wasCSharpSQLite – Rev 4

Subversion Repositories:
* WrappedCommand.java
*       Wrapper for commands located inside a Jacl interp.
* Copyright (c) 1999 Mo DeJong.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* Included in SQLite3 port to C# for use in testharness only;  2008 Noah B Hart
* RCS @(#) $Id: WrappedCommand.java,v 1.2 1999/08/05 03:42:05 mo Exp $
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;

namespace tcl.lang

  /// <summary> A Wrapped Command is like the Command struct defined in the C version
  /// in the file generic/tclInt.h. It is "wrapped" around a TclJava Command
  /// interface reference. We need to wrap Command references so that we
  /// can keep track of sticky issues like what namespace the command is
  /// defined in without requiring that every implementation of a Command
  /// interface provide method to do this. This class is only used in
  /// the internal implementation of Jacl.
  /// </summary>

  public class WrappedCommand
    internal Hashtable table; // Reference to the table that this command is
    // defined inside. The hashKey member can be
    // used to lookup this CommandWrapper instance
    // in the table of CommandWrappers. The table
    // member combined with the hashKey member are
    // are equivilent to the C version's Command->hPtr.
    internal string hashKey; // A string that stores the name of the command.
    // This name is NOT fully qualified.

    internal NamespaceCmd.Namespace ns; // The namespace where the command is located

    internal Command cmd; // The actual Command interface that we are wrapping.

    internal bool deleted; // Means that the command is in the process
    // of being deleted. Other attempts to
    // delete the command should be ignored.

    internal ImportRef importRef; // List of each imported Command created in
    // another namespace when this command is
    // imported. These imported commands
    // redirect invocations back to this
    // command. The list is used to remove all
    // those imported commands when deleting
    // this "real" command.

    internal Interp.dxObjCmdProc objProc;//cmdPtr->objProc = proc;
    public object objClientData;//cmdPtr->objClientData = clientData;
    //internal TclInvokeObjectCommand proc; //cmdPtr.proc = TclInvokeObjectCommand;
    internal object clientData;//cmdPtr->clientData = (ClientData)cmdPtr;
    internal Interp.dxCmdDeleteProc deleteProc;//cmdPtr->deleteProc = deleteProc;
    internal object deleteData;//cmdPtr->deleteData = clientData;
    internal int flags;//cmdPtr->flags = 0;

    public override string ToString()
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

      sb.Append( "Wrapper for " );
      if ( ns != null )
        sb.Append( ns.fullName );
        if ( ns.fullName != "::" )
          sb.Append( "::" );
      if ( table != null )
        sb.Append( hashKey );

      sb.Append( " -> " );
      sb.Append( cmd.GetType().FullName );

      return sb.ToString();