Two functions are associated with line drawing: move() and draw(). move() simply moves the cursor to a new position. It is like picking up a drawing pen and placing it at a new location. This function is executed by the statement: Move(&rastPort, x, y); draw() draws a line from the current x,y position to a new x,y position specified in the statement itself. The drawing pen is left at the new position. This is done by the statement: Draw(&rastPort, x, y); draw() uses the pen color specified for fgpen. here is a sample sequence that draws a line from location (0,0) to (100,50). SetAPen(&rastPort, COLOR1); /* Set A pen color. */ Move(&rastPort, 0, 0); /* Move to this location. */ Draw(&rastPort, 100,50); /* Draw to a this location. */ Caution: -------- If you attempt to draw a line outside the bounds of the bitmap, using the basic initialized rastport, you may crash the system. You must either do your own software clipping to assure that the line is in range, or use the layers library. Software clipping means that you need to determine if the line will fall outside your BitMap before you draw it, and render only the part which falls inside the BitMap.