vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --
2 -- AutoBar
3 -- Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 original author.
4 -- Copyright is expressly not transferred to Blizzard.
5 --
6 -- Configurable set of 12 buttons that seeks out configured items
7 -- in your pack for use. Intended primarily for consumables. Not
8 -- for use with spells, skills, trinkets, or powers.
9 --
10 -- Author: Marc aka Saien on Hyjal
11 --
12 --
13 --
14 -- 2006.03.31
15 -- Minor category changes
16 -- 2006.02.10
17 -- Enriched Manna Biscuit/Alterac Manna Biscuit (which is usable everywhere)
18 -- moved to their own category("Food & Water Combo") - Update your buttons
19 -- Custom items can now appear on multiple buttons, as intended.
20 -- 2006.01.28
21 -- Oils fixed.
22 -- Custom items got broken by selfcast config. Fixed.
23 -- 2006.01.20
24 -- Will no longer fallback to zone-restricted items when all items in a button are ineligible.
25 -- Fixed bug where hitting keybinding for a button that has no items found will popup an error
26 -- Buttons will skip items too high in level for character
27 -- 2006.01.12
28 -- Selfcast is back
29 -- AutoBar re-parented so it hides with an Alt-Z
30 -- Configuration checkbox to hide Keybind text
31 -- Configuration checkbox to hide Count text
32 -- Configuration checkbox to show empty buttons
33 -- Keybind text and count text scales with button width.
34 -- Can now open configuration while dead.
35 -- "Num Pad" key bindings are now shortened to just N in display.
36 -- Removed /ab as a shortcut for the depreciated slash commands.
37 -- Fixed Mana potion hp restriction - should be mana restriction
38 -- Minimum button width/height set to 9 pixels instead of 18.
39 -- 2006.01.06
40 -- Release of complete re-write.
41 --
43 AUTOBAR_VERSION = "2006.02.10" -- Notice the cleverly disguised date.
44 ------------------------------------
46 BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_CONFIG = "Configuration Window";
59 ------------------------------------
61 -----------------------------------
62 AutoBar_Debug = nil;
63 AutoBar_Player = nil; -- global
64 --
65 local AutoBar_ConfigLoaded = nil;
66 AutoBar_SearchedForItems = {};
67 local AutoBar_ButtonItemList = {};
68 local AutoBar_ButtonItemList_Reversed = {};
69 local AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems = {};
70 --
71 local AutoBar_InWorld = nil;
72 local AutoBar_InCombat = nil; -- For item use restrictions
73 ------------------------------------
75 local function AutoBar_LinkDecode(link)
76 if (link) then
77 local _, _, id, name = string.find(link,"|Hitem:(%d+):%d+:%d+:%d+|h%[([^]]+)%]|h|r$");
78 if (id and name) then
79 return name, tonumber(id);
80 end
81 end
82 end
84 local function AutoBar_ConfigInit()
85 if (not AutoBar_Config) then AutoBar_Config = {}; end
86 if (not AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player]) then AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player] = {}; end
87 ---
88 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].docked and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].scaling and
89 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].rows and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].columns) then
90 -- Config is from pre re-write. Not upgrading.
91 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player] = {};
92 AutoBar_Msg("Config for this character is old version. Clearing. No attempt to upgrade config is being done.");
93 end
94 ---
95 if (not AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons) then
96 local _,class = UnitClass("player");
97 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons = {};
100 if (class == "WARRIOR") then
101 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[3] = "RAGEPOTIONS";
102 elseif (class == "ROGUE") then
103 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[3] = "ENERGYPOTIONS";
104 elseif (class == "MAGE") then
106 else
108 end
109 if (class ~= "ROGUE" and class ~= "WARRIOR") then
110 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[4] = { "WATER", "WATER_CONJURED" };
111 end
112 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[5] = { "FOOD", "FOOD_STAMINA", "FOOD_CONJURED" };
113 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS] = "HEARTHSTONE";
114 end
115 if (not AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display) then
116 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display = {};
117 end
118 AutoBar_ConfigUpdated();
119 end
121 local function AutoBar_BuildItemList()
122 local function AddItemInfo(identifier, buttonnum)
123 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[identifier] and AutoBar_Category_Info[identifier].items) then
124 local idx,j;
125 for idx, j in AutoBar_Category_Info[identifier].items do
126 if (AutoBar_SearchedForItems[j]) then
127 table.insert(AutoBar_SearchedForItems[j], buttonnum);
128 else
129 AutoBar_SearchedForItems[j] = { buttonnum, identifier, idx };
130 end
131 table.insert(AutoBar_ButtonItemList[buttonnum], j);
132 end
133 else
134 if (AutoBar_SearchedForItems[identifier]) then
135 table.insert(AutoBar_SearchedForItems[identifier], buttonnum);
136 else
137 AutoBar_SearchedForItems[identifier] = { buttonnum, identifier, 0 };
138 end
139 table.insert(AutoBar_ButtonItemList[buttonnum], identifier);
140 end
141 end
142 AutoBar_SearchedForItems = {};
143 AutoBar_ButtonItemList_Reversed = {};
144 local idx;
145 for idx = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do
146 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[idx]) then
147 local i, j;
148 AutoBar_ButtonItemList[idx] = {};
149 AutoBar_ButtonItemList_Reversed[idx] = {};
150 if (type(AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[idx]) == "table") then
151 for i, j in AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[idx] do
152 AddItemInfo (j, idx);
153 end
154 else
155 AddItemInfo (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[idx], idx);
156 end
157 for i, j in AutoBar_ButtonItemList[idx] do
158 AutoBar_ButtonItemList_Reversed[idx][j] = i;
159 end
160 end
161 end
162 end
164 function AutoBar_Button_GetDisplayItem(buttonnum)
165 local idx, bag, slot, rank, itemid, category, categoryidx, acceptable, cooldowntime, level;
166 local cooldownidx, start, duration, enable, fallback;
167 if (AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]) then
168 idx = table.getn(AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]);
169 else
170 idx = 0;
171 end
172 while (idx > 0 and not acceptable) do
173 bag = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].items[1][1];
174 slot = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].items[1][2];
175 rank = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].rank;
176 itemid = AutoBar_ButtonItemList[buttonnum][rank];
177 if (type(itemid) == "number") then
178 _,_,_,level = GetItemInfo(itemid);
179 else
180 level = 0;
181 end
182 if (AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid]) then
183 category = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid][2];
184 categoryidx = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid][3];
185 else
186 category = nil;
187 categoryidx = nil;
188 end
189 --
190 start, duration, enable = GetContainerItemCooldown(bag, slot);
191 if (start > 0 and duration > 0) then
192 local tmp = start - GetTime() + duration;
193 if (not cooldowntime or tmp < cooldowntime) then
194 cooldowntime = tmp;
195 cooldownidx = idx;
196 end
197 idx = idx - 1;
198 elseif (level > UnitLevel("player")) then
199 idx = idx - 1;
200 elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category] and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].location and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].location ~= GetZoneText()) then
201 idx = idx - 1;
202 elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category]) then
203 if (not fallback) then
204 fallback = idx;
205 end
206 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].combatonly and not AutoBar_InCombat) then
207 idx = idx - 1;
208 elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].noncombat and AutoBar_InCombat) then
209 idx = idx - 1;
210 elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].limit) then
211 local losthp = UnitHealthMax("player") - UnitHealth("player");
212 local lostmana = UnitManaMax("player") - UnitMana("player");
213 if (UnitPowerType("player") ~= 0 ) then
214 --if (UnitClass("player") == "Druid") then
215 -- Can't check mana in druid forms
216 -- lostmana = 0;
217 --else
218 -- Class doesn't have mana, don't limit
219 lostmana = 10000;
220 --end
221 end
222 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].limit.downhp and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].limit.downhp[categoryidx] > losthp) then
223 idx = idx - 1
224 elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].limit.downmana and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].limit.downmana[categoryidx] > lostmana) then
225 idx = idx - 1
226 else
227 acceptable = true;
228 end
229 else
230 acceptable = true;
231 end
232 else
233 acceptable = true;
234 end
235 end
236 if (not acceptable) then
237 if (fallback) then
238 idx = fallback;
239 elseif (cooldownidx) then
240 idx = cooldownidx;
241 elseif (AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]) then
242 idx = table.getn(AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]);
243 else
244 idx = nil;
245 end
246 end
247 --
248 if (idx) then
249 bag = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].items[1][1];
250 slot = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].items[1][2];
251 rank = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].rank;
252 else
253 bag = nil; slot = nil; rank = nil;
254 end
255 if (AutoBar_ButtonItemList[buttonnum]) then
256 itemid = AutoBar_ButtonItemList[buttonnum][rank];
257 if (AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid]) then
258 category = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid][2];
259 categoryidx = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid][3];
260 else
261 category = nil;
262 categoryidx = nil;
263 end
264 else
265 itemid = nil; category = nil; categoryidx = nil;
266 end
267 return bag, slot, rank, itemid, category, categoryidx, idx, acceptable, cooldowntime;
268 end
270 function AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons()
271 local buttonnum, i, button, icon, normaltexture, counttxt, bag, slot, idx, items;
272 local hotkey, count, tmpcount, keyText, actioncommand;
273 for buttonnum = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do
274 button = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..buttonnum);
275 icon = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..buttonnum.."Icon");
276 normaltexture = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..buttonnum.."NormalTexture");
277 counttxt = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..buttonnum.."Count");
278 hotkey = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..buttonnum.."HotKey");
279 if (not button.forcehidden and button.effectiveButton) then
280 button:Show();
281 bag, slot,_,_,_,_,idx,enabled = AutoBar_Button_GetDisplayItem(button.effectiveButton)
282 if (bag and slot) then
283 items = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[button.effectiveButton][idx].items
284 count = 0;
285 for i, bagslot in items do
286 _, tmpcount = GetContainerItemInfo(bagslot[1], bagslot[2]);
287 if (tmpcount) then
288 count = count + tmpcount;
289 end
290 end
291 icon:SetTexture(GetContainerItemInfo(bag,slot));
292 if (count > 1) then
293 counttxt:SetText(count);
294 else
295 counttxt:SetText("");
296 end
297 if (enabled) then
298 icon:SetVertexColor(1,1,1);
299 normaltexture:SetVertexColor(1,1,1);
300 else
301 icon:SetVertexColor(0.4,0.4,0.4);
302 normaltexture:SetVertexColor(1,1,1);
303 end
304 actioncommand = "AUTOBAR_BUTTON"..button.effectiveButton;
305 if (actioncommand) then
306 keyText = GetBindingKey(actioncommand);
307 if (keyText) then
308 keyText = string.gsub(keyText, "CTRL", "C");
309 keyText = string.gsub(keyText, "ALT", "A");
310 keyText = string.gsub(keyText, "SHIFT", "S");
311 keyText = string.gsub(keyText, "NUMPAD", "N");
312 hotkey:SetText(keyText);
313 else
314 hotkey:SetText("");
315 end
316 end
317 else
318 icon:SetTexture("");
319 counttxt:SetText("");
320 hotkey:SetText("");
321 end
322 else
323 button:Hide();
324 end
325 end
326 end
328 local function AutoBar_AssignButtons()
329 local displayButton = 0;
330 local buttonidx, buttoninfo, rankidx, items;
331 for buttonidx = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do
332 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.showemptybuttons or AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonidx]) then
333 displayButton = displayButton + 1;
334 local button = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..displayButton);
335 button.effectiveButton = buttonidx;
336 end
337 end
338 for buttonidx = displayButton+1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do
339 local button = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..buttonidx);
340 button.effectiveButton = nil;
341 end
342 AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons();
343 end
345 local function AutoBar_UpdateCategoryNameToID(name,id)
346 local buttonnum, idx;
347 for buttonnum = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do
348 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum]) then
349 if (type(AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum]) == "table") then
350 for idx in AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum] do
351 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum][idx] == name) then
352 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum][idx] = id;
353 AutoBar_Msg("Updating multi item button #",buttonnum," item #",idx," to use itemid instead of item name.");
354 end
355 end
356 elseif (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum] == name) then
357 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum] = id;
358 AutoBar_Msg("Updating single item button #",buttonnum," to use itemid instead of item name.");
359 end
360 end
361 end
362 end
364 function AutoBar_ScanBags(specificbag)
365 local function ClearOutBag(bag)
366 local buttonnum, idx, i, bagslot, newitemlist, newranks;
367 for buttonnum = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do
368 if (AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]) then
369 newranks = {};
370 for idx in AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum] do
371 newitemlist = {};
372 for i, bagslot in AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].items do
373 if (bag ~= bagslot[1]) then
374 table.insert(newitemlist,bagslot);
375 end
376 end
377 if (table.getn(newitemlist) > 0) then
378 AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].items = newitemlist;
379 table.insert(newranks,AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx]);
380 end
381 end
382 if (table.getn(newranks) == 0) then
383 AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum] = nil;
384 else
385 AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum] = newranks;
386 end
387 end
388 end
389 end
390 local function AddItem(buttonnum, rank, bag, slot)
391 if (AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]) then
392 local idx, rec, findRank;
393 for idx, rec in AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum] do
394 if (rec.rank == rank) then
395 findRank = idx;
396 end
397 end
398 if (findRank) then
399 table.insert(AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][findRank].items, { bag, slot } );
400 else
401 table.insert(AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum],
402 {
403 ["rank"] = rank,
404 ["items"] = { { bag, slot } }
405 }
406 );
407 end
408 else
409 AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum] = {
410 [1] = {
411 ["rank"] = rank,
412 ["items"] = { { bag, slot } }
413 },
414 };
415 end
416 end
417 local function SortByRank(a,b)
418 if (a and b and a.rank and b.rank) then
419 return a.rank < b.rank;
420 else
421 return true;
422 end
423 end
425 local bag, slot, name, id, i;
426 local minbag,maxbag = 0, 4;
427 if (specificbag) then
428 minbag = specificbag;
429 maxbag = specificbag;
430 ClearOutBag(specificbag);
431 else
432 AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems = {};
433 end
434 -- AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems = {
435 -- buttonnum = {
436 -- idx = {
437 -- "rank" = ranknum,
438 -- "items" = { {bag,slot}, {bag,slot}, {bag, slot} }
439 -- },
440 -- },
441 --};
442 for bag = minbag, maxbag, 1 do
443 for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag), 1 do
444 name, id = AutoBar_LinkDecode(GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot));
445 if (name and AutoBar_SearchedForItems[name] and id) then
446 if (not AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id]) then
447 AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id] = { AutoBar_SearchedForItems[name][1], AutoBar_SearchedForItems[name][2], AutoBar_SearchedForItems[name][3] };
448 end
449 AutoBar_UpdateCategoryNameToID(name,id);
450 AutoBar_SearchedForItems[name] = nil;
451 end
452 if (id and AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id]) then
453 local button = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id][1];
454 local rank = AutoBar_ButtonItemList_Reversed[button][id];
455 AddItem(button, rank, bag, slot)
456 if (AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id][4]) then
457 for i = 4, table.getn(AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id]), 1 do
458 button = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id][i];
459 rank = AutoBar_ButtonItemList_Reversed[button][id];
460 AddItem(button, rank, bag, slot)
461 end
462 end
463 end
464 end
465 end
466 local buttonnum;
467 for buttonnum = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do
468 if (AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]) then
469 table.sort(AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum], SortByRank);
470 end
471 end
472 AutoBar_AssignButtons();
473 end
475 ------------------------------------
477 function AutoBar_OnLoad()
478 AutoBar_Player = UnitName("player").." - "..GetCVar("realmName");
480 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD");
481 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD");
482 --
483 this:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE");
484 this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BINDINGS");
485 --
486 -- For item use restrictions
487 this:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA");
488 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED");
489 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED");
490 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MANA");
491 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH");
492 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ALIVE");
493 this:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN");
494 --
495 end
497 function AutoBar_OnEvent(event)
498 if (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
499 AutoBar_InCombat = nil;
500 if (not AutoBar_ConfigLoaded) then
501 AutoBar_ConfigInit();
502 AutoBar_ConfigLoaded = 1;
503 AutoBar_ScanBags();
504 end
505 if (not AutoBar_InWorld) then
506 AutoBar_InWorld = 1;
507 AutoBar_ScanBags();
508 AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons();
509 end
510 elseif (event == "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD") then
511 AutoBar_InWorld = nil;
512 elseif (AutoBar_InWorld) then
513 if (event == "BAG_UPDATE") then
514 if (arg1 < 5) then
515 AutoBar_ScanBags(arg1);
516 end
517 elseif (event == "UPDATE_BINDINGS") then
518 AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons();
519 elseif (event == "PLAYER_ALIVE") then
520 AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons();
521 elseif ((event == "UNIT_MANA" or event == "UNIT_HEALTH") and arg1=="player") then
522 AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons();
523 elseif (event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") then
524 AutoBar_InCombat = nil;
525 AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons();
526 elseif (event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then
527 AutoBar_InCombat = 1;
528 AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons();
529 elseif (event == "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA") then
530 AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons();
531 elseif (event == "BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN") then
532 AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons();
533 end
534 end
535 end
537 ------------------------------------
539 function AutoBar_UseButton(num)
540 local bag, slot, rank, itemid, category, categoryidx, idx, acceptable = AutoBar_Button_GetDisplayItem(num);
541 if (bag and slot) then
542 UseContainerItem(bag,slot);
543 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category] and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].targetted == "WEAPON" and SpellIsTargeting()) then
544 PickupInventoryItem(GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot"));
545 elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category] and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].targetted and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast[category] and SpellIsTargeting()) then
546 SpellTargetUnit("player");
547 end
548 end
549 end
552 function AutoBar_Button_OnClick(mousebutton, updown, override)
553 local button;
554 if (override) then
555 button = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..override);
556 else
557 button = this;
558 end
559 button:SetChecked(0);
560 if (AutoBar.moving) then
561 if (updown == "CLICK") then
562 AutoBar.moving = nil;
563 AutoBar:StopMovingOrSizing();
564 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.position = {};
565 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.position.x,
566 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.position.y = AutoBar:GetCenter();
567 AutoBar:SetMovable(0);
568 end
569 elseif (updown == "CLICK") then
570 local bag, slot, rank, itemid, category, categoryidx, idx, acceptable = AutoBar_Button_GetDisplayItem(button.effectiveButton);
571 if (bag and slot) then
572 UseContainerItem(bag,slot);
573 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category] and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].targetted == "WEAPON" and SpellIsTargeting()) then
574 if (mousebutton == "LeftButton") then
575 PickupInventoryItem(GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot"));
576 elseif (mousebutton == "RightButton") then
577 PickupInventoryItem(GetInventorySlotInfo("SecondaryHandSlot"));
578 end
579 elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category] and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].targetted and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast[category] and SpellIsTargeting()) then
580 SpellTargetUnit("player");
581 end
582 end
583 elseif (mousebutton == "RightButton" and updown == "DOWN" and IsControlKeyDown()) then
584 if (not AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.docking) then
585 AutoBar.moving = true;
586 AutoBar:SetMovable(1);
587 AutoBar:StartMoving();
588 end
589 end
590 end
592 function AutoBar_Button_SetTooltip(button, elapsed)
593 if (not button) then button = this; end
594 if (button:GetParent().updateTooltip and elapsed) then
595 button.updateTooltip = button.updateTooltip - elapsed;
596 if (button.updateTooltip > 0) then return; end
597 end
599 if (button.effectiveButton) then
600 if (GetCVar("UberTooltips") == "1") then
601 GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, button);
602 else
603 GameTooltip:SetOwner(button, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
604 end
605 button.updateTooltip = nil;
607 local bag, slot, rank, itemid, category, categoryidx = AutoBar_Button_GetDisplayItem(button.effectiveButton)
608 if (bag and slot) then
609 GameTooltip:SetBagItem(bag, slot);
610 if (AutoBar_Debug) then
611 if (rank) then
612 GameTooltip:AddLine("DISPLAYED RANK: "..rank);
613 end
614 if (itemid) then
615 GameTooltip:AddLine("DISPLAYED ITEMID: "..itemid);
616 end
617 if (category) then
618 GameTooltip:AddLine("DISPLAYED CATEGORY: "..category);
619 end
620 if (categoryidx) then
621 GameTooltip:AddLine("DISPLAYED CATEGORYIDX: "..categoryidx);
622 end
623 end
624 local start, duration, enable = GetContainerItemCooldown(bag, slot);
625 if (start > 0 and duration > 0) then
626 button.updateTooltip = TOOLTIP_UPDATE_TIME;
627 end
629 GameTooltip:AddLine("");
630 local rankidx, idx, itemident, bagslot, count, tmpcount, name, itemid, msg;
631 local start, duration, enable;
632 for rankidx, itemident in AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[button.effectiveButton] do
633 count = 0;
634 for idx, bagslot in itemident.items do
635 _, tmpcount = GetContainerItemInfo(bagslot[1], bagslot[2]);
636 count = count + tmpcount;
637 end
638 name,itemid = AutoBar_LinkDecode(GetContainerItemLink(itemident.items[1][1], itemident.items[1][2]));
639 category = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid][2];
640 start, duration, enable = GetContainerItemCooldown(itemident.items[1][1], itemident.items[1][2]);
641 msg = name.." (Count: "..count..")";
642 if (AutoBar_Debug) then
643 msg = msg.." ["..itemident.items[1][1]..","..itemident.items[1][2].."]";
644 if (rank) then
645 msg = msg.." rank="..itemident.rank;
646 end
647 if (cat) then
648 msg = msg.." cat="..category;
649 end
650 end
651 if (category == itemid and categoryidx == 0) then
652 msg = msg.." [Custom Item]"
653 end
654 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category]) then
655 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].combatonly) then
656 msg=msg.." [In Combat Only]";
657 end
658 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].noncombat) then
659 msg=msg.." [Non Combat Only]";
660 end
661 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].limit) then
662 msg=msg.." [Limited Usage]";
663 end
664 end
665 if (start > 0 and duration > 0) then
666 msg = msg.." [Cooldown]";
667 end
668 GameTooltip:AddLine(msg);
669 if (category and AutoBar_Category_Info[category] and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].targetted == "WEAPON") then
670 GameTooltip:AddLine("\n(Left Click to apply to Main Hand weapon\nRight Click to apply to OffHand weapon)");
671 end
672 end
673 GameTooltip:Show();
674 end
675 end
676 end
678 ------------------------------------
680 function AutoBar_GetTexture(id)
681 if (not id) then return ""; end
682 if (type(id) == "table" and id[1]) then id = id[1]; end
683 if (id and AutoBar_Category_Info[id]) then
684 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[id].texture) then
685 return "Interface\\Icons\\"..AutoBar_Category_Info[id].texture;
686 else
687 id = AutoBar_Category_Info[id].items[1];
688 end
689 end
690 if (type(id)=="number" and id > 0) then
691 local _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,texture = GetItemInfo(tonumber(id));
692 if (texture) then return texture; end
693 end
694 return "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gift_01";
695 end
697 function AutoBar_Msg(...)
698 local message = "";
699 for i = 1, arg.n, 1 do
700 if (type(arg[i]) == "string" or type(arg[i]) == "number") then
701 message = message..arg[i];
702 else
703 message = message..string.upper(type(arg[i]));
704 end
705 end
706 ChatFrame1:AddMessage("AutoBar: "..message);
707 end
709 function AutoBar_ConfigUpdated()
710 AutoBar_BuildItemList();
711 AutoBar_ScanBags();
712 AutoBar_SetupVisual();
713 end
715 function AutoBar_SetupVisual()
716 local rows = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.rows;
717 local columns = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.columns;
718 local gapping = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.gapping;
719 local alpha = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.alpha;
720 local buttonwidth = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.buttonwidth;
721 local buttonheight = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.buttonheight;
722 local dockshiftx = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.dockshiftx;
723 local dockshifty = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.dockshifty;
724 --
725 if (not rows) then rows = 1; end
726 if (not columns) then columns = 6; end
727 if (not gapping) then gapping = 6; end
728 if (not alpha) then alpha = 1; end
729 if (not buttonwidth) then buttonwidth = 36 end
730 if (not buttonheight) then buttonheight = 36; end
731 if (not dockshiftx) then dockshiftx = 0; end
732 if (not dockshifty) then dockshifty = 0; end
733 --
734 AutoBar:Show();
735 AutoBar:ClearAllPoints();
736 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.framestrata) then
737 AutoBar:SetFrameStrata(AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.framestrata);
738 else
739 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.docking == "MAINMENU") then
740 AutoBar:SetFrameStrata("HIGH");
741 else
742 AutoBar:SetFrameStrata("LOW");
743 end
744 end
745 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.docking) then
746 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.docking == "MAINMENU") then
747 AutoBar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT","MainMenuBarArtFrame","BOTTOMLEFT",546+dockshiftx,38+dockshifty);
748 else
749 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.docking = nil;
750 end
751 elseif (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.position) then
752 AutoBar:SetPoint("CENTER","UIParent","BOTTOMLEFT",
753 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.position.x,
754 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.position.y);
755 else
756 AutoBar:SetPoint("CENTER","UIParent","CENTER",0,0);
757 end
758 local i, texture, counttxt, hotkey, fonttext, fontsize, fontoptions, percent;
759 percent = buttonwidth / 36;
760 if (percent > 1) then percent = 1; end
761 for i = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do
762 local button = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..i);
763 if (i > (rows*columns)) then
764 button:Hide();
765 button.forcehidden = 1;
766 else
767 texture = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..i.."NormalTexture");
768 counttxt = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..i.."Count");
769 hotkey = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..i.."HotKey");
770 button.forcehidden = nil;
771 button:SetAlpha(alpha);
772 texture:SetAlpha(alpha);
773 button:SetWidth(buttonwidth);
774 texture:SetWidth(buttonwidth*1.833);
775 button:SetHeight(buttonheight);
776 texture:SetHeight(buttonheight*1.833);
777 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.hidekeytext) then
778 hotkey:Hide();
779 else
780 hotkey:Show();
781 fonttext, fontsize, fontoptions = hotkey:GetFont();
782 hotkey:SetFont(fonttext, 12*percent, fontoptions);
783 hotkey:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","AutoBar_Button"..i,"TOPLEFT",-10,-2);
784 end
785 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.hidecount) then
786 counttxt:Hide();
787 else
788 counttxt:Show();
789 fonttext, fontsize, fontoptions = counttxt:GetFont();
790 counttxt:SetFont(fonttext, 14*percent, fontoptions);
791 end
792 button:ClearAllPoints();
793 if (i == 1) then
794 button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","AutoBar","TOPLEFT",0,0);
795 elseif (columns == 1) then
796 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.reversebuttons) then
797 button:SetPoint("BOTTOM","AutoBar_Button"..(i-1),"TOP",0,gapping);
798 else
799 button:SetPoint("TOP","AutoBar_Button"..(i-1),"BOTTOM",0,gapping*-1);
800 end
801 elseif (math.mod(i,columns) == 1) then
802 local row = math.floor(i/columns);
803 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.reversebuttons) then
804 button:SetPoint("BOTTOM","AutoBar_Button"..(i-columns),"TOP",0,gapping);
805 else
806 button:SetPoint("TOP","AutoBar_Button"..(i-columns),"BOTTOM",0,gapping*-1);
807 end
808 else
809 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.reversebuttons) then
810 button:SetPoint("RIGHT","AutoBar_Button"..(i-1),"LEFT",gapping*-1,0);
811 else
812 button:SetPoint("LEFT","AutoBar_Button"..(i-1),"RIGHT",gapping,0);
813 end
814 end
815 end
816 end
817 AutoBar_AssignButtons();
818 AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons();
819 end