if(!count) { if (Rgb8) { fread (&w, 4, 1, RGBFile); lock = w & 0x00000080; rgb = w >> 8; count = w & 0x0000007f; } else { w = (UWORD) getw (RGBFile); lock = w & 8; rgb = w >> 4; count = w & 7; } if (!count) if (!(count = (UBYTE) getc (RGBFile))) count = (UWORD) getw (RGBFile); } The pixels are scanned from left to right across horizontal lines, processing from top to bottom. The (12 or 24 bit) RGB values are stored with the red bits as the MSB's, the green bits next, and the blue bits as the LSB's. Special note: As of this writing (Sep 88), Silver does NOT support anything but black for color zero.