vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 ## Interface: 10900
2 ## Title: AuctionFilterPlus |cff3fcf26[Emerald]|r
3 ## Notes: Adds flyout filters and a reset button to the auction house.
4 ## Version: 10900-1
5 ## Author: Dsanai of Whisperwind
6 ## SavedVariables: afp_SavedSettings
7 ## OptionalDeps: EnhTooltip
8 ## Dependencies:
9 ..\..\FrameXML\Fonts.xml
10 ..\Blizzard_AuctionUI\Blizzard_AuctionUITemplates.xml
11 AuctionFilterPlus.xml