wasCSharpSQLite – Rev 3

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* InterpAliasCmd.java --
*       Implements the built-in "interp" Tcl command.
* Copyright (c) 2000 Christian Krone.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* Included in SQLite3 port to C# for use in testharness only;  2008 Noah B Hart
* RCS @(#) $Id: InterpAliasCmd.java,v 1.1 2000/08/20 06:08:42 mo Exp $
using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace tcl.lang

  /// <summary> This class implements the alias commands, which are created
  /// in response to the built-in "interp alias" command in Tcl.
  /// </summary>

  class InterpAliasCmd : CommandWithDispose

    // Name of alias command in slave interp.

    internal TclObject name;

    // Interp in which target command will be invoked.

    private Interp targetInterp;

    // Tcl list making up the prefix of the target command to be invoked in
    // the target interpreter. Additional arguments specified when calling
    // the alias in the slave interp will be appended to the prefix before
    // the command is invoked.

    private TclObject prefix;

    // Source command in slave interpreter, bound to command that invokes
    // the target command in the target interpreter.

    private WrappedCommand slaveCmd;

    // Entry for the alias hash table in slave.
    // This is used by alias deletion to remove the alias from the slave
    // interpreter alias table.

    private string aliasEntry;

    // Interp in which the command is defined.
    // This is the interpreter with the aliasTable in Slave.

    private Interp slaveInterp;
    public TCL.CompletionCode cmdProc( Interp interp, TclObject[] argv )


      // Append the arguments to the command prefix and invoke the command
      // in the target interp's global namespace.

      TclObject[] prefv = TclList.getElements( interp, prefix );
      TclObject cmd = TclList.newInstance();
      TclList.replace( interp, cmd, 0, 0, prefv, 0, prefv.Length - 1 );
      TclList.replace( interp, cmd, prefv.Length, 0, argv, 1, argv.Length - 1 );
      TclObject[] cmdv = TclList.getElements( interp, cmd );

      TCL.CompletionCode result = targetInterp.invoke( cmdv, Interp.INVOKE_NO_TRACEBACK );


      // Check if we are at the bottom of the stack for the target interpreter.
      // If so, check for special return codes.

      if ( targetInterp.nestLevel == 0 )
        if ( result == TCL.CompletionCode.RETURN )
          result = targetInterp.updateReturnInfo();
        if ( result != TCL.CompletionCode.OK && result != TCL.CompletionCode.ERROR )
            targetInterp.processUnexpectedResult( result );
          catch ( TclException e )
            result = e.getCompletionCode();

      interp.transferResult( targetInterp, result );
      return TCL.CompletionCode.RETURN;
    public void disposeCmd()
      if ( (System.Object)aliasEntry != null )
        SupportClass.HashtableRemove( slaveInterp.aliasTable, aliasEntry );

      if ( slaveCmd != null )
        SupportClass.HashtableRemove( targetInterp.targetTable, slaveCmd );

    internal static void create( Interp interp, Interp slaveInterp, Interp masterInterp, TclObject name, TclObject targetName, int objIx, TclObject[] objv )

      string inString = name.ToString();

      InterpAliasCmd alias = new InterpAliasCmd();

      alias.name = name;

      alias.slaveInterp = slaveInterp;
      alias.targetInterp = masterInterp;

      alias.prefix = TclList.newInstance();
      TclList.append( interp, alias.prefix, targetName );
      TclList.insert( interp, alias.prefix, 1, objv, objIx, objv.Length - 1 );

      slaveInterp.createCommand( inString, alias );
      alias.slaveCmd = NamespaceCmd.findCommand( slaveInterp, inString, null, 0 );

        interp.preventAliasLoop( slaveInterp, alias.slaveCmd );
      catch ( TclException e )
        // Found an alias loop!  The last call to Tcl_CreateObjCommand made
        // the alias point to itself.  Delete the command and its alias
        // record.  Be careful to wipe out its client data first, so the
        // command doesn't try to delete itself.

        slaveInterp.deleteCommandFromToken( alias.slaveCmd );

      // Make an entry in the alias table. If it already exists delete
      // the alias command. Then retry.

      if ( slaveInterp.aliasTable.ContainsKey( inString ) )
        InterpAliasCmd oldAlias = (InterpAliasCmd)slaveInterp.aliasTable[inString];
        slaveInterp.deleteCommandFromToken( oldAlias.slaveCmd );

      alias.aliasEntry = inString;
      SupportClass.PutElement( slaveInterp.aliasTable, inString, alias );

      // Create the new command. We must do it after deleting any old command,
      // because the alias may be pointing at a renamed alias, as in:
      // interp alias {} foo {} bar             # Create an alias "foo"
      // rename foo zop                         # Now rename the alias
      // interp alias {} foo {} zop             # Now recreate "foo"...

      SupportClass.PutElement( masterInterp.targetTable, alias.slaveCmd, slaveInterp );

      interp.setResult( name );
    internal static void delete( Interp interp, Interp slaveInterp, TclObject name )
      // If the alias has been renamed in the slave, the master can still use
      // the original name (with which it was created) to find the alias to
      // delete it.

      string inString = name.ToString();
      if ( !slaveInterp.aliasTable.ContainsKey( inString ) )
        throw new TclException( interp, "alias \"" + inString + "\" not found" );

      InterpAliasCmd alias = (InterpAliasCmd)slaveInterp.aliasTable[inString];
      slaveInterp.deleteCommandFromToken( alias.slaveCmd );
    internal static void describe( Interp interp, Interp slaveInterp, TclObject name )
      // If the alias has been renamed in the slave, the master can still use
      // the original name (with which it was created) to find the alias to
      // describe it.

      string inString = name.ToString();
      if ( slaveInterp.aliasTable.ContainsKey( inString ) )
        InterpAliasCmd alias = (InterpAliasCmd)slaveInterp.aliasTable[inString];
        interp.setResult( alias.prefix );
    internal static void list( Interp interp, Interp slaveInterp )
      TclObject result = TclList.newInstance();
      interp.setResult( result );

      IEnumerator aliases = slaveInterp.aliasTable.Values.GetEnumerator();
      while ( aliases.MoveNext() )
        InterpAliasCmd alias = (InterpAliasCmd)aliases.Current;
        TclList.append( interp, result, alias.name );
    internal WrappedCommand getTargetCmd( Interp interp )
      TclObject[] objv = TclList.getElements( interp, prefix );

      string targetName = objv[0].ToString();
      return NamespaceCmd.findCommand( targetInterp, targetName, null, 0 );
    internal static Interp getTargetInterp( Interp slaveInterp, string aliasName )
      if ( !slaveInterp.aliasTable.ContainsKey( aliasName ) )
        return null;

      InterpAliasCmd alias = (InterpAliasCmd)slaveInterp.aliasTable[aliasName];

      return alias.targetInterp;
  } // end InterpAliasCmd