wasCSharpSQLite – Rev 1

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* TclIO.java --
* Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* Included in SQLite3 port to C# for use in testharness only;  2008 Noah B Hart
* RCS @(#) $Id: TclIO.java,v 1.9 2003/03/06 22:53:07 mdejong Exp $
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;

namespace tcl.lang

  public class TclIO

    public const int READ_ALL = 1;
    public const int READ_LINE = 2;
    public const int READ_N_BYTES = 3;

    public const int SEEK_SET = 1;
    public const int SEEK_CUR = 2;
    public const int SEEK_END = 3;

    public const int RDONLY = 1;
    public const int WRONLY = 2;
    public const int RDWR = 4;
    public const int APPEND = 8;
    public const int CREAT = 16;
    public const int EXCL = 32;
    public const int TRUNC = 64;

    public const int BUFF_FULL = 0;
    public const int BUFF_LINE = 1;
    public const int BUFF_NONE = 2;

    public const int TRANS_AUTO = 0;
    public const int TRANS_BINARY = 1;
    public const int TRANS_LF = 2;
    public const int TRANS_CR = 3;
    public const int TRANS_CRLF = 4;

    public static int TRANS_PLATFORM;

    /// <summary> Table of channels currently registered for all interps.  The 
    /// interpChanTable has "" references into this table that
    /// stores the registered channels for the individual interp.
    /// </summary>

    private static StdChannel stdinChan = null;
    private static StdChannel stdoutChan = null;
    private static StdChannel stderrChan = null;

    public static Channel getChannel( Interp interp, string chanName )
      return ( (Channel)getInterpChanTable( interp )[chanName] );

    internal static void registerChannel( Interp interp, Channel chan )

      if ( interp != null )
        Hashtable chanTable = getInterpChanTable( interp );
        SupportClass.PutElement( chanTable, chan.ChanName, chan );

    internal static void unregisterChannel( Interp interp, Channel chan )

      Hashtable chanTable = getInterpChanTable( interp );
      SupportClass.HashtableRemove( chanTable, chan.ChanName );

      if ( --chan.refCount <= 0 )
        catch ( IOException e )
          throw new TclRuntimeError( "TclIO.unregisterChannel() Error: IOException when closing " + chan.ChanName + ": " + e.Message, e );

    public static Hashtable getInterpChanTable( Interp interp )
      Channel chan;

      if ( interp.interpChanTable == null )

        interp.interpChanTable = new Hashtable();

        chan = getStdChannel( StdChannel.STDIN );
        registerChannel( interp, chan );

        chan = getStdChannel( StdChannel.STDOUT );
        registerChannel( interp, chan );

        chan = getStdChannel( StdChannel.STDERR );
        registerChannel( interp, chan );

      return interp.interpChanTable;

    public static Channel getStdChannel( int type )
      Channel chan = null;

      switch ( type )

        case StdChannel.STDIN:
          if ( stdinChan == null )
            stdinChan = new StdChannel( StdChannel.STDIN );
          chan = stdinChan;

        case StdChannel.STDOUT:
          if ( stdoutChan == null )
            stdoutChan = new StdChannel( StdChannel.STDOUT );
          chan = stdoutChan;

        case StdChannel.STDERR:
          if ( stderrChan == null )
            stderrChan = new StdChannel( StdChannel.STDERR );
          chan = stderrChan;

          throw new TclRuntimeError( "Invalid type for StdChannel" );


      return ( chan );

    /// <summary> Really ugly function that attempts to get the next available
    /// channelId name.  In C the FD returned in the native open call
    /// returns this value, but we don't have that so we need to do
    /// this funky iteration over the Hashtable.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">currrent interpreter.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> the next integer to use in the channelId name.
    /// </returns>

    internal static string getNextDescriptor( Interp interp, string prefix )
      int i;
      Hashtable htbl = getInterpChanTable( interp );

      // The first available file identifier in Tcl is "file3"
      if ( prefix.Equals( "file" ) )
        i = 3;
        i = 0;

      for ( ; ( htbl[prefix + i] ) != null; i++ )
        // Do nothing...
      return prefix + i;

    * Return a string description for a translation id defined above.

    internal static string getTranslationString( int translation )
      switch ( translation )

        case TRANS_AUTO:
          return "auto";

        case TRANS_CR:
          return "cr";

        case TRANS_CRLF:
          return "crlf";

        case TRANS_LF:
          return "lf";

        case TRANS_BINARY:
          return "lf";

          throw new TclRuntimeError( "bad translation id" );


    * Return a numerical identifier for the given -translation string.

    internal static int getTranslationID( string translation )
      if ( translation.Equals( "auto" ) )
        return TRANS_AUTO;
      else if ( translation.Equals( "cr" ) )
        return TRANS_CR;
      else if ( translation.Equals( "crlf" ) )
        return TRANS_CRLF;
      else if ( translation.Equals( "lf" ) )
        return TRANS_LF;
      else if ( translation.Equals( "binary" ) )
        return TRANS_LF;
      else if ( translation.Equals( "platform" ) )
        return TRANS_PLATFORM;
        return -1;

    * Return a string description for a -buffering id defined above.

    internal static string getBufferingString( int buffering )
      switch ( buffering )

        case BUFF_FULL:
          return "full";

        case BUFF_LINE:
          return "line";

        case BUFF_NONE:
          return "none";

          throw new TclRuntimeError( "bad buffering id" );


    * Return a numerical identifier for the given -buffering string.

    internal static int getBufferingID( string buffering )
      if ( buffering.Equals( "full" ) )
        return BUFF_FULL;
      else if ( buffering.Equals( "line" ) )
        return BUFF_LINE;
      else if ( buffering.Equals( "none" ) )
        return BUFF_NONE;
        return -1;
    static TclIO()
        if ( Util.Windows )
        else if ( Util.Mac )