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**      $Filename: devices/printer.i $
**      $Release: 2.04 Includes, V37.4 $
**      $Revision: 1.7 $
**      $Date: 90/07/26 $
**      printer.device structure definitions
**      (C) Copyright 1987-1999 Amiga, Inc.
**          All Rights Reserved

   INCLUDE  "exec/types.i"

   INCLUDE  "exec/nodes.i"

   INCLUDE  "exec/lists.i"

   INCLUDE  "exec/ports.i"

   INCLUDE  "exec/io.i"



;****** printer definitions
aRIS     EQU    0 ; ESCc  reset               ISO
aRIN     EQU    1 ; ESC#1 initialize                  +++
aIND     EQU    2 ; ESCD  lf                          ISO
aNEL     EQU    3 ; ESCE  return,lf                   ISO
aRI      EQU    4 ; ESCM  reverse lf                  ISO

aSGR0    EQU    5 ; ESC[0m normal char set            ISO
aSGR3    EQU    6 ; ESC[3m italics on                 ISO
aSGR23   EQU    7 ; ESC[23m italics off       ISO
aSGR4    EQU    8 ; ESC[4m underline on       ISO
aSGR24   EQU    9 ; ESC[24m underline off             ISO
aSGR1    EQU   10 ; ESC[1m boldface on                ISO
aSGR22   EQU   11 ; ESC[22m boldface off              ISO
aSFC     EQU   12 ; SGR30-39  set foreground color    ISO
aSBC     EQU   13 ; SGR40-49  set background color    ISO

aSHORP0  EQU   14 ; ESC[0w normal pitch       DEC
aSHORP2  EQU   15 ; ESC[2w elite on                   DEC
aSHORP1  EQU   16 ; ESC[1w elite off                  DEC
aSHORP4  EQU   17 ; ESC[4w condensed fine on          DEC
aSHORP3  EQU   18 ; ESC[3w condensed off              DEC
aSHORP6  EQU   19 ; ESC[6w enlarged on                DEC
aSHORP5  EQU   20 ; ESC[5w enlarged off       DEC

aDEN6    EQU   21 ; ESC[6"z shadow print on           DEC (sort of)
aDEN5    EQU   22 ; ESC[5"z shadow print off             DEC
aDEN4    EQU   23 ; ESC[4"z doublestrike on           DEC
aDEN3    EQU   24 ; ESC[3"z doublestrike off             DEC
aDEN2    EQU   25 ; ESC[2"z  NLQ on                   DEC
aDEN1    EQU   26 ; ESC[1"z  NLQ off                     DEC

aSUS2    EQU   27 ; ESC[2v superscript on             +++
aSUS1    EQU   28 ; ESC[1v superscript off            +++
aSUS4    EQU   29 ; ESC[4v subscript on       +++
aSUS3    EQU   30 ; ESC[3v subscript off              +++
aSUS0    EQU   31 ; ESC[0v normalize the line         +++
aPLU     EQU   32 ; ESCL  partial line up             ISO
aPLD     EQU   33 ; ESCK  partial line down           ISO

aFNT0    EQU   34 ; ESC(B US char set        or Typeface  0 (default)
aFNT1    EQU   35 ; ESC(R French char set    or Typeface  1
aFNT2    EQU   36 ; ESC(K German char set    or Typeface  2
aFNT3    EQU   37 ; ESC(A UK char set        or Typeface  3
aFNT4    EQU   38 ; ESC(E Danish I char set  or Typeface  4
aFNT5    EQU   39 ; ESC(H Sweden char set    or Typeface  5
aFNT6    EQU   40 ; ESC(Y Italian char set   or Typeface  6
aFNT7    EQU   41 ; ESC(Z Spanish char set   or Typeface  7
aFNT8    EQU   42 ; ESC(J Japanese char set  or Typeface  8
aFNT9    EQU   43 ; ESC(6 Norweign char set  or Typeface  9
aFNT10   EQU   44 ; ESC(C Danish II char set or Typeface 10

;       Suggested typefaces are:
;        0 - default typeface.
;        1 - Line Printer or equiv.
;        2 - Pica or equiv.
;        3 - Elite or equiv.
;        4 - Helvetica or equiv.
;        5 - Times Roman or equiv.
;        6 - Gothic or equiv.
;        7 - Script or equiv.
;        8 - Prestige or equiv.
;        9 - Caslon or equiv.
;       10 - Orator or equiv.

aPROP2   EQU   45 ; ESC[2p  proportional on           +++
aPROP1   EQU   46 ; ESC[1p  proportional off          +++
aPROP0   EQU   47 ; ESC[0p  proportional clear        +++
aTSS     EQU   48 ; ESC[n E set proportional offset   ISO
aJFY5    EQU   49 ; ESC[5 F auto left justify         ISO
aJFY7    EQU   50 ; ESC[7 F auto right justiy         ISO
aJFY6    EQU   51 ; ESC[6 F auto full justify         ISO
aJFY0    EQU   52 ; ESC[0 F auto justify off          ISO
aJFY2    EQU   53 ; ESC[2 F  word space(auto center)  ISO (special)
aJFY3    EQU   54 ; ESC[3 F letter space (justify)    ISO (special)

aVERP0   EQU   55 ; ESC[0z  1/8" line spacing         +++
aVERP1   EQU   56 ; ESC[1z  1/6" line spacing            +++
aSLPP    EQU   57 ; ESC[nt  set form length n         DEC
aPERF    EQU   58 ; ESC[nq  perf skip n (n>0)            +++
aPERF0   EQU   59 ; ESC[0q  perf skip off             +++

aLMS     EQU   60 ; ESC#9  Left margin set            +++
aRMS     EQU   61 ; ESC#0  Right margin set           +++
aTMS     EQU   62 ; ESC#8  Top margin set             +++
aBMS     EQU   63 ; ESC#2  Bottom marg set            +++
aSTBM    EQU   64 ; ESC[Pn1;Pn2r  T&B margins            DEC
aSLRM    EQU   65 ; ESC[Pn1;Pn2s  L&R margin             DEC
aCAM     EQU   66 ; ESC#3  Clear margins              +++

aHTS     EQU   67 ; ESCH    Set horiz tab             ISO
aVTS     EQU   68 ; ESCJ    Set vertical tabs         ISO
aTBC0    EQU   69 ; ESC[0g  Clr horiz tab             ISO
aTBC3    EQU   70 ; ESC[3g  Clear all h tab           ISO
aTBC1    EQU   71 ; ESC[1g  Clr vertical tabs         ISO
aTBC4    EQU   72 ; ESC[4g  Clr all v tabs            ISO
aTBCALL  EQU   73 ; ESC#4   Clr all h & v tabs           +++
aTBSALL  EQU   74 ; ESC#5   Set default tabs          +++
aEXTEND  EQU   75 ; ESC[Pn"x extended commands        +++

aRAW     EQU   76 ; ESC[Pn"r Next 'Pn' chars are raw  +++

    UWORD   io_PrtCommand  ; printer command
    UBYTE   io_Parm0    ; first command parameter
    UBYTE   io_Parm1    ; second command parameter
    UBYTE   io_Parm2    ; third command parameter
    UBYTE   io_Parm3    ; fourth command parameter
    LABEL   iopcr_SIZEOF

    APTR    io_RastPort    ; raster port
    APTR    io_ColorMap    ; color map
    ULONG   io_Modes       ; graphics viewport modes
    UWORD   io_SrcX        ; source x origin
    UWORD   io_SrcY        ; source y origin
    UWORD   io_SrcWidth    ; source x width
    UWORD   io_SrcHeight   ; source x height
    LONG    io_DestCols    ; destination x width
    LONG    io_DestRows    ; destination y height
    UWORD   io_Special     ; option flags
    LABEL   iodrpr_SIZEOF

SPECIAL_MILCOLS         EQU     $0001   ; DestCols specified in 1/1000"
SPECIAL_MILROWS         EQU     $0002   ; DestRows specified in 1/1000"
SPECIAL_FULLCOLS        EQU     $0004   ; make DestCols maximum possible
SPECIAL_FULLROWS        EQU     $0008   ; make DestRows maximum possible
SPECIAL_FRACCOLS        EQU     $0010   ; DestCols is fraction of FULLCOLS
SPECIAL_FRACROWS        EQU     $0020   ; DestRows is fraction of FULLROWS
SPECIAL_CENTER          EQU     $0040   ; center image on paper
SPECIAL_ASPECT          EQU     $0080   ; ensure correct aspect ratio
SPECIAL_DENSITY1        EQU     $0100   ; lowest resolution (dpi)
SPECIAL_DENSITY2        EQU     $0200   ; next res
SPECIAL_DENSITY3        EQU     $0300   ; next res
SPECIAL_DENSITY4        EQU     $0400   ; next res
SPECIAL_DENSITY5        EQU     $0500   ; next res
SPECIAL_DENSITY6        EQU     $0600   ; next res
SPECIAL_DENSITY7        EQU     $0700   ; highest res
SPECIAL_NOFORMFEED      EQU     $0800   ; don't eject paper after gfx prints
SPECIAL_TRUSTME         EQU     $1000   ; don't reset on gfx prints
;       Compute print size, set 'io_DestCols' and 'io_DestRows' in the calling
;       program's 'IODRPReq' structure and exit, don't print.  This allows the
;       calling program to see what the final print size would be in printer
;       pixels.  Note that it modifies the 'io_DestCols' and 'io_DestRows'
;       fields of your 'IODRPReq' structure.  Also, set the print density and
;       update the 'MaxXDots', 'MaxYDots', 'XDotsInch', and 'YDotsInch' fields
;       of the 'PrinterExtendedData' structure.
SPECIAL_NOPRINT         EQU     $2000   ; see above

PDERR_NOERR             EQU     0       ; clean exit, no errors
PDERR_CANCEL            EQU     1       ; user cancelled print
PDERR_NOTGRAPHICS       EQU     2       ; printer cannot output graphics
PDERR_INVERTHAM         EQU     3       ; OBSOLETE
PDERR_BADDIMENSION      EQU     4       ; print dimensions illegal
PDERR_INTERNALMEMORY    EQU     6       ; no memory for internal variables
PDERR_BUFFERMEMORY      EQU     7       ; no memory for print buffer
;       Note : this is an internal error that can be returned from the render
;       function to the printer device.  It is NEVER returned to the user.
;       If the printer device sees this error it converts it 'PDERR_NOERR'
;       and exits gracefully.  Refer to the document on
;       'How to Write a Graphics Printer Driver' for more info.
PDERR_TOOKCONTROL       EQU     8       ; I took control in case 0 of render

; internal use
SPECIAL_DENSITYMASK     EQU $0700       ;  masks out density values