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/* ILBMLoad.c 05/91  C. Scheppner CBM
 * Example which
 *  - first queries an ILBM to determine size and mode
 *  - then opens an appropriate screen and window
 *  - then loads the ILBM into the already opened screen
 * For clipboard, use filename -c[unit] (like -c, -c1, -c2, etc.)
 * requires linkage with several IFF modules
 * see Makefile

#include "iffp/ilbmapp.h"

#ifdef LATTICE
int CXBRK(void) { return(0); }  /* Disable Lattice CTRL/C handling */
int chkabort(void) { return(0); }  /* really */

void cleanup(void);
void bye(UBYTE *s,int error);

#define MINARGS 2
char *vers = "\0$VER: ILBMLoad 37.5";
char *Copyright = "ILBMLoad v37.5 (Freely Redistributable)";
char *usage = "Usage: ILBMLoad ilbmname (-c[unit] for clipboard";

struct Library *IntuitionBase  = NULL;
struct Library *GfxBase        = NULL;
struct Library *IFFParseBase   = NULL;

/* Note - these fields are also available in the ILBMInfo structure */
struct   Screen         *scr;         /* for ptr to screen structure */
struct   Window         *win;         /* for ptr to window structure */
struct   RastPort       *wrp;         /* for ptr to RastPort  */
struct   ViewPort       *vp;          /* for ptr to Viewport  */

struct   IntuiMessage   *msg;

struct   NewWindow      mynw = {
   0, 0,                                  /* LeftEdge and TopEdge */
   0, 0,                                  /* Width and Height */
   -1, -1,                                /* DetailPen and BlockPen */
   VANILLAKEY|MOUSEBUTTONS,               /* IDCMP Flags with Flags below */
   NULL, NULL,                            /* Gadget and Image pointers */
   NULL,                                  /* Title string */
   NULL,                                  /* Screen ptr null till opened */
   NULL,                                  /* BitMap pointer */
   50, 20,                                /* MinWidth and MinHeight */
   0 , 0,                                 /* MaxWidth and MaxHeight */
   CUSTOMSCREEN                           /* Type of window */

BOOL   FromWb;

/* ILBM Property chunks to be grabbed
 * List BMHD, CMAP and CAMG first so we can skip them when we write
 * the file back out (they will be written out with separate code)
LONG    ilbmprops[] = {
                ID_ILBM, ID_BMHD,
                ID_ILBM, ID_CMAP,
                ID_ILBM, ID_CAMG,
                ID_ILBM, ID_CCRT,
                ID_ILBM, ID_AUTH,
                ID_ILBM, ID_Copyright,

/* ILBM Collection chunks (more than one in file) to be gathered */
LONG    ilbmcollects[] = {
                ID_ILBM, ID_CRNG,

/* ILBM Chunk to stop on */
LONG    ilbmstops[] = {
                ID_ILBM, ID_BODY,

UBYTE nomem[]  = "Not enough memory\n";
UBYTE noiffh[] = "Can't alloc iff\n";

/* For our allocated ILBM frame */
struct ILBMInfo  *ilbm;

void main(int argc, char **argv)
   UBYTE *ilbmname=NULL;
   LONG error = 0L;

   FromWb = argc ? FALSE : TRUE;


   ilbmname = argv[1];

   /* Open Libraries */

   if(!(IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 0)))
      bye("Can't open intuition library.\n",RETURN_WARN);

   if(!(GfxBase = OpenLibrary("graphics.library",0)))
      bye("Can't open graphics library.\n",RETURN_WARN);

   if(!(IFFParseBase = OpenLibrary("iffparse.library",0)))
      bye("Can't open iffparse library.\n",RETURN_WARN);

 * Alloc one ILBMInfo struct
    if(!(ilbm = (struct ILBMInfo *)
        AllocMem(sizeof(struct ILBMInfo),MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)))

 * Here we set up our ILBMInfo fields for our
 * application.
 * Above we have defined the propery and collection chunks
 * we are interested in (some required like BMHD)

    ilbm->ParseInfo.propchks       = ilbmprops;
    ilbm->ParseInfo.collectchks    = ilbmcollects;
    ilbm->ParseInfo.stopchks       = ilbmstops;

    ilbm->windef   = &mynw;

 * Alloc IFF handle for frame
    if(!(ilbm->ParseInfo.iff = AllocIFF())) bye(noiffh,RETURN_FAIL);

/* Normally you would use showilbm() to open an appropriate acreen
 * and display an ILBM in it.
 * However, here we are demonstrating
 *  - first querying an ILBM to get its BMHD and CAMG (real or computed)
 *  - then opening our own display
 *  - then loading the ILBM into it

    if(!(error = queryilbm(ilbm,ilbmname)))
        D(bug("ilbmload: after query, this ILBM is %ld x %ld x %ld, modeid=$%lx\n",
                ilbm->Bmhd.w, ilbm->Bmhd.h, ilbm->Bmhd.nPlanes, ilbm->camg));

        /* Note - you could use your own routines to open your
         * display, but if so, you must initialize ilbm->scr,
         * ilbm->win, ilbm->wrp, ilbm->srp, and ilbm->vp for your display.
         * Here we will use opendisplay() which will initialize
         * those fields.
                        MAX(ilbm->Bmhd.pageWidth, ilbm->Bmhd.w),
            printf("Failed to open display\n");
            D(bug("ilbmload: opendisplay successful\n"));

            scr = ilbm->scr;
            win = ilbm->win;

            if(!(error = loadilbm(ilbm, ilbmname)))
                D(bug("ilbmload: loadilbm successful\n"));

                /* Note - we don't need to examine or copy any
                 * chunks from the file, so we will close file now
                unloadilbm(ilbm);       /* deallocs colors, closeifile if needed */

    if(error)   printf("%s\n",IFFerr(error));


void bye(UBYTE *s,int error)
   if((*s)&&(!FromWb)) printf("%s\n",s);

void cleanup()
        if(ilbm->ParseInfo.iff)    FreeIFF(ilbm->ParseInfo.iff);
        FreeMem(ilbm,sizeof(struct ILBMInfo));

   if(GfxBase)          CloseLibrary(GfxBase);
   if(IntuitionBase)    CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
   if(IFFParseBase)     CloseLibrary(IFFParseBase);