The Amiga allows tabbing to the next string gadget in a window or requester and shifted tabbing to the previous string gadget. This function operates starting with V37. If the gflg_tabcycle flag is set, this string participates in cycling activation with Tab or Shift Tab. If only a single gadget has this flag set, then the Tab keys will have no effect. If one of the Tab keys is pressed while in a string gadget without gflg_tabcycle set, nothing will happen, even though other string gadgets may have the flag set. Activation order is determined by the order of the string gadgets in the gadget list, following the nextgadget link. the tab key will advance to the next string gadget with gflg_tabcycle set, shifted tab will move to the previous gadget. To order gadgets for tabbing (next/ previous string gadget), place them in the correct order in the gadget list when they are added to the system. This order must be maintained if the gadgets are removed and put back, or the tabbing order will change. The tab keys will de-activate the current gadget as if one of the Return or Enter keys had been pressed, sending an idcmp_gadgetup message to the application. The application can recognize that tab was pressed by looking for 0x09 (the ASCII tab character) in the code field of the IDCMP_GADGETUP intuimessage. if necessary, it can then inspect the qualifier field of that message to see if the shift key was pressed. The next string gadget with gflg_tabcycle set will be activated, with shifted tab activating the previous string gadget.