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n                struct ExtendedNode(size 0x0018 bytes) in struct ViewExtra
         +0x0000 graphics/view.h: *72
n                struct ExtendedNode(size 0x0018 bytes) in struct
         +0x0000 graphics/view.h: *81
n                pointer to struct bltnode in struct bltnode
         +0x0000 hardware/blit.h: *92
narrator_rb      structure tag size 0x0058 devices/narrator.h: *93, 129
nb_Descr         pointer to char in struct NewBroker
         +0x000a libraries/commodities.h: *52
nb_Flags         short int in struct NewBroker
         +0x0010 libraries/commodities.h: *54
nb_Name          pointer to char in struct NewBroker
         +0x0002 libraries/commodities.h: *50
nb_Port          pointer to struct MsgPort in struct NewBroker
         +0x0014 libraries/commodities.h: *57
nb_Pri           char in struct NewBroker +0x0012 libraries/commodities.h: *55
nb_ReservedChannel short int in struct NewBroker
         +0x0018 libraries/commodities.h: *58
nb_Title         pointer to char in struct NewBroker
         +0x0006 libraries/commodities.h: *51
nb_Unique        short int in struct NewBroker
         +0x000e libraries/commodities.h: *53
nb_Version       char in struct NewBroker +0x0000 libraries/commodities.h: *49
nextLine         pointer to short int in struct GelsInfo
         +0x000a graphics/rastport.h: *48
ng_Flags         unsigned long int in struct NewGadget
         +0x0012 libraries/gadtools.h: *101
ng_GadgetID      unsigned short int in struct NewGadget
         +0x0010 libraries/gadtools.h: *100
ng_GadgetText    pointer to unsigned char in struct NewGadget
         +0x0008 libraries/gadtools.h: *98
ng_Height        short int in struct NewGadget
         +0x0006 libraries/gadtools.h: *97
ng_LeftEdge      short int in struct NewGadget
         +0x0000 libraries/gadtools.h: *96
ng_TextAttr      pointer to struct TextAttr in struct NewGadget
         +0x000c libraries/gadtools.h: *99
ng_TopEdge       short int in struct NewGadget
         +0x0002 libraries/gadtools.h: *96
ng_UserData      pointer to void in struct NewGadget
         +0x001a libraries/gadtools.h: *103
ng_VisualInfo    pointer to void in struct NewGadget
         +0x0016 libraries/gadtools.h: *102
ng_Width         short int in struct NewGadget
         +0x0004 libraries/gadtools.h: *97
nm_Class         unsigned long int in struct NotifyMessage
         +0x0014 dos/notify.h: *43
nm_Code          unsigned short int in struct NotifyMessage
         +0x0018 dos/notify.h: *44
nm_CommKey       pointer to unsigned char in struct NewMenu
         +0x0006 libraries/gadtools.h: *127
nm_DoNotTouch    unsigned long int in struct NotifyMessage
         +0x001e dos/notify.h: *46
nm_DoNotTouch2   unsigned long int in struct NotifyMessage
         +0x0022 dos/notify.h: *47
nm_ExecMessage   struct Message(size 0x0014 bytes) in struct NotifyMessage
         +0x0000 dos/notify.h: *42
nm_Flags         unsigned short int in struct NewMenu
         +0x000a libraries/gadtools.h: *128
nm_Label         pointer to unsigned char in struct NewMenu
         +0x0002 libraries/gadtools.h: *126
nm_MutualExclude long int in struct NewMenu +0x000c libraries/gadtools.h: *129
nm_NReq          pointer to struct NotifyRequest in struct NotifyMessage
         +0x001a dos/notify.h: *45
nm_Type          unsigned char in struct NewMenu
         +0x0000 libraries/gadtools.h: *125
nm_UserData      pointer to void in struct NewMenu
         +0x0010 libraries/gadtools.h: *130
nm_masks         unsigned short int in struct narrator_rb
         +0x003c devices/narrator.h: *100
norm_hblank      array [2] of unsigned short int in struct copinit
         +0x0058 graphics/copper.h: *99
nr_Flags         unsigned long int in struct NotifyRequest
         +0x000c dos/notify.h: *57
nr_FullName      pointer to unsigned char in struct NotifyRequest
         +0x0004 dos/notify.h: *55
nr_Handler       pointer to struct MsgPort in struct NotifyRequest
         +0x002c dos/notify.h: *76
nr_Msg           struct (no tag) (size 0x0004 bytes) in union (no tag)
         +0x0000 dos/notify.h: *63
nr_MsgCount      unsigned long int in struct NotifyRequest
         +0x0028 dos/notify.h: *75
nr_Name          pointer to unsigned char in struct NotifyRequest
         +0x0000 dos/notify.h: *54
nr_Port          pointer to struct MsgPort in struct (no tag)
         +0x0000 dos/notify.h: *62
nr_Reserved      array [4] of unsigned long int in struct NotifyRequest
         +0x0018 dos/notify.h: *72
nr_Signal        struct (no tag) (size 0x0008 bytes) in union (no tag)
         +0x0000 dos/notify.h: *69
nr_SignalNum     unsigned char in struct (no tag)  +0x0004 dos/notify.h: *67
nr_Task          pointer to struct Task in struct (no tag)
         +0x0000 dos/notify.h: *66
nr_UserData      unsigned long int in struct NotifyRequest
         +0x0008 dos/notify.h: *56
nr_pad           array [3] of unsigned char in struct (no tag)
         +0x0005 dos/notify.h: *68
nr_stuff         union (no tag) (size 0x0008 bytes) in struct NotifyRequest
         +0x0010 dos/notify.h: *70
nreserved        array [4] of unsigned long int in struct GfxBase
         +0x0164 graphics/gfxbase.h: *81
ns_Buff          array [8] of char in struct NexxStr
         +0x0008 rexx/storage.h: *47
ns_Flags         unsigned char in struct NexxStr +0x0006 rexx/storage.h: *45
ns_Hash          unsigned char in struct NexxStr +0x0007 rexx/storage.h: *46
ns_Ivalue        long int in struct NexxStr +0x0000 rexx/storage.h: *43
ns_Length        unsigned short int in struct NexxStr
         +0x0004 rexx/storage.h: *44
num              unsigned short int in struct SimpleSprite
         +0x000a graphics/sprite.h: *26
numDrIPens       #define NUMDRIPENS = 0x00000009  intuition/iobsolete.h: *270
numchan          unsigned char in struct narrator_rb
         +0x0044 devices/narrator.h: *105
nxtlist          pointer to struct CopListin union (no tag)
         +0x0000 graphics/copper.h: *31
NABC             #define 0x8 = 0x00000008  hardware/blit.h: *36
NABNC            #define 0x4 = 0x00000004  hardware/blit.h: *37
NANBC            #define 0x2 = 0x00000002  hardware/blit.h: *38
NANBNC           #define 0x1 = 0x00000001  hardware/blit.h: *39
NATURALF0        #define 0 = 0x00000000  devices/narrator.h: *65
NBU_DUPLICATE    #define 0 = 0x00000000  libraries/commodities.h: *62
NBU_NOTIFY       #define 2 = 0x00000002  libraries/commodities.h: *64
NBU_UNIQUE       #define 1 = 0x00000001  libraries/commodities.h: *63
NB_VERSION       #define 5 = 0x00000005  libraries/commodities.h: *46
NDB_NEWIORB      #define 0 = 0x00000000  devices/narrator.h: *24
NDB_SYLSYNC      #define 2 = 0x00000002  devices/narrator.h: *26
NDB_WORDSYNC     #define 1 = 0x00000001  devices/narrator.h: *25
NDF_NEWIORB      #define (1 << NDB_NEWIORB) = 0x00000001
                 devices/narrator.h: *29
NDF_SYLSYNC      #define (1 << NDB_SYLSYNC) = 0x00000004
                 devices/narrator.h: *31
NDF_WORDSYNC     #define (1 << NDB_WORDSYNC) = 0x00000002
                 devices/narrator.h: *30
ND_CantAlloc     #define -6 = 0xfffffffa  devices/narrator.h: *41
ND_CentPhonErr   #define -28 = 0xffffffe4  devices/narrator.h: *53
ND_DCentErr      #define -27 = 0xffffffe5  devices/narrator.h: *52
ND_Expunged      #define -9 = 0xfffffff7  devices/narrator.h: *44
ND_FreqErr       #define -25 = 0xffffffe7  devices/narrator.h: *50
ND_MakeBad       #define -4 = 0xfffffffc  devices/narrator.h: *39
ND_ModeErr       #define -24 = 0xffffffe8  devices/narrator.h: *49
ND_NoAudLib      #define -3 = 0xfffffffd  devices/narrator.h: *38
ND_NoMem         #define -2 = 0xfffffffe  devices/narrator.h: *37
ND_NoWrite       #define -8 = 0xfffffff8  devices/narrator.h: *43
ND_PhonErr       #define -20 = 0xffffffec  devices/narrator.h: *45
ND_PitchErr      #define -22 = 0xffffffea  devices/narrator.h: *47
ND_RateErr       #define -21 = 0xffffffeb  devices/narrator.h: *46
ND_SexErr        #define -23 = 0xffffffe9  devices/narrator.h: *48
ND_Unimpl        #define -7 = 0xfffffff9  devices/narrator.h: *42
ND_UnitErr       #define -5 = 0xfffffffb  devices/narrator.h: *40
ND_VolErr        #define -26 = 0xffffffe6  devices/narrator.h: *51
NEWLAYERINFO_CALLED #define 1 = 0x00000001  graphics/layers.h: *51
NEWLOCKS         #define  graphics/clip.h: *32
NEWPREFS         #define IDCMP_NEWPREFS = 0x00004000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *128
NEWSIZE          #define IDCMP_NEWSIZE = 0x00000002
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *115
NG_HIGHLABEL     #define 0x0020 = 0x00000020  libraries/gadtools.h: *117
NM_BARLABEL      #define ((STRPTR)-1)  libraries/gadtools.h: *144
NM_END           #define 0 = 0x00000000  libraries/gadtools.h: *137
NM_FLAGMASK      #define (~(COMMSEQ | ITEMTEXT | HIGHFLAGS)) = 0xffffff39
                 libraries/gadtools.h: *157
NM_ITEM          #define 2 = 0x00000002  libraries/gadtools.h: *135
NM_ITEMDISABLED  #define ITEMENABLED = 0x00000010  libraries/gadtools.h: *153
NM_MENUDISABLED  #define MENUENABLED = 0x00000001  libraries/gadtools.h: *152
NM_SUB           #define 3 = 0x00000003  libraries/gadtools.h: *136
NM_TITLE         #define 1 = 0x00000001  libraries/gadtools.h: *134
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *165
NOCROSSFILL      #define 0x20 = 0x00000020  graphics/rastport.h: *108
NOISYREQ         #define 0x0004 = 0x00000004  intuition/intuition.h: *188
NOITEM           #define 0x003F = 0x0000003f  intuition/intuition.h: *1286
NOMENU           #define 0x001F = 0x0000001f  intuition/intuition.h: *1285
NOREQBACKFILL    #define 0x0040 = 0x00000040  intuition/intuition.h: *198
NOSUB            #define 0x001F = 0x0000001f  intuition/intuition.h: *1287
NOT              #define !  intuition/intuition.h: *1294
NOTIFY_CLASS     #define 0x40000000 = 0x40000000  dos/notify.h: *33
NOTIFY_CODE      #define 0x1234 = 0x00001234  dos/notify.h: *36
NO_ICON_POSITION #define (0x80000000) = 0x80000000
                 workbench/workbench.h: *116
NP_Arguments     #define (NP_Dummy + 21) = 0x800003fd  dos/dostags.h: *89
NP_Cli           #define (NP_Dummy + 18) = 0x800003fa  dos/dostags.h: *82
NP_CloseError    #define (NP_Dummy + 9) = 0x800003f1  dos/dostags.h: *63
NP_CloseInput    #define (NP_Dummy + 6) = 0x800003ee  dos/dostags.h: *55
NP_CloseOutput   #define (NP_Dummy + 7) = 0x800003ef  dos/dostags.h: *58
NP_CommandName   #define (NP_Dummy + 20) = 0x800003fc  dos/dostags.h: *87
NP_ConsoleTask   #define (NP_Dummy + 14) = 0x800003f6  dos/dostags.h: *74
NP_CopyVars      #define (NP_Dummy + 17) = 0x800003f9  dos/dostags.h: *80
NP_CurrentDir    #define (NP_Dummy + 10) = 0x800003f2  dos/dostags.h: *66
NP_Dummy         #define (TAG_USER + 1000) = 0x800003e8  dos/dostags.h: *42
NP_Entry         #define (NP_Dummy + 3) = 0x800003eb  dos/dostags.h: *48
NP_Error         #define (NP_Dummy + 8) = 0x800003f0  dos/dostags.h: *61
NP_ExitCode      #define (NP_Dummy + 24) = 0x80000400  dos/dostags.h: *105
NP_ExitData      #define (NP_Dummy + 25) = 0x80000401  dos/dostags.h: *107
NP_FreeSeglist   #define (NP_Dummy + 2) = 0x800003ea  dos/dostags.h: *45
NP_HomeDir       #define (NP_Dummy + 16) = 0x800003f8  dos/dostags.h: *78
NP_Input         #define (NP_Dummy + 4) = 0x800003ec  dos/dostags.h: *51
NP_Name          #define (NP_Dummy + 12) = 0x800003f4  dos/dostags.h: *70
NP_NotifyOnDeath #define (NP_Dummy + 22) = 0x800003fe  dos/dostags.h: *98
NP_Output        #define (NP_Dummy + 5) = 0x800003ed  dos/dostags.h: *53
NP_Path          #define (NP_Dummy + 19) = 0x800003fb  dos/dostags.h: *84
NP_Priority      #define (NP_Dummy + 13) = 0x800003f5  dos/dostags.h: *72
NP_Seglist       #define (NP_Dummy + 1) = 0x800003e9  dos/dostags.h: *43
NP_StackSize     #define (NP_Dummy + 11) = 0x800003f3  dos/dostags.h: *68
NP_Synchronous   #define (NP_Dummy + 23) = 0x800003ff  dos/dostags.h: *101
NP_WindowPtr     #define (NP_Dummy + 15) = 0x800003f7  dos/dostags.h: *76
NRB_MAGIC        #define 31 = 0x0000001f  dos/notify.h: *94
NRB_NOTIFY_INITIAL #define 4 = 0x00000004  dos/notify.h: *92
NRB_SEND_MESSAGE #define 0 = 0x00000000  dos/notify.h: *89
NRB_SEND_SIGNAL  #define 1 = 0x00000001  dos/notify.h: *90
NRB_WAIT_REPLY   #define 3 = 0x00000003  dos/notify.h: *91
NRF_MAGIC        #define 0x80000000 = 0x80000000  dos/notify.h: *86
NRF_NOTIFY_INITIAL #define 16 = 0x00000010  dos/notify.h: *83
NRF_SEND_MESSAGE #define 1 = 0x00000001  dos/notify.h: *80
NRF_SEND_SIGNAL  #define 2 = 0x00000002  dos/notify.h: *81
NRF_WAIT_REPLY   #define 8 = 0x00000008  dos/notify.h: *82
NR_HANDLER_FLAGS #define 0xffff0000 = 0xffff0000  dos/notify.h: *97
NSB_BINARY       #define 4 = 0x00000004  rexx/storage.h: *58
NSB_EXT          #define 6 = 0x00000006  rexx/storage.h: *60
NSB_FLOAT        #define 5 = 0x00000005  rexx/storage.h: *59
NSB_KEEP         #define 0 = 0x00000000  rexx/storage.h: *54
NSB_NOTNUM       #define 2 = 0x00000002  rexx/storage.h: *56
NSB_NUMBER       #define 3 = 0x00000003  rexx/storage.h: *57
NSB_SOURCE       #define 7 = 0x00000007  rexx/storage.h: *61
NSB_STRING       #define 1 = 0x00000001  rexx/storage.h: *55
NSF_ALPHA        #define (NSF_NOTNUM | NSF_STRING) = 0x00000006
                 rexx/storage.h: *76
NSF_BINARY       #define (1 << NSB_BINARY) = 0x00000010  rexx/storage.h: *68
NSF_DPNUM        #define (NSF_NUMBER | NSF_FLOAT) = 0x00000028
                 rexx/storage.h: *75
NSF_EXT          #define (1 << NSB_EXT ) = 0x00000040  rexx/storage.h: *70
NSF_FLOAT        #define (1 << NSB_FLOAT ) = 0x00000020  rexx/storage.h: *69
NSF_INTNUM       #define (NSF_NUMBER | NSF_BINARY | NSF_STRING) = 0x0000001a
                 rexx/storage.h: *74
NSF_KEEP         #define (1 << NSB_KEEP ) = 0x00000001  rexx/storage.h: *64
NSF_NOTNUM       #define (1 << NSB_NOTNUM) = 0x00000004  rexx/storage.h: *66
NSF_NUMBER       #define (1 << NSB_NUMBER) = 0x00000008  rexx/storage.h: *67
NSF_OWNED        #define (NSF_SOURCE | NSF_EXT | NSF_KEEP) = 0x000000c1
                 rexx/storage.h: *77
NSF_SOURCE       #define (1 << NSB_SOURCE) = 0x00000080  rexx/storage.h: *71
NSF_STRING       #define (1 << NSB_STRING) = 0x00000002  rexx/storage.h: *65
NSTAG_EXT_VPMODE #define (TAG_USER | 1) = 0x80000001
                 intuition/screens.h: *290
NS_EXTENDED      #define 0x1000 = 0x00001000  intuition/screens.h: *179
NTSC             #define 1 = 0x00000001  graphics/gfxbase.h: *95
NTSC_MONITOR_ID  #define 0x00011000 = 0x00011000  graphics/displayinfo.h: *148
NTSC_MONITOR_NAME #define "ntsc.monitor"  graphics/monitor.h: *66
NT_BOOTNODE      #define 16 = 0x00000010  exec/nodes.h: *61
NT_DEATHMESSAGE  #define 19 = 0x00000013  exec/nodes.h: *64
NT_DEVICE        #define 3 = 0x00000003  exec/nodes.h: *48
NT_EXTENDED      #define 255 = 0x000000ff  exec/nodes.h: *67
NT_FONT          #define 12 = 0x0000000c  exec/nodes.h: *57
NT_FREEMSG       #define 6 = 0x00000006  exec/nodes.h: *51
NT_GRAPHICS      #define 18 = 0x00000012  exec/nodes.h: *63
NT_INTERRUPT     #define 2 = 0x00000002  exec/nodes.h: *47
NT_KICKMEM       #define 17 = 0x00000011  exec/nodes.h: *62
NT_LIBRARY       #define 9 = 0x00000009  exec/nodes.h: *54
NT_MEMORY        #define 10 = 0x0000000a  exec/nodes.h: *55
NT_MESSAGE       #define 5 = 0x00000005  exec/nodes.h: *50
NT_MSGPORT       #define 4 = 0x00000004  exec/nodes.h: *49
NT_PROCESS       #define 13 = 0x0000000d  exec/nodes.h: *58
NT_REPLYMSG      #define 7 = 0x00000007  exec/nodes.h: *52
NT_RESOURCE      #define 8 = 0x00000008  exec/nodes.h: *53
NT_SEMAPHORE     #define 14 = 0x0000000e  exec/nodes.h: *59
NT_SIGNALSEM     #define 15 = 0x0000000f  exec/nodes.h: *60
NT_SOFTINT       #define 11 = 0x0000000b  exec/nodes.h: *56
NT_TASK          #define 1 = 0x00000001  exec/nodes.h: *46
NT_UNKNOWN       #define 0 = 0x00000000  exec/nodes.h: *45
NT_USER          #define 254 = 0x000000fe  exec/nodes.h: *66
NULL             #define 0L = 0x00000000  exec/types.h: *76
NULL_IX          macro (1 argument)   libraries/commodities.h: *207
NUMBERIDCMP      #define (NULL) = 0x00000000  libraries/gadtools.h: *73
NUMBER_KIND      #define 6 = 0x00000006  libraries/gadtools.h: *40
NUMDRIPENS       #define (0x0009) = 0x00000009  intuition/screens.h: *92
NUMSECS          #define 11 = 0x0000000b  devices/trackdisk.h: *40
NUMUNITS         #define 4 = 0x00000004  devices/trackdisk.h: *41
NUM_KINDS        #define 14 = 0x0000000e  libraries/gadtools.h: *49
NWAYIDCMP        #define CYCLEIDCMP = 0x00000040  libraries/gadtools.h: *287
NWAY_KIND        #define CYCLE_KIND = 0x00000007  libraries/gadtools.h: *286
NW_EXTENDED      #define WFLG_NW_EXTENDED = 0x00040000
                 intuition/iobsolete.h: *169
NXADDLEN         #define 9 = 0x00000009  rexx/storage.h: *50
NXTLIST          #define u3.nxtlist  graphics/copper.h: *48
N_TRACTOR        #define 0x20 = 0x00000020  intuition/preferences.h: *187
Name             array [32] of unsigned char in struct NameInfo
         +0x0010 graphics/displayinfo.h: *135
NameInfo         structure tag size 0x0038 graphics/displayinfo.h: *132
NewBroker        structure tag size 0x001a libraries/commodities.h: *48
NewGadget        structure tag size 0x001e libraries/gadtools.h: *94
NewMenu          structure tag size 0x0014 libraries/gadtools.h: *123
NewScreen        structure tag size 0x0020 intuition/screens.h: *310
NewWindow        structure tag size 0x0030 intuition/intuition.h: *974
                 workbench/workbench.h: 45, 53
Next             pointer to struct ClipRect in struct ClipRect
         +0x0000 graphics/clip.h: *66
Next             pointer to struct cprlist in struct cprlist
         +0x0000 graphics/copper.h: *58
Next             pointer to struct CopList in struct CopList
         +0x0000 graphics/copper.h: *65
Next             pointer to struct UCopList in struct UCopList
         +0x0000 graphics/copper.h: *85
Next             pointer to struct ViewPort in struct ViewPort
         +0x0000 graphics/view.h: *43
Next             pointer to struct RasInfo in struct RasInfo
         +0x0000 graphics/view.h: *109
Next             pointer to struct RegionRectangle in struct RegionRectangle
         +0x0000 graphics/regions.h: *25
NextBorder       pointer to struct Border in struct Border
         +0x000c intuition/intuition.h: *605
NextComp         pointer to struct AnimComp in struct AnimComp
         +0x0006 graphics/gels.h: *183
NextGadget       pointer to struct Gadget in struct Gadget
         +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *218
NextImage        pointer to struct Image in struct Image
         +0x0010 intuition/intuition.h: *666
NextItem         pointer to struct MenuItem in struct MenuItem
         +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *92
NextMenu         pointer to struct Menu in struct Menu
         +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *64
NextOb           pointer to struct AnimOb in struct AnimOb
         +0x0000 graphics/gels.h: *203
NextRemember     pointer to struct Remember in struct Remember
         +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *1233
NextScreen       pointer to struct Screen in struct Screen
         +0x0000 intuition/screens.h: *100
NextSelect       unsigned short int in struct MenuItem
         +0x0020 intuition/intuition.h: *113
NextSeq          pointer to struct AnimComp in struct AnimComp
         +0x000e graphics/gels.h: *187
NextText         pointer to struct IntuiText in struct IntuiText
         +0x0010 intuition/intuition.h: *578
NextVSprite      pointer to struct VSprite in struct VSprite
         +0x0000 graphics/gels.h: *74
NextWindow       pointer to struct Window in struct Window
         +0x0000 intuition/intuition.h: *797
NexxStr          structure tag size 0x0010 rexx/storage.h: *42
                 rexx/rxslib.h: 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44
Node             structure tag size 0x000e exec/nodes.h: *24, 25, 26
                 exec/libraries.h: 35
                 exec/lists.h: 23, 24, 25
                 exec/tasks.h: 27
                 exec/ports.h: 31, 50
                 exec/memory.h: 31, 59
                 exec/interrupts.h: 25, 34
                 exec/semaphores.h: 42
                 devices/clipboard.h: 37
                 devices/keymap.h: 35, 41
                 graphics/gfxnodes.h: 20, 21
                 intuition/screens.h: 383
                 dos/var.h: 28
                 graphics/graphint.h: 22
                 libraries/configvars.h: 33
                 libraries/diskfont.h: 72
                 libraries/expansionbase.h: 37
                 libraries/mathresource.h: 37
                 resources/filesysres.h: 28, 34
                 rexx/storage.h: 163
Nominal          struct Rectangle(size 0x0008 bytes) in struct DimensionInfo
         +0x001a graphics/displayinfo.h: *100
NormalDPMX       unsigned short int in struct GfxBase
         +0x00dc graphics/gfxbase.h: *61
NormalDPMY       unsigned short int in struct GfxBase
         +0x00de graphics/gfxbase.h: *62
NormalDisplayColumns unsigned short int in struct GfxBase
         +0x00da graphics/gfxbase.h: *59
NormalDisplayInfo pointer to void in struct ColorMap
         +0x0018 graphics/view.h: *126
NormalDisplayRows unsigned short int in struct GfxBase
         +0x00d8 graphics/gfxbase.h: *58
NotAvailable     unsigned short int in struct DisplayInfo
         +0x0010 graphics/displayinfo.h: *53
NotifyMessage    structure tag size 0x0026 dos/notify.h: *41
NotifyRequest    structure tag size 0x0030 dos/notify.h: *45, 53
NumChars         short int in struct StringInfo
         +0x0010 intuition/intuition.h: *535
NumChars         short int in struct SGWork +0x001c intuition/sghooks.h: *45
NumStdSprites    unsigned short int in struct DisplayInfo
         +0x001c graphics/displayinfo.h: *57