Device Prefix Example ------ ------ ------- Audio ADCMD ADCMD_ALLOCATE Clipboard CBD CBD_POST Console CD CD_ASKKEYMAP Gameport GPD GPD_SETCTYPE Input IND IND_SETMPORT Keyboard KBD KBD_READMATRIX Narrator no device specific commands Parallel PDCMD PDCMD_QUERY Printer PRD PRD_PRTCOMMAND SCSI HD HD_SCSICMD Serial SDCMD SDCMD_BREAK Timer TR TR_ADDREQUEST Trackdisk TD and ETD TD_MOTOR/ETD_MOTOR Each device maintains its own I/O request queue. When a device receives an I/O request, it either processes the request immediately or puts it in the queue because one is already being processed. After an I/O request is completely processed, the device checks its queue and if it finds another I/O request, begins to process that request.