc = L"HighlightSelectedDesc",
801 get = function()
802 return self.db.profile.HighlightSelected
803 end,
804 set = function(option)
805 self.db.profile.HighlightSelected = option
806 end,
807 order = 9,
808 },
809 Locked = {
810 name = L"lock",
811 type = 'toggle',
812 desc = L"LockedDesc",
813 get = function()
814 return self.db.profile.Locked
815 end,
816 set = function(option)
817 self.db.profile.Locked = option
818 end,
819 order = 12,
820 },
821 }
822 }
823 self.dewdrop:InjectAceOptionsTable(self, agDewdropMenu)
824 return agDewdropMenu
825 end
827 function aUF:InitMenu()
828 if not then
829 = aUF:CreateMenu()
830 end
832 local agSlashMenu = {
833 type = "group",
834 args = {
835 config = {
836 name = L('config'),
837 desc = L('configdesc'),
838 type = 'execute',
839 func = function()
840 self.dewdrop:Open(UIParent, 'children', function() self.dewdrop:FeedAceOptionsTable( end,'cursorX', true, 'cursorY', true)
841 end,
842 },
843 reset = {
844 name = L('reset'),
845 desc = L('resetdesc'),
846 type = 'execute',
847 func = function()
848 self:Reset()
849 end,
850 }
851 }
852 }
854 self:RegisterChatCommand({ "/aguf", "/ag_unitframes" }, agSlashMenu )
855 end
857 function aUF:CreateDewdrop(type,order,mainmenu)
858 local class = type
859 local prettyname = L(class)
861 local strings = {"Health","Mana","Name","Class"}
862 -- local strings = {"Health","Mana"}
864 local stringArgs = {}
866 for k,v in strings do
867 local name = v
868 local order = k
869 local validate
870 if v == "Health" or v == "Mana" then
871 validate = {"Absolute", "Difference", "Percent", "Smart","Custom", "Hide"}
872 else
873 validate = {"Default","Custom", "Hide"}
874 end
875 stringArgs[v] = {
876 name = name.." Text",
877 type = 'group',
878 desc = L"UnitDesc",
879 order = order,
880 args = {
881 StatusTextStyle = {
882 name = "Style",
883 type = 'text',
884 desc = L"StatusTextDesc",
885 get = function()
886 return self.db.profile[class][name.."Style"]
887 end,
888 set = function(option)
889 self.db.profile[class][name.."Style"] = option
891 self:SetStringFormats(class)
892 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateTextStrings",nil,class,"type")
893 end,
894 validate = validate,
895 order = 1,
896 },
897 HealthCustom = {
898 name = "Custom",
899 type = 'text',
900 desc = L"StatusTextDesc",
901 get = function()
902 return self.db.profile[class][name.."Format"]
903 end,
904 set = function(option)
905 self.db.profile[class][name.."Format"] = option
907 self:SetStringFormats(class)
908 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateTextStrings",nil,class,"type")
909 end,
910 usage = "",
911 order = 2,
912 }
913 }
914 }
915 end
919 local table = {
920 name = prettyname,
921 type = 'group',
922 desc = prettyname.." Settings",
923 order = order,
924 args = {
925 UnitHeader = {
926 name = prettyname.." "..L"layoutsettings",
927 type = 'header',
928 desc = "desc",
929 order = 1,
930 },
931 FrameStyle = {
932 name = L"framestyle",
933 type = 'text',
934 desc = L"FrameStyleDesc",
935 validate = {},
936 get = function()
937 return self.db.profile[class].FrameStyle
938 end,
939 set = function(option)
940 self.db.profile[class].FrameStyle = option
941 self:CallUnitMethods("ApplyTheme",nil,class,"type")
942 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateName",true,class,"type")
943 end,
944 order = 2,
945 },
947 Width = {
948 name = L"widthadjust",
949 type = 'range',
950 desc = L"widthadjustDesc",
951 min = 50,
952 max = 400,
953 step = 1,
954 get = function()
955 return self.db.profile[class].Width
956 end,
957 set = function(option)
958 self.db.profile[class].Width = option
959 self:CallUnitMethods("SetWidth",nil,class,"type")
960 end,
961 order = 3,
962 },
964 StatusTextStyle = {
965 name = "Status Text",
966 type = 'group',
967 desc = L"UnitDesc",
968 order = 5,
969 args = stringArgs,
970 },
971 Scale = {
972 name = L"scale",
973 type = 'range',
974 desc = L"ScaleDesc",
975 min = 0.5,
976 max = 2,
977 step = 0.01,
978 isPercent = true,
979 get = function()
980 return self.db.profile[class].Scale
981 end,
982 set = function(option)
983 self.db.profile[class].Scale = option
984 self:CallUnitMethods("LoadScale",nil,class,"type")
985 self:CallUnitMethods("LoadPosition",nil,class,"type")
986 end,
987 order = 7,
988 },
989 ClassColorBars = {
990 name = L"classcolorbar",
991 type = 'toggle',
992 desc = L"ClassColorBarsDesc",
993 get = function()
994 return self.db.profile[class].ClassColorBars
995 end,
996 set = function(option)
997 self.db.profile[class].ClassColorBars = option
998 self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor",nil,class,"type")
999 end,
1000 order = 20,
1001 },
1002 RaidColorName = {
1003 name = L"raidcolorname",
1004 type = 'toggle',
1005 desc = L"RaidColorNameDesc",
1006 get = function()
1007 return self.db.profile[class].RaidColorName
1008 end,
1009 set = function(option)
1010 self.db.profile[class].RaidColorName = option
1011 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateTextStrings",nil,class,"type")
1012 end,
1013 order = 21,
1014 },
1015 ShowCombat = {
1016 name = L"showcombat",
1017 type = 'toggle',
1018 desc = L"ShowCombatDesc",
1019 get = function()
1020 return self.db.profile[class].ShowCombat
1021 end,
1022 set = function(option)
1023 self.db.profile[class].ShowCombat = option
1024 end,
1025 order = 23,
1026 },
1027 ShowInCombatIcon = {
1028 name = L"showincombat",
1029 type = 'toggle',
1030 desc = L"ShowInCombatDesc",
1031 get = function ()
1032 return self.db.profile[class].ShowInCombatIcon
1033 end,
1034 set = function(option)
1035 self.db.profile[class].ShowInCombatIcon = option
1036 end,
1037 order = 24,
1038 },
1039 ShowRaidTargetIcon = {
1040 name = L"showraidicon",
1041 type = 'toggle',
1042 desc = L"ShowRaidIconDesc",
1043 get = function ()
1044 return self.db.profile[class].ShowRaidTargetIcon
1045 end,
1046 set = function(option)
1047 self.db.profile[class].ShowRaidTargetIcon = option
1048 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateRaidTargetIcon",true,class,"type")
1049 end,
1050 order = 25,
1051 },
1052 LongStatusbars = {
1053 name = L"longbars",
1054 type = 'toggle',
1055 desc = L"LongBarsDesc",
1056 get = function()
1057 return self.db.profile[class].LongStatusbars
1058 end,
1059 set = function(option)
1060 self.db.profile[class].LongStatusbars = option
1061 self:CallUnitMethods("ApplyTheme",nil,class,"type")
1062 end,
1063 order = 26,
1064 },
1065 HideMana = {
1066 name = L"hidemana",
1067 type = 'toggle',
1068 desc = L"HideManaDesc",
1069 get = function()
1070 return self.db.profile[class].HideMana
1071 end,
1072 set = function(option)
1073 self.db.profile[class].HideMana = option
1074 self:CallUnitMethods("ApplyTheme",nil,class,"type")
1075 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateName",true,class,"type")
1076 end,
1077 order = 27,
1078 },
1079 HideFrame = {
1080 name = L"hideframe",
1081 type = 'toggle',
1082 desc = L"HideFrameDesc",
1083 get = function()
1084 return self.db.profile[class].HideFrame
1085 end,
1086 set = function(option)
1087 self.db.profile[class].HideFrame = option
1089 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAll",nil,class,"type")
1090 end,
1091 order = 29,
1092 },
1093 Spacing1 = {
1094 name = " ",
1095 type = 'header',
1096 order = 35,
1097 },
1098 AuraHeader = {
1099 name = L"aurasettings",
1100 type = 'header',
1101 order = 39,
1102 },
1103 AuraStyle = {
1104 name = L"aurastyle",
1105 type = 'text',
1106 desc = L"AuraStyleDesc",
1107 get = function()
1108 return self.db.profile[class].AuraStyle
1109 end,
1110 set = function(option)
1111 self.db.profile[class].AuraStyle = option
1112 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAuras",true,class,"type")
1113 self:CallUnitMethods("AuraPosition",true,class,"type")
1114 end,
1115 validate = {OneLine = L"oneline", TwoLines = L"twolines", Hide = L"hide"},
1116 order = 40,
1117 },
1118 AuraPos = {
1119 name = L"aurapos",
1120 type = 'text',
1121 desc = L"AuraPosDesc",
1122 get = function()
1123 return self.db.profile[class].AuraPos
1124 end,
1125 set = function(option)
1126 self.db.profile[class].AuraPos = option
1127 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAuras",true,class,"type")
1128 self:CallUnitMethods("AuraPosition",true,class,"type")
1129 end,
1130 validate = {"Right", "Left", "Above", "Below"},
1131 order = 41,
1132 },
1133 DebuffColoring = {
1134 name = L"debuffcoloring",
1135 type = 'toggle',
1136 desc = L"DebuffColoringDesc",
1137 get = function()
1138 return self.db.profile[class].AuraDebuffC
1139 end,
1140 set = function(option)
1141 self.db.profile[class].AuraDebuffC = option
1142 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAuras",true,class,"type")
1143 end,
1144 order = 42,
1145 },
1146 AuraFilter = {
1147 name = L"aurafilter",
1148 type = 'toggle',
1149 desc = L"AuraFilterDesc",
1150 get = function()
1151 if self.db.profile[class].AuraFilter == 1 then
1152 return true
1153 else
1154 return false
1155 end
1156 end,
1157 set = function(option)
1158 if option == true then
1159 self.db.profile[class].AuraFilter = 1
1160 else
1161 self.db.profile[class].AuraFilter = 0
1162 end
1163 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAuras",true,class,"type")
1164 end,
1165 order = 43,
1166 }
1167 }
1168 }
1169 -- Inject themes from the theme table
1170 local themetable = {}
1171 for k, v in self.Layouts do
1172 tinsert(themetable,k)
1173 end
1174 table.args.FrameStyle.validate = themetable
1176 -- PLAYER/PET
1177 --[[
1178 if class == "player" then
1179 local ShowRestingIcon = {
1180 name = L"showresting",
1181 type = 'toggle',
1182 desc = L"ShowRestingDesc",
1183 get = function()
1184 return self.db.profile[class].ShowRestingIcon
1185 end,
1186 set = function(option)
1187 self.db.profile[class].ShowRestingIcon = option
1188 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateResting",nil,class,"type")
1189 end,
1190 order = 26,
1191 }
1192 table.args.ShowRestingIcon = ShowRestingIcon
1193 end
1194 ]]
1195 if class == "player" or class == "pet" then
1196 local ShowXP = {
1197 name = L"showxp",
1198 type = 'toggle',
1199 desc = L"ShowXPDesc",
1200 get = function()
1201 return self.db.profile[class].ShowXP
1202 end,
1203 set = function(option)
1204 self.db.profile[class].ShowXP = option
1205 self:CallUnitMethods("ApplyTheme",nil,class,"type")
1206 end,
1207 order = 26,
1208 }
1209 table.args.ShowXP = ShowXP
1210 end
1212 if class == "pet" then
1213 local PetGrouping = {
1214 name = L"petgrouping",
1215 type = 'text',
1216 desc = L"PetGroupingDesc",
1217 get = function()
1218 return self.db.profile.PetGrouping
1219 end,
1220 set = function(option)
1221 self.db.profile.PetGrouping = option
1222 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAll")
1223 end,
1224 validate = {["withplayer"] = L"withplayer", ["nogroup"] = L"nogroup"},
1225 order = 6,
1226 }
1227 table.args.PetGrouping = PetGrouping
1228 end
1230 if class == "pet" or class == "partypet" or class == "raidpet" then
1231 table.args.RaidColorName = nil
1232 table.args.ClassColorBars = nil
1233 end
1235 -- TARGET
1236 if string.find(class,"target") then
1237 local TargetShowHostile = {
1238 name = L"targetshowhostile",
1239 type = 'toggle',
1240 desc = L"TargetHostileDesc",
1241 get = function()
1242 return self.db.profile.TargetShowHostile
1243 end,
1244 set = function(option)
1245 self.db.profile.TargetShowHostile = option
1246 self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor",nil,class,"type")
1247 end,
1248 order = 22,
1249 }
1250 table.args.TargetShowHostile = TargetShowHostile
1251 end
1253 -- PARTY
1254 if class == "party" then
1255 local RaidHideParty = {
1256 name = L"raidhideparty",
1257 type = 'toggle',
1258 desc = L"RaidHidePartyDesc",
1259 get = function()
1260 return self.db.profile.RaidHideParty
1261 end,
1262 set = function(option)
1263 self.db.profile.RaidHideParty = option
1264 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAll",nil,"party","type")
1265 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAll",nil,"partypet","type")
1266 end,
1267 order = 28,
1268 }
1269 table.args.RaidHideParty = RaidHideParty
1271 local PartyGrouping = {
1272 name = L"partygrouping",
1273 type = 'text',
1274 desc = L"PartyGroupingDesc",
1275 get = function()
1276 return self.db.profile.PartyGrouping
1277 end,
1278 set = function(option)
1279 self.db.profile.PartyGrouping = option
1281 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAll")
1282 end,
1283 validate = {["withplayer"] = L"withplayer", ["withoutplayer"] = L"withoutplayer", ["nogroup"] = L"nogroup"},
1284 order = 6,
1285 }
1286 table.args.PartyGrouping = PartyGrouping
1287 end
1289 -- RAID
1290 if class == "raid" then
1291 local RaidGrouping = {
1292 name = L"raidgrouping",
1293 type = 'text',
1294 desc = L"RaidGroupingDesc",
1295 get = function()
1296 return self.db.profile.RaidGrouping
1297 end,
1298 set = function(option)
1299 self.db.profile.RaidGrouping = option
1300 self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAll")
1301 end,
1302 validate = {["bysubgroup"] = L"bysubgroup", ["byclass"] = L"byclass", ["byrole"] = L"byrole", ["nogroup"] = L"nogroup", ["onebiggroup"] = L"onebiggroup"},
1303 order = 6,
1304 }
1305 table.args.RaidGrouping = RaidGrouping
1306 end
1308 if not mainmenu then
1309 = L(class).." "..L"frame"
1310 local EndSpacing = {
1311 name = " ",
1312 type = 'header',
1313 order = 51,
1314 }
1315 table.args.EndSpacing = EndSpacing
1316 end
1318 return table
1319 end
1321 function aUF:LoadStringFormats()
1322 for order,unit in ipairs(self.wowClasses) do
1323 self:SetStringFormats(unit)
1324 end
1325 end
1327 function aUF:SetStringFormats(type)
1328 local db = self.db.profile[type]
1329 local strings = {"Health","Mana","Name","Class"}
1330 if not aUF.HelperFunctions[type] then
1331 aUF.HelperFunctions[type] = {}
1332 end
1334 for k,v in strings do
1335 local format
1336 if db[v.."Style"] == "Custom" then
1337 format = db[v.."Format"]
1338 else
1339 format = self.formats[v][db[v.."Style"]]
1340 end
1341 aUF.HelperFunctions[type][v.."Text"] = self:Parse(format)
1342 end
1343 end
1346 -- Clads code-- Clads code-- Clads code-- Clads code
1347 -- Clads code-- Clads code-- Clads code-- Clads code
1349 -- Code Begins here
1350 local work = {}
1351 local strgsub, strsub, strgfind, strformat, strfind = string.gsub, string.sub, string.gfind, string.format, string.find
1353 function aUF:Parse(format)
1354 if not format then
1355 return nil
1356 end
1358 local formatArgs, formatString = {}
1360 for s,data,e in strgfind(format, "()(%b[])()") do
1361 local tag = strsub(data, 2, -2)
1362 local func = aUF:GetTagFunction(tag)
1363 if func then
1364 table.insert(formatArgs, func)
1365 else
1366 error(strformat("\"%s\" is not a valid format tag.", data))
1367 end
1368 end
1370 formatString = strgsub(format, "%%", "%%%%")
1371 formatString = strgsub(formatString, "%b[]", "%%s")
1373 -- Lets avoid unpacking extra results
1374 local num = table.getn(formatArgs)
1375 local tmp = work[num]
1376 if not tmp then
1377 tmp = {}
1378 work[num] = tmp
1379 end
1381 if num == 0 then
1382 return function(unit, fontstring)
1383 fontstring:SetText(formatString)
1384 end
1385 else
1386 return function(unit, fontstring)
1387 for i,func in ipairs(formatArgs) do
1388 work[i] = func(unit)
1389 end
1390 fontstring:SetText(strformat(formatString, unpack(work)))
1391 end
1392 end
1393 end
1395 local helpers = {}
1397 function aUF:GetTagFunction(tag)
1398 -- Check if this is just a unit tag
1399 if aUF.UnitInformation[tag] then return aUF.UnitInformation[tag] end
1401 local s,e,tag,args = strfind(tag, "^(%a+)%s+(.*)$")
1402 if not tag then
1403 -- Not a pattern we can recognize
1404 return nil
1405 end
1407 -- Bind the unit function to a local for closure purposes
1408 local func = aUF.UnitInformation[tag]
1409 if not func then
1410 -- Not a tag we support
1411 return nil
1412 end
1413 local _,_,width = strfind(args, "^(%d+)$")
1414 if width then
1415 local id = strformat("%s-%d", tag, width)
1416 local hFunc = helpers[id]
1417 if not hFunc then
1418 hFunc = function(unit)
1419 return strsub(func(unit), 1, width)
1420 end
1422 helpers[id] = hFunc
1423 end
1424 return hFunc
1425 end
1427 local _,_,oc,ec = strfind(args, "^(.)(.)$")
1428 if oc then
1429 local id = strformat("%s-%s%s", tag, oc, ec)
1430 local hFunc = helpers[id]
1431 if not hFunc then
1432 hFunc = function(unit)
1433 local t = func(unit)
1434 if t ~= "" then return
1435 strformat("%s%s%s",oc,t,ec)
1436 else
1437 return t
1438 end
1439 end
1441 helpers[id] = hFunc
1442 end
1443 return hFunc
1444 end
1445 end
1447 function aUF:Tag_agmana(unit,flag)
1448 local currValue,maxValue = UnitMana(unit),UnitManaMax(unit)
1449 local perc = currValue/maxValue * 100
1450 local manaDiff = maxValue - currValue
1451 local text = ""
1453 if ( not UnitExists(unit) or UnitIsDead(unit) or UnitIsGhost(unit) or not UnitIsConnected(unit) ) then
1454 return ""
1455 end
1456 if currValue > maxValue then
1457 maxValue = currValue
1458 end
1459 if currValue > 9999 then
1460 currValue = string.format("%.1fk", currValue / 1000)
1461 end
1462 if maxValue > 9999 then
1463 maxValue = string.format("%.1fk", maxValue / 1000)
1464 end
1466 if flag == 1 then
1467 return string.format("%.0f%%", perc)
1468 elseif flag == 2 then
1469 if manaDiff > 9999 then
1470 manaDiff = string.format("%.1fk", manaDiff / 1000)
1471 end
1472 return (currValue.."|cffff7f7f-"..manaDiff.."|r")
1473 elseif flag == 3 then
1474 return currValue
1475 else
1476 return (currValue.."/"..maxValue)
1477 end
1479 return text
1480 end
1482 function aUF:Tag_aghp(unit,flag)
1483 local currValue,maxValue = UnitHealth(unit),UnitHealthMax(unit)
1484 local perc = currValue/maxValue * 100
1485 local text = ""
1486 local MHfound = false
1487 if ( UnitIsDead(unit) ) then
1488 return L("dead")
1489 elseif ( UnitIsGhost(unit) ) then
1490 return L("ghost")
1491 elseif ( not UnitIsConnected(unit) or maxValue == 1 ) then
1492 return L("disc")
1493 end
1494 if (MobHealth3 and not UnitIsFriend("player", unit) ) then
1495 currValue,maxValue,MHfound = MobHealth3:GetUnitHealth(unit, currValue,maxValue)
1496 end
1497 if currValue > maxValue then
1498 maxValue = currValue
1499 end
1500 local hpDiff = maxValue - currValue
1501 if currValue > 9999 then
1502 currValue = string.format("%.1fk", currValue / 1000)
1503 end
1504 if maxValue > 9999 then
1505 maxValue = string.format("%.1fk", maxValue / 1000)
1506 end
1508 if not flag and MHfound and not UnitIsFriend("player", unit) then
1509 return currValue .." (".. perc .."%)"
1510 end
1512 if not (flag == 1) and (MHfound or unit == "pet" or unit == "player" or UnitInParty(unit) or UnitInRaid(unit)) then
1513 if flag == 2 then
1514 if hpDiff > 0 then
1515 if hpDiff > 9999 then
1516 hpDiff = string.format("%.1fk", hpDiff / 1000)
1517 end
1518 return (currValue.."|cffff7f7f-"..hpDiff.."|r")
1519 else
1520 return currValue
1521 end
1522 elseif flag == 3 and hpDiff > 0 then
1523 if hpDiff > 9999 then
1524 hpDiff = string.format("%.1fk", hpDiff / 1000)
1525 end
1526 return "|cffff7f7f-"..hpDiff.."|r"
1527 elseif flag == 3 then
1528 return ""
1529 else
1530 return (currValue.."/"..maxValue)
1531 end
1532 else
1533 return string.format("%.0f%%", perc)
1534 end
1535 return text
1536 end
1543 -- Blizzard hide and show
1545 function aUF:UpdateBlizzVisibility()
1546 if aUF.db.profile.BlizFramesVisibility.HidePlayerFrame == true then
1547 aUF:HideBlizzPlayer()
1548 else
1549 aUF:ShowBlizzPlayer()
1550 end
1551 if aUF.db.profile.BlizFramesVisibility.HidePartyFrame == true then
1552 aUF:HideBlizzParty()
1553 else
1554 aUF:ShowBlizzParty()
1555 end
1556 if aUF.db.profile.BlizFramesVisibility.HideTargetFrame == true then
1557 aUF:HideBlizzTarget()
1558 else
1559 aUF:ShowBlizzTarget()
1560 end
1561 end
1563 function aUF:HideBlizzPlayer()
1564 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_LEVEL")
1565 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_COMBAT")
1566 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLMISS")
1567 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_PVP_UPDATE")
1568 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA")
1569 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT")
1570 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT")
1571 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_UPDATE_RESTING")
1572 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED")
1573 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED")
1574 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED")
1575 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
1576 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED")
1577 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED")
1578 PlayerFrameHealthBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH")
1579 PlayerFrameHealthBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXHEALTH")
1580 PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MANA")
1581 PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_RAGE")
1582 PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_FOCUS")
1583 PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_ENERGY")
1584 PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_HAPPINESS")
1585 PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA")
1586 PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXRAGE")
1587 PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXFOCUS")
1588 PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXENERGY")
1589 PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXHAPPINESS")
1590 PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER")
1591 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_NAME_UPDATE")
1592 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_PORTRAIT_UPDATE")
1593 PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER")
1594 PlayerFrame:Hide()
1595 end
1597 function aUF:ShowBlizzPlayer()
1598 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_LEVEL")
1599 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_COMBAT")
1600 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLMISS")
1601 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PVP_UPDATE")
1602 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA")
1603 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT")
1604 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT")
1605 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_UPDATE_RESTING")
1606 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED")
1607 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED")
1608 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED")
1609 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
1610 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED")
1611 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED")
1612 PlayerFrameHealthBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH")
1613 PlayerFrameHealthBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXHEALTH")
1614 PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MANA")
1615 PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_RAGE")
1616 PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_FOCUS")
1617 PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_ENERGY")
1618 PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HAPPINESS")
1619 PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA")
1620 PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXRAGE")
1621 PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXFOCUS")
1622 PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXENERGY")
1623 PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXHAPPINESS")
1624 PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER")
1625 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_NAME_UPDATE")
1626 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PORTRAIT_UPDATE")
1627 PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER")
1628 PlayerFrame:Show()
1629 end
1631 function aUF:HideBlizzParty()
1632 self:Hook("RaidOptionsFrame_UpdatePartyFrames", function() end)
1633 for i=1,4 do
1634 local frame = getglobal("PartyMemberFrame"..i)
1635 frame:UnregisterAllEvents()
1636 frame:Hide()
1637 end
1638 end
1640 function aUF:ShowBlizzParty()
1641 self:Unhook("RaidOptionsFrame_UpdatePartyFrames")
1642 for i=1,4 do
1643 local frame = getglobal("PartyMemberFrame"..i)
1644 frame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED")
1645 frame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED")
1646 frame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBER_ENABLE")
1647 frame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBER_DISABLE")
1648 frame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED")
1649 frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PVP_UPDATE")
1650 frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA")
1651 frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PET")
1652 frame:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED")
1653 frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_NAME_UPDATE")
1654 frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PORTRAIT_UPDATE")
1655 frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER")
1657 UnitFrame_OnEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED")
1659 PartyMemberFrame_UpdateMember()
1660 end
1661 end
1663 function aUF:HideBlizzTarget()
1664 TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED")
1665 TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH")
1666 TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_LEVEL")
1667 TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_FACTION")
1668 TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_CLASSIFICATION_CHANGED")
1669 TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_AURA")
1670 TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED")
1671 TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED")
1672 TargetFrame:Hide()
1674 ComboFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED")
1675 ComboFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_COMBO_POINTS")
1676 end
1678 function aUF:ShowBlizzTarget()
1679 TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED")
1680 TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH")
1681 TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_LEVEL")
1682 TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_FACTION")
1683 TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_CLASSIFICATION_CHANGED")
1684 TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA")
1685 TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED")
1686 TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED")
1687 TargetFrame:Show()
1689 ComboFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED")
1690 ComboFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_COMBO_POINTS")
1691 end
1694 function aUF:tonum(val, base)
1695 return tonumber((val or 0), base) or 0
1696 end
1698 function aUF:round(num)
1699 return floor(aUF:tonum(num)+.5)
1700 end