wasCSharpSQLite – Rev 1

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#undef DEBUG
* FileChannel.java --
* Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* Included in SQLite3 port to C# for use in testharness only;  2008 Noah B Hart
* RCS @(#) $Id: FileChannel.java,v 1.20 2003/03/08 03:42:44 mdejong Exp $
using System;
using System.IO;

namespace tcl.lang

  /// <summary> Subclass of the abstract class Channel.  It implements all of the 
  /// methods to perform read, write, open, close, etc on a file.
  /// </summary>

  class FileChannel : Channel
    public override string ChanType
        return "file";

    override protected internal Stream InputStream

        // return new FileInputStream(file.getFD());
        return file;

    override protected internal Stream OutputStream

        // return new FileOutputStream(file.getFD());
        return file;


    /// <summary> The file needs to have a file pointer that can be moved randomly
    /// within the file.  The RandomAccessFile is the only java.io class
    /// that allows this behavior.
    /// </summary>

    private FileStream file = null;

    /// <summary> Open a file with the read/write permissions determined by modeFlags.
    /// This method must be called before any other methods will function
    /// properly.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">currrent interpreter.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="fileName">the absolute path or name of file in the current 
    /// directory to open
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="modeFlags">modes used to open a file for reading, writing, etc
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> the channelId of the file.
    /// </returns>
    /// <exception cref=""> TclException is thrown when the modeFlags try to open
    /// a file it does not have permission for or if the
    /// file dosent exist and CREAT wasnt specified.
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref=""> IOException is thrown when an IO error occurs that was not
    /// correctly tested for.  Most cases should be caught.
    /// </exception>

    internal string open( Interp interp, string fileName, int modeFlags )

      mode = modeFlags;
      FileInfo fileObj = FileUtil.getNewFileObj( interp, fileName );
      FileMode fileMode = 0;
      FileAccess fileAccess = 0;

      if ( ( ( modeFlags & TclIO.CREAT ) != 0 ) && ( ( modeFlags & TclIO.EXCL ) != 0 ) )
        fileMode = FileMode.CreateNew;
      else if ( ( modeFlags & TclIO.CREAT ) != 0 )
        fileMode = FileMode.Create;
        fileMode = FileMode.Open;
      if ( ( modeFlags & TclIO.TRUNC ) != 0 )
        fileMode = fileMode & FileMode.Truncate;
      if ( ( modeFlags & TclIO.APPEND ) != 0 )
        fileMode = fileMode & FileMode.Append;

      if ( ( modeFlags & TclIO.RDWR ) != 0 )
        fileAccess = FileAccess.ReadWrite;
      else if ( ( modeFlags & TclIO.RDONLY ) != 0 )
        fileAccess = FileAccess.Read;
      else if ( ( modeFlags & TclIO.WRONLY ) != 0 )
        fileAccess = FileAccess.Write;
        throw new TclRuntimeError( "FileChannel.java: invalid mode value" );

      file = new FileStream( fileObj.FullName, fileMode, fileAccess, FileShare.ReadWrite );

      string fName = TclIO.getNextDescriptor( interp, "file" );
      ChanName = fName;
      return fName;

    /// <summary> Close the file.  The file MUST be open or a TclRuntimeError
    /// is thrown.
    /// </summary>

    internal override void close()
      if ( file == null )
        throw new TclRuntimeError( "FileChannel.close(): null file object" );

      // Invoke super.close() first since it might write an eof char
        // Console.Out.WriteLine("Debugg Closing {0}",file.Name);

    /// <summary> Move the file pointer internal to the RandomAccessFile object. 
    /// The file MUST be open or a TclRuntimeError is thrown.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="offset">The number of bytes to move the file pointer.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="inmode">to begin incrementing the file pointer; beginning,
    /// current, or end of the file.
    /// </param>
    public override void seek( Interp interp, long offset, int inmode )

      if ( file == null )
        throw new TclRuntimeError( "FileChannel.seek(): null file object" );

      //FIXME: Disallow seek on dead channels (raise TclPosixException ??)
      //if (CheckForDeadChannel(NULL, statePtr)) {
      //    return Tcl_LongAsWide(-1);

      // Compute how much input and output is buffered. If both input and
      // output is buffered, cannot compute the current position.

      int inputBuffered = NumBufferedInputBytes;
      int outputBuffered = NumBufferedOutputBytes;

      if ( ( inputBuffered != 0 ) && ( outputBuffered != 0 ) )
        throw new TclPosixException( interp, TclPosixException.EFAULT, true, "error during seek on \"" + ChanName + "\"" );

      // If we are seeking relative to the current position, compute the
      // corrected offset taking into account the amount of unread input.

      if ( inmode == TclIO.SEEK_CUR )
        offset -= inputBuffered;

      // The seekReset method will discard queued input and
      // reset flags like EOF and BLOCKED.

      if ( input != null )

      // FIXME: Next block is disabled since non-blocking is not implemented.
      // If the channel is in asynchronous output mode, switch it back
      // to synchronous mode and cancel any async flush that may be
      // scheduled. After the flush, the channel will be put back into
      // asynchronous output mode.

      bool wasAsync = false;
      //if (false && !Blocking)
      //  wasAsync = true;
      //  Blocking = true;
      //  if (BgFlushScheduled)
      //  {
      //    //scheduleBgFlush();
      //  }

      // If there is data buffered in curOut then mark the
      // channel as ready to flush before invoking flushChannel.

      if ( output != null )

      // If the flush fails we cannot recover the original position. In
      // that case the seek is not attempted because we do not know where
      // the access position is - instead we return the error. FlushChannel
      // has already called Tcl_SetErrno() to report the error upwards.
      // If the flush succeeds we do the seek also.

      if ( output != null && output.flushChannel( null, false ) != 0 )
        // FIXME: IS this the proper action to take on error?
        throw new IOException( "flush error while seeking" );
        // Now seek to the new position in the channel as requested by the
        // caller.

        long actual_offset;

        switch ( inmode )

          case TclIO.SEEK_SET:
              actual_offset = offset;

          case TclIO.SEEK_CUR:
              actual_offset = file.Position + offset;

          case TclIO.SEEK_END:
              actual_offset = file.Length + offset;

              throw new TclRuntimeError( "invalid seek mode" );


        // A negative offset to seek() would raise an IOException, but
        // we want to raise an invalid argument error instead

        if ( actual_offset < 0 )
          throw new TclPosixException( interp, TclPosixException.EINVAL, true, "error during seek on \"" + ChanName + "\"" );

        file.Seek( actual_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin );

      // Restore to nonblocking mode if that was the previous behavior.
      // NOTE: Even if there was an async flush active we do not restore
      // it now because we already flushed all the queued output, above.

      if ( wasAsync )
        Blocking = false;

    /// <summary> Tcl_Tell -> tell
    /// Return the current offset of the file pointer in number of bytes from 
    /// the beginning of the file.  The file MUST be open or a TclRuntimeError
    /// is thrown.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns> The current value of the file pointer.
    /// </returns>
    public override long tell()
      if ( file == null )
        throw new TclRuntimeError( "FileChannel.tell(): null file object" );
      int inputBuffered = NumBufferedInputBytes;
      int outputBuffered = NumBufferedOutputBytes;

      if ( ( inputBuffered != 0 ) && ( outputBuffered != 0 ) )
        // FIXME: Posix error EFAULT ?
        return -1;
      long curPos = file.Position;
      if ( curPos == -1 )
        // FIXME: Set errno here?
        return -1;
      if ( inputBuffered != 0 )
        return curPos - inputBuffered;
      return curPos + outputBuffered;

    /// <summary> If the file dosent exist then a TclExcpetion is thrown. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">currrent interpreter.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="fileObj">a java.io.File object of the file for this channel.
    /// </param>

    private void checkFileExists( Interp interp, FileInfo fileObj )
      bool tmpBool;
      if ( File.Exists( fileObj.FullName ) )
        tmpBool = true;
        tmpBool = Directory.Exists( fileObj.FullName );
      if ( !tmpBool )
        throw new TclPosixException( interp, TclPosixException.ENOENT, true, "couldn't open \"" + fileObj.Name + "\"" );

    /// <summary> Checks the read/write permissions on the File object.  If inmode is less
    /// than 0 it checks for read permissions, if mode greater than 0 it checks
    /// for write permissions, and if it equals 0 then it checks both.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">currrent interpreter.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="fileObj">a java.io.File object of the file for this channel.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="inmode">what permissions to check for.
    /// </param>

    private void checkReadWritePerm( Interp interp, FileInfo fileObj, int inmode )
      bool error = false;

      if ( inmode <= 0 )

        // HACK
        //                              if (!fileObj.canRead())
        //                              {
        //                                      error = true;
        //                              }
      if ( inmode >= 0 )
        if ( !SupportClass.FileCanWrite( fileObj ) )
          error = true;
      if ( error )
        throw new TclPosixException( interp, TclPosixException.EACCES, true, "couldn't open \"" + fileObj.Name + "\"" );