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;/* newgadgets.c -- execute me to compile me
sc data=near nominc strmer streq nostkchk saveds ign=73 newgadgets
slink FROM LIB:c.o newgadgets.o TO newgadgets LIB LIB:sc.lib LIB:amiga.lib

This code is only designed to demonstrate some of the new 3.0 GadTools
features. It does not handle all of the IDCMP events and other conditions like
allocating pens for the palette gadget that a good user interface should.

Note also, that it takes advantage of the SAS 6.0 C compiler.


/* (c)  Copyright 1993-1999 Amiga, Inc.   All rights reserved. */
/* The information contained herein is subject to change without    */
/* notice, and is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,    */
/* either expressed or implied.  The entire risk as to the use of   */
/* this information is assumed by the user.                         */

#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <exec/nodes.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
#include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
#include <libraries/diskfont.h>
#include <libraries/gadtools.h>

#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/dos_protos.h>
#include <clib/alib_protos.h>
#include <clib/diskfont_protos.h>
#include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
#include <clib/gadtools_protos.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef LATTICE
CXBRK (void)
  return (0);
}                               /* Disable Lattice CTRL/C handling */

chkabort (void)
  return (0);
}                               /* really */


/* declare the library base pointers */
extern struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
extern struct Library *DiskfontBase, *GfxBase, *GadToolsBase;

/* lots of gadgets used here */
struct Gadget *glist = NULL, *stringgad, *textgad, *checkgad, *mxgad, *palgad, *listgad,
 *intgad, *numgad, *slid1gad, *slid2gad, *slid3gad;

/* assign the gadget ids even though we're not using them */
#define MYGAD_STRING        69
#define MYGAD_TEXT          70
#define MYGAD_CHECK         71
#define MYGAD_MX            72
#define MYGAD_PAL           73
#define MYGAD_LIST          74
#define MYGAD_INT           75
#define MYGAD_NUM           76
#define MYGAD_SLIDERLEFT    77

struct List *DaList;            /* the listview list */

UBYTE colors[7] =
{1, 2, 15, 6, 0, 3, 8};   /* the palette colortable */

 *  Create the listview list

CreateDaList (UBYTE * names[])
  struct Node *DaListNode;
  BOOL okay = TRUE;

  if (DaList = AllocMem (sizeof (struct List), MEMF_FAST))
    NewList (DaList);

    for (i = 0; names[i] != NULL && okay == TRUE; i++)
      if (DaListNode = AllocMem (sizeof (struct Node), MEMF_FAST))
        DaListNode->ln_Name = names[i];
        DaListNode->ln_Type = 100L;
        DaListNode->ln_Pri = 0;
        AddTail (DaList, DaListNode);
        printf ("Could not allocate memory for node\n");
        okay = FALSE;
    printf ("Could not allocate memory for list\n");
    okay = FALSE;

  return (okay);

 * Create the gadgets.
 *   The gadgets are more or less positioned relative to the window size
 *   and each other.  This is not extremely sophisticated, so don't expect
 *   them to look good on a lores screen.

struct Gadget *
CreateGads (struct Screen *scr, struct VisualInfo *vi,
            struct TextAttr *gadfont)
  struct Gadget *gad;
  struct NewGadget ng;
  UBYTE *BassLines[] =
  {"Always", "Fine", "Do", "Boys", "Good", NULL};       /* mx choices */
  UBYTE *BassSpaces[] =
  {"Grass", "Eat", "Cows", "All", NULL};        /* listview choices */

  if (gad = CreateContext (&glist))
    /* create an MX gadget */
    ng.ng_TextAttr = gadfont;
    ng.ng_VisualInfo = vi;
    ng.ng_LeftEdge = 80 + scr->WBorLeft;
    ng.ng_TopEdge = 30 + scr->WBorTop + (scr->Font->ta_YSize + 1);
    ng.ng_Width = 50;
    ng.ng_Height = 30;
    ng.ng_GadgetText = "Bass Lines";
    ng.ng_GadgetID = MYGAD_MX;
    ng.ng_Flags = 0;
    mxgad = gad = CreateGadget (MX_KIND, gad, &ng,
                                GTMX_TitlePlace, PLACETEXT_ABOVE,
                                GTMX_Labels, BassLines, GTMX_Scaled, TRUE,
                                GTMX_Spacing, gadfont->ta_YSize + 1, TAG_END);
    /* create a slider gadget */
    ng.ng_TopEdge = scr->Height - 170;
    ng.ng_Height = 10;
    ng.ng_Width = 100;
    ng.ng_GadgetText = "Left Justified";
    ng.ng_GadgetID = MYGAD_SLIDERLEFT;
    ng.ng_Flags = PLACETEXT_ABOVE;
    slid1gad = gad = CreateGadget (SLIDER_KIND, gad, &ng,
                                   GTSL_MaxLevelLen, 6,
                                   GTSL_MaxPixelLen, 64,
                                   GTSL_Max, 512,
                                   GTSL_Justification, GTJ_LEFT,
                                   GTSL_LevelFormat, "%lx",
                                   GTSL_LevelPlace, PLACETEXT_BELOW,

    /* create a slider gadget */
    ng.ng_TopEdge = ng.ng_TopEdge + 55;
    ng.ng_GadgetText = "Centered";
    ng.ng_GadgetID = MYGAD_SLIDERCENTER;
    slid2gad = gad = CreateGadget (SLIDER_KIND, gad, &ng,
                                   GTSL_MaxLevelLen, 6,
                                   GTSL_MaxPixelLen, 64,
                                   GTSL_Max, 512,
                                   GTSL_LevelFormat, "%lx",
                                   GTSL_Justification, GTJ_CENTER,
                                   GTSL_LevelPlace, PLACETEXT_BELOW,

    /* create a slider gadget */
    ng.ng_TopEdge = ng.ng_TopEdge + 55;
    ng.ng_GadgetText = "Right Justified";
    ng.ng_GadgetID = MYGAD_SLIDERRIGHT;
    slid3gad = gad = CreateGadget (SLIDER_KIND, gad, &ng,
                                   GTSL_MaxLevelLen, 6,
                                   GTSL_MaxPixelLen, 64,
                                   GTSL_Max, 512,
                                   GTSL_LevelFormat, "%lx",
                                   GTSL_Justification, GTJ_RIGHT,
                                   GTSL_LevelPlace, PLACETEXT_BELOW,

    /* Set these in case the listview cannot be created */
    ng.ng_LeftEdge = 240 + scr->WBorLeft;
    ng.ng_TopEdge = 30 + scr->WBorTop + (scr->Font->ta_YSize + 1);

    if (CreateDaList (BassSpaces))
      /* create a listview gadget */
      ng.ng_LeftEdge = 240 + scr->WBorLeft;
      ng.ng_TopEdge = 30 + scr->WBorTop + (scr->Font->ta_YSize + 1);
      ng.ng_Width = 100;
      ng.ng_Height = 30 + gadfont->ta_YSize + 14;
      ng.ng_GadgetText = "Bass Spaces";
      ng.ng_GadgetID = MYGAD_LIST;
      listgad = gad = CreateGadget (LISTVIEW_KIND, gad, &ng,
                                    GTLV_ShowSelected, NULL,
                                    GTLV_Selected, 2,
                                    GTLV_MakeVisible, 2,
                                    GTLV_Labels, DaList,

    /* create a checkbox gadget */
    ng.ng_LeftEdge = ng.ng_LeftEdge + 30;
    ng.ng_TopEdge = ng.ng_TopEdge + 130;
    ng.ng_Width = 50;
    ng.ng_Height = 30;
    ng.ng_GadgetText = "BigCheck";
    ng.ng_GadgetID = MYGAD_TEXT;
    ng.ng_Flags = PLACETEXT_ABOVE;
    checkgad = gad = CreateGadget (CHECKBOX_KIND, gad, &ng,
                                   GTCB_Scaled, TRUE, TAG_END);

    /* create a string gadget */
    ng.ng_LeftEdge = scr->Width - scr->WBorRight - 190;
    ng.ng_TopEdge = ng.ng_TopEdge - 130;
    ng.ng_Width = 150;
    ng.ng_Height = gadfont->ta_YSize + 14;
    ng.ng_GadgetText = "String Immediate";
    ng.ng_GadgetID = MYGAD_STRING;
    stringgad = gad = CreateGadget (STRING_KIND, gad, &ng,
                                    GA_Immediate, TRUE, TAG_END);

    /* create a text gadget */
    ng.ng_TopEdge = ng.ng_TopEdge + 55;
    ng.ng_Height = gadfont->ta_YSize + 2;
    ng.ng_GadgetText = "Echo After Click";
    ng.ng_GadgetID = MYGAD_TEXT;
    textgad = gad = CreateGadget (TEXT_KIND, gad, &ng,
                                  GTTX_Border, TRUE,
                                  GTTX_FrontPen, 3,
                                  GTTX_BackPen, 2,
                                  GTTX_Clipped, TRUE,

    /* create a palette gadget */
    ng.ng_TopEdge = ng.ng_TopEdge + 80;
    ng.ng_Width = 100;
    ng.ng_Height = 30;
    ng.ng_GadgetText = "Odd Colors";
    ng.ng_GadgetID = MYGAD_PAL;
    palgad = gad = CreateGadget (PALETTE_KIND, gad, &ng,
                                 GTPA_ColorTable, colors,
                                 GTPA_NumColors, 7,
                                 GTPA_Color, 2,
                                 GTPA_IndicatorWidth, 21,

    /* create an integer gadget */
    ng.ng_Width = 150;
    ng.ng_LeftEdge = scr->Width + scr->WBorRight - 190;
    ng.ng_TopEdge = scr->Height - 170;
    ng.ng_Height = gadfont->ta_YSize + 14;
    ng.ng_GadgetText = "Number, please";
    ng.ng_GadgetID = MYGAD_INT;
    intgad = gad = CreateGadget (INTEGER_KIND, gad, &ng,
                                 GTIN_MaxChars, 14,

    /* create a number gadget */
    ng.ng_TopEdge = ng.ng_TopEdge + 60;
    ng.ng_Width = 100;
    ng.ng_Height = gadfont->ta_YSize + 2;
    ng.ng_GadgetText = "Echo Number";
    ng.ng_GadgetID = MYGAD_NUM;
    numgad = gad = CreateGadget (NUMBER_KIND, gad, &ng,
                                 GTNM_FrontPen, 3,
                                 GTNM_Format, "%04ld",
                                 GTNM_Clipped, TRUE,
                                 GTNM_Number, 0xffff1,
    printf ("Could not create context\n");

  return (gad);

 *  Create Menu.

struct Menu *
CreateDaMenu (struct NewMenu *themenu, struct VisualInfo *vi)
  struct Menu *menusready;

  if (menusready = CreateMenus (themenu, TAG_END))
    LayoutMenus (menusready, vi, GTMN_NewLookMenus, TRUE, TAG_END);
    printf ("Could not create menus\n");

  return (menusready);

 *  Process menu events.

ProcessDaMenu (USHORT menunumber, struct Window * win, struct Menu * menustrip,
               struct VisualInfo * vi)
  USHORT menunum, itemnum, subnum;
  BOOL closeit = FALSE;
  menunum = MENUNUM (menunumber);
  itemnum = ITEMNUM (menunumber);
  subnum = SUBNUM (menunumber);

  switch (menunum)
  case 0:                       /* project menu */
    closeit = TRUE;
  case 1:                       /* justify text menu */
    switch (itemnum)
    case 0:                     /* left justify string */
      GT_SetGadgetAttrs (textgad, win, NULL,
                         GTTX_Justification, GTJ_LEFT,
                         GTTX_Text, "Left", TAG_END);
    case 2:                     /* center justify string */
      GT_SetGadgetAttrs (textgad, win, NULL,
                         GTTX_Justification, GTJ_CENTER,
                         GTTX_Text, "Center", TAG_END);
    case 4:                     /* right justify string */
      GT_SetGadgetAttrs (textgad, win, NULL,
                         GTTX_Justification, GTJ_RIGHT,
                         GTTX_Text, "Right", TAG_END);

  return (closeit);

 *  Process IDCMP events
 *    Again, this is very incomplete.  You would do a lot more if this were a
 *    real application.

ProcessEvents (struct Window *win, struct Menu *menustrip, struct VisualInfo *vi)
  struct IntuiMessage *msg;
  ULONG msgclass;
  LONG num;
  BOOL Closeflag = FALSE;
  STRPTR holdstring;
  USHORT menunumber;

  while (!Closeflag)
    Wait (1 << win->UserPort->mp_SigBit);

    while ((!Closeflag) && (msg = GT_GetIMsg (win->UserPort)))
      msgclass = msg->Class;

      switch (msgclass)
        Closeflag = TRUE;

        if (msg->IAddress == stringgad)
          holdstring = ((struct StringInfo *) (stringgad->SpecialInfo))->Buffer;
          GT_SetGadgetAttrs (textgad, win, NULL,
                             GTTX_Text, holdstring, TAG_END);

      case IDCMP_GADGETUP:
        if (msg->IAddress == intgad)
          num = ((struct StringInfo *) (intgad->SpecialInfo))->LongInt;
          GT_SetGadgetAttrs (numgad, win, NULL, GTNM_Number, num,
                             GTNM_Justification, GTJ_RIGHT, TAG_END);

      case IDCMP_MENUPICK:
        menunumber = msg->Code;
        while (menunumber != MENUNULL && !Closeflag)
          Closeflag = ProcessDaMenu (menunumber, win, menustrip, vi);
          menunumber = (ItemAddress (menustrip, menunumber))->NextSelect;
      GT_ReplyIMsg (msg);

 *  Free the memory used for the listview.

FreeDaMemory (void)
  struct Node *freenode, *nextnode;

  freenode = (struct Node *) DaList->lh_Head;
  while (nextnode = (struct Node *) freenode->ln_Succ)
    FreeMem (freenode, sizeof (struct Node));
    freenode = nextnode;
  FreeMem (DaList, sizeof (struct List));

 *  main().
 *    With SAS 6.0, you don't have to open libraries, so we can get straight
 *    to work.

main (void)
  struct Screen *Gadscreen;
  struct Window *Gadwindow;
  struct VisualInfo *vi;
  struct TextFont *Appfont;
  struct Menu *menuptr;

  /* use a font you like */
  struct TextAttr nicefont =
    "diamond.font",             /*  STRPTR  ta_Name     name of the font */
    15,                         /*  UWORD   ta_YSize    height of the font */
    FS_NORMAL,                  /*  UBYTE   ta_Style    intrinsic font style */
    FPF_DISKFONT                /*  UBYTE   ta_Flags    font preferences and flags */

  struct NewMenu Gadmenu[] =
    {NM_TITLE, "Project", 0, 0, 0, 0,},
    {NM_ITEM, "Quit", "Q", 0, 0, 0,},

    {NM_TITLE, "Justify Text", 0, 0, 0, 0,},
    {NM_ITEM, "Left", "L", 0, 0, 0,},
    {NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, 0, 0, 0,},
    {NM_ITEM, "Center", "M", 0, 0, 0,},
    {NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, 0, 0, 0,},
    {NM_ITEM, "Right", "R", 0, 0, 0,},
    {NM_END, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0,},

  if (Appfont = OpenDiskFont (&nicefont))
    if (Gadscreen = OpenScreenTags (NULL,
                                    SA_Left, 0,
                                    SA_Top, 0,
                                    SA_LikeWorkbench, TRUE,
                                    SA_Font, &nicefont,
                                    SA_Title, "Some New GadTools Features",
      if ((vi = GetVisualInfo (Gadscreen, TAG_END)) != NULL)
        if (CreateGads (Gadscreen, vi, &nicefont) != NULL)
          if (menuptr = CreateDaMenu (Gadmenu, vi))
            if (Gadwindow = OpenWindowTags (NULL,
                                            WA_Left, Gadscreen->LeftEdge,
                                    WA_Top, Gadscreen->TopEdge + Gadscreen->BarHeight,
                                  WA_Height, Gadscreen->Height - Gadscreen->BarHeight,
                                            WA_Width, Gadscreen->Width,
                                WA_MinWidth, Gadscreen->Height - Gadscreen->BarHeight,
                                            WA_MinHeight, Gadscreen->Width,
                                            WA_Gadgets, glist,
                                            WA_Title, "Lots of Gadgets",
                                            WA_CustomScreen, Gadscreen,
                                    WA_IDCMP, IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW | IDCMP_ACTIVEWINDOW |
                                            IDCMP_GADGETDOWN | IDCMP_MENUPICK |
                                      IDCMP_GADGETHELP | IDCMP_GADGETUP | SLIDERIDCMP,
                                       WA_Flags, WFLG_DEPTHGADGET | WFLG_CLOSEGADGET |
                                            WA_NewLookMenus, TRUE,
                                            WA_DragBar, TRUE,
                                            WA_CloseGadget, TRUE,
              if (SetMenuStrip (Gadwindow, menuptr))
                GT_RefreshWindow (Gadwindow, NULL);

                ProcessEvents (Gadwindow, menuptr, vi);

                ClearMenuStrip (Gadwindow);

                FreeMenus (menuptr);

                CloseWindow (Gadwindow);
          printf ("Could not create gadgets\n");

        if (DaList)
          FreeDaMemory ();

        FreeGadgets (glist);

        FreeVisualInfo (vi);

        printf ("Could not get visual info\n");

      CloseScreen (Gadscreen);
      printf ("Could not open screen\n");

    CloseFont (Appfont);
    printf ("Could not open %s\n", nicefont.ta_Name);