wasCSharpSQLite – Rev 1

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* GlobCmd.java
*       This file contains the Jacl implementation of the built-in Tcl "glob"
*       command.
* Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* Included in SQLite3 port to C# for use in testharness only;  2008 Noah B Hart
* RCS @(#) $Id: GlobCmd.java,v 1.5 1999/08/28 03:55:18 mo Exp $
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

namespace tcl.lang

  * This class implements the built-in "glob" command in Tcl.

  class GlobCmd : Command

    * Special characters that are used for string matching. 

    private static readonly char[] specCharArr = new char[] { '*', '[', ']', '?', '\\' };

    * Options to the glob command.

    private static readonly string[] validOptions = new string[] { "-nocomplain", "--" };
    private const int OPT_NOCOMPLAIN = 0;
    private const int OPT_LAST = 1;

    public TCL.CompletionCode cmdProc( Interp interp, TclObject[] argv )
      bool noComplain = false; // If false, error msg will be returned 
      int index; // index of the char just after the end 
      //   of the user name 
      int firstArg = 1; // index of the first non-switch arg 
      int i; // generic index 
      string arg; // generic arg string 
      string head = ""; // abs path of user name if provided 
      string tail = ""; // the remaining file path and pattern 
      TclObject resultList; // list of files that match the pattern

      for ( bool last = false; ( firstArg < argv.Length ) && ( !last ); firstArg++ )

        if ( !argv[firstArg].ToString().StartsWith( "-" ) )
        int opt = TclIndex.get( interp, argv[firstArg], validOptions, "switch", 1 );
        switch ( opt )

          case OPT_NOCOMPLAIN:
            noComplain = true;

          case OPT_LAST:
            last = true;

            throw new TclException( interp, "GlobCmd.cmdProc: bad option " + opt + " index to validOptions" );


      if ( firstArg >= argv.Length )
        throw new TclNumArgsException( interp, 1, argv, "?switches? name ?name ...?" );

      resultList = TclList.newInstance();

      for ( i = firstArg; i < argv.Length; i++ )

        arg = argv[i].ToString();

        string separators; // The system-specific file separators
        switch ( JACL.PLATFORM )

            separators = "/\\:";

          case JACL.PLATFORM_MAC:
            if ( arg.IndexOf( (System.Char)':' ) == -1 )
              separators = "/";
              separators = ":";

            separators = "/";


        // Perform tilde substitution, if needed.

        index = 0;
        if ( arg.StartsWith( "~" ) )
          // Find the first path separator after the tilde.

          for ( ; index < arg.Length; index++ )
            char c = arg[index];
            if ( c == '\\' )
              if ( separators.IndexOf( (System.Char)arg[index + 1] ) != -1 )
            else if ( separators.IndexOf( (System.Char)c ) != -1 )

          // Determine the home directory for the specified user.  Note 
          // that we don't allow special characters in the user name.

          if ( strpbrk( arg.Substring( 1, ( index ) - ( 1 ) ).ToCharArray(), specCharArr ) < 0 )
              head = FileUtil.doTildeSubst( interp, arg.Substring( 1, ( index ) - ( 1 ) ) );
            catch ( TclException e )
              if ( noComplain )
                head = null;
                throw new TclException( interp, e.Message );
            if ( !noComplain )
              throw new TclException( interp, "globbing characters not supported in user names" );
            head = null;

          if ( (System.Object)head == null )
            if ( noComplain )
              interp.setResult( "" );
              return TCL.CompletionCode.RETURN;
              return TCL.CompletionCode.RETURN;
          if ( index != arg.Length )

        tail = arg.Substring( index );

          doGlob( interp, separators, new StringBuilder( head ), tail, resultList );
        catch ( TclException e )
          if ( noComplain )
            throw new TclException( interp, e.Message );

      // If the list is empty and the nocomplain switch was not set then
      // generate and throw an exception.  Always release the TclList upon
      // completion.

        if ( ( TclList.getLength( interp, resultList ) == 0 ) && !noComplain )
          string sep = "";
          StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();

          ret.Append( "no files matched glob pattern" );
          ret.Append( ( argv.Length == 2 ) ? " \"" : "s \"" );

          for ( i = firstArg; i < argv.Length; i++ )

            ret.Append( sep + argv[i].ToString() );
            if ( i == firstArg )
              sep = " ";
          ret.Append( "\"" );
          throw new TclException( interp, ret.ToString() );
        else if ( TclList.getLength( interp, resultList ) > 0 )
          interp.setResult( resultList );
      return TCL.CompletionCode.RETURN;
    private static int SkipToChar( string str, int sIndex, char match )
    // Ccharacter to find.
      int level, length, i;
      bool quoted = false;
      char c;

      level = 0;

      for ( i = sIndex, length = str.Length; i < length; i++ )
        if ( quoted )
          quoted = false;
        c = str[i];
        if ( ( level == 0 ) && ( c == match ) )
          return i;
        if ( c == '{' )
        else if ( c == '}' )
        else if ( c == '\\' )
          quoted = true;
      return -1;
    private static void doGlob( Interp interp, string separators, StringBuilder headBuf, string tail, TclObject resultList )
      int count = 0; // Counts the number of leading file 
      //   spearators for the tail. 
      int pIndex; // Current index into tail 
      int tailIndex; // First char after initial file 
      //   separators of the tail 
      int tailLen = tail.Length; // Cache the length of the tail 
      int headLen = headBuf.Length; // Cache the length of the head 
      int baseLen; // Len of the substring from tailIndex
      //   to the current specChar []*?{}\\ 
      int openBraceIndex; // Index of the current open brace 
      int closeBraceIndex; // Index of the current closed brace 
      int firstSpecCharIndex; // Index of the FSC, if any 
      char lastChar = (char)( 0 ); // Used to see if last char is a file
      //   separator. 
      char ch; // Generic storage variable 
      bool quoted; // True if a char is '\\' 

      if ( headLen > 0 )
        lastChar = headBuf[headLen - 1];

      // Consume any leading directory separators, leaving tailIndex
      // just past the last initial separator.

      string name = tail;
      for ( tailIndex = 0; tailIndex < tailLen; tailIndex++ )
        char c = tail[tailIndex];
        if ( ( c == '\\' ) && ( ( tailIndex + 1 ) < tailLen ) && ( separators.IndexOf( (System.Char)tail[tailIndex + 1] ) != -1 ) )
        else if ( separators.IndexOf( (System.Char)c ) == -1 )

      // Deal with path separators.  On the Mac, we have to watch out
      // for multiple separators, since they are special in Mac-style
      // paths.

      switch ( JACL.PLATFORM )

        case JACL.PLATFORM_MAC:

          if ( separators[0] == '/' )
            if ( ( ( headLen == 0 ) && ( count == 0 ) ) || ( ( headLen > 0 ) && ( lastChar != ':' ) ) )
              headBuf.Append( ":" );
            if ( count == 0 )
              if ( ( headLen > 0 ) && ( lastChar != ':' ) )
                headBuf.Append( ":" );
              if ( lastChar == ':' )
              while ( count-- > 0 )
                headBuf.Append( ":" );

          if ( name.StartsWith( ":" ) )
            headBuf.Append( ":" );
            if ( count > 1 )
              headBuf.Append( "/" );
          else if ( ( tailIndex < tailLen ) && ( ( ( headLen > 0 ) && ( separators.IndexOf( (System.Char)lastChar ) == -1 ) ) || ( ( headLen == 0 ) && ( count > 0 ) ) ) )
            headBuf.Append( "/" );
            if ( ( headLen == 0 ) && ( count > 1 ) )
              headBuf.Append( "/" );


          if ( ( tailIndex < tailLen ) && ( ( ( headLen > 0 ) && ( separators.IndexOf( (System.Char)lastChar ) == -1 ) ) || ( ( headLen == 0 ) && ( count > 0 ) ) ) )
            headBuf.Append( "/" );


      // Look for the first matching pair of braces or the first
      // directory separator that is not inside a pair of braces.

      openBraceIndex = closeBraceIndex = -1;
      quoted = false;

      for ( pIndex = tailIndex; pIndex != tailLen; pIndex++ )
        ch = tail[pIndex];
        if ( quoted )
          quoted = false;
        else if ( ch == '\\' )
          quoted = true;
          if ( ( ( pIndex + 1 ) < tailLen ) && ( separators.IndexOf( (System.Char)tail[pIndex + 1] ) != -1 ) )
            // Quoted directory separator. 

        else if ( separators.IndexOf( (System.Char)ch ) != -1 )
          // Unquoted directory separator. 

        else if ( ch == '{' )
          openBraceIndex = pIndex;
          if ( ( closeBraceIndex = SkipToChar( tail, pIndex, '}' ) ) != -1 )
          throw new TclException( interp, "unmatched open-brace in file name" );
        else if ( ch == '}' )
          throw new TclException( interp, "unmatched close-brace in file name" );

      // Substitute the alternate patterns from the braces and recurse.

      if ( openBraceIndex != -1 )
        int nextIndex;
        StringBuilder baseBuf = new StringBuilder();

        // For each element within in the outermost pair of braces,
        // append the element and the remainder to the fixed portion
        // before the first brace and recursively call doGlob.

        baseBuf.Append( tail.Substring( tailIndex, ( openBraceIndex ) - ( tailIndex ) ) );
        baseLen = baseBuf.Length;
        headLen = headBuf.Length;

        for ( pIndex = openBraceIndex; pIndex < closeBraceIndex; )
          nextIndex = SkipToChar( tail, pIndex, ',' );
          if ( nextIndex == -1 || nextIndex > closeBraceIndex )
            nextIndex = closeBraceIndex;

          headBuf.Length = headLen;
          baseBuf.Length = baseLen;

          baseBuf.Append( tail.Substring( pIndex, ( nextIndex ) - ( pIndex ) ) );
          baseBuf.Append( tail.Substring( closeBraceIndex + 1 ) );

          pIndex = nextIndex;
          doGlob( interp, separators, headBuf, baseBuf.ToString(), resultList );

      // At this point, there are no more brace substitutions to perform on
      // this path component.  The variable p is pointing at a quoted or
      // unquoted directory separator or the end of the string.  So we need
      // to check for special globbing characters in the current pattern.
      // We avoid modifying tail if p is pointing at the end of the string.

      if ( pIndex < tailLen )
        firstSpecCharIndex = strpbrk( tail.Substring( 0, ( pIndex ) - ( 0 ) ).ToCharArray(), specCharArr );
        firstSpecCharIndex = strpbrk( tail.Substring( tailIndex ).ToCharArray(), specCharArr );

      if ( firstSpecCharIndex != -1 )
        // Look for matching files in the current directory.  matchFiles
        // may recursively call TclDoGlob.  For each file that matches,
        // it will add the match onto the interp.result, or call TclDoGlob
        // if there are more characters to be processed.

        matchFiles( interp, separators, headBuf.ToString(), tail.Substring( tailIndex ), ( pIndex - tailIndex ), resultList );
      headBuf.Append( tail.Substring( tailIndex, ( pIndex ) - ( tailIndex ) ) );
      if ( pIndex < tailLen )
        doGlob( interp, separators, headBuf, tail.Substring( pIndex ), resultList );

      // There are no more wildcards in the pattern and no more unprocessed
      // characters in the tail, so now we can construct the path and verify
      // the existence of the file.

      string head;
      switch ( JACL.PLATFORM )

        case JACL.PLATFORM_MAC:
          if ( headBuf.ToString().IndexOf( (System.Char)':' ) == -1 )
            headBuf.Append( ":" );
          head = headBuf.ToString();

          if ( headBuf.Length == 0 )
            if ( ( ( name.Length > 1 ) && ( name[0] == '\\' ) && ( ( name[1] == '/' ) || ( name[1] == '\\' ) ) ) || ( ( name.Length > 0 ) && ( name[0] == '/' ) ) )
              headBuf.Append( "\\" );
              headBuf.Append( "." );
          head = headBuf.ToString().Replace( '\\', '/' );

          if ( headBuf.Length == 0 )
            if ( name.StartsWith( "\\/" ) || name.StartsWith( "/" ) )
              headBuf.Append( "/" );
              headBuf.Append( "." );
          head = headBuf.ToString();

      addFileToResult( interp, head, separators, resultList );
    private static void matchFiles( Interp interp, string separators, string dirName, string pattern, int pIndex, TclObject resultList )
      bool matchHidden; // True if were matching hidden file 
      int patternEnd = pIndex; // Stores end index of the pattern 
      int dirLen = dirName.Length; // Caches the len of the dirName 
      int patLen = pattern.Length; // Caches the len of the pattern 
      string[] dirListing; // Listing of files in dirBuf 
      FileInfo dirObj; // File object of dirBuf 
      StringBuilder dirBuf = new StringBuilder();
      // Converts the dirName to string 
      //   buffer or initializes it with '.' 

      switch ( JACL.PLATFORM )


          if ( dirLen == 0 )
            dirBuf.Append( "./" );
            dirBuf.Append( dirName );
            char c = dirBuf[dirLen - 1];
            if ( ( ( c == ':' ) && ( dirLen == 2 ) ) || ( separators.IndexOf( (System.Char)c ) == -1 ) )
              dirBuf.Append( "/" );

          // All comparisons should be case insensitive on Windows.

          pattern = pattern.ToLower();

        case JACL.PLATFORM_MAC:
        // Fall through to unix case--mac is not yet implemented.

          if ( dirLen == 0 )
            dirBuf.Append( "." );
            dirBuf.Append( dirName );

      dirObj = createAbsoluteFileObj( interp, dirBuf.ToString() );
      if ( !Directory.Exists( dirObj.FullName ) )

      // Check to see if the pattern needs to compare with hidden files.
      // Get a list of the directory's contents.

      if ( pattern.StartsWith( "." ) || pattern.StartsWith( "\\." ) )
        matchHidden = true;
        // TODO tcl await only file names
        dirListing = addHiddenToDirList( dirObj );
        matchHidden = false;
        DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo( dirObj.FullName );
        FileSystemInfo[] fileInfos = dirInfo.GetFileSystemInfos();
        // TCL await only file names
        // dirListing = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(dirObj.FullName);
        dirListing = new string[fileInfos.Length];
        for ( int x = 0; x < fileInfos.Length; x++ )
          dirListing[x] = fileInfos[x].Name;

      // Iterate over the directory's contents.

      if ( dirListing.Length == 0 )
        // Strip off a trailing '/' if necessary, before reporting 
        // the error.

        if ( dirName.EndsWith( "/" ) )
          dirName = dirName.Substring( 0, ( ( dirLen - 1 ) ) - ( 0 ) );

      // Clean up the end of the pattern and the tail pointer.  Leave
      // the tail pointing to the first character after the path 
      // separator following the pattern, or NULL.  Also, ensure that
      // the pattern is null-terminated.

      if ( ( pIndex < patLen ) && ( pattern[pIndex] == '\\' ) )
      if ( pIndex < ( patLen - 1 ) )

      for ( int i = 0; i < dirListing.Length; i++ )
        // Don't match names starting with "." unless the "." is
        // present in the pattern.

        if ( !matchHidden && ( dirListing[i].StartsWith( "." ) ) )

        // Now check to see if the file matches.  If there are more
        // characters to be processed, then ensure matching files are
        // directories before calling TclDoGlob. Otherwise, just add
        // the file to the resultList.

        string tmp = dirListing[i];
          tmp = tmp.ToLower();
        if ( Util.stringMatch( tmp, pattern.Substring( 0, ( patternEnd ) - ( 0 ) ) ) )

          dirBuf.Length = dirLen;
          dirBuf.Append( dirListing[i] );
          if ( pIndex == pattern.Length )
            addFileToResult( interp, dirBuf.ToString(), separators, resultList );
            dirObj = createAbsoluteFileObj( interp, dirBuf.ToString() );
            if ( Directory.Exists( dirObj.FullName ) )
              dirBuf.Append( "/" );
              doGlob( interp, separators, dirBuf, pattern.Substring( patternEnd + 1 ), resultList );
    private static int strpbrk( char[] src, char[] matches )
    // The chars to search for in src.
      for ( int i = 0; i < src.Length; i++ )
        for ( int j = 0; j < matches.Length; j++ )
          if ( src[i] == matches[j] )
            return ( i );
      return -1;
    private static string[] addHiddenToDirList( FileInfo dirObj )
    // File object to list contents of
      string[] dirListing; // Listing of files in dirObj
      string[] fullListing; // dirListing + .. and .
      int i, arrayLen;

      dirListing = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries( dirObj.FullName );
      arrayLen = ( (System.Array)dirListing ).Length;


        fullListing = (string[])System.Array.CreateInstance( System.Type.GetType( "java.lang.String" ), arrayLen + 2 );
      catch ( System.Exception e )
        return dirListing;
      for ( i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++ )
        fullListing[i] = dirListing[i];
      fullListing[arrayLen] = ".";
      fullListing[arrayLen + 1] = "..";

      return fullListing;
    private static void addFileToResult( Interp interp, string fileName, string separators, TclObject resultList )
      string prettyFileName = fileName;
      int prettyLen = fileName.Length;

      // Java IO reuqires Windows volumes [A-Za-z]: to be followed by '\\'.

      if ( ( JACL.PLATFORM == JACL.PLATFORM_WINDOWS ) && ( prettyLen >= 2 ) && ( fileName[1] == ':' ) )
        if ( prettyLen == 2 )
          fileName = fileName + '\\';
        else if ( fileName[2] != '\\' )
          fileName = fileName.Substring( 0, ( 2 ) - ( 0 ) ) + '\\' + fileName.Substring( 2 );

      TclObject[] arrayObj = TclList.getElements( interp, FileUtil.splitAndTranslate( interp, fileName ) );
      fileName = FileUtil.joinPath( interp, arrayObj, 0, arrayObj.Length );

      FileInfo f;
      if ( FileUtil.getPathType( fileName ) == FileUtil.PATH_ABSOLUTE )
        f = FileUtil.getNewFileObj( interp, fileName );
        f = new FileInfo( interp.getWorkingDir().FullName + "\\" + fileName );

      // If the last character is a spearator, make sure the file is an
      // existing directory, otherwise check that the file exists.

      if ( ( prettyLen > 0 ) && ( separators.IndexOf( (System.Char)prettyFileName[prettyLen - 1] ) != -1 ) )
        if ( Directory.Exists( f.FullName ) )
          TclList.append( interp, resultList, TclString.newInstance( prettyFileName ) );
        bool tmpBool;
        if ( File.Exists( f.FullName ) )
          tmpBool = true;
          tmpBool = Directory.Exists( f.FullName );
        if ( tmpBool )
          TclList.append( interp, resultList, TclString.newInstance( prettyFileName ) );
    private static FileInfo createAbsoluteFileObj( Interp interp, string fileName )
      if ( fileName.Equals( "" ) )
        return ( interp.getWorkingDir() );

      if ( ( JACL.PLATFORM == JACL.PLATFORM_WINDOWS ) && ( fileName.Length >= 2 ) && ( fileName[1] == ':' ) )
        string tmp = null;
        if ( fileName.Length == 2 )
          tmp = fileName.Substring( 0, ( 2 ) - ( 0 ) ) + '\\';
        else if ( fileName[2] != '\\' )
          tmp = fileName.Substring( 0, ( 2 ) - ( 0 ) ) + '\\' + fileName.Substring( 2 );
        if ( (System.Object)tmp != null )
          return FileUtil.getNewFileObj( interp, tmp );

      return FileUtil.getNewFileObj( interp, fileName );
  } // end GlobCmd class