In Release 2, the devs:system-configuration file has been replaced by various .prefs files, located in the ENV:sys and ENVARC:sys directories. System Preferences options currently in use are located in ENV:sys. Permanent, saved copies of system Preferences files are stored in ENVARC:sys. The contents of ENVARC: is copied at boot time to ENV:. Applications may also store their own preference files in ENV: but should use a subdirectory for that purpose. Currently the following Preferences editors and files are available: Table 13-1: Preferences Editors in Release 2 Preferences Editor Preferences Configuration File ------------------ ------------------------------ IControl icontrol.prefs Input input.prefs Palette palette.ilbm Pointer pointer.ilbm Printer printer.prefs PrinterGfx printergfx.prefs Overscan overscan.prefs ScreenMode screenmode.prefs Serial serial.prefs --- wbconfig.prefs Font wbfont.prefs, sysfont.prefs and screenfont.prefs Time --- WBPattern wb.pat and win.pat Each .prefs file is managed by editor with the same name, except for wbconfig.prefs, which is written directly by Workbench and has no editor. One Preferences editor has no .prefs file, Time. That Preferences editor writes directly to the battery backed clock. When the user makes a change to a Preferences item with one of the editors, the changes will be saved in either ENV:sys or both ENV:sys and ENVARC:sys depending on whether the user saves the changes with the "Use" gadget or "Save" gadget of the Preferences editor. The "Use" gadget is for making temporary changes and the new preferences will be stored only in ENV:sys. If the user reboots, the old preferences will be restored from the permanent copy in ENVARC:sys. The "Save" gadget is for making permanent changes and the new preferences will be stored in both ENV:sys and ENVARC:sys. That way, if the user reboots, the new preferences will still be in effect since the system looks in ENVARC:sys to find out what preferences should be set to at boot time.