AddClass(class)(a0) - Make a public class available (V36) BuildEasyRequestArgs(window,easyStruct,idcmp,args)(a0/a1,d0/a3) - Simple creation of system request. (V36) ChangeWindowBox(window,left,top,width,height)(a0,d0/d1/d2/d3) - Change window position and dimensions. (V36) DisposeObject(object)(a0) - Deletes a 'boopsi' object. (V36) DrawImageState(rp,image,leftOffset,topOffset,state,drawInfo) (a0/a1,d0/d1/d2/a2) - Draw an (extended) Intuition Image with EasyRequestArgs(window,easyStruct,idcmpPtr,args)(a0/a1/a2/a3) - Easy alternative to AutoRequest() . (V36) EraseImage(rp,image,leftOffset,topOffset)(a0/a1,d0/d1) - Erases an Image. (V36) FreeClass(classPtr)(a0) - Frees a boopsi class created by MakeClass(). (V36) FreeScreenDrawInfo(screen,drawInfo)(a0/a1) - Finish using a DrawInfo structure. (V36) GadgetMouse(gadget,gInfo,mousePoint)(a0/a1/a2) - Calculate gadget-relative mouse position. (V36) GetAttr(attrID,object,storagePtr)(d0/a0/a1) - Inquire the value of some attribute of an object. (V36) GetDefaultPubScreen(nameBuffer)(a0) - Get name of default public screen. (V36) GetScreenDrawInfo(screen)(a0) - Get pointer to rendering information. (V36) LockPubScreen(name)(a0) - Prevent a public screen from closing. (V36) LockPubScreenList()() - Prevent changes to the system list. (V36) MakeClass(classID,superClassID,superClassPtr,instanceSize,flags) (a0/a1/a2,d0/d1) - Create and initialize a boopsi class. (V36) MoveWindowInFrontOf(window,behindWindow)(a0/a1) - Arrange the relative depth of a window. (V36) NewObjectA(class,classID,tagList)(a0/a1/a2) - Create an object from a class. (V36) NextObject(objectPtrPtr)(a0) - Iterate through the object on an Exec list. (V36) NextPubScreen(screen,namebuf)(a0/a1) - Identify next public screen in the cycle. (V36) ObtainGIRPort(gInfo)(a0) - Set up a RastPort for a custom gadget. (V36) OpenScreenTagList(newScreen,tagList)(a0/a1) - Also stack-based amiga.lib stub OpenScreenTags(). OpenScreen() with TagItem extension array. (V36) OpenWindowTagList(newWindow,tagList)(a0/a1) - Also stack-based amiga.lib stub OpenWindowTags(). OpenWindow() with TagItem extension. (V36) PointInImage(point,image)(d0/a0) - Tests whether an image "contains" a point. (V36) PubScreenStatus(screen,statusFlags)(a0,d0) - Change status flags for a public screen. (V36) QueryOverscan(displayID,rect,oScanType)(a0/a1,d0) - Inquire about a standard overscan region. (V36) ReleaseGIRPort(rp)(a0) - Release a custom gadget RastPort. (V36) RemoveClass(classPtr)(a0) - Make a public boopsi class unavailable. (V36) ResetMenuStrip(window,menu)(a0/a1) - Re-attach a menu strip to a window. (V36) SetAttrsA(object,tagList)(a0/a1) - Specify attribute values for an object. (V36) SetDefaultPubScreen(name)(a0) - Choose a new default public screen. (V36) SetEditHook(hook)(a0) - Set global processing for string gadgets. (V36) SetGadgetAttrsA(gadget,window,requester,tagList)(a0/a1/a2/a3) - Specify attribute values for a boopsi gadget. (V36) SetMouseQueue(window,queueLength)(a0,d0)- Change limit on pending mouse messages. (V36) SetPubScreenModes(modes)(d0) - Establish global public screen behavior. (V36) SysReqHandler(window,idcmpPtr,waitInput)(a0/a1,d0) - Handle system requester input. (V36) UnlockPubScreen(name,screen)(a0/a1) - Release lock on a public screen. (V36) UnlockPubScreenList()() - Release public screen list semaphore. (V36) ZipWindow(window)(a0) - Change window to "alternate" position and