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;/* cliptext.c - Execute me to compile me with SAS/C 6.56
slink FROM LIB:c.o,cliptext.o TO cliptext LIBRARY LIB:sc.lib,LIB:amiga.lib
quit ;

Copyright (c) 1991-1999 Amiga, Inc.

This example is provided in electronic form by Amiga, Inc.
for use with the Amiga Mail Volume II technical publication.
Amiga Mail Volume II contains additional information on the correct
usage of the techniques and operating system functions presented in
these examples.  The source and executable code of these examples may
only be distributed in free electronic form, via bulletin board or
as part of a fully non-commercial and freely redistributable
diskette.  Both the source and executable code (including comments)
must be included, without modification, in any copy.  This example
may not be published in printed form or distributed with any
commercial product. However, the programming techniques and support
routines set forth in these examples may be used in the development
of original executable software products for Amiga

All other rights reserved.

This example is provided "as-is" and is subject to change; no
warranties are made.  All use is at your own risk. No liability or
responsibility is assumed.
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <dos/rdargs.h>
#include <dos/dosextens.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <graphics/text.h>
#include <graphics/displayinfo.h>
#include <graphics/regions.h>
#include <graphics/gfx.h>
#include <libraries/diskfont.h>
#include <libraries/diskfonttag.h>
#include <utility/tagitem.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/dos_protos.h>
#include <clib/layers_protos.h>
#include <clib/alib_stdio_protos.h>
#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
#include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
#include <clib/diskfont_protos.h>

#ifdef LATTICE
int CXBRK(void) { return(0); }  /* Disable Lattice CTRL/C handling */
int chkabort(void) { return(0); }

UBYTE *vers = "\0$VER: cliptext 37.2";

#define BUFSIZE          4096
#define FONT_NAME        0
#define FONT_SIZE        1
#define FILE_NAME        2
#define JAM_MODE         3
#define XASP             4
#define YASP             5
#define NUM_ARGS         6
#define DEFAULTXASP      0L
#define DEFAULTYASP      0L

void MainLoop(void);

struct TagItem tagitem[2];
BPTR myfile;
struct Library *DiskfontBase, *IntuitionBase, *LayersBase, *GfxBase;
struct IntuiMessage *mymsg;
struct DrawInfo *mydrawinfo;
struct Window *mywin;
struct RastPort *myrp;
struct TTextAttr myta;
struct TextFont *myfont;
struct Rectangle myrectangle;
struct Region *new_region;

void main(int argc, char **argv)
  struct RDArgs *myrda;
  struct DisplayInfo mydi;
  ULONG mymodeid;

  LONG mydefaultfontsize = DEFAULTFONTSIZE;
  LONG mydefaultXASP = 0L;
  LONG mydefaultYASP = 0L;
  args[FONT_NAME] = (LONG)"topaz.font";
  args[FONT_SIZE] = (LONG)&mydefaultfontsize;
  args[FILE_NAME] = (LONG)"s:startup-sequence";
  args[JAM_MODE]  = (LONG)&mydefaultJAMMode;
  args[XASP]      = (LONG)&mydefaultXASP;
  args[YASP]      = (LONG)&mydefaultYASP;

  /* dos.library standard command line parsing--See the dos.library Autodoc for details */
  if (myrda = ReadArgs("FontName,FontSize/N,FileName,Jam/N,XASP/N,YASP/N\n", args, NULL))
    if (myfile = Open((UBYTE *)args[FILE_NAME], MODE_OLDFILE) )   /* Open the file to display. */
      if (DiskfontBase = OpenLibrary("diskfont.library", 37L))          /* Open the libraries. */
        if (IntuitionBase = OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 37L))
          if (GfxBase = OpenLibrary("graphics.library", 37L))
            if (LayersBase = OpenLibrary("layers.library", 37L))
              if (mywin = OpenWindowTags(NULL,                            /* Open that window. */
                     WA_MinWidth,     100,     /* This application wants to hear about three   */
                     WA_MinHeight,    100,     /* things: 1) When the user clicks the window's */
                     WA_SmartRefresh, TRUE,    /* close gadget, 2) when the user starts to     */
                     WA_SizeGadget,   TRUE,    /* resize the window, 3) and when the user has  */
                     WA_CloseGadget,  TRUE,    /* finished resizing the window.                */
                     WA_DragBar,     TRUE,
                     WA_DepthGadget, TRUE,
                     WA_Title,       (ULONG)args[FILE_NAME],
                tagitem[0].ti_Tag = OT_DeviceDPI;

                /* See if there is a non-zero value in the XASP or YASP fields. Diskfont.library */
                /* will get a divide by zero GURU if you give it a zero XDPI or YDPI value.      */

                /* if there is a zero value in one of them... */
                if (  ( (*(ULONG *)args[XASP]) == 0) || ( (*(ULONG *)args[YASP]) == 0)  )
                  /* ...then use the aspect ratio of the current display as a default... */
                  mymodeid = GetVPModeID(&(mywin->WScreen->ViewPort));
                  if (GetDisplayInfoData( NULL, (UBYTE *)&mydi,
                                          sizeof(struct DisplayInfo), DTAG_DISP, mymodeid))
                    mydefaultXASP = mydi.Resolution.x;
                    mydefaultYASP = mydi.Resolution.y;
                    printf("XAsp = %ld    YAsp = %ld\n", mydefaultXASP, mydefaultYASP);
                    /* Notice that the X and Y get _swapped_ to keep the look of the    */
                    /* font glyphs the same using screens with different aspect ratios. */
                    args[YASP]    = (LONG)&mydefaultXASP;
                    args[XASP]    = (LONG)&mydefaultYASP;
                  else /* ...unless something is preventing us from getting the screen  */
                       /* screens resolution.  In that case, forget about the DPI tag.  */
                       tagitem[0].ti_Tag = TAG_END;
                /* Here we have to put the X and Y DPI into the OT_DeviceDPI tags data field.  */
                /* serve to supply the diskfont.library with values to calculate the aspect    */
                /* ratio.  The X value gets stored in the upper word of the tag value and the Y*/
                /* DPI gets stored in the lower word.  Because ReadArgs() stores the _address_ */
                /* of integers it gets from the command line, you have to dereference the      */
                /* pointer it puts into the argument array, which results in some ugly casting.*/

                tagitem[0].ti_Data = (ULONG)( ( (UWORD) *( (ULONG *)args[XASP] ) << 16) |
                                               ((UWORD) *( (ULONG *)args[YASP]) ) );
                tagitem[1].ti_Tag = TAG_END;

                myta.tta_Name = (STRPTR)args[FONT_NAME];           /* Set up the TTextAttr     */
                myta.tta_YSize = *((LONG *)args[FONT_SIZE]);       /* structure to match the   */
                myta.tta_Style = FSF_TAGGED;                       /* font the user requested. */
                myta.tta_Flags = 0L;
                myta.tta_Tags = tagitem;

                if (myfont = OpenDiskFont(&myta))       /* open that font */
                 /* This is for the layers.library clipping region that gets attached to the   */
                 /* window.  This prevents the application from unnecessarily rendering beyond */
                  myrectangle.MinX = mywin->BorderLeft; /* the bounds of the inner part of     */
                  myrectangle.MinY = mywin->BorderTop;  /* the window.  For now, you can       */
                  myrectangle.MaxX = mywin->Width -     /* ignore the layers stuff if you are  */
                      (mywin->BorderRight + 1);         /* just interested in learning about   */
                  myrectangle.MaxY = mywin->Height -    /* using text.  For more information   */
                      (mywin->BorderBottom + 1);        /* on clipping regions and layers, see */
                                                        /* the Layers chapter of this manual.  */

                  if (new_region = NewRegion())                           /* more layers stuff */
                    if (OrRectRegion(new_region, &myrectangle));     /* Even more layers stuff */
                      InstallClipRegion(mywin->WLayer, new_region);
                      /* Obtain a pointer to the window's rastport and set up some of the      */
                      myrp = mywin->RPort;    /* rastport attributes. This example obtains the */
                      SetFont(myrp, myfont);  /* text pen for the window's screen using        */
                      if (mydrawinfo =GetScreenDrawInfo(mywin->WScreen)) /* GetScreenDrawInfo()*/
                        SetAPen(myrp, mydrawinfo->dri_Pens[TEXTPEN]);
                        FreeScreenDrawInfo(mywin->WScreen, mydrawinfo);
                      SetDrMd(myrp, (BYTE)(*((LONG *)args[JAM_MODE])));

  else VPrintf("Error parsing arguments\n", NULL);

void MainLoop(void)
    LONG count, actual, position;
    BOOL aok = TRUE, waitfornewsize = FALSE;
    struct Task *mytask;

    mytask = FindTask(NULL);
    Move(myrp, mywin->BorderLeft + 1, mywin->BorderTop + myfont->tf_YSize + 1);

    while (((actual = Read(myfile, buffer, BUFSIZE)) > 0) && aok) /* While there's something   */
    {                                                             /* to read, fill the buffer. */
        position = 0;
        count = 0;

        while (position <= actual)
           if (!(waitfornewsize))
               while ( ((buffer[count] >= myfont->tf_LoChar) &&
                       (buffer[count] <= myfont->tf_HiChar)) && (count <= actual) )

               Text(myrp, &(buffer[position]), (count)-position);

               while ( ((buffer[count] < myfont->tf_LoChar) ||
                       (buffer[count] > myfont->tf_HiChar)) && (count <= actual) )
                   if (buffer[count] == 0x0A)
                       Move(myrp, mywin->BorderLeft, myrp->cp_y + myfont->tf_YSize + 1);
               position = count;
           else WaitPort(mywin->UserPort);

           while (mymsg = (struct IntuiMessage *)GetMsg(mywin->UserPort))
               if (mymsg->Class == IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW)     /* The user clicked the close gadget */
                   aok = FALSE;
                   position = actual + 1;
                   ReplyMsg((struct Message *)mymsg);
               }                                                     /* The user picked up the */
               else if (mymsg->Class == IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY)            /* window's sizing gadget */
                  /* When the user has picked up the window's sizing gadget when the           */
                  /* IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY flag is set, the application has to reply to this message*/
                  /* to tell Intuition to allow the user to move the sizing gadget and resize  */
                  /* the window.  The reason for using this here is because the user can resize*/
                  /* the window while cliptext.c is rendering text to the window. Cliptext.c   */
                  /* has to stop rendering text when it receives an IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY message.  */
                  /*                                                                           */
                  /* if this example had instead asked to hear about IDCMP events that could   */
                  /* take place between SIZEVERIFY and NEWSIZE events (especially INTUITICKS), */
                  /* it should turn off those events here using ModifyIDCMP().                 */
                  /*                                                                           */
                  /* After we allow the user to resize the window, we cannot write into the    */
                  /* window until the user has finished resizing it because we need the        */
                  /* window's new size to adjust the clipping area.  Specifically, we have     */
                  /* to wait for an IDCMP_NEWSIZE message which Intuition will send when the   */
                  /* user lets go of the resize gadget.  For now, we set the waitfornewsize    */
                  /* flag to stop rendering until we get that NEWSIZE message.                 */

                   waitfornewsize = TRUE;

                   ReplyMsg((struct Message *)mymsg);            /* The blitter is done, let the */
               }                                                 /* user resize the window.      */
                   ReplyMsg((struct Message *)mymsg);
                   waitfornewsize = FALSE;
                          /* The user has resized the window, so get the new window dimensions */
                   myrectangle.MinX = mywin->BorderLeft;      /* and readjust the layers       */
                   myrectangle.MinY = mywin->BorderTop;       /* clipping region accordingly.  */
                   myrectangle.MaxX = mywin->Width - (mywin->BorderRight + 1);
                   myrectangle.MaxY = mywin->Height - (mywin->BorderBottom + 1);
                   InstallClipRegion(mywin->WLayer, NULL);
                   if (OrRectRegion(new_region, &myrectangle))
                       InstallClipRegion(mywin->WLayer, new_region);
                       aok = FALSE;
                       position = actual + 1;
           if (mytask->tc_SigRecvd & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)              /* Check for user break.   */
               aok = FALSE;
               position = actual + 1;

           if (myrp->cp_y > (mywin->Height - (mywin->BorderBottom + 2))) /* if we reached the  */
           {                                               /* bottom of the page, clear the    */
               Delay(25);                                  /* rastport and move back to the top*/

               SetRast(myrp, 0);      /* Set the entire rastport to color zero.  This will not */
               Move(myrp,             /* the window borders because of the layers clipping.    */
               mywin->BorderLeft + 1,
               mywin->BorderTop + myfont->tf_YSize + 1);
    if (actual < 0) VPrintf("Error while reading\n", NULL);