wasSharp – Blame information for rev 33

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
2 zed 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2013 - License: GNU GPLv3 //
3 // Please see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for legal details, //
4 // rights of fair usage, the disclaimer and warranty conditions. //
5 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 using System;
8 using System.Collections.Generic;
9 using System.Linq;
10 using System.Reflection;
12 namespace wasSharp
13 {
7 office 14 public static class Reflection
2 zed 15 {
16 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17 // Copyright (C) 2014 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3 //
18 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 /// <summary>
20 /// Retrieves an attribute of type T from an enumeration.
21 /// </summary>
22 /// <returns>an attribute of type T</returns>
5 eva 23 public static T GetAttributeFromEnumValue<T>(Enum value) where T : Attribute
2 zed 24 {
27 office 25 return (T)value.GetType()
2 zed 26 .GetRuntimeField(value.ToString())
10 office 27 .GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), false)
2 zed 28 .SingleOrDefault();
29 }
31 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
32 // Copyright (C) 2015 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3 //
33 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
34 /// <summary>
35 /// Returns all the attributes of type T of an enumeration.
36 /// </summary>
37 /// <typeparam name="T">the attribute to retrieve</typeparam>
38 /// <returns>a list of attributes</returns>
5 eva 39 public static IEnumerable<T> GetEnumAttributes<T>(Enum e) where T : Attribute
2 zed 40 {
7 office 41 return e.GetType().GetRuntimeFields().ToArray()
3 eva 42 .AsParallel()
27 office 43 .Select(o => GetAttributeFromEnumValue<T>((Enum)o.GetValue(Activator.CreateInstance<T>())));
2 zed 44 }
46 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
47 // Copyright (C) 2014 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3 //
48 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
49 /// <summary>
50 /// Returns all the field names of an enumeration.
51 /// </summary>
52 /// <returns>the field names</returns>
5 eva 53 public static IEnumerable<string> GetEnumNames<T>()
2 zed 54 {
55 return
10 office 56 typeof(T).GetRuntimeFields().ToArray()
2 zed 57 .AsParallel()
10 office 58 .Select(o => o.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(NameAttribute), false))
2 zed 59 .Select(o => (o as NameAttribute)?.Name)
60 .Where(o => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o))
61 .Select(o => o);
62 }
64 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
65 // Copyright (C) 2014 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3 //
66 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
67 /// <summary>
68 /// Returns all the values of an enumeration.
69 /// </summary>
70 /// <returns>the values of the enumeration</returns>
5 eva 71 public static IEnumerable<T> GetEnumValues<T>()
2 zed 72 {
27 office 73 return Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).Cast<object>().Select(value => (T)value);
2 zed 74 }
76 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
77 // Copyright (C) 2015 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3 //
78 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
79 /// <summary>
7 office 80 /// Get the name from an enumeration value.
2 zed 81 /// </summary>
82 /// <param name="value">an enumeration value</param>
83 /// <returns>the description or the empty string</returns>
5 eva 84 public static string GetNameFromEnumValue(Enum value)
2 zed 85 {
7 office 86 var attribute = value.GetType()
2 zed 87 .GetRuntimeField(value.ToString())
10 office 88 .GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NameAttribute), false)
2 zed 89 .SingleOrDefault() as NameAttribute;
90 return attribute?.Name;
91 }
93 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
94 // Copyright (C) 2015 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3 //
95 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
96 /// <summary>
97 /// Get the description from an enumeration value.
98 /// </summary>
99 /// <param name="value">an enumeration value</param>
100 /// <returns>the description or the empty string</returns>
5 eva 101 public static string GetDescriptionFromEnumValue(Enum value)
2 zed 102 {
7 office 103 var attribute = value.GetType()
2 zed 104 .GetRuntimeField(value.ToString())
10 office 105 .GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false)
2 zed 106 .SingleOrDefault() as DescriptionAttribute;
107 return attribute?.Description;
108 }
110 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
111 // Copyright (C) 2015 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3 //
112 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
113 /// <summary>
114 /// Get enumeration value from its name attribute.
115 /// </summary>
116 /// <typeparam name="T">the enumeration type</typeparam>
117 /// <param name="name">the description of a member</param>
21 office 118 /// <param name="comparison">the string comparison to use</param>
2 zed 119 /// <returns>the value or the default of T if case no name attribute found</returns>
24 office 120 public static T GetEnumValueFromName<T>(string name,
121 StringComparison comparison = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
2 zed 122 {
10 office 123 var field = typeof(T).GetRuntimeFields().ToArray()
2 zed 124 .AsParallel().SelectMany(f => f.GetCustomAttributes(
10 office 125 typeof(NameAttribute), false), (
27 office 126 f, a) => new { Field = f, Att = a })
127 .SingleOrDefault(a => string.Equals(((NameAttribute)a.Att)
21 office 128 .Name, name, comparison));
27 office 129 return field != null ? (T)field.Field.GetValue(Activator.CreateInstance<T>()) : default(T);
2 zed 130 }
132 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
133 // Copyright (C) 2015 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3 //
134 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
135 /// <summary>
7 office 136 /// Get the name of a structure member.
2 zed 137 /// </summary>
138 /// <typeparam name="T">the type of the structure to search</typeparam>
139 /// <param name="structure">the structure to search</param>
140 /// <param name="item">the value of the item to search</param>
141 /// <returns>the description or the empty string</returns>
5 eva 142 public static string GetStructureMemberName<T>(T structure, object item) where T : struct
2 zed 143 {
10 office 144 var field = typeof(T).GetRuntimeFields().ToArray()
145 .AsParallel().SelectMany(f => f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NameAttribute), false),
27 office 146 (f, a) => new { Field = f, Att = a }).SingleOrDefault(f => f.Field.GetValue(structure).Equals(item));
147 return field != null ? ((NameAttribute)field.Att).Name : string.Empty;
2 zed 148 }
3 eva 149  
7 office 150 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
151 // Copyright (C) 2016 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3 //
152 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 eva 153 /// <summary>
7 office 154 /// Get field or property from a class by supplying a path.
155 /// </summary>
156 /// <typeparam name="T">the type of the object</typeparam>
157 /// <param name="o">the object</param>
158 /// <param name="path">the fully qualified path to the field of property</param>
159 /// <returns>
160 /// the last object in the fully qualified path or null in case the field or property could not be found
161 /// </returns>
162 public static object GetFP<T>(this T o, string path)
163 {
164 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) return null;
165 if (o == null) return null;
167 var memberType = o.GetType();
168 var components = path.Split('.');
170 var f = memberType.GetRuntimeField(components[0]);
171 var p = memberType.GetRuntimeProperty(components[0]);
173 if (f != null)
174 return components.Length > 1
175 ? GetFP(f.GetValue(o),
176 components.Skip(1).Aggregate((a, i) => a + @"." + i))
177 : memberType.GetRuntimeField(path).GetValue(o);
179 if (p != null)
180 return components.Length > 1
181 ? GetFP(p.GetValue(o),
182 components.Skip(1).Aggregate((a, i) => a + @"." + i))
183 : memberType.GetRuntimeProperty(path).GetValue(o);
185 return null;
186 }
188 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
189 // Copyright (C) 2016 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3 //
190 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
191 /// <summary>
192 /// Get field or property info from a class by supplying a path.
193 /// </summary>
194 /// <typeparam name="T">the type of the object</typeparam>
195 /// <param name="o">the object</param>
196 /// <param name="path">the fully qualified path to the field of property</param>
197 /// <returns>
198 /// the field or property info of the last object in the path or null if the object cannot be found
199 /// </returns>
200 public static object GetFPInfo<T>(this T o, string path)
201 {
202 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) return null;
203 if (o == null) return null;
205 var memberType = o.GetType();
206 var components = path.Split('.');
208 var f = memberType.GetRuntimeField(components[0]);
209 var p = memberType.GetRuntimeProperty(components[0]);
211 if (f != null)
212 return components.Length > 1
213 ? GetFPInfo(f.GetValue(o),
214 components.Skip(1).Aggregate((a, i) => a + @"." + i))
215 : memberType.GetRuntimeField(path);
217 if (p != null)
218 return components.Length > 1
219 ? GetFPInfo(p.GetValue(o),
220 components.Skip(1).Aggregate((a, i) => a + @"." + i))
221 : memberType.GetRuntimeProperty(path);
223 return null;
224 }
226 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
227 // Copyright (C) 2016 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3 //
228 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 office 229 /// <summary>Return all the run-time properties for an object.</summary>
230 /// <param name="o">the object whose properties to return</param>
231 /// <returns>the property information for all the properties of the object</returns>
232 public static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetPropertiesInfo<T>(this T o)
233 {
234 foreach (var p in o.GetType().GetRuntimeProperties())
235 yield return p;
236 }
238 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
239 // Copyright (C) 2016 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3 //
240 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
7 office 241 /// <summary>
242 /// Enumerate all the base types recursively starting from a type.
243 /// </summary>
244 /// <param name="type">the type</param>
245 /// <returns>an enumeration of all base types</returns>
246 public static IEnumerable<Type> GetBaseTypes(this Type type)
247 {
248 var baseType = type.GetTypeInfo().BaseType;
10 office 249 if (baseType == null)
7 office 250 yield break;
251 yield return baseType;
252 foreach (var t in GetBaseTypes(baseType))
253 {
254 yield return t;
255 }
256 }
258 /// <summary>
3 eva 259 /// A generic name attribute.
260 /// </summary>
261 public class NameAttribute : Attribute
262 {
263 protected readonly string name;
265 public NameAttribute(string name)
266 {
267 this.name = name;
268 }
270 public string Name => name;
271 }
273 /// <summary>
274 /// A generic description attribute.
275 /// </summary>
276 public class DescriptionAttribute : Attribute
277 {
278 protected readonly string description;
280 public DescriptionAttribute(string description)
281 {
282 this.description = description;
283 }
285 public string Description => description;
286 }
2 zed 287 }
27 office 288 }