Class: itexticlass Superclass: imageclass Description: IntuiText equivalent with attribute override. Include File: <intuition/imageclass.h> New Methods: ------------ None. Changed Methods: ---------------- IM_DRAW - Draws IntuiText specified as IA_Data overriding the attributes specified in the IntuiText structure. The Mode used is JAM1, the color as specified as IA_FGPen. The position of the itexticlass object is added to the position of the IntuiText. This class was defined to make new-looking AutoRequesters without changing the IntuiText structures passed to it. Attributes: ----------- IA_Data (ISG) Processed blindly by superclass, must be a pointer to a normal IntuiText structure. IA_FGPen (ISG) Processed by superclass, used as APen when drawing text. IA_Left, IA_Top (ISG) Added to IntuiText offsets.