getsprite() is used to gain exclusive access to one of the eight hardware sprites. Once you have gained control of a hardware sprite, it can no longer be allocated by the GELs system for use as a VSprite. The call is made like this: struct SimpleSprite *sprite; SHORT number; if (-1 == (sprite_num = GetSprite(sprite, number))) return_code = RETURN_WARN; /* did not get the sprite */ The inputs to the getsprite() function are a pointer to a simplesprite structure and the number (0-7) of the hardware sprite to be accessed, or -1 to get the first available sprite. A value of 0-7 is returned if the request was granted, specifying which sprite was allocated. A returned value of -1 means the requested sprite was not available. If the call succeeds, the simplesprite data structure will have its sprite number field filled in with the appropriate number.