struct IControlPrefs { LONG ic_Reserved[4]; /* System reserved */ UWORD ic_TimeOut; /* Verify timeout */ WORD ic_MetaDrag; /* Meta drag mouse event */ ULONG ic_Flags; /* IControl flags (see below) */ UBYTE ic_WBtoFront; /* CKey: WB to front */ UBYTE ic_FrontToBack; /* CKey: front screen to back */ UBYTE ic_ReqTrue; /* CKey: Requester TRUE */ UBYTE ic_ReqFalse; /* CKey: Requester FALSE */ }; The ic_Flags field can have the following values: ICF_COERCE_COLORS This indicates that a displaymode with a matching number of colors has preference over a correct aspect ration when screen coercing takes place. ICF_COERCE_LACE This indicates that chosing an interlaced display mode is allowed when coercing screens. Otherwise a non-interlaced display mode will be selected. ICF_STRGAD_FILTER This indicates that control characters should be filtered out of string gadget user input. ICF_MENUSNAP This indicates that an autoscroll screen should be snapped back to origin when the mouse menu-button is selected. Note that the command key values in the last four fields of the IControlPrefs structure are ANSI codes, not RAWKEY codes.