vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 ## Interface: 11200
2 ## Title: AtlasQuest v 3.15.33
3 ## Title-deDE: AtlasQuest v 3.15.33
4 ## Title-frFR: AtlasQuest v 3.15.33
5 ## Title-koKR: AtlasQuest v 3.15.33
6 ## Title-zhCN: AtlasQuest v 3.15.33
7 ## Notes: Shows the Quests for the instance.
8 ## Notes-deDE: Zeigt die Quests, die es f\195\188r die jeweiligen Instanzen gibt.
9 ## Notes-frFR: Shows the Quests for the instance. (French translator needed)
10 ## Notes-koKR: Shows the Quests for the instance. (translator needed)
11 ## Notes-zhCN: Shows the Quests for the instance. (translator needed)
12 ## Author: Asurn
13 ## Version: 3.15.33
14 ## X-eMail:
15 ## X-Website: or (see notes)
17 ## X-Date: September 24, 2006
18 ## X-Date-deDE: 24. September 2006
19 ## X-Date-frFR: 24 septembre 2006
20 ## X-Date-koKR: 2006? 9?24?
21 ## X-Date-zhCN: 2006 ?9?24 ?
22 ## X-Date-zhTW: 2006 9 24
23 ## X-Help: AtlasQuestHelp
24 ## RequiredDeps:
25 ## OptionalDeps: Atlasloot, Atlas, AlphaMap, myAddOns
26 ## LoadOnDemand: 0
27 ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter:
28 ## SavedVariables: AtlasQuest_Options,
29 ## Dependencies:
30 AtlasQuest_InsideFrame.xml
31 AtlasQuest.xml