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Boopsi in Release 3

by John Orr and Peter Cherna

For Release 3, Intuition gained significant improvements that
directly affect Intuition's object oriented programming subsystem,
Boopsi.  Intuition now has gadget help features, bounding boxes for
gadgets and their imagery, special custom layout gadgetry, and
several other features that all have an impact on Boopsi.

This article assumes that the reader already has a basic
understanding of Boopsi and the object oriented programming model.
For those not comfortable with these concepts, see the
``Boopsi--Object Oriented Intuition'' chapter of the ROM Kernel
Reference Manual: Libraries.


One Boopsi-related function added to intuition.library for Release 3
is DoGadgetMethodA():

    ULONG DoGadgetMethodA(struct Gadget *object, struct Window *win,
                          struct Requester *req, Msg msg);

This function is similar to amiga.lib's DoMethod(), except
DoGadgetMethod() passes along the object's graphical environment in
the form of a GadgetInfo structure.  DoGadgetMethodA() gets this
structure from the gadget's window (or requester).  The GadgetInfo
structure is important because a Boopsi gadget needs the information
in that structure to render itself.  Note that if you give
DoGadgetMethodA() a NULL Window and NULL Requester pointer,
DoGadgetMethodA() will pass a NULL GadgetInfo pointer.

The name and first parameter of DoGadgetMethodA() may lead you to
believe that this function applies only to gadgets.  Although you can
certainly use this function on gadget objects, the function is not
restricted to gadget objects.  You can use this function on any
Boopsi object.  This is important for an object such as a model
object, which may react to any Boopsi message by invoking some method
on gadget objects connected to it.  Because the model object receives
environment information in the form of a GadgetInfo structure, the
model can pass that information on to any objects connected to it.

Before this function, passing the environment information was not
that easy.  A good example of this is the rkmmodelclass example in
the ``Boopsi--Object Oriented Intuition'' chapter of RKRM: Libraries
(page 312-315).  In that example, the rkmmodelclass is a subclass of
modelclass.  The rkmmodelclass object inherits the behavior of
modelclass, so its sends updates to its member objects.  One feature
rkmmodelclass adds to modelclass is that these objects maintain an
internal integer value.  If that value changes, the rkmmodelclass
object propagates that change to its member objects.

If one of the member objects happens to be a gadget object, changing
the rkmmodelclass object's internal value may change the visual state
of the gadgets.  For the gadget's to update their visual state, they
need the environment information from the GadgetInfo structure as
well as the new internal value of the rkmmodelclass object.  If an
application used DoMethod() or SetAttrs() to set the rkmmodelclass
object's internal value, the rkmmodelclass object would not get a
GadgetInfo structure.  When the rkmmodelclass object propagates the
internal value change to its member objects, it has no environment
information to pass on to its member objects.  As a result, the
member gadgets can not update their visual state directly.  This is
particularly annoying for a propgclass object, because the visual
state of the propgclass object can depend on the rkmmodelclass
object's integer value.

DoGadgetMethodA() corrects this problem.  It passes a pointer to a
GadgetInfo structure for the window (or requester) you pass to it.
If you plan on implementing new Boopsi methods that need a GadgetInfo
structure in their Boopsi message, make sure the second long word of
the Boopsi message is a pointer to the GadgetInfo structure.
DoGadgetMethodA() assumes that every method (except for OM_NEW,
OM_SET, OM_NOTIFY, and OM_UPDATE; see the next paragraph) expects a
GadgetInfo pointer in that place.

Iif you use DoGadgetMethodA() to send an OM_SET message to a Boopsi
gadget, DoGadgetMethodA() passes a pointer to a GadgetInfo structure
as the third long word in the Boopsi message.  DoGadgetMethodA() is
smart enough to know that the OM_SET method uses an opSet structure
as its message, which has a pointer to a GadgetInfo structure as its
third long word.  DoGadgetMethodA() passes a GadgetInfo structure as
the third parameter for the OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_NOTIFY, and OM_UPDATE
methods.  For all other methods, like the gadgetclass methods,
DoGadgetMethodA() passes a GadgetInfo structure as the second long
word.  For more information, see the V39 Autodoc for
DoGadgetMethodA() and its varargs equivalent, DoGadgetMethod().

Bounding Boxes for Gadgets

Before Release 3, gadgets only had a select (or hit) box.  This box
is the area of the window that the user can click in to select the
gadget.  The select box limits certain gadgets because the gadget's
imagery could lie outside of the gadget's hit box.  For example, the
hit box for a string gadget is the area that text appears when the
user types into the gadget (see Figure 1).  Many string gadgets have
a border and a label, which the programmer sets using the Gadget
structure's GadgetRender and GadgetText fields.  The border and label
imagery appears outside of the hit box.

 Figure 1 - String Gadget without Bounding Box 

The major disadvantage of a gadget's imagery being external to its
hit box has to do with relative gadgets (these are sometimes referred
to as GREL gadgets).  Intuition positions one of these gadgets
relative to the edge's of the gadget's window.  When the window
changes dimensions, Intuition repositions the gadget within the
window.  The gadget can also make its size relative to the window's

When Intuition resizes a window, it remembers which portions of the
window's display sustained visual damage.  When Intuition refreshes
the visual state of the window, it only redisplays the parts of the
window that sustained visual damage.  When Intuition resizes a window
that has a GREL gadget, Intuition erases the old gadget by erasing
the hit box of the gadget and remembers that area as a region it will
have to refresh.  Intuition also figures out where the the new hit
box will be and remembers that area as a region Intuition will have
to refresh.  Because Intuition will not erase or redraw any imagery
that falls outside of the GREL gadget's hit box, Intuition will
ignore any part of the gadget's label or border that is outside the
hit box.

To remedy this situation, Intuition added a bounding box to gadgets.
If a gadget has a bounding box, Intuition uses the bounding box in
place of the hit box when figuring out what areas to refresh.  With a
bounding box, a gadget can extend its hit area to encompass all of
its imagery.

The bounding box feature is not specific to Boopsi gadgets.  Any
Intuition gadget can have one.  If the gadget doesn't supply a
bounding box, Intuition will use the gadget's normal hit box as the
bounding box, which yields the same result as previous versions of
the OS.

Adding the bounding box feature to Intuition gadgets required
extending the Gadget structure.  There is a new structure called
ExtGadget that is a superset of the old Gadget structure (from

struct ExtGadget
    /* The first fields match struct Gadget exactly */
    struct ExtGadget *NextGadget; /* Matches struct Gadget */
    WORD LeftEdge, TopEdge;       /* Matches struct Gadget */
    WORD Width, Height;           /* Matches struct Gadget */
    UWORD Flags;                  /* Matches struct Gadget */
    APTR SpecialInfo;             /* Matches struct Gadget */
    UWORD GadgetID;               /* Matches struct Gadget */
    APTR UserData;                /* Matches struct Gadget */

    /* These fields only exist under V39 and only if GFLG_EXTENDED is set */
    ULONG MoreFlags;
    WORD BoundsLeftEdge;        /* Bounding extent for gadget, valid */
    WORD BoundsTopEdge;         /* only if the GMORE_BOUNDS bit in   */
                                /*  the MoreFlags field is set.  The */
    WORD BoundsWidth;           /* GFLG_RELxxx flags affect these    */
    WORD BoundsHeight;          /* coordinates as well.              */

Intuition discerns a Gadget from an ExtGadget by testing the Flags
field.  If the GFLG_EXTENDED bit is set, the Gadget structure is
really an ExtGadget structure.  Intuition will use the bounding box
only if the GMORE_BOUNDS bit in the ExtGadget.MoreFlags field is set.

Gadgetclass supports an attribute called GA_Bounds that sets up a
Boopsi gadget's bounding box.  It expects a pointer to an IBox
structure (from <intuition/intuition.h>) in the ti_Data field, which
gadgetclass copies into the bounding box fields in the ExtGadget

Gadget Help

Intuition V39 introduces a help system designed around Intuition
gadgets.  Window-based applications can elect to receive a new type
of IDCMP message called IDCMP_GADGETHELP when the user positions the
pointer over one of the window's gadgets.  The pointer is over the
gadget if the pointer is within the gadget's bounding box (which
defaults to the gadget's hit box).

Using the intuition.library function HelpControl(), an application
can turn Gadget Help on and off for a window:

  VOID HelpControl(struct Window *my_win, ULONG help_flags);

Currently, the only flag defined for the help_flags field is
HC_GADGETHELP (from <intuition/intuition.h>).  If the HC_GADGETHELP
bit is set, HelpControl() turns on help for my_win, otherwise
HelpControl() turns off gadget help for the window.

When gadget help is on for the active window, Intuition sends
IDCMP_GADGETHELP messages to the window's IDCMP port.  Each time the
user moves the pointer from one gadget to another, Intuition sends an
IDCMP_GADGETHELP message about the new gadget.  Intuition also sends
an IDCMP_GADGETHELP message when the user positions the pointer over
a gadgetless portion of the window, and when the user moves the
pointer outside of the window. An application can find out what
caused the IDCMP_GADGETHELP message by first examining the
IntuiMessage's IAddress field.  If IAddress is NULL, the pointer is
outside of the window.  If IAddress is the window address, the
pointer is inside of the window, but not over any gadget.  If
IAddress is some other value, the user positioned the pointer over
one of the window's gadgets and IAddress is the address of that

To discern between the different system gadgets (window drag bar,
window close gadget, etc.) an application has to check the GadgetType
field of the gadget:

    #define GTYP_SYSTYPEMASK 0xF0   /* This constant did not appear in */
                                    /* earlier V39 include files.      */

    sysgtype = ((struct Gadget *)imsg->IAddress)->GadgetType & GTYP_SYSTYPEMASK;

The constant GTYP_SYSTYPEMASK  (defined in <intuition/intuition.h>)
corresponds to the bits of the GadgetType field used for the system
gadget type.  There are several possible values for sysgtype (defined
in <intuition/intuition.h>):

        GTYP_SIZING             Window sizing gadget
        GTYP_WDRAGGING  Window drag bar
        GTYP_WUPFRONT           Window depth gadget
        GTYP_WDOWNBACK  Window zoom gadget
        GTYP_CLOSE              Window close gadget

If sysgtype is zero, IAddress is the address of an application's

Not all gadget's will trigger an IDCMP_GADGETHELP event.  Intuition
will send gadget help events when the pointer is over a gadget with
an extended Gadget structure (struct ExtGadget from
<intuition/intuition.h>) and a set GMORE_GADGETHELP flag (from the
ExtGadget.MoreFlags field).

To set or clear this flag for a Boopsi gadget, an application can use
the GA_GadgetHelp attribute.  Setting GA_GadgetHelp to TRUE sets the
flags and setting it to FALSE clears the flag.  Only the OM_SET
method applies to this gadgetclass attribute.

To support gadget help, gadgetclass gained a new method called
GM_HELPTEST.  This method uses the same message structure as
GM_HITTEST, struct gpHitTest (defined in <intuition/gadgetclass.h>),
and operates similarly to GM_HITTEST.  While a window is in help
mode, when the user positions the pointer within the bounding box of
a Boopsi gadget that supports gadget help, Intuition sends the gadget
a GM_HELPTEST message.

Like the GM_HITTEST method, the GM_HELPTEST method asks a gadget if a
point is within the gadget's bounds.  Like the GM_HITTEST method, the
GM_HELPTEST method allows a Boopsi gadget to have a non-rectangular
hit area (or in this case, a help area).  If the point is within the
gadget, the gadget uses one of two return codes.  If the gadget
returns a value of GMR_HELPHIT, Intuition places a value of 0xFFFF in
the Code field of the IDCMP_GADGETHELP message. The gadget also has
the option of using GMR_HELPCODE instead of GMR_HELPHIT.
GMR_HELPCODE is a little peculiar as a return value.  Although
GMR_HELPCODE is 32 bits long, Intuition identifies GMR_HELPCODE using
only its upper 16 bits.  If the upper 16 bits of GM_HELPTEST's return
value matches the upper 16 bits of GMR_HELPCODE, Intuition copies the
lower word of the return value into the Code field of the
IDCMP_GADGETHELP message.  The Boopsi gadget is free to set the
return value's lower word to any 16-bit value.

If the point is not within the gadget's ``help spot'', the gadget
returns GMR_NOHELPHIT.  Intuition will then look under that gadget
for more gadgets.  If a gadget's dispatcher passes the GM_HELPTEST
method on to the gadgetclass dispatcher, the gadgetclass dispatcher
will always return GMR_HELPHIT.

An application can put several windows in the same help group.  This
feature groups several windows so that as long as one of those
windows is active, the application can receive IDCMP_GADGETHELP
messages about all of those windows.  For more information, See the
HelpControl() Autodoc and the WA_HelpGroup section of the
OpenWindow() Autodoc (both are in intuition.doc).

Boopsi Gadgets and ScrollRaster()

This section covers some fairly complicated aspects of Intuition
Windows and how Intuition interacts with the Layers system.  For a
more in depth explanation, see the article, ``Optimized Window
Refreshing'' from the July/August 1992 issue of Amiga Mail.

Scrolling an Intuition display with ScrollRaster() is unlike many
other rendering operations because it can damage a window layer.
ScrollRaster() is both a rendering function and a layering function
(ScrollRaster() is a graphics.library function, but it is aware of
the Layers system).  If window X overlaps window Y, scrolling window
Y can scroll a portion of window Y out from underneath window X:

 Figure 2 - Damage from a Scrolling Operation 

For both smart refresh and super bitmap windows, this does not
present a problem.  Layers remembers what was underneath window X and
restores that portion of the display when a layers operation reveals
it.  When a scrolling operation damages a smart refresh or super
bitmap window, Layers repairs the display.

         What is Layer Damage?

         The Layers definition of ``damage'' is a little
         confusing.  Looking at the illustration, two areas of
         window Y need to be refreshed: the area that used to be
         underneath window X, and the area that was scrolled
         into view at the bottom of window Y (the partially
         visible ``RSTUVWXY'').  Layers considers only one of
         these areas to be ``damaged'', the area the was
         scrolled out from underneath window X. Layers considers
         it damaged because the damage was caused by the
         presence of another window layer.  The task that called
         ScrollRaster() has no idea that there is an overlapping
         window layer, so it is up to Layers to account for that
         damage.  On the other hand, the task that called
         ScrollRaster() knows that the area at the bottom of
         window Y needs refreshing, so the task knows to fix
         that area of the window.  To Layers, damage is the area
         of a layer that needs refreshing as a result of layers

For a simple refresh window, Layers remembers which portion of the
window layer is damaged.  Layers does nothing to repair the damage.
Layers leaves repairing the damage to Intuition.  After performing a
layers operation on a window (such as scrolling a portion of a
window), Intuition must check if that operation caused layer damage
(either to that window or other windows on the display).

In Release 2, when Intuition told a scrolling Boopsi gadget to render
itself, Intuition did not check for layer damage.  If that gadget
damaged the display with the ScrollRaster() function, Intuition did
not repair that damage.

As of Release 3.0, Intuition has a flag set aside in the MoreFlags
field of the ExtGadget structure called GMORE_SCROLLRASTER (defined
in <intuition/intuition.h>).  If this flag is set, when the gadget
damages the display with ScrollRaster() (or ScrollRasterBF()),
Intuition redraws all GMORE_SCROLLRASTER gadgets in the damaged
window.  The class dispatcher should take care of setting this flag
when creating the gadget in the OM_NEW method.

ScrollRaster() is not the only function in Release 3 that can scroll
a window's contents.  For Release 3, the Intuition library gained a
function specifically to scroll a window's raster.  That function,
ScrollWindowRaster(), is similar to ScrollRaster(), but
ScrollWindowRaster() is Intuition-friendly.  Boopsi gadgets must not
use this function, they should use ScrollRaster() or ScrollRasterBF()
instead.  Also any applications that use GMORE_SCROLLRASTER gadgets
must use ScrollWindowRaster() for scrolling.  Note that gadgets
supplied by third parties or Commodore may be GMORE_SCROLLRASTER
gadgets.  For more information on ScrollWindowRaster(), see its

Smart Layout Gadgets

Prior to Release 3, Intuition took care of laying out GREL gadgets
whenever the dimensions of the window change.  This was a limitation
for a GREL Boopsi gadget that wants to perform its own layout.
Because Intuition didn't tell the Boopsi gadget that the window's
dimensions changed, the gadget cannot react to the change.

As of Release 3, Intuition uses a new gadget method called GM_LAYOUT
to tell a GREL Boopsi gadget that its window's dimensions have
changed.  The GM_LAYOUT method uses the gpLayout structure (defined
in <intuition/gadgetclass.h>) as its message:

struct gpLayout
    ULONG                     MethodID;
    struct GadgetInfo  *gpl_GInfo;
    ULONG               gpl_Initial; /* This field is non-zero if this method was invoked
                                      * during AddGList() or OpenWindow().  zero if this
                                      * method was invoked during window resizing.

For GREL gadgets, Intuition sends a GM_LAYOUT message just after
erasing the gadget's bounding box.  Intuition does not touch the
values of the gadget's bounding box or hit box, it lets the gadget
handle recalculating these values.  Thee gadget can lay itself out
based on the new window (or requester) dimensions found in the
GadgetInfo structure passed in the GM_LAYOUT message (gpl_GInfo from
the gpLayout structure).  Intuition also adds the old and new
bounding box of the gadget to the window's damaged regions so that
the gadget will appear is its new position.  The gadget must not
perform any rendering inside the GM_LAYOUT method.  Intuition will
send a GM_RENDER message to the gadget when its time to redraw the
gadget in its new position.

There are two cases where Intuition sends a GM_LAYOUT message:

    When the gadget's window is resized
    When Intuition adds the gadget to a window

There are two ways for a window to gain gadgets.  An application can
explicitly add gadgets using the AddGList() function.  The window can
also gain gadgets during it initialization in the OpenWindow() call.

For most GREL Boopsi gadgets, Intuition expects the values in the
LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, and Height fields to follow the existing
convention for regular GREL gadgets.  Each of these fields has a flag
in the Gadget.Flags field (GFLG_RELRIGHT, GFLG_RELBOTTOM,
GFLG_RELWIDTH, and GFLG_RELHEIGHT, respectively).  If that field's
flag is set, Intuition expects the value in that field to be relative
to either the window border or the window dimensions.  For example,
if GFLG_RELRIGHT is set, Intuition expects the value in the gadget's
LeftEdge field to be relative to the right window border.

There is a special kind of GREL Boopsi gadget called a custom
relativity gadget.  For this type of gadget, Intuition expects the
values in the LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, and Height fields to be
absolute measurements, just like the values Intuition expects in
these fields for non-GREL gadgets.

Setting the GFLG_RELSPECIAL bit in the Gadget.Flags field marks the
gadget as a custom relativity gadget.  The best way to set this bit
is by setting the GA_RelSpecial attribute to TRUE when creating the

Disabled Imagery

Certain gadget types support using a Boopsi Image as its imagery.
These gadget types include the non-Boopsi boolean gadget, the
frbuttonclass gadget, and the buttongclass gadget (This can also
include private gadget classes that support the GA_Image attribute).
The Gadget structure contains a field called GadgetRender which can
point to a Boopsi Image object (the GFLG_GADGIMAGE bit in the
Gadget.Flags field should also be set, see the``Intuition Gadgets''
chapter of the RKRM:Libraries for more information).  Intuition uses
this image as the gadget's imagery.

When a gadget uses this scheme for its imagery, Intuition sends
IM_DRAW (and IM_DRAWFRAME) messages to the image object.  These
imageclass methods not only tell a Boopsi image to render itself,
they also tell the image which state to draw itself.  Some examples
of image states include normal, selected, and disabled.

Prior to Release 3, when Intuition sent a draw message to one of
these images, it only used the normal and selected states.  If the
image was disabled, Intuition told the image to draw itself as normal
or selected and would render the standard ``ghosted'' imagery over
the gadget.

Under Release 3, Intuition will use the disabled state as well, but
only if the gadget's image object supports it.  When Intuition adds
the gadget to a window, Intuition tests the IA_SupportsDisabled
attribute of the gadget's image object.  This imageclass attribute
was introduced in Release 3.  If this attribute is TRUE, the image
supports disabled imagery (both the IDS_DISABLED and
flag in the Gadget structure's Flags field.  Intuition uses this flag
to tell if it should use the image's disabled state in the

As the IA_SupportsDisabled attribute is a fixed property of an image
object, it is only accessible using the OM_GET method.  An
application cannot set it or clear it.

Frameiclass Frame Types

For Release 3, the Boopsi image class frameiclass acquired a new
attribute, IA_FrameType.  This attribute allows applications to
choose a frame style for a frame image.  Currently there are four
styles available:

    FRAME_DEFAULT - This is the default frame which was the only
    available frame in V37.  It has thin edges.

    FRAME_BUTTON - This is the imagery for the standard button
    gadget. It has thicker sides and nicely edged corners.

    FRAME_RIDGE - This is a ridge commonly used by standard string
    gadgets.  When recessed (using the frameiclass attribute
    IA_Recessed), this image appears as a groove.  Applications and
    utilities commonly use the recessed image to visually group
    objects on the display.

    FRAME_ICONDROPBOX - This broad ridge is the system standard
    imagery for icon ``drop boxes'' inside of an AppWindow (see the
    ``Workbench and Icon Library'' chapter of the RKRM:Libraries for
    more information on AppWindows).  The recessed version has no
    standard purpose.

 Figure 3 - Frameiclass Frame Types 

Additions to Sysiclass

The class of system images, sysiclass, gained two new images for
Release 3, a menu check mark image and an Amiga key image
(respectively, MENUCHECK and AMIGAKEY from

 Figure 4 - Menu Check Mark and Amiga Key Images 

This class also gained a new attribute called
SYSIA_ReferenceFont.  This attribute, which is only accessible
with the OM_NEW method, points to a TextFont structure.  The
MENUCHECK and AMIGAKEY images will use this font to figure out
how large to make the image.  This attribute overrides the
SYSIA_DrawInfo font and SYSIA_Size attributes when calculating
the dimensions of the image.

About the Example

The example at the end of this article, relative.c, uses three
features mentioned in this article.  The example implements a
private subclass of gadgetclass.  The new class utilizes the
frameiclass IA_FrameType attribute to create a button gadget.
The class also takes advantage of the custom relativity feature.
The example opens a window placing one of these gadgets in the
middle of the window, sizing the gadget relative to the window's

The example also illustrates the gadget help feature of
Intuition.  When the private class dispatcher receives a
GM_HELPTEST message, it returns the bitwise AND of GMR_HELPCODE
and the value 0xC0DE.  When the example receives an
IDCMP_GADGETHELP message at the window's message port, the
example examines the message to find out what object triggered
the help message and printf()s the results.
