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;/* AvailFonts.c - Execute me to compile me with Lattice 5.10a
LC -cfistq -v -y -j73 AvailFonts.c
Blink FROM LIB:c.o,AvailFonts.o TO AvailFonts LIBRARY LIB:LC.lib,LIB:Amiga.lib
quit ;*/

#include <exec/types.h>
#include <dos/rdargs.h>
#include <dos/dosextens.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <intuition/screens.h>
#include <graphics/text.h>
#include <graphics/displayinfo.h>
#include <graphics/regions.h>
#include <graphics/gfx.h>
#include <libraries/diskfont.h>
#include <utility/tagitem.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/dos_protos.h>
#include <clib/layers_protos.h>
#include <clib/alib_stdio_protos.h>
#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
#include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
#include <clib/diskfont_protos.h>
#include <clib/utility_protos.h>

#ifdef LATTICE
int CXBRK(void) { return(0); }  /* Disable Lattice CTRL/C handling */
int chkabort(void) { return(0); }

UBYTE *vers = "\0$VER: AvailFonts 36.3";

void MainLoop(void);

struct stringstruct {
        UBYTE *string;
        LONG charcount;
        WORD stringwidth;

UBYTE *alphabetstring = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
struct stringstruct fname, fheight, XDPI, YDPI, entrynum;
struct Library *DiskfontBase, *IntuitionBase, *LayersBase, *GfxBase, *UtilityBase;
struct Window *mywin;
struct RastPort *mycliprp, myrp;
struct Rectangle myrect;
struct Region *new_region, *old_region;
struct DrawInfo *mydrawinfo;
struct AvailFontsHeader *afh;
LONG fontheight, alphabetcharcount;
WORD stringwidth;

void main(int argc, char **argv)
  struct TextFont *defaultfont = NULL;
  struct TextAttr defaultfontattr = { "topaz.font", 9, 0, 0 };

  LONG afsize, afshortage, cliprectside;

  fname.string = "Font Name:  ";
  fheight.string = "Font Height:  ";
  XDPI.string = "X DPI:  ";
  YDPI.string = "Y DPI:  ";
  entrynum.string = "Entry #:  ";

  if (DiskfontBase = OpenLibrary("diskfont.library", 37L))              /* Open the libraries. */
    if (IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 37L))
      if (GfxBase = OpenLibrary("graphics.library", 37L))
        if (LayersBase = OpenLibrary("layers.library", 37L))
          if (UtilityBase = OpenLibrary("utility.library", 37L))
            if (mywin = OpenWindowTags(NULL,                              /* Open that window. */
                                    WA_SizeGadget,  FALSE,
                                    WA_CloseGadget, TRUE,
                                    WA_IDCMP,       IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW,
                                    WA_DragBar,     TRUE,
                                    WA_DepthGadget, TRUE,
                                    WA_Title,       (ULONG)"AvailFonts() example",
              myrp = *(mywin->RPort);       /* A structure assign: clone my window's Rastport. */
                                            /* RastPort.  This RastPort will be used to render */
                                            /* the font specs, not the actual font sample.     */
              if (mydrawinfo = GetScreenDrawInfo(mywin->WScreen))
                SetFont(&myrp, mydrawinfo->dri_Font);

                myrect.MinX = mywin->BorderLeft;                          /* LAYOUT THE WINDOW */
                myrect.MinY = mywin->BorderTop;
                myrect.MaxX = mywin->Width - (mywin->BorderRight + 1);
                myrect.MaxY = mywin->Height - (mywin->BorderBottom + 1);

                cliprectside = (myrect.MaxX - myrect.MinX) / 20;

                fname.charcount    = StrLen(fname.string);
                fheight.charcount  = StrLen(fheight.string);
                XDPI.charcount     = StrLen(XDPI.string);
                YDPI.charcount     = StrLen(YDPI.string);
                entrynum.charcount = StrLen(entrynum.string);
                alphabetcharcount  = StrLen(alphabetstring);

                fontheight = (myrp.Font->tf_YSize) + 2;

                if (fontheight > ((myrect.MaxY - myrect.MinY) / 6))  /* If the default screen  */
                {                                                    /* font is more than one- */
                  defaultfont = OpenFont(&defaultfontattr);          /* sixth the size of the  */
                  SetFont(&myrp, defaultfont);                       /* window, use topaz-9.   */
                  fontheight = (myrp.Font->tf_YSize) + 2;

                fname.stringwidth   = TextLength(&myrp, (STRPTR)fname.string, fname.charcount);
                fheight.stringwidth = TextLength(&myrp, (STRPTR)fheight.string, fheight.charcount);
                XDPI.stringwidth    = TextLength(&myrp, (STRPTR)XDPI.string, XDPI.charcount);
                YDPI.stringwidth    = TextLength(&myrp, (STRPTR)YDPI.string, YDPI.charcount);
                entrynum.stringwidth =
                    TextLength(&myrp, (STRPTR)entrynum.string, entrynum.charcount);

                stringwidth = fname.stringwidth;         /* What is the largest string length? */
                stringwidth =
                    (fheight.stringwidth > stringwidth) ? fheight.stringwidth : stringwidth;
                stringwidth = (XDPI.stringwidth > stringwidth) ? XDPI.stringwidth : stringwidth;
                stringwidth = (YDPI.stringwidth > stringwidth) ? YDPI.stringwidth : stringwidth;
                stringwidth =
                    (entrynum.stringwidth > stringwidth) ? entrynum.stringwidth : stringwidth;
                stringwidth += mywin->BorderLeft;

                if (stringwidth < ((myrect.MaxX - myrect.MinX) >> 1)) /* If the stringwidth is */
                {                                                 /* more than half the viewing*/
                  SetAPen(&myrp, mydrawinfo->dri_Pens[TEXTPEN]);  /* area, quit because the    */
                  SetDrMd(&myrp, JAM2);                           /* font is just too big.     */

                  Move(&myrp, myrect.MinX + 8 + stringwidth - fname.stringwidth,
                               myrect.MinY + 4 + (myrp.Font->tf_Baseline));
                  Text(&myrp, fname.string, fname.charcount);

                  Move(&myrp, myrect.MinX + 8 + stringwidth - fheight.stringwidth,
                              myrp.cp_y + fontheight);
                  Text(&myrp, fheight.string, fheight.charcount);

                  Move(&myrp, myrect.MinX + 8 + stringwidth - XDPI.stringwidth,
                              myrp.cp_y + fontheight);
                  Text(&myrp, XDPI.string, XDPI.charcount);

                  Move(&myrp, myrect.MinX + 8 + stringwidth - YDPI.stringwidth,
                              myrp.cp_y + fontheight);
                  Text(&myrp, YDPI.string, YDPI.charcount);

                  Move(&myrp, myrect.MinX + 8 + stringwidth - entrynum.stringwidth,
                              myrp.cp_y + fontheight);
                  Text(&myrp, entrynum.string, entrynum.charcount);

                  myrect.MinX = myrect.MinX + cliprectside;
                  myrect.MaxX = myrect.MaxX - cliprectside;
                  myrect.MinY = myrect.MinY + (5 * fontheight) + 8;
                  myrect.MaxY = myrect.MaxY - 8;

                  SetAPen(&myrp, mydrawinfo->dri_Pens[SHINEPEN]);         /* Draw a box around */
                  Move(&myrp, myrect.MinX - 1, myrect.MaxY + 1);          /* the cliprect.     */
                  Draw(&myrp, myrect.MaxX + 1, myrect.MaxY + 1);
                  Draw(&myrp, myrect.MaxX + 1, myrect.MinY - 1);

                  SetAPen(&myrp, mydrawinfo->dri_Pens[SHADOWPEN]);
                  Draw(&myrp, myrect.MinX - 1, myrect.MinY - 1);
                  Draw(&myrp, myrect.MinX - 1, myrect.MaxY);

                  SetAPen(&myrp, mydrawinfo->dri_Pens[TEXTPEN]);
                                          /* Fill up a buffer with a list of the available fonts */
                  afsize = AvailFonts((STRPTR)afh, 0L, AFF_MEMORY|AFF_DISK|AFF_SCALED|AFF_TAGGED);
                    afh = (struct AvailFontsHeader *) AllocMem(afsize, 0);
                    if (afh)
                      afshortage = AvailFonts((STRPTR)afh, afsize,
                      if (afshortage)
                        FreeMem(afh, afsize);
                        afsize += afshortage;
                        afh = (struct AvailFontsHeader *)(-1L);
                  } while (afshortage && afh);

                  if (afh)
                    /* This is for the layers.library clipping region that gets attached to */
                    /* the window.  This prevents the application from unnecessarily        */
                    /* rendering beyond the bounds of the inner part of the window. For     */
                    /* more information on clipping, see the Layers chapter of this manual. */

                    if (new_region = NewRegion())                 /* More layers stuff */
                      if (OrRectRegion(new_region, &myrect));/* Even more layers stuff */
                         /* Obtain a pointer to the window's rastport and set up some of    */
                         /* the rastport attributes.  This example obtains the text pen     */
                         /* for the window's screen using the GetScreenDrawInfo() function. */
                         mycliprp = mywin->RPort;
                         SetAPen(mycliprp, mydrawinfo->dri_Pens[TEXTPEN]);

                    FreeMem(afh, afsize);
                FreeScreenDrawInfo(mywin->WScreen, mydrawinfo);

void MainLoop(void)
  UWORD x;
  struct Task *mytask;
  struct IntuiMessage *mymsg;
  BOOL aok = TRUE;
  struct TAvailFonts *afont;
  struct TextFont *myfont;
  UBYTE buf[8];
  ULONG dpi;

  mytask = FindTask(NULL);
  afont = (struct TAvailFonts *)&(afh[1]);

  for (x = 0; (x < afh->afh_NumEntries); x++)
    if (aok)
      if (myfont = OpenDiskFont(&(afont->taf_Attr)))
        SetAPen(&myrp, mydrawinfo->dri_Pens[BACKGROUNDPEN]);   /* Print the TextFont attributes. */
        RectFill( &myrp, stringwidth, mywin->BorderTop + 4,
                  mywin->Width - (mywin->BorderRight + 1), myrect.MinY - 2 );

        SetAPen(&myrp, mydrawinfo->dri_Pens[TEXTPEN]);
        Move( &myrp, stringwidth + mywin->BorderLeft,
              mywin->BorderTop + 4 + (myrp.Font->tf_Baseline) );
        Text( &myrp, (UBYTE *)myfont->tf_Message.mn_Node.ln_Name,
              StrLen((UBYTE *)myfont->tf_Message.mn_Node.ln_Name) );

        Move(&myrp, stringwidth + mywin->BorderLeft, myrp.cp_y + fontheight); /* Print the      */
        sprintf(buf, "%d\0", myfont->tf_YSize);                               /* font's Y Size. */
        Text(&myrp, buf, StrLen(buf));

        Move(&myrp, stringwidth + mywin->BorderLeft, myrp.cp_y + fontheight); /* Print the X DPI */
        dpi = GetTagData( TA_DeviceDPI, 0L,
                          ((struct TextFontExtension *)(myfont->tf_Extension))->tfe_Tags);
        if (dpi)
            sprintf(buf, "%d\0", ((dpi & 0xFFFF0000)>>16));
            Text(&myrp, buf, StrLen(buf));
        else Text(&myrp, "nil", 3L);

        Move(&myrp, stringwidth + mywin->BorderLeft, myrp.cp_y + fontheight); /* Print the Y DPI */
        if (dpi)
            sprintf(buf, "%d\0", (dpi & 0x0000FFFF));
            Text(&myrp, buf, StrLen(buf));
        else Text(&myrp, "nil", 3L);

        Move(&myrp, stringwidth + mywin->BorderLeft, myrp.cp_y + fontheight);     /* Print the */
        sprintf(buf, "%d\0", x);                                                   /* entrynum. */
        Text(&myrp, buf, StrLen(buf));

        SetFont(mycliprp, myfont);
        old_region = InstallClipRegion(mywin->WLayer, new_region); /* Install clipping rectangle */

        SetRast(mycliprp, mydrawinfo->dri_Pens[BACKGROUNDPEN]);
        Move( mycliprp, myrect.MinX, myrect.MaxY - (myfont->tf_YSize - myfont->tf_Baseline) );
        Text(mycliprp, alphabetstring, alphabetcharcount);


        new_region = InstallClipRegion(mywin->WLayer, old_region);  /* Remove clipping rectangle */

        while (mymsg = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(mywin->UserPort))
            aok = FALSE;
            x = afh->afh_NumEntries;
            ReplyMsg((struct Message *)mymsg);

        if (mytask->tc_SigRecvd & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)        /* Did the user hit CTRL-C (the shell */
        {                                                  /* window has to receive the CTRL-C)? */
            aok = FALSE;
            x = afh->afh_NumEntries;
            VPrintf("Ctrl-C Break\n", NULL);

ULONG StrLen(UBYTE *string)
    ULONG x = 0L;

    while (string[x++]);