vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
2 -- File: AllInOneBank.lua
3 --
4 -- Purpose: Functions for AIOB WoW Window.
5 --
6 -- Author: Ramble
7 --
8 -- Credits:
9 -- Starven, for MyInventory
10 -- Kaitlin, for BankItems
11 -- Sarf, for the original concept of AllInOneInventory
12 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
13 -----------------------
14 -- Saved Configuration
15 -----------------------
16 AIOBProfile = {}
17 AIOB_VERSION = "1.5.2";
19 local PlayerName = nil; -- Logged in player name
20 local bankPlayer = nil; -- viewing player pointer
21 local bankPlayerName = nil; -- Viewing player name
23 ------------------------
24 -- Saved Function Calls
25 ------------------------
26 local BankFrame_Saved = nil;
27 local PurchaseSlot_Saved = nil;
28 -----------------------
29 -- Local Configuration
30 -----------------------
31 local AIOB_Loaded = nil;
32 local AtBank = false;
34 AIOB_MAX_ID = 132; -- 6 * 18 slot bags, 24 Bankslots
35 AIOB_COLUMNS_MIN = 6; -- 6 Bags, so it has to be at least 6 wide
36 AIOB_COLUMNS_MAX = 18; -- Same as MI
37 AIOB_BASE_HEIGHT = 153; -- Height of Borders + Title + Bottom
38 AIOB_ROW_HEIGHT = 40; -- One Row
39 AIOB_BASE_WIDTH = 12; -- Width of the borders
40 AIOB_COL_WIDTH = 39; -- One Column
41 AIOB_FIRST_ITEM_OFFSET_X = 7; -- Leave room for the border
42 AIOB_FIRST_ITEM_OFFSET_Y = -28 - 39; -- Leave room for the title.
43 AIOB_ITEM_OFFSET_X = 39; -- Each is 39 apart
44 AIOB_ITEM_OFFSET_Y = -39; -- Each is 39 apart
47 -- Not Saved between Sessions
48 AIOBAllRealms = 0;
49 -- Saved Between Sessions
50 AIOBReplaceBank = 1;
51 AIOBColumns = 10;
52 AIOBFreeze = 0;
53 AIOBHighlightItems = 1;
54 AIOBHighlightBags = 1;
55 AIOBBagView = 0;
56 AIOBGraphics = 1;
57 AIOBBackground = 1;
58 AIOBShowPlayers = 1;
60 --InitializeProfile: Initializes a players profile {{{
61 -- If Player's profile is not found, it makes a new one from defaults
62 -- If Player's profile is found, it loads the values from AIOBProfile
63 function AIOB_InitializeProfile()
64 if ( UnitName("player") ) then
65 PlayerName = UnitName('player').."|"..AIOB_Trim(GetCVar("realmName"));
66 AIOB_LoadSettings();
68 AIOB_DEBUG("AIOB: Profile for "..PlayerName.." Initilized.");
69 AIOBFrame_PopulateFrame();
70 -- TODO: why is this here?
71 -- AIOB_UpdateBagCost(AIOBProfile[PlayerName].Bags);
72 end
73 end
75 function AIOB_LoadSettings()
76 if ( AIOBProfile[PlayerName] == nil ) then
77 AIOBProfile[PlayerName] = {};
78 AIOB_Print("Creating new Profile for "..PlayerName);
79 end
80 AIOBReplaceBank = AIOB_SavedOrDefault("ReplaceBank");
81 AIOBColumns = AIOB_SavedOrDefault("Columns");
82 AIOBFreeze = AIOB_SavedOrDefault("Freeze");
83 AIOBHighlightItems = AIOB_SavedOrDefault("HighlightItems");
84 AIOBHighlightBags = AIOB_SavedOrDefault("HighlightBags");
85 AIOBBagView = AIOB_SavedOrDefault("BagView");
86 AIOBGraphics = AIOB_SavedOrDefault("Graphics");
87 AIOBBackground = AIOB_SavedOrDefault("Background");
88 AIOBShowPlayers = AIOB_SavedOrDefault("ShowPlayers");
90 AIOB_SetGraphics();
91 AIOB_SetReplaceBank();
92 AIOB_SetFreeze();
93 end
94 function AIOB_SavedOrDefault(varname)
95 if PlayerName == nil or varname == nil then
96 AIOB_DEBUG("ERR: nil value");
97 return nil;
98 end
99 if AIOBProfile[PlayerName][varname] == nil then -- Setting not set
100 AIOBProfile[PlayerName][varname] = getglobal("AIOB"..varname); -- Load Default
101 end
102 return AIOBProfile[PlayerName][varname]; -- Return Setting.
103 end
104 -- END Initialization }}}
105 function AIOB_GetPlayer(playerName)
106 if ( not AIOBProfile[playerName] ) then
107 AIOB_InitializeProfile();
108 end
109 bankPlayerName = playerName;
110 UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(AIOBDropDown, bankPlayerName);
111 return AIOBProfile[playerName];
112 end
114 function AIOB_GetBag(bagIndex)
115 local curBag
116 if bagIndex == BANK_CONTAINER then
117 curBag = bankPlayer["Bank"];
118 else
119 curBag = bankPlayer["Bag"..bagIndex];
120 end
121 return curBag;
122 end
124 function AIOB_GetBagsTotalSlots()
125 local slots = 24;
126 if bankPlayer == nil then
127 return slots;
128 end
129 for bag = 5, 10 do
130 local curBag = bankPlayer["Bag"..bag];
131 if (curBag ~= nil) then
132 if curBag["s"] ~=nil then
133 slots = slots + curBag["s"];
134 end
135 end
136 end
137 return slots;
138 end
140 -- == Event Handling ==
141 -- OnLoad {{{
142 function AIOBFrame_OnLoad()
143 AIOB_Register(); -- Slash Commands
144 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD");
145 this:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE");
146 this:RegisterEvent("ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED");
147 this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_INVENTORY_ALERTS");
148 this:RegisterEvent("BANKFRAME_OPENED");
149 this:RegisterEvent("BANKFRAME_CLOSED");
150 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYERBANKSLOTS_CHANGED");
152 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_MONEY");
153 tinsert(UISpecialFrames, "AIOBFrame"); -- Esc Closes AIOB
154 end
156 function AIOB_Register()
157 SlashCmdList["AIOBSLASHMAIN"] = AIOB_ChatCommandHandler;
159 this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
160 end
161 -- End Load }}}
162 -- Confirm Dialog for buying bag slot {{{
163 function AIOB_RegisterConfirm()
164 PurchaseSlot_Saved = PurchaseSlot;
165 PurchaseSlot = AIOB_PurchaseSlot;
166 StaticPopupDialogs["PURCHASE_BANKBAG"] = {
168 button1 = TEXT(ACCEPT),
169 button2 = TEXT(CANCEL),
170 OnAccept = function()
171 PurchaseSlot_Saved();
172 end,
173 showAlert = 1,
174 timeout = 0,
175 };
176 end
178 function AIOB_PurchaseSlot()
179 if not StaticPopupDialogs["PURCHASE_BANKBAG"] then
180 return;
181 end
182 local cost = GetBankSlotCost();
183 if cost < 10000 then
184 StaticPopupDialogs["PURCHASE_BANKBAG"]["text"] = format(AIOB_PURCHASE_CONFIRM_S,(cost/100));
185 else
186 StaticPopupDialogs["PURCHASE_BANKBAG"]["text"] = format(AIOB_PURCHASE_CONFIRM_G,(cost/10000));
187 end
188 StaticPopup_Show("PURCHASE_BANKBAG");
189 end
190 -- End buy bag slot config }}}
191 -- Register with MyAddons
192 function AIOB_MyAddonsRegister()
193 if (myAddOnsFrame) then
194 myAddOnsList.AIOB = {
197 version = AIOB_VERSION,
199 frame = "AIOBFrame",
200 optionsframe = "AIOBConfigFrame"
201 };
202 end
203 end
205 function AIOBFrame_OnEvent(event)
206 if ( event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" ) then
207 AIOB_Loaded = 1;
208 AIOB_MyAddonsRegister();
209 AIOB_InitializeProfile();
210 if not BankBuyFrame then
211 AIOB_RegisterConfirm();
212 end
213 end
214 if (not AIOB_Loaded) then
215 return;
216 end
218 if ( event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" and bankPlayer == nil ) then
219 PlayerName = UnitName("player").."|"..AIOB_Trim(GetCVar("realmName"));
220 bankPlayer = AIOB_GetPlayer(PlayerName);
221 AIOB_InitializeProfile();
222 AIOB_SaveMoney();
223 elseif ( event == "BAG_UPDATE" ) then
224 if AtBank and arg1 >=5 and arg1 <=10 then
225 AIOBFrame_SaveItems();
226 end
228 AIOBFrame_SaveItems();
229 elseif ( event == "ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED" or event == "UPDATE_INVENTORY_ALERTS" ) then
230 if ( AtBank ) then
231 AIOBFrame_PopulateFrame();
232 end
233 end
234 if (event == "BANKFRAME_OPENED") then
235 AtBank = true;
236 SetPortraitTexture(AIOBFramePortrait, "npc");
237 AIOBFrameAtBankText:Show();
238 OpenBackpack(); -- Open Backpack at Bank
239 bankPlayer = AIOB_GetPlayer(PlayerName);
240 AIOBFrame_SaveItems();
241 AIOBFramePurchaseButton:Enable();
242 if AIOBReplaceBank == 1 then
243 OpenAIOBFrame();
244 end
245 elseif (event == "BANKFRAME_CLOSED") then
246 AtBank = false;
247 AIOBFramePortrait:SetTexture("Interface\\Addons\\AllInOneInventory\\Skin\\AIOBPortait");
248 AIOBFrameAtBankText:Hide();
249 AIOBFramePurchaseButton:Disable();
250 CloseBackpack(); -- Close Backpack when leaving
251 if AIOBReplaceBank == 1 then
252 if AIOBFreeze == 0 then
253 CloseAIOBFrame();
254 end
255 end
256 if StackSplitFrame:IsVisible() then
257 StackSplitFrame:Hide();
258 end
259 elseif (event == "PLAYER_MONEY" ) then
260 AIOB_SaveMoney();
261 return;
262 end
263 end
265 function AIOB_HighlightBag(bagID, bagName, isItem)
266 if AIOBHighlightBags == 0 and isItem then
267 return;
268 end
269 if AIOBHighlightItems == 0 and (not isItem) then
270 return;
271 end
272 if isItem then
273 if bagID > -1 then
274 getglobal("AIOBFrameBag"..bagID):LockHighlight();
275 end
276 end
277 if(bankPlayer[bagName])then
278 local i, found;
279 for i=1, AIOB_MAX_ID do
280 local itemButton = getglobal("AIOBFrameItem"..i);
281 if not itemButton:IsVisible() then
282 break;
283 end
284 if itemButton.bagIndex == bagID then
285 found = true;
286 itemButton:LockHighlight();
287 else
288 if found then
289 break;
290 end
291 end
292 end
293 end
294 end
296 function AIOB_GetCooldown(item)
297 if item["d"] then
298 local cooldownInfo = item["d"];
299 local CoolDownRemaining;
300 if cooldownInfo and cooldownInfo["d"] and cooldownInfo["s"] then
301 CoolDownRemaining = cooldownInfo["d"] - (GetTime() - cooldownInfo["s"]);
302 else
303 CoolDownRemaining = 0;
304 end
305 if CoolDownRemaining <= 0 then
306 item["d"] = nil;
307 else
308 return cooldownInfo;
309 end
310 end
311 return nil;
312 end
314 function AIOB_GetCooldownString(cooldownInfo)
315 local CoolDownRemaining = cooldownInfo["d"] - (GetTime() - cooldownInfo["s"]);
316 -- 60 secs in a min
317 -- 3600 secs in an hour
318 -- 86400 secs in a day
319 local days, hours, minutes, seconds;
320 days = math.floor(CoolDownRemaining / 86400);
321 CoolDownRemaining = CoolDownRemaining - 86400 * days;
322 hours = math.floor(CoolDownRemaining / 3600);
323 CoolDownRemaining = CoolDownRemaining - 3600 * hours;
324 minutes = math.floor(CoolDownRemaining / 60);
325 seconds = math.floor(CoolDownRemaining - 60 * minutes);
326 if days > 0 then
327 return format(ITEM_COOLDOWN_TIME_DAYS_P1, days+1);
328 elseif hours > 0 then
329 return format(ITEM_COOLDOWN_TIME_HOURS_P1, hours+1);
330 elseif minutes > 0 then
331 return format(ITEM_COOLDOWN_TIME_MIN, minutes+1);
332 else
333 return format(ITEM_COOLDOWN_TIME_SEC, seconds);
334 end
335 end
337 function AIOB_MakeLink(item)
338 if item and item["l"] then
339 local name;
340 _,_,_, name = strfind(item["l"],"|H(item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|h%[(.-)%]|h|r");
341 item["name"] = name;
342 item["l"] = nil;
343 end
344 if item and item["name"] then
345 local myHyperlink;
346 if ItemsMatrix_GetHyperlink then
347 myHyperlink = ItemsMatrix_GetHyperlink(item["name"]);
348 elseif LootLink_GetHyperlink then
349 myHyperlink = LootLink_GetHyperlink(item["name"]);
350 else
351 myHyperlink = AIOB_GetHyperlink(item);
352 end
353 if myHyperlink then
354 GameTooltip:Hide();
355 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this,"ANCHOR_RIGHT");
356 GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(myHyperlink);
357 if item["sb"] then
358 GameTooltipTextLeft2:SetText(ITEM_SOULBOUND);
359 end
360 if item["m"] then
361 GameTooltip:AddLine(format(ITEM_CREATED_BY, item["m"]));
362 end
363 local cooldownInfo = item["d"];
364 if cooldownInfo and cooldownInfo["e"] and cooldownInfo["e"] > 0 and cooldownInfo["d"] > 0 then
365 CoolDownString = AIOB_GetCooldownString(cooldownInfo);
366 GameTooltip:AddLine(CoolDownString, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
367 end
368 GameTooltip:Show();
369 end
370 end
371 end
373 function AIOBFrame_Button_OnEnter()
374 --show tooltip
375 local myLink, MadeBy, Soulbound, count;
376 local bagName = strsub(this:GetName(), 10, 13);
377 local curBag;
378 local cooldownInfo;
379 if AtBank then
380 local hasCooldown, repairCost;
381 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this,"ANCHOR_RIGHT");
382 if (this.isBag) then
383 AIOB_HighlightBag(this:GetID(), bagName);
384 local inventoryID = BankButtonIDToInvSlotID(this:GetID(), 1);
385 hasCooldown, repairCost = GameTooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", inventoryID);
386 else
387 AIOB_HighlightBag(this.bagIndex, bagName, 1);
388 if this.bagIndex < 0 then
389 local newIndex =BankFrameItem1:GetInventorySlot();
390 hasCooldown, repairCost = GameTooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", newIndex);
391 else
392 hasCooldown, repairCost = GameTooltip:SetBagItem(this.bagIndex, this.itemIndex);
393 end
394 end
396 else
397 if LootLink_AutoInfoOff then
398 LootLink_AutoInfoOff();
399 end
400 if (this.isBag) then
401 AIOB_MakeLink(bankPlayer[bagName]);
402 AIOB_HighlightBag(this:GetID(), bagName);
403 else
404 AIOB_HighlightBag(this.bagIndex, bagName, 1);
405 curBag = AIOB_GetBag(this.bagIndex);
406 if curBag and curBag[this.itemIndex] then
407 AIOB_MakeLink(curBag[this.itemIndex]);
408 end
410 end
411 if LootLink_AutoInfoOn then
412 LootLink_AutoInfoOn();
413 end
414 end
415 end
416 function AIOBFrame_Button_OnLeave()
417 if this.isBag then
418 local bagName= strsub(this:GetName(), 10, 13);
419 local i, found;
420 for i=1, AIOB_MAX_ID do
421 local itemButton = getglobal("AIOBFrameItem"..i);
422 if itemButton.bagIndex == this:GetID() then
423 found = true;
424 itemButton:UnlockHighlight();
425 else
426 if found then
427 break;
428 end
429 end
430 end
431 else
432 if this.bagIndex > -1 then
433 getglobal("AIOBFrameBag"..(this.bagIndex)):UnlockHighlight();
434 end
436 end
437 GameTooltip:Hide();
438 end
440 function AIOBFrame_UpdateCooldown(button)
441 if (not button.bagIndex) or (not button.itemIndex) then
442 return;
443 end
444 local cooldown = getglobal(button:GetName().."Cooldown");
445 local start, duration, enable = GetContainerItemCooldown(button.bagIndex, button.itemIndex);
446 CooldownFrame_SetTimer(cooldown, start, duration, enable);
447 if ( duration > 0 and enable == 0 ) then
448 SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(button, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
449 end
450 end
452 function AIOBFrame_OnHide()
453 if AtBank then
454 CloseBankFrame();
455 end
456 PlaySound("igBackPackClose");
457 end
459 function AIOBFrame_OnShow()
460 if AtBank then
461 AIOBFramePurchaseButton:Enable();
462 else
463 AIOBFramePurchaseButton:Disable();
464 end
465 AIOB_UpdateTotalMoney();
466 AIOBFrame_UpdateLookIfNeeded();
467 PlaySound("igBackPackOpen");
468 end
470 function AIOBFrameItemButton_OnLoad()
471 this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp");
472 this:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton");
474 this.SplitStack = function(button, split)
475 SplitContainerItem(button:GetParent():GetID(), button:GetID(), split);
476 end
477 end
479 function AIOBFrameItemButton_OnClick(button, ignoreShift)
480 local myLink;
481 local item = AIOB_GetBag(this.bagIndex)[this.itemIndex];
482 if (button == "LeftButton" ) then
483 if (IsShiftKeyDown() and (not ignoreShift)) then
484 if ChatFrameEditBox:IsVisible() or ( MacroFrameText and MacroFrameText:IsVisible() ) then
485 -- Insert Link
486 if ItemsMatrix_GetLink then
487 myLink = ItemsMatrix_GetLink(item["name"]);
488 elseif LootLink_GetLink then
489 myLink = LootLink_GetLink(item["name"]);
490 else
491 myLink = AIOB_GetLink(item);
492 end
493 if myLink then
494 if ChatFrameEditBox:IsVisible() then
495 ChatFrameEditBox:Insert(myLink);
496 elseif ( MacroFrameText and MacroFrameText:IsVisible() ) then
497 MacroFrameText:Insert(myLink);
498 end
499 end
500 else
501 if AtBank then
502 --Shift key down, left mouse button
503 local texture, itemCount, locked = GetContainerItemInfo(this.bagIndex, this.itemIndex);
504 if ( not locked ) then
505 this.SplitStack = function(button, split)
506 SplitContainerItem(button.bagIndex, button.itemIndex, split);
507 end
508 OpenStackSplitFrame(this.count, this, "BOTTOMRIGHT", "TOPRIGHT");
509 end
510 end
511 end
512 else
513 -- no shift, left mouse button
514 if AtBank==true then
515 PickupContainerItem(this.bagIndex, this.itemIndex);
516 end
517 end
518 elseif (button == "RightButton") then
519 if AtBank==true then
520 UseContainerItem(this.bagIndex, this.itemIndex);
521 end
522 end
523 end
525 function AIOBFrameItemButtonBag_OnShiftClick(button, ignoreShift)
526 local bankBag = getglobal("BankFrameBag"..(tonumber(strsub(this:GetName(), 13, 15))-4));
527 local inventoryID = BankButtonIDToInvSlotID(bankBag:GetID(), 1);
528 if ( ChatFrameEditBox:IsVisible() ) then
529 local bagName= strsub(this:GetName(), 10, 13);
530 local myLink;
531 if ItemsMatrix_GetLink then
532 myLink = ItemsMatrix_GetLink(bankPlayer[bagName]["name"]);
533 elseif LootLink_GetLink then
534 myLink = LootLink_GetLink(bankPlayer[bagName]["name"]);
535 else
536 myLink = AIOB_GetLink(bankPlayer[bagName]);
537 end
538 if myLink then
539 if ChatFrameEditBox:IsVisible() then
540 ChatFrameEditBox:Insert(myLink);
541 elseif ( MacroFrameText and MacroFrameText:IsVisible() ) then
542 MacroFrameText:Insert(myLink);
543 end
544 end
545 else
546 -- Shift key, no chat box
547 if AtBank then
548 PickupBagFromSlot(inventoryID);
550 end
551 end
552 end
553 function AIOBFrameItemButtonBag_OnClick(button, ignoreShift)
554 local bankBag = getglobal("BankFrameBag"..(tonumber(strsub(this:GetName(), 13, 15))-4));
555 local inventoryID = BankButtonIDToInvSlotID(bankBag:GetID(), 1);
556 AIOB_DEBUG(bankBag:GetName().." "..inventoryID);
557 -- No ShiftKey
558 if AtBank then
559 local hadItem = PutItemInBag(inventoryID);
560 local id = this:GetID();
561 end
562 end
563 -- == End Event Handling ==
565 function AIOBFrame_SetColumns(col)
566 if ( type(col) ~= "number" ) then
567 col = tonumber(col);
568 end
569 if ( ( col >= AIOB_COLUMNS_MIN ) and ( col <= AIOB_COLUMNS_MAX ) ) then
570 AIOBColumns = col;
571 bankPlayer.Columns = AIOBColumns;
572 AIOBFrame_UpdateLook(getglobal("AIOBFrame"), AIOB_GetBagsTotalSlots());
573 end
574 end
576 function AIOBFrame_GetAppropriateHeight(rows)
577 local height = AIOB_BASE_HEIGHT + ( AIOB_ROW_HEIGHT * (AIOBBagView - 1 + rows ));
578 if AIOBShowPlayers == 0 and AIOBGraphics == 0 then
579 height = height - AIOB_ROW_HEIGHT;
580 end
581 return height;
582 end
584 function AIOBFrame_GetAppropriateWidth(cols)
585 return AIOB_BASE_WIDTH + ( AIOB_COL_WIDTH * cols );
586 end
588 function AIOBTitle_Update()
589 local i, j, totalSlots, takenSlots = 0, 0, 0, 0;
590 totalSlots = AIOB_GetBagsTotalSlots();
591 -- Need to calculate Free slots.
592 if bankPlayer and bankPlayer["Bank"] then
593 for i = 1, 24 do
594 if bankPlayer["Bank"][i] then
595 takenSlots = takenSlots + 1;
596 end
597 end
598 for i = 5, 10 do
599 if bankPlayer["Bag"..i] and bankPlayer["Bag"..i]["s"] then
600 for j = 1, bankPlayer["Bag"..i]["s"] do
601 if bankPlayer["Bag"..i][j] then
602 takenSlots = takenSlots + 1;
603 end
604 end
605 end
606 end
607 end
609 if ( bankPlayerName ) then
610 local playername = AIOB_Split(bankPlayerName, "|");
611 if ( AIOBColumns >= 9 ) then
612 AIOBFrameName:SetText(format(AIOB_FRAME_PLAYERANDREGION, playername[1], playername[2]));
613 else
614 AIOBFrameName:SetText(format(AIOB_FRAME_PLAYERONLY, playername[1]));
615 end
616 AIOBFrameName:SetTextColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
617 end
618 AIOBFrameSlots:SetText(format(AIOB_FRAME_SLOTS, (totalSlots-takenSlots), (totalSlots)));
619 end
621 function AIOB_UpdateTotalMoney()
622 local totalMoney = 0;
623 for key, value in AIOBProfile do
624 local thisRealmPlayers = AIOB_Split(key, "|")[2];
625 if AIOBAllRealms == 1 or thisRealmPlayers == AIOB_Trim(GetCVar("realmName")) then
626 if ( AIOBProfile[key].money ) then
627 totalMoney = totalMoney + AIOBProfile[key].money;
628 end
629 end
630 end
631 if AIOBColumns < 8 then
632 totalMoney = math.floor(totalMoney / 10000) * 10000;
633 end
634 MoneyFrame_Update("AIOB_MoneyFrameTotal", totalMoney);
635 end
637 function AIOB_UpdateBagCost(bags)
638 if not bags then
639 bags=0;
640 end
641 if bags < 6 then
642 AIOBFramePurchaseInfo:Show();
643 local cost = AIOB_GetBankSlotCost(bags);
644 MoneyFrame_Update("AIOBFrameDetailMoneyFrame", cost);
645 if ( bankPlayer and bankPlayer["money"] and bankPlayer["money"] >= cost ) then
646 SetMoneyFrameColor("AIOBFrameDetailMoneyFrame", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
647 else
648 SetMoneyFrameColor("AIOBFrameDetailMoneyFrame", 1.0, 0.1, 0.1)
649 end
650 else
651 -- Hide frame
652 AIOBFramePurchaseInfo:Hide();
653 end
654 end
656 function AIOBFrame_UpdateLookIfNeeded()
657 local slots = AIOB_GetBagsTotalSlots();
658 if ( ( not AIOBFrame.size ) or ( slots ~= AIOBFrame.size ) ) then
659 AIOBFrame_UpdateLook(getglobal("AIOBFrame"), slots);
660 end
661 end
663 function AIOBFrame_UpdateLook(frame, frameSize)
664 frame.size = frameSize;
665 local name = frame:GetName();
666 local columns = AIOBColumns;
668 local rows = ceil(frame.size / columns);
669 local height = AIOBFrame_GetAppropriateHeight(rows);
670 frame:SetHeight(height);
672 local width = AIOBFrame_GetAppropriateWidth(columns);
673 frame:SetWidth(width);
675 AIOBTitle_Update();
676 if AIOBShowPlayers ==1 then
677 AIOBDropDown:Show();
678 AIOB_AllRealms_Check:Show();
680 else
681 AIOBDropDown:Hide();
682 AIOB_AllRealms_Check:Hide();
683 end
684 for j=5,10 do
685 local bagButton=getglobal("AIOBFrameBag"..j);
686 bagButton:ClearAllPoints();
687 if j == 5 then
688 bagButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "AIOBBagButtonsBar", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0);
689 else
690 bagButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "AIOBFrameBag"..(j-1), "TOPLEFT", AIOB_ITEM_OFFSET_X, 0);
691 end
692 bagButton:Show();
693 end
694 local First_Y;
696 if AIOBBagView == 1 then
698 AIOBBagButtonsBar:Show();
699 else
701 AIOBBagButtonsBar:Hide();
702 end
703 if (AIOBShowPlayers == 0 and AIOBGraphics == 0 ) then
704 AIOB_DEBUG("move up");
705 First_Y = First_Y - AIOB_ITEM_OFFSET_Y;
706 AIOBBagButtonsBar:ClearAllPoints();
707 AIOBBagButtonsBar:SetPoint("TOP", "AIOBFrame", "TOP", 0, -28);
708 else
709 AIOBBagButtonsBar:ClearAllPoints();
710 AIOBBagButtonsBar:SetPoint("TOP", "AIOBFrame", "TOP", 0, -28-39);
712 end
713 for j=1, frame.size, 1 do
714 local itemButton = getglobal(name.."Item"..j);
715 -- Set first button
716 itemButton:ClearAllPoints();
717 if ( j == 1 ) then
718 itemButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", name, "TOPLEFT", AIOB_FIRST_ITEM_OFFSET_X, First_Y);
719 else
720 if ( mod((j-1), columns) == 0 ) then
721 itemButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", name.."Item"..(j - columns), "TOPLEFT", 0, AIOB_ITEM_OFFSET_Y);
722 else
723 itemButton:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", name.."Item"..(j - 1), "TOPLEFT", AIOB_ITEM_OFFSET_X, 0);
724 end
725 end
727 itemButton.readable = readable;
728 itemButton:Show();
729 end
730 local button = nil;
731 for i = frame.size+1, AIOB_MAX_ID do
732 button = getglobal("AIOBFrameItem"..i);
733 if ( button ) then
734 button:Hide();
735 end
736 end
737 AIOBFrame_PopulateFrame();
738 end
741 function AIOB_GetTooltipData()
742 local soulbound = nil;
743 local madeBy = nil;
744 local field;
745 local left, right;
747 for index = 1, 15, 1 do
748 field = getglobal("AIOBHiddenTooltipTextLeft"..index);
749 if( field and field:IsVisible() ) then
750 left = field:GetText();
751 else
752 left = "";
753 end
754 field = getglobal("AIOBHiddenTooltipTextRight"..index);
755 if( field and field:IsVisible() ) then
756 right = field:GetText();
757 else
758 right = "";
759 end
760 if ( string.find(left, ITEM_SOULBOUND) ) then
761 soulbound = 1;
762 end
763 local iStart, iEnd, val1 = string.find(left, "<Made by (.+)>");
764 if (val1) then
765 madeBy = val1;
766 end
767 end
768 return soulbound, madeBy;
769 end
771 function AIOBFrame_SaveBagInfo(currPlayer, bagIndex, bagName)
772 if bagName=="Bank" then
773 return 24;
774 end
775 local bagNum_Slots = GetContainerNumSlots(bagIndex);
776 local bagNum_ID = BankButtonIDToInvSlotID(bagIndex, 1);
777 local itemLink = GetInventoryItemLink("player", bagNum_ID);
778 local texture = GetInventoryItemTexture("player", bagNum_ID);
779 local hasCooldown, repairCost = AIOBHiddenTooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", bagNum_ID);
780 local soulbound, madeBy = AIOB_GetTooltipData();
781 if (itemLink) then
782 currPlayer[bagName]= {};
783 AIOB_SaveItemData(currPlayer[bagName], itemLink, strsub(texture,17), bagNum_Slots, _ , _ , soulbound, madeBy, _);
784 return bagNum_Slots;
785 else
786 currPlayer[bagName] = nil;
787 return 0;
788 end
789 end
790 function AIOBSaveBagItem(currPlayer, bagNewIndex, itemIndex, bagName)
791 local itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(bagNewIndex, itemIndex);
792 local texture, itemCount, _, itemQuality = GetContainerItemInfo(bagNewIndex, itemIndex);
793 local hasCooldown, repairCost;
794 if bagNewIndex == BANK_CONTAINER then
795 local newIndex = 39 + itemIndex;
796 hasCooldown, repairCost = AIOBHiddenTooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", newIndex);
797 else
798 hasCooldown, repairCost = AIOBHiddenTooltip:SetBagItem(bagNewIndex, itemIndex);
799 end
800 local start, duration, enable = GetContainerItemCooldown(bagNewIndex, itemIndex);
801 local soulbound, madeBy = AIOB_GetTooltipData();
802 local cooldown;
803 if hasCooldown and enable > 0 then
804 cooldown = {
805 ["s"] = start,
806 ["d"] = duration,
807 ["e"] = enable
808 };
809 end
810 if (itemLink) then
811 currPlayer[bagName][itemIndex] = {};
812 AIOB_SaveItemData(currPlayer[bagName][itemIndex], itemLink, strsub(texture,17), _, itemCount, itemQuality, soulbound, madeBy, cooldown);
813 else
814 currPlayer[bagName][itemIndex] = nil;
815 end
816 end
817 function AIOB_SaveItemData(AIOBItem, itemLink, texture, Slots, Count, Quality, soulbound, madeBy, Cooldown)
818 local myColor, myLink, name;
819 local _,_, myColor, myLink, name = strfind(itemLink, "|c(%x+)|Hitem:(%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|h%[(.-)%]|h|r");
820 AIOBItem["name"] = name;
821 AIOBItem["i"] = texture;
822 AIOBItem["s"] = Slots;
823 AIOBItem["c"] = Count;
824 AIOBItem["q"] = Quality;
825 if (ItemsMatrix_GetLink or LootLink_GetLink) then
826 AIOBItem["color"] = nil;
827 AIOBItem["item"] = nil;
828 else
829 AIOBItem["color"] = myColor;
830 AIOBItem["item"] = myLink;
831 end
832 AIOBItem["sb"] = soulbound;
833 AIOBItem["m"] = madeBy;
834 AIOBItem["d"] = Cooldown;
835 end
837 function AIOB_SaveMoney()
838 if ( PlayerName ) then
839 if ( AIOBProfile[PlayerName] ) then
840 AIOBProfile[PlayerName]["money"] = GetMoney();
841 end
842 if ( AIOB_MoneyFrame:IsVisible() ) then
843 MoneyFrame_Update("AIOB_MoneyFrame",;
844 AIOB_UpdateTotalMoney();
845 end
846 end
847 end
849 function AIOBFrame_SaveItems()
850 local currPlayer=AIOBProfile[PlayerName];
851 if currPlayer == nil then
852 return;
853 end
854 if not AtBank then
855 return;
856 end
857 AIOB_DEBUG("SaveItems");
858 currPlayer.Bags, _ = GetNumBankSlots();
859 local bagName, bagMaxIndex, bagNewIndex;
860 for bagNum = 0, currPlayer.Bags do
861 if bagNum == 0 then -- Is it the bank?
862 bagName = "Bank";
863 bagNewIndex = BANK_CONTAINER;
864 else -- It's in a bag slot
865 bagName = "Bag"..(4+bagNum);
866 bagNewIndex = (4+bagNum);
867 end
868 if (not currPlayer[bagName]) then
869 AIOB_DEBUG("Clearing "..bagName);
870 currPlayer[bagName] = {} ;
871 end
872 bagMaxIndex = AIOBFrame_SaveBagInfo(currPlayer, bagNewIndex, bagName);
873 for itemIndex = 1, bagMaxIndex do
874 AIOBSaveBagItem(currPlayer, bagNewIndex, itemIndex, bagName);
875 end
876 end
877 for bagNum = 5+currPlayer.Bags, 10 do
878 currPlayer["Bag"..bagNum] = nil;
879 end
880 AIOB_SaveMoney();
881 AIOBFrame_PopulateFrame();
882 end
885 function AIOBFrame_PopulateFrame()
886 local texture, itemButton, itemCount, itemQuality;
887 local bagName, bagMaxIndex, bagNewIndex;
888 local buttonIndex = 1;
889 local BlankTexture;
890 local maxBags;
891 if not bankPlayer then
892 return;
893 end
894 if bankPlayer.Bags then
895 maxBags = bankPlayer.Bags;
896 else
897 maxBags = 0;
898 end
899 AIOB_UpdateBagCost(maxBags);
900 _, BlankTexture = GetInventorySlotInfo("Bag0Slot");
901 for bagNum = 0, maxBags do
902 if bagNum == 0 then -- Is it the bank?
903 bagName = "Bank";
904 bagNewIndex = BANK_CONTAINER;
905 bagMaxIndex = 24;
906 else
907 bagName = "Bag"..(4+bagNum);
908 bagNewIndex = (4+bagNum);
909 local bagButton = getglobal("AIOBFrameBag"..(bagNewIndex));
910 SetItemButtonNormalTextureVertexColor(bagButton, 1.0,1.0,1.0);
911 SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(bagButton, 1.0,1.0,1.0);
912 if bankPlayer[bagName] and bankPlayer[bagName]["s"] then
913 bagMaxIndex = bankPlayer[bagName]["s"];
914 SetItemButtonTexture(bagButton, "Interface\\Icons\\"..bankPlayer[bagName]["i"]);
915 else
916 bagMaxIndex = 0;
917 SetItemButtonTexture(bagButton, BlankTexture);
918 end
919 end
920 for itemIndex = 1,bagMaxIndex do
921 itemButton = getglobal("AIOBFrameItem"..buttonIndex);
922 buttonIndex = buttonIndex + 1;
923 if(bankPlayer and bankPlayer[bagName] and bankPlayer[bagName][itemIndex]) then
924 texture = "Interface\\Icons\\"..bankPlayer[bagName][itemIndex]["i"];
925 itemCount = bankPlayer[bagName][itemIndex]["c"];
926 else
927 texture = nil;
928 itemCount = 0;
929 end
930 if(itemButton) then
931 local locked;
932 if AtBank then
933 texture, itemCount, locked, itemQuality, itemReadable = GetContainerItemInfo(bagNewIndex, itemIndex);
934 AIOBFrame_UpdateCooldown(itemButton);
935 else
936 locked = nil;
937 end
938 if bankPlayer[bagName] and bankPlayer[bagName][itemIndex] and bankPlayer[bagName][itemIndex]["d"] then
939 local cooldown = getglobal(itemButton:GetName().."Cooldown");
940 local cooldownInfo = bankPlayer[bagName][itemIndex]["d"];
941 if cooldownInfo and cooldownInfo["e"] then
942 local start, duration, enable = cooldownInfo["s"], cooldownInfo["d"], cooldownInfo["e"];
943 if duration > 0 then
944 CooldownFrame_SetTimer(cooldown, start, duration, enable);
945 else
946 cooldown:Hide();
947 end
948 else
949 cooldown:Hide();
950 end
951 end
952 if bankPlayer[bagName] and bankPlayer[bagName][itemIndex] and bankPlayer[bagName][itemIndex]["q"] then
953 AIOB_UpdateBorder(itemButton, bankPlayer[bagName][itemIndex]["q"]);
954 else
955 AIOB_UpdateBorder(itemButton, itemQuality);
956 end
957 SetItemButtonTexture(itemButton, texture);
958 SetItemButtonCount(itemButton, itemCount);
959 SetItemButtonDesaturated(itemButton, locked, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
960 itemButton.bagIndex = bagNewIndex;
961 itemButton.itemIndex= itemIndex;
962 end
963 end
964 end
965 for bagNum = 5+maxBags, 10 do
966 local bagButton = getglobal("AIOBFrameBag"..(bagNum));
967 SetItemButtonNormalTextureVertexColor(bagButton, 1.0,0.1,0.1);
968 SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(bagButton, 1.0,0.1,0.1);
969 SetItemButtonTexture(bagButton, BlankTexture);
970 end
971 if ( bankPlayer and bankPlayer["money"] ) then
972 MoneyFrame_Update("AIOB_MoneyFrame", bankPlayer["money"]);
973 AIOB_MoneyFrame:Show();
974 else
975 AIOB_MoneyFrame:Hide();
976 end
977 AIOB_UpdateTotalMoney();
978 AIOBFrame_UpdateLookIfNeeded();
979 end
984 function AIOB_UpdateBorder(itemButton, itemQuality)
985 local color = {
986 ["r"]=0.5,
987 ["g"]=0.5,
988 ["b"]=0.5 };
990 if ( itemQuality ) then
991 if itemQuality == -1 then
992 color = {
993 ["r"]=1,
994 ["g"]=1,
995 ["b"]=1 } -- white
996 elseif itemQuality == 1 then
997 color = {
998 ["r"]=0.5,
999 ["g"]=0.5,
1000 ["b"]=0.5 } -- grey
1001 elseif itemQuality == 2 then
1002 color = {
1003 ["r"]=0.0,
1004 ["g"]=1.0,
1005 ["b"]=0.0 } -- green
1006 elseif itemQuality == 3 then
1007 color = {
1008 ["r"]=0.5,
1009 ["g"]=0.5,
1010 ["b"]=1.0 } -- blue
1012 elseif itemQuality == 4 then
1013 color = {
1014 ["r"]=0.7,
1015 ["g"]=0.1,
1016 ["b"]=1.0 } -- purple
1017 else
1018 color = {
1019 ["r"]=0.0,
1020 ["g"]=0.0,
1021 ["b"]=0.0 } -- black
1022 end
1023 end
1024 SetItemButtonNormalTextureVertexColor(itemButton, color.r, color.g, color.b);
1025 end
1030 -- == Viewing other peoples banks ==
1031 function AIOB_UserDropDown_GetValue()
1032 if ( bankPlayerName ) then
1033 return bankPlayerName;
1034 else
1035 return (UnitName("player").."|"..AIOB_Trim(GetCVar("realmName")));
1036 end
1037 end
1038 function AIOB_UserDropDown_OnLoad()
1039 UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(this, AIOB_UserDropDown_Initialize);
1040 UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(this, AIOB_UserDropDown_GetValue());
1041 AIOBDropDown.tooltip = "You are viewing this player's bank contents.";
1042 UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(140, AIOBDropDown);
1043 OptionsFrame_EnableDropDown(AIOBDropDown);
1044 end
1046 function AIOB_UserDropDown_OnClick()
1047 if ( not bankPlayer ) then
1048 return;
1049 end
1050 if AtBank then
1051 CloseBankFrame();
1052 OpenAIOBFrame();
1053 end
1054 -- UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(AIOBDropDown, this.value);
1055 if ( this.value ) then
1056 bankPlayer = AIOB_GetPlayer(this.value);
1057 end
1058 AIOBFrame_PopulateFrame();
1059 end
1061 function AIOB_UserDropDown_Initialize()
1062 local selectedValue = UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedValue(AIOBDropDown);
1063 local info;
1064 for key, value in AIOBProfile do
1065 local thisRealmPlayers = AIOB_Split(key, "|")[2];
1066 if ( table.getn(AIOBProfile[key]) > 0 or AIOBProfile[key].money ) then
1067 if (AIOBAllRealms == 1 or thisRealmPlayers == AIOB_Trim(GetCVar("realmName")) ) then
1068 info = {};
1069 info.text = AIOB_Split(key,"|")[1].." of "..AIOB_Split(key,"|")[2];
1070 info.value = key;
1071 info.func = AIOB_UserDropDown_OnClick;
1072 if ( selectedValue == info.value ) then
1073 info.checked = 1;
1074 else
1075 info.checked = nil;
1076 end
1077 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
1078 end
1079 end
1080 end
1081 end
1083 function AIOB_ShowAllRealms_Check_OnClick()
1084 if ( AIOBAllRealms == 0 ) then
1085 AIOBAllRealms = 1;
1086 else
1087 AIOBAllRealms = 0;
1088 end
1089 AIOB_UpdateTotalMoney();
1090 end
1092 function AIOB_ShowAllRealms_Check_OnShow()
1093 if ( AIOBAllRealms == 1 ) then
1094 this.checked = 1;
1095 else
1096 this.checked = nil;
1097 end
1098 OptionsFrame_EnableCheckBox(this);
1099 this:SetChecked(this.checked);
1100 this.tooltipText = "Check to show all saved characters, regardless of realm.";
1101 end
1104 -- === Toggle Functions ===
1105 -- All toggling of options
1106 function ToggleAIOBFrame()
1107 if ( AIOBFrame:IsVisible() ) then
1108 CloseAIOBFrame();
1109 else
1110 OpenAIOBFrame();
1111 end
1112 end
1113 function CloseAIOBFrame()
1114 if AtBank then
1115 CloseBankFrame();
1116 end
1117 if ( AIOBFrame:IsVisible() ) then
1118 HideUIPanel(AIOBFrame);
1119 end
1120 end
1121 function OpenAIOBFrame()
1122 AIOBFrame_UpdateLookIfNeeded();
1123 ShowUIPanel(AIOBFrame, 1);
1124 end
1126 function AIOB_Toggle_Option(option, value, quiet)
1127 if value == nil then
1128 if getglobal("AIOB"..option) == 1 then
1129 value = 0;
1130 else
1131 value = 1;
1132 end
1133 end
1134 setglobal("AIOB"..option, value);
1135 AIOBProfile[PlayerName][option] = value;
1136 if not quiet then
1137 local chat_message;
1138 local globalName = "AIOB_CHAT_"..string.upper(option);
1139 if value == 0 then
1140 globalName = globalName.."OFF";
1141 else
1142 globalName = globalName.."ON";
1143 end
1144 chat_message = getglobal(globalName);
1145 if ( chat_message ) then
1146 AIOB_Print(chat_message);
1147 else
1148 AIOB_DEBUG("ERROR: No global "..globalName);
1149 end
1150 end
1151 if option == "ReplaceBank" then
1152 AIOB_SetReplaceBank();
1153 elseif option == "ShowPlayers" or option == "BagView" then
1154 AIOBFrame_UpdateLook(getglobal("AIOBFrame"),AIOB_GetBagsTotalSlots());
1155 elseif option == "Graphics" or option == "Background" then
1156 AIOB_SetGraphics();
1157 AIOBFrame_UpdateLook(getglobal("AIOBFrame"),AIOB_GetBagsTotalSlots());
1158 elseif option == "Freeze" then
1159 AIOB_SetFreeze();
1160 end
1161 end
1162 function AIOB_SetGraphics()
1163 if AIOBGraphics == 1 then
1164 AIOBFrame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,0);
1165 AIOBFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0,0,0,0);
1167 AIOBFramePortrait:Show();
1168 AIOBFrameTextureTopLeft:Show();
1169 AIOBFrameTextureTopCenter:Show();
1170 AIOBFrameTextureTopRight:Show();
1171 AIOBFrameTextureLeft:Show();
1172 AIOBFrameTextureCenter:Show();
1173 AIOBFrameTextureRight:Show();
1174 AIOBFrameTextureBottomLeft:Show();
1175 AIOBFrameTextureBottomCenter:Show();
1176 AIOBFrameTextureBottomRight:Show();
1177 AIOBFrameName:ClearAllPoints();
1178 AIOBFrameName:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "AIOBFrame", "TOPLEFT", 70, -8);
1179 AIOBFrameCloseButton:ClearAllPoints();
1180 AIOBFrameCloseButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", "AIOBFrame", "TOPRIGHT", 10, 0);
1181 else
1182 if AIOBBackground==1 then
1183 AIOBFrame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,0.7);
1184 AIOBFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,1,1,0.7);
1185 else
1186 AIOBFrame:SetBackdropColor(0,0,0,0);
1187 AIOBFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,1,1,0);
1188 end
1190 AIOBFramePortrait:Hide();
1191 AIOBFrameTextureTopLeft:Hide();
1192 AIOBFrameTextureTopCenter:Hide();
1193 AIOBFrameTextureTopRight:Hide();
1194 AIOBFrameTextureLeft:Hide();
1195 AIOBFrameTextureCenter:Hide();
1196 AIOBFrameTextureRight:Hide();
1197 AIOBFrameTextureBottomLeft:Hide();
1198 AIOBFrameTextureBottomCenter:Hide();
1199 AIOBFrameTextureBottomRight:Hide();
1200 AIOBFrameName:ClearAllPoints();
1201 AIOBFrameName:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "AIOBFrame", "TOPLEFT", 5, -6);
1202 AIOBFrameCloseButton:ClearAllPoints();
1203 AIOBFrameCloseButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", "AIOBFrame", "TOPRIGHT", 2, 2);
1204 end
1205 end
1206 function AIOB_SetFreeze()
1207 if AIOBFreeze == 1 then
1208 AIOBFreezeNormalTexture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\AllInOneInventory\\Skin\\LockButton-Locked-Up");
1209 else
1210 AIOBFreezeNormalTexture:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\AllInOneInventory\\Skin\\LockButton-Unlocked-Up");
1211 end
1212 end
1214 -- SetReplaceBank: Sets if AIOB replaces the official Bank frame
1215 -- Unhooks the Official blizzard frome from the opened and closed events
1216 function AIOB_SetReplaceBank()
1217 if BankFrame_Saved == nil then
1218 BankFrame_Saved = getglobal("BankFrame");
1219 end
1220 if ( AIOBReplaceBank == 0 ) then
1221 BankFrame_Saved:RegisterEvent("BANKFRAME_OPENED");
1222 BankFrame_Saved:RegisterEvent("BANKFRAME_CLOSED");
1223 setglobal("BankFrame", BankFrame_Saved);
1224 BankFrame_Saved = nil;
1225 else
1226 if BankFrame_Saved:IsVisible() then
1227 BankFrame_Saved:Hide();
1228 end
1229 BankFrame_Saved:UnregisterEvent("BANKFRAME_OPENED");
1230 BankFrame_Saved:UnregisterEvent("BANKFRAME_CLOSED");
1231 setglobal("BankFrame", AIOBFrameAtBankText);
1232 end
1233 end
1234 -- == End Toggle Functions ==
1236 -- Get Link and Get Hyperlink - maintain independance.
1237 function AIOB_GetLink(item)
1238 if item and item.color and item.item and then
1239 local link = "|c"..item.color.."|H"..AIOB_GetHyperlink(item).."|h[""]|h|r";
1240 return link;
1241 end
1242 return nil;
1243 end
1245 function AIOB_GetHyperlink(item)
1246 if item and item.item then
1247 local link = string.gsub(item.item, "(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)", "%1:0:%3:%4");
1248 return "item:";
1249 end
1250 return nil;
1251 end