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The following are brief descriptions of the Amiga's graphics animation
functions.  See the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Includes and
Autodocs for details on each function call.

                 Table 28-1: Graphics Animation Functions
 |                                                                        |
 |     Animation                                                          |
 |     Function                   Description                             |
 |     addanimob()  add an animob to the linked list of animobs.          |
 |        addbob()  add a bob to the current gel list.                    |
 |    addvsprite()  add a vsprite to the current gel list.                |
 |       animate()  process every animob in the current animation list.   |
 |  changesprite()  change the sprite image pointer.                      |
 |   docollision()  test every gel in gel list for collisions.            |
 |     drawglist()  process the gel list, queueing vsprites, drawing bobs.|
 |  freegbuffers()  deallocate memory obtained by getgbuffers().          |
 |    freesprite()  return sprite for use by others and virtual sprite    |
 |                  machine.                                              |
 |   getgbuffers()  attempt to allocate all buffers of an entire animob.  |
 |     getsprite()  attempt to get a sprite for the simple sprite manager.|
 |      initgels()  initialize a gel list; must be called before using    |
 |                  gels.                                                 |
 |    initgmasks()  initialize all of the masks of an animob.             |
 |     initmasks()  initialize the borderline and collmask masks of a     |
 |                  VSprite.                                              |
 |    movesprite()  move sprite to a point relative to top of viewport.   |
 |        rembob()  remove a bob from the gel list.                       |
 |       remibob()  immediately remove a bob from the gel list and the    |
 |                  rastport.                                             |
 |    remvsprite()  remove a vsprite from the current gel list.           |
 |  setcollision()  set a pointer to a user collision routine.            |
 |     sortglist()  sort the current gel list, ordering its y,x           |
 |                  coordinates.                                          |