This appendix contains information about the 8520 Complex Interface Adapter (CIA) chips which handle the serial, parallel, keyboard and other Amiga I/O activities. Each Amiga system contains two 8520 Complex Interface Adapter (CIA) chips. Each chip has 16 general purpose input/output pins, plus a serial shift register, three timers, an output pulse pin and an edge detection input. In the Amiga system various tasks are assigned to the chip's capabilities as follows: CIAA Address Map --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte Register Data bits Address Name 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BFE001 pra /FIR1 /FIR0 /RDY /TK0 /WPRO /CHNG /LED OVL BFE101 prb Parallel port BFE201 ddra Direction for port A (BFE001);1=output (set to 0x03) BFE301 ddrb Direction for port B (BFE101);1=output (can be in or out) BFE401 talo CIAA timer A low byte (.715909 Mhz NTSC; .709379 Mhz PAL) BFE501 tahi CIAA timer A high byte BFE601 tblo CIAA timer B low byte (.715909 Mhz NTSC; .709379 Mhz PAL) BFE701 tbhi CIAA timer B high byte BFE801 todlo 50/60 Hz event counter bits 7-0 (VSync or line tick) BFE901 todmid 50/60 Hz event counter bits 15-8 BFEA01 todhi 50/60 Hz event counter bits 23-16 BFEB01 not used BFEC01 sdr CIAA serial data register (connected to keyboard) BFED01 icr CIAA interrupt control register BFEE01 cra CIAA control register A BFEF01 crb CIAA control register B Note: CIAA can generate interrupt INT2. CIAB Address Map --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte Register Data bits Address Name 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BFD000 pra /DTR /RTS /CD /CTS /DSR SEL POUT BUSY BFD100 prb /MTR /SEL3 /SEL2 /SEL1 /SEL0 /SIDE DIR /STEP BFD200 ddra Direction for Port A (BFD000);1 = output (set to 0xFF) BFD300 ddrb Direction for Port B (BFD100);1 = output (set to 0xFF) BFD400 talo CIAB timer A low byte (.715909 Mhz NTSC; .709379 Mhz PAL) BFD500 tahi CIAB timer A high byte BFD600 tblo CIAB timer B low byte (.715909 Mhz NTSC; .709379 Mhz PAL) BFD700 tbhi CIAB timer B high byte BFD800 todlo Horizontal sync event counter bits 7-0 BFD900 todmid Horizontal sync event counter bits 15-8 BFDA00 todhi Horizontal sync event counter bits 23-16 BFDB00 not used BFDC00 sdr CIAB serial data register (unused) BFDD00 icr CIAB interrupt control register BFDE00 cra CIAB Control register A BFDF00 crb CIAB Control register B Note: CIAB can generate INT6. chip register map interrupt control register (icr) register functional description control registers time of day clock port signal assignments serial shift register (sdr) hardware connection details