BitMapScale(bitScaleArgs)(a0) - Perform raster scaling on a bit map. (V36) CloseMonitor(monitorSpec)(a0) - Close a MonitorSpec (V36) EraseRect(rp,xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax)(a1,d0/d1/d2/d3) - Fill a defined rectangular area using the current BackFill hook. (V36) ExtendFont(font,fontTags)(a0/a1) - Ensure tf_Extension has been built for a font (V36) FindDisplayInfo(displayID)(d0) - Search for a record identified by a specific key (V36) FontExtent(font,fontExtent)(a0/a1) - Get the font attributes of the current font (V36) GetDisplayInfoData(handle,buf,size,tagID,displayID)(a0/a1,d0/d1/d2) - Query DisplayInfo Record parameters (V36) GetVPModeID(vp)(a0) - Get the 32 bit DisplayID from a ViewPort. (V36) GfxAssociate(associateNode,gfxNodePtr)(a0/a1) - Associate a graphics extended node with a given pointer GfxFree(gfxNodePtr)(a0) - Free a graphics extended data structure (V36) GfxLookUp(associateNode)(a0) - Find a graphics extended node associated with a given pointer (V36) GfxNew(gfxNodeType)(d0) - Allocate a graphics extended data structure (V36) ModeNotAvailable(modeID)(d0) - Check to see if a DisplayID isn't available. (V36) NextDisplayInfo(displayID)(d0) - Iterate current displayinfo identifiers (V36) OpenMonitor(monitorName,displayID)(a1,d0) - Open a named MonitorSpec (V36) ReadPixelArray8(rp,xstart,ystart,xstop,ystop,array,temprp) (a0,d0/d1/d2/d3/a2,a1) - Read the pen number value of a rectangular array ReadPixelLine8(rp,xstart,ystart,width,array,tempRP)(a0,d0/d1/d2/a2,a1) - Read the pen number value of a horizontal line ScalerDiv(factor,numerator,denominator)(d0/d1/d2) - Get the scaling result that BitMapScale would. (V36) StripFont(font)(a0) - Remove the tf_Extension from a font (V36) TextExtent(rp,string,count,textExtent)(a1,a0,d0/a2) - Determine raster extent of text data. (V36) TextFit(rp,string,strLen,textExtent,constrainingExtent,strDirection, constrainingBitWidth,constrainingBitHeight)(a1,a0,d0/a2/a3,d1/d2/d3) - Count characters that will fit in a given extent (V36) VideoControl(colorMap,tagarray)(a0/a1) - Modify the operation of a ViewPort's ColorMap (V36) WeighTAMatch(reqTextAttr,targetTextAttr,targetTags)(a0/a1/a2) - Get a measure of how well two fonts match. (V36) WritePixelArray8(rp,xstart,ystart,xstop,ystop,array,temprp) (a0,d0/d1/d2/d3/a2,a1) - Write the pen number value of a rectangular array WritePixelLine8(rp,xstart,ystart,width,array,tempRP)(a0,d0/d1/d2/a2,a1) - Write the pen number value of a horizontal line