The following are brief descriptions of the Intuition functions that relate to the use of Intuition windows. See the Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Includes and Autodocs for details on each function call. Table 4-2: Functions for Intuition Windows ______________________________________________________________________ | | | Function Description | |======================================================================| | openwindowtaglist() open a window. | | openwindowtags() alternate calling sequence for | | OpenWindowTagList(). | | openwindow() pre-v36 way to open a window. | | closewindow() close a window. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | beginrefresh() turn on optimized window refresh mode. | | endrefresh() turn off optimized window refresh mode. | | refreshwindowframe() redraw the borders and border gadgets of an | | open window. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | activatewindow() make an open window active. | | sizewindow() change the size of an open window. | | movewindow() change the position of an open window. | | changewindowbox() change the size and position of an open | | window. | | windowlimits() change the minimum and maximum sizes of an | | open window. | | windowtoback() move a window behind all other windows. | | windowtofront() move a window in front of all other windows. | | movewindowinfrontof() move a window in front of another window. | | zipwindow() change the size of window to its alternate | | size. | | setwindowtitles() change the window titles for the window and | | the screen. | | setpointer() set up a custom pointer to display whenever | | the window is active. | | clearpointer() restore the mouse pointer to its default | | imagery. | |______________________________________________________________________|