In BootBlock booting the sequence of events is as follows: 1. The disk device must contain valid boot blocks: a) the device and unit from dn_Startup opens successfully, b) memory is available for the <de_BootBlocks> * <de_SizeBlock> * 4 bytes of boot block code, c) the device commands CMD_CLEAR, td_changenum, and cmd_read of the boot blocks execute without error, d) the boot blocks start with the three characters "DOS" and pass the longword checksum (with carry wraparound), and e) memory is available to construct a boot node on the eb_MountList to describe the floppy. If a device error is reported in 1.c., or if memory is not available for 1.b. or 1.e., a recoverable alert is presented before continuing. 2. The boot code in the boot blocks is invoked as follows: a) The address of the entry point for the boot code is offset BB_ENTRY into the boot blocks in memory. b) The boot code is invoked with the I/O request used to issue the device commands in 1.c. above in register A1, with the io_Offset pointing to the beginning of the partition (the origin of the boot blocks) and SysBase in A6. 3. The boot code returns with results in both D0 and A0. a) Non-zero D0 indicates boot failure. The recoverable alert AN_BootError is presented before continuing. b) Zero D0 indicates A0 contains a pointer to the function to complete the boot. This completion function is chained to with SysBase in A6 after the strap module frees all its resources. It is usually the dos.library initialization function, from the dos.library resident tag. Return from this function is identical to return from the strap module itself.