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        EndRefresh -- End the optimized refresh state of the window.

        EndRefresh( window, complete )
                    A0      D0

        VOID EndRefresh( struct window *, bool );

        This function gets you out of the special refresh state of your
        window.  It is called following a call to beginrefresh(), which
        routine puts you into the special refresh state.  While your window
        is in the refresh state, the only rendering that will be wrought in
        your window will be to those areas which were recently revealed and
        need to be refreshed.

        After you've done all the refreshing you want to do for this window,
        you should call this routine to restore the window to its
        non-refreshing state.  Then all rendering will go to the entire
        window, as usual.

        The 'Complete' argument is a boolean TRUE or FALSE value used to
        describe whether or not the refreshing you've done was all the
        refreshing that needs to be done at this time.  Most often, this
        argument will be TRUE.  But if, for instance, you have multiple
        tasks or multiple procedure calls which must run to completely
        refresh the window, then each can call its own Begin/EndRefresh()
        pair with a Complete argument of FALSE, and only the last calls
        with a Complete argument of TRUE.

        WARNING:  Passing this function the value of FALSE has its
        pitfalls.  Please see the several caveats in the autodoc for

        For your information, this routine calls the Layers library function
        endupdate(), unlocks your layers (calls unlocklayerrom()), clears
        the LAYERREFRESH bit in your layer flags, and clears the
        WFLG_WINDOWREFRESH bit in your window Flags.

        window = pointer to the window currently in optimized-refresh mode
        Complete = Boolean TRUE or FALSE describing whether or not this
           window is completely refreshed



        beginrefresh(), layers.library/endupdate(),