The hand-coded method can be used in text files and is often quite suitable for simple programs with a single code module. If you code the version strings by hand, they should be formatted like the examples below. The example hand-coded strings are for a program named myapp, version 37.1, date 20-Mar-91 (20.3.91): In C: UBYTE versiontag[] = "\0$VER: appname 37.1 (20.3.91)"; In assembler: versiontag dc.b 0,'$VER: myapp 37.1 (20.3.91)',0 In a text file: $VER: myapp.doc 37.1 (20.3.91) Note that the NULL ("\0" or 0,) at the beginning of the versiontag string is not necessary but can be useful if you choose to #define the string and wish to give a version number to a C program with no data segment. With the initial NULL, you can concatenate a #defined versiontag string onto an arbitrary immediate string used in your code to get the versiontag into your code segment.