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       getscreenmode_gc -- create getscreenmode BOOPSI objects



       The getscreenmode gadget class is used to get screenmodes from a
       screenmode requester in an easy and consistent way.  It consists of
       two button gadgets, one read-only and one popscreenmode button,
       that are used to select the screenmode and show the result.

       Advantages that this class provides:

       > Consistent behaviour and look in all applications using this class
         instead of doing their own screenmode selection routines.

       > Easy to use.

       OM_NEW -- Passed to superclass, defaults set, then OM_SET. Children

       OM_SET -- Passed to superclass, custom tags set.

       OM_GET -- custom tag returned or passed to superclass.

       OM_UPDATE -- Passed to superclass, options set then rendered.

       OM_DISPOSE -- Children disposed of, then passed to superclass.

       GM_RENDER -- Passed to superclass, then children are rendered.

       GM_HITTEST -- Overrides superclass, returns GMR_GADGETHIT if within
                 the popscreenmode button.

       GM_HELPTEST -- Overrides superclass, returns GMR_HELPHIT if within
                 the domain of the gadget.

       GM_GOACTIVE -- Passed to superclass, passed to popfile/drawer button.

       GM_HANDLEINPUT -- Overrides superclass, all input processed.

       GM_GOINACTIVE -- Passed to superclass, popfile/drawer button deactivated.

       GM_DOMAIN -- Returns GDOMAIN_MINIMUM and GDOMAIN_MAXIMUM dimensions.

       GM_KEYACTIVE -- Private method for keyboard control.

       GM_KEYINACTIVE -- Private method for keyboard control.

       GSM_REQUEST -- getscreenmode gadget method for invoking the screenmode requester.

       Most of these tags operate the same as the ASLSM_#? tags in ASL library.
       See <asl.library/AslRequest> for detailed descriptions.

          Title of the screenmode requester.

          Default to none.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

          Height of the screenmode requester.

          Defaults to 200.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET).

          Width of the screenmode requester.

          Defaults to 300.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET).

          Left edge of the screenmode requester.

          Defaults to 30.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET).

          Top edge of the screenmode requester.

          Defaults to 20.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET).

          Display id of screenmode.

          Defaults to 0 (LORES_KEY).

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET, OM_NOTIFY).

       GETSCREENMODE_DisplayWidth (ULONG)
          Display width.

          Defaults to 640.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET, OM_NOTIFY).

       GETSCREENMODE_DisplayHeight (ULONG)
          Display height.

          Defaults to 200.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET, OM_NOTIFY).

       GETSCREENMODE_DisplayDepth (UWORD)
          Display depth.

          Defaults to 2.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET, OM_NOTIFY).

       GETSCREENMODE_OverscanType (UWORD)
          Type of overscan.

          Defaults to OSCAN_TEXT.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET, OM_NOTIFY).

       GETSCREENMODE_AutoScroll (BOOL)
          Autoscroll setting.

          Defaults to TRUE.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_NOTIFY).

       GETSCREENMODE_InfoOpened (BOOL)
          info window initially opened?

          Defaults to FALSE.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

       GETSCREENMODE_InfoLeftEdge (WORD)
          info window left edge.

          Defaults to 30.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET).

          info window top edge.

          Defaults to 20.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET).

          Display Width gadget?

          Defaults to FALSE.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

          Display Height gadget?

          Defaults to FALSE.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

          Display Depth gadget?

          Defaults to FALSE.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

       GETSCREENMODE_DoOverscanType (BOOL)
          Display Overscan Type gadget?

          Defaults to FALSE.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

       GETSCREENMODE_DoAutoScroll (BOOL)
          Display AutoScroll gadget?

          Defaults to FALSE.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

       GETSCREENMODE_PropertyFlags (ULONG)
          Must have these Property flags.

          Defaults to DIPF_IS_WB.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

       GETSCREENMODE_PropertyMask (ULONG)
          Only these should be looked at.

          Defaults to DIPF_IS_WB.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

          Minimum display width to allow.

          Defaults to 16.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

          Maximum display width to allow.

          Defaults to 16368.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

          Minimum display height to allow.

          Defaults to 16.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

          Maximum display height to allow.

          Defaults to 16368.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

          Minimum display depth to allow.

          Defaults to 1.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

          Maximum display depth to allow.

          Defaults to 24.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

       GETSCREENMODE_FilterFunc (struct hook *)
          Function to filter mode id's.

          Defaults to none.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).

       GETSCREENMODE_CustomSMList (struct list *)
          Exec list of struct displaymode.

          Defaults to none.

          Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET).