wasCSharpSQLite – Rev 1

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#undef DEBUG
* StdChannel.java --
* Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* Included in SQLite3 port to C# for use in testharness only;  2008 Noah B Hart
* RCS @(#) $Id: StdChannel.java,v 1.19 2003/03/08 03:42:44 mdejong Exp $
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace tcl.lang

  /// <summary> Subclass of the abstract class Channel.  It implements all of the 
  /// methods to perform read, write, open, close, etc on system stdio channels.
  /// </summary>

  public class StdChannel : Channel
    public override string ChanType
        return "tty";

    override protected internal Stream InputStream
        return null;
        // return System.Console.In;

    override protected internal Stream OutputStream
        throw new System.SystemException( "should never be called" );


    /// <summary> stdType store which type, of the three below, this StdChannel is.</summary>

    private int stdType = -1;

    /// <summary> Flags indicating the type of this StdChannel.</summary>

    public const int STDIN = 0;
    public const int STDOUT = 1;
    public const int STDERR = 2;

    /// <summary> Constructor that does nothing.  Open() must be called before
    /// any of the subsequent read, write, etc calls can be made.
    /// </summary>

    internal StdChannel()

    /// <summary> Constructor that will automatically call open.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stdName">name of the stdio channel; stdin, stderr or stdout.
    /// </param>

    internal StdChannel( string stdName )
      if ( stdName.Equals( "stdin" ) )
        open( STDIN );
      else if ( stdName.Equals( "stdout" ) )
        open( STDOUT );
      else if ( stdName.Equals( "stderr" ) )
        open( STDERR );
        throw new TclRuntimeError( "Error: unexpected type for StdChannel" );

    internal StdChannel( int type )
      open( type );

    /// <summary> Set the channel type to one of the three stdio types.  Throw a 
    /// tclRuntimeEerror if the stdName is not one of the three types.  If
    /// it is a stdin channel, initialize the "in" data member.  Since "in"
    /// is static it may have already be initialized, test for this case 
    /// first.  Set the names to fileX, this will be the key in the chanTable 
    /// hashtable to access this object.  Note: it is not put into the hash 
    /// table in this function.  The calling function is responsible for that.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stdName">String that equals stdin, stdout, stderr
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> The name of the channelId
    /// </returns>

    internal string open( int type )

      switch ( type )

        case STDIN:
          mode = TclIO.RDONLY;
          Buffering = TclIO.BUFF_LINE;
          ChanName = "stdin";

        case STDOUT:
          mode = TclIO.WRONLY;
          Buffering = TclIO.BUFF_LINE;
          ChanName = "stdout";

        case STDERR:
          mode = TclIO.WRONLY;
          Buffering = TclIO.BUFF_NONE;
          ChanName = "stderr";

          throw new System.SystemException( "type does not match one of STDIN, STDOUT, or STDERR" );


      stdType = type;

      return ChanName;

    /// <summary> Write to stdout or stderr.  If the stdType is not set to 
    /// STDOUT or STDERR this is an error; either the stdType wasnt
    /// correctly initialized, or this was called on a STDIN channel.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">the current interpreter.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="s">the string to write 
    /// </param>

    public override void write( Interp interp, TclObject outData )

      checkWrite( interp );

      if ( stdType == STDERR )

        System.Console.Error.Write( outData.ToString() );

        string s = outData.ToString();
        System.Console.Out.Write( s );
        if ( buffering == TclIO.BUFF_NONE || ( buffering == TclIO.BUFF_LINE && s.EndsWith( "\n" ) ) )

    /// <summary> Check for any output that might still need to be flushed
    /// when the channel is closed.
    /// </summary>

    internal override void close()
      if ( stdType == STDOUT )