The basic outline of most client/server model applications written with UDP look something like this: Server gets a socket with socket(), gets a port number with getservbyname(), builds a sockaddr_in structure describing the server, and gives that structure to bind() in order to attach a specific address to the socket. It then loops, waiting to recvfrom() any incoming datagrams and responding to any requests in those datagrams. int recvfrom(int socket, char *buf, int buflength, int flags, struct sockaddr *clientname, int namelength) The recvfrom() function is similar to the recv() function except it has two extra parameters. clientname is a buffer for a sockaddr_in structure. When recvfrom() receives a datagram from some application on the network, it fills in clientname with the transport address of that application. The size of the structure is namelength. The client gets a server hostname from the user, gets a socket(), gets the server's port number with getservbyname(), builds a sockaddr_in structure describing the server, and sendto()s a datagram to the server's well-known address: int sendto(int socket, char *buf, int buflength, int flags, struct sockaddr *servername, int namelength) The client either waits for the server to send back a datagram to the client's socket, or give up because the server took too much time to reply. The client does this by calling select(). This function puts the client to sleep until either a particular set of sockets is ready for reading, writing, or exception processing, or after a timeout period has passed without any activity. int select(int numsocks, fd_set *readsocks, fd_set *writesocks, fd_set *exceptsocks, struct timeval *timeout) The numsocks parameter is 1 plus the number of sockets select() is waiting on. The readsocks, writesocks, and exceptsocks parameters are each a bitmask which tells select() which socket (or sockets) to wait for activity on. The fd_set structure (defined in <sys/types.h>), is basically a handle to one of these bitmasks. Programs cannot directly manipulate the bits in these masks. Instead, there are functions to do this: FD_ZERO(struct fd_set *mymask) /* clear all bits in mymask */ FD_SET(int mysocket, struct fd_set *mymask) /* turn on the bit for mysocket in mymask */ FD_CLR(int mysocket, struct fd_set *mymask) /* turn off the bit for mysocket in mymask */ FD_ISSET(int mysocket, struct fd_set *mymask) /* test if mysocket's bit in mymask is set */ For the purposes of this article, the only relevant mask is readsocks, because the client is only waiting to read from a socket. Since the client isn't interested in the other masks, it makes writesocks and exceptsocks NULL. The last parameter, timeout, sets the maximum amount of time that select() should wait for activity on the sockets it is watching. When select() returns, its return value is either -1 if it failed, 0 if there was a timeout, or a positive number, which is the number of sockets that became ready. When select returns, it sets the bits in the bitmasks according to which socket (or sockets) became ready. When select() returns, if a socket became ready, the client calls recvfrom() to get the datagram the server sent back. On timeout, the client might try to re-send the datagram since it may have been lost or corrupted. Datagrams can be also be received in an order different from that in which they were sent and can be received in duplicate.