Class: modelclass Superclass: icclass Description: Provides "broadcast" interconnection. Include File: <intuition/icclass.h> New Methods: ------------ None. Changed Methods: ---------------- OM_ADDMEMBER - Adds an object to the the Model's internally maintained broadcast list. Anything on this list will be DISPOSED when the model object is disposed. OM_REMMEMBER - Removes objects added by OM_ADDMEMBER. OM_DISPOSE - Disposes members of the broadcast list as well as itself. OM_NOTIFY, OM_UPDATE - these behave like the icclass methods, but first an OM_UPDATE message is sent to all members of the object's broadcast list, un-mapped. The members of the broadcast list are typically icclass objects, which have gadgets as their targets and appropriate mapping lists. If you are creating a useful subclass, you will probably want to intercept OM_UPDATE, but pass OM_NOTIFY to modelclass, your superclass. Attributes: ----------- ICA_Map, ICA_Target - Same as for the superclass (icclass).