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When the view is created, copper instructions are generated to change the
current contents of each color register just before the topmost line of a
viewport so that this viewport's color registers will be used for
interpreting its display.  To set the color registers you create a
colormap for the viewport with getcolormap() and call setrgb4().  here are
the steps used in 1.3 to initialize a ColorMap:

    if( view.ColorMap=GetColorMap( 4L ) )
        LoadRGB4((&viewPort, colortable, 4);

Under Release 2, a colormap is attached to the view -- usually along with
displayinfo and viewextra -- by calling the videocontrol() function.

    /*  RGB values for the four colors used.  */
    #define BLACK 0x000
    #define RED   0xf00
    #define GREEN 0x0f0
    #define BLUE  0x00f

    /*  Define some colors in an array of UWORDS.  */
    static UWORD colortable[] = { BLACK, RED, GREEN, BLUE };

    /* Fill the TagItem Data field with the address of the properly
       initialized (including ViewPortExtra) structure to be passed to
       VideoControl().                                                 */
    vc[0].ti_Data = (ULONG)viewPort;

    /* Init ColorMap.  2 planes deep, so 4 entries
       (2 raised to #planes power).                */
    if(cm = GetColorMap( 4L ) )
        /* For applications that must be compatible with 1.3, replace  */
        /* the next 2 lines with: viewPort.ColorMap=cm;                */
        if( VideoControl( cm , vcTags ) )
            fail("Could not attach extended structures\n");

        /*  Change colors to those in colortable.  */
        LoadRGB4(&viewPort, colortable, 4);

    The 4 Is For Bits, Not Entries.
    The 4 in the name loadrgb4() refers to the fact that each of the red,
    green, and blue values in a color table entry consists of four bits.
    It has nothing to do with the fact that this particular color table
    contains four entries. The call getrgb4() returns the rgb value of a
    single entry of a colormap. setrgb4cm() allows individual control of
    the entries in the ColorMap before or after linking it into the

The loadrgb4() call above could be replaced with the following:

    register USHORT entry;

    /*  Operate on the same four ColorMap entries as above.  */
    for (entry = 0; entry < 4; entry++)
        /* Call SetRGB4CM() with the address of the ColorMap, the entry to
           be changed, and the Red, Green, and Blue values to be stored
        SetRGB4CM(viewPort.ColorMap, entry,
        /* Extract the three color values from the one colortable entry. */
            ((colortable[entry] & 0x0f00) >> 8),
                ((colortable[entry] & 0x00f0) >> 4),
                    (colortable[entry] & 0x000f));

Notice above how the four bits for each color are masked out and shifted
right to get values from 0 to 15.

    It is important to use only the standard system colormap-related
    calls to access the ColorMap entries.  These calls will remain
    compatible with recent and future enhancements to the ColorMap

You might need to specify more colors in the color map than you think. If
you use a dual playfield display (covered later in this chapter) with a
depth of 1 for each of the two playfields, this means a total of four
colors (two for each playfield). However, because playfield 2 uses color
registers starting from number 8 on up when in dual-playfield mode, the
color map must be initialized to contain at least 10 entries. That is, it
must contain entries for colors 0 and 1 (for playfield 1) and color
numbers 8 and 9 (for playfield 2). Space for sprite colors must be
allocated as well. For Amiga system software version 1.3 and earlier, when
in doubt, allocate a colormap with 32 entries, just in case.