By Ewout Walraven The Intuition window paradigm has features that make it easy for the user to manage windows. The user can select, move, resize, close, or depth arrange their windows on any screen so they can quickly get to the window they need. With 2.0 and a little work, the tools are there to give the user even greater powers to manage and organize their working environment. This article addresses some release 2.0 system features which can further integrate your application's window into the 2.0 environment. These features include public screens, the zoom gadget, AppIcons, and AppMenuItems, which are not discussed in detail here. For more information on public screens and the zoom gadget, see the intuition.library Autodocs and the article "An Introduction to V36 Screens and Windows" from the September/October issue of Amiga Mail. For more information on AppIcons and AppMenuItems, see the workbench.library Autodocs and the article "AppWindows, AppIcons, and AppMenuItems", which is in this issue of Amiga Mail. Public Screens Zooming Iconifying