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spabs()    float spabs( float parm );
Take absolute value of FFP variable.

spadd()    float spadd( float leftparm, float rightparm);
    Add two FFP variables.

spceil()   float spceil( float parm ); 
    Computer largest integer less than or equal to variable.

spcmp()    long  spcmp( float leftparm, float rightparm);
    Compare two FFP variables.

spdiv()    float spdiv( float leftparm, float rightparm);
    Divide two FFP variables.

spfix()    long  spfix( float parm );
    Convert FFP variable to integer.

spfloor()  float spfloor( float parm );
    Compute least integer greater than or equal to variable.

spflt()    float spflt( long integer );
    Convert integer variable to FFP.

spmul()    float spmul( float leftparm, float rightparm);
    Multiply two FFP variables.

spneg()    float spneg( float parm );
    Take two's complement of FFP variable.

spsub()    float spsub( float leftparm, float rightparm);
    Subtract two FFP variables.

sptst()    long  sptst( float parm );
    Test an FFP variable against zero.

Be sure to include the proper data type definitions shown below.

    #include <exec/types.h>
    #include <libraries/mathffp.h>

    #include <clib/mathffp_protos.h>

    struct Library *MathBase;

    VOID main()
    FLOAT f1, f2, f3;
    LONG   i1;

    if (MathBase = OpenLibrary("mathffp.library", 0))
        i1 = SPFix(f1);            /* Call SPFix entry */
        f1 = SPFlt(i1);            /* Call SPFlt entry */

        if (SPCmp(f1,f2)) {};      /* Call SPCmp entry */
        if (!(SPTst(f1))) {};      /* Call SPTst entry */

        f1 = SPAbs(f2);            /* Call SPAbs entry */
        f1 = SPNeg(f2);            /* Call SPNeg entry */
        f1 = SPAdd(f2, f3);        /* Call SPAdd entry */
        f1 = SPSub(f2, f3);        /* Call SPSub entry */
        f1 = SPMul(f2, f3);        /* Call SPMul entry */
        f1 = SPDiv(f2, f3);        /* Call SPDiv entry */
        f1 = SPCeil(f2);           /* Call SPCeil entry */
        f1 = SPFloor(f2);          /* Call SPFloor entry */

        printf("Can't open mathffp.library\n");

The assembly language interface to the FFP basic math routines is shown
below, including some details about how the system flags are affected by
each operation.  The access mechanism is:

        MOVEA.L _MathBase,A6
        JSR _LVOSPFix(A6)

 |                                                                  |
 |                FFP Basic Assembly Functions                      |
 |                                                                  |
 | Function      Input         Output               Condition Codes |
 |             |             |                    |                 |
 | _LVOSPAbs   | D0=FFP arg  | D0=FFP absolute    | N=0             |
 |             |             |        value       | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=0             |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | X=undefined     |
 | _LVOSPAdd   | D1=FFP arg1 | D0=FFP addition    | N=1 if result   |
 |             | D0=FFP arg2 |    of arg1 + arg2  |     is negative |
 |             |             |                    | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     overflowed  |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | Z=undefined     |
 | _LVOSPCeil  | D0=FFP arg  | D0=least integer   | N=1 if result   |
 |             |             | >=arg              |     is negative |
 |             |             |                    | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | Z=undefined     |
 | _LVOSPCmp   | D1=FFP arg1 | D0=+1 if arg1>arg2 | N=0             |
 |             | D0=FFP arg2 | D0=-1 if arg1<arg2 | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             | D0=0 if arg1=arg2  |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=0             |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | X=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | GT=arg2>arg1    |
 |             |             |                    | GE=arg2>=arg1   |
 |             |             |                    | EQ=arg2=arg1    |
 |             |             |                    | NE=arg2<>arg1   |
 |             |             |                    | LT=arg2<arg1    |
 |             |             |                    | LE=arg2<=arg1   |
 | _LVOSPDiv   | D1=FFP arg1 | D0=FFP division    | N=1 if result   |
 |             | D0=FFP arg2 |    of arg2/arg1    |     is negative |
 |             |             |                    | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     overflowed  |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | Z=undefined     |
 | _LVOSPFix   | D0=FFP arg  | D0=Integer         | N=1 if result   |
 |             |             | (two's complement) |     is negative |
 |             |             |                    | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=1 if overflow |
 |             |             |                    |     occurred    |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | X=undefined     |
 | _LVOSPFloor | D0=FFP arg  | D0=largest integer | N=1 if result   |
 |             |             | <= arg             |     is negative |
 |             |             |                    | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | Z=undefined     |
 | _LVOSPFlt   | D0=Integer  | D0=FFP result      | N=1 if result   |
 |             |   (two's    |                    |     is negative |
 |             | complement) |                    | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=0             |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | X=undefined     |
 | _LVOSPMul   | D0=FFP arg1 | D0=FFP             | N=1 if result   |
 |             | D1=FFP arg2 |    multiplication  |     is negative |
 |             |             |    of arg1*arg2    | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     overflowed  |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | Z=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    |                 |
 | _LVOSPNeg   | D0=FFP arg  | D0=FFP negated     | N=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is negative |
 |             |             |                    | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=0             |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | X=undefined     |
 | _LVOSPSub   | D1=FFP arg1 | D0=FFP subtraction | N=1 if result   |
 |             | D0=FFP arg2 |    of arg2-arg1    |     is negative |
 |             |             |                    | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     overflowed  |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | Z=undefined     |
 | _LVOSPTst   | D1=FFP arg  | D0=+1 if arg>0.0   | N=1 if result   |
 |             |             | D0=-1 if arg<0.0   |     is negative |
 |             |             | D0=0 if arg=0.0    | Z=1 if result   |
 |             |             |                    |     is zero     |
 |             |             |                    | V=0             |
 |             |             |                    | C=undefined     |
 |             |             |                    | X=undefined     |
 |             | Note: This  |                    | EQ=arg=0.0      |
 |             | routine     |                    | NE=arg<>0.0     |
 |             | trashes the |                    | PL=arg>=0.0     |
 |             | arg in D1.  |                    | MI=arg<0.0      |