TABLE OF CONTENTS mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPAbs mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPAdd mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPCeil mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPCmp mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPDiv mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPFix mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPFloor mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPFlt mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPMul mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPNeg mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPSub mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPTst mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPAbs mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPAbs NAME IEEEDPAbs -- compute absolute value of IEEE double precision argument SYNOPSIS x = IEEEDPAbs( y ); d0/d1 d0/d1 double x,y; FUNCTION Take the absolute value of argument y and return it to caller. INPUTS y -- IEEE double precision floating point value RESULT x -- IEEE double precision floating point value BUGS SEE ALSO mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPAdd mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPAdd NAME IEEEDPAdd -- add one double precision IEEE number to another SYNOPSIS x = IEEEDPAdd( y , z ); d0/d1 d0/d1 d2/d3 double x,y,z; FUNCTION Compute x = y + z in IEEE double precision. INPUTS y -- IEEE double precision floating point value z -- IEEE double precision floating point value RESULT x -- IEEE double precision floating point value BUGS SEE ALSO IEEEDPSub mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPCeil mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPCeil NAME IEEEDPCeil -- compute Ceil function of IEEE double precision number SYNOPSIS x = IEEEDPCeil( y ); d0/d1 d0/d1 double x,y; FUNCTION Calculate the least integer greater than or equal to x and return it. This value may have more than 32 bits of significance. This identity is true. Ceil(x) = -Floor(-x). INPUTS y -- IEEE double precision floating point value RESULT x -- IEEE double precision floating point value BUGS SEE ALSO IEEEDPFloor mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPCmp mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPCmp NAME IEEEDPCmp -- compare two double precision floating point numbers SYNOPSIS c = IEEEDPCmp( y , z ); d0 d0/d1 d2/d3 double y,z; long c; FUNCTION Compare y with z. Set the condition codes for less, greater, or equal. Set return value c to -1 if y<z, or +1 if y>z, or 0 if y == z. INPUTS y -- IEEE double precision floating point value z -- IEEE double precision floating point value RESULT c = 1 cc = gt for (y > z) c = 0 cc = eq for (y == z) c = -1 cc = lt for (y < z) BUGS SEE ALSO mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPDiv mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPDiv NAME IEEEDPDiv -- divide one double precision IEEE by another SYNOPSIS x = IEEEDPDiv( y , z ); d0/d1 d0/d1 d2/d3 double x,y,z; FUNCTION Compute x = y / z in IEEE double precision. INPUTS y -- IEEE double precision floating point value z -- IEEE double precision floating point value RESULT x -- IEEE double precision floating point value BUGS SEE ALSO IEEEDPMul mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPFix mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPFix NAME IEEEDPFix -- convert IEEE double float to integer SYNOPSIS x = IEEEDPFix( y ); d0 d0/d1 long x; double y; FUNCTION Convert IEEE double precision argument to a 32 bit signed integer and return result. INPUTS y -- IEEE double precision floating point value RESULT if no overflow occured then return x -- 32 bit signed integer if overflow return largest +- integer For round to zero BUGS SEE ALSO IEEEDPFlt mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPFloor mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPFloor NAME IEEEDPFloor -- compute Floor function of IEEE double precision number SYNOPSIS x = IEEEDPFloor( y ); d0/d1 d0/d1 double x,y; FUNCTION Calculate the largest integer less than or equal to x and return it. This value may have more than 32 bits of significance. INPUTS y -- IEEE double precision floating point value RESULT x -- IEEE double precision floating point value BUGS SEE ALSO IEEEDPCeil mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPFlt mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPFlt NAME IEEEDPFlt -- convert integer to IEEE double precision number SYNOPSIS x = IEEEDPFlt( y ); d0/d1 d0 double x; long y; FUNCTION Convert a signed 32 bit value to a double precision IEEE value and return it in d0/d1. No exceptions can occur with this function. INPUTS y -- 32 bit integer in d0 RESULT x is a 64 bit double precision IEEE value BUGS SEE ALSO IEEEDPFix mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPMul mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPMul NAME IEEEDPMul -- multiply one double precision IEEE number by another SYNOPSIS x = IEEEDPMul( y , z ); d0/d1 d0/d1 d2/d3 double x,y,z; FUNCTION Compute x = y * z in IEEE double precision. INPUTS y -- IEEE double precision floating point value z -- IEEE double precision floating point value RESULT x -- IEEE double precision floating point value BUGS SEE ALSO IEEEDPDiv mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPNeg mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPNeg NAME IEEEDPNeg -- compute negative value of IEEE double precision number SYNOPSIS x = IEEEDPNeg( y ); d0/d1 d0/d1 double x,y; FUNCTION Invert the sign of argument y and return it to caller. INPUTS y - IEEE double precision floating point value RESULT x - IEEE double precision floating point value BUGS SEE ALSO mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPSub mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPSub NAME IEEEDPSub -- subtract one double precision IEEE number from another SYNOPSIS x = IEEEDPSub( y , z ); d0/d1 d0/d1 d2/d3 double x,y,z; FUNCTION Compute x = y - z in IEEE double precision. INPUTS y -- IEEE double precision floating point value z -- IEEE double precision floating point value RESULT x -- IEEE double precision floating point value BUGS SEE ALSO IEEEDPAdd mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPTst mathieeedoubbas.library/IEEEDPTst NAME IEEEDPTst -- compare IEEE double precision value to 0.0 SYNOPSIS c = IEEEDPTst( y ); d0 d0/d1 double y; long c; FUNCTION Compare y to 0.0, set the condition codes for less than, greater than, or equal to 0.0. Set the return value c to -1 if less than, to +1 if greater than, or 0 if equal to 0.0. INPUTS y -- IEEE double precision floating point value RESULT c = 1 cc = gt for (y > 0.0) c = 0 cc = eq for (y == 0.0) c = -1 cc = lt for (y < 0.0) BUGS SEE ALSO