wasCSharpSQLite – Rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
* Var.java
* Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* Included in SQLite3 port to C# for use in testharness only;  2008 Noah B Hart
* RCS @(#) $Id: Var.java,v 1.11 2003/01/09 02:15:39 mdejong Exp $
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;

namespace tcl.lang

  /// <summary> Flag bits for variables. The first three (SCALAR, ARRAY, and
  /// LINK) are mutually exclusive and give the "type" of the variable.
  /// UNDEFINED is independent of the variable's type. 
  /// SCALAR -                  1 means this is a scalar variable and not
  /// an array or link. The value field points
  /// to the variable's value, a Tcl object.
  /// ARRAY -                   1 means this is an array variable rather
  /// than a scalar variable or link. The
  /// table field points to the array's
  /// hashtable for its elements.
  /// LINK -                    1 means this Var structure contains a
  /// reference to another Var structure that
  /// either has the real value or is itself
  /// another LINK pointer. Variables like
  /// this come about through "upvar" and "global"
  /// commands, or through references to variables
  /// in enclosing namespaces.
  /// UNDEFINED -               1 means that the variable is in the process
  /// of being deleted. An undefined variable
  /// logically does not exist and survives only
  /// while it has a trace, or if it is a global
  /// variable currently being used by some
  /// procedure.
  /// IN_HASHTABLE -            1 means this variable is in a hashtable. 0 if
  /// a local variable that was assigned a slot
  /// in a procedure frame by   the compiler so the
  /// Var storage is part of the call frame.
  /// TRACE_ACTIVE -            1 means that trace processing is currently
  /// underway for a read or write access, so
  /// new read or write accesses should not cause
  /// trace procedures to be called and the
  /// variable can't be deleted.
  /// ARRAY_ELEMENT -           1 means that this variable is an array
  /// element, so it is not legal for it to be
  /// an array itself (the ARRAY flag had
  /// better not be set).
  /// NAMESPACE_VAR -           1 means that this variable was declared
  /// as a namespace variable. This flag ensures
  /// it persists until its namespace is
  /// destroyed or until the variable is unset;
  /// it will persist even if it has not been
  /// initialized and is marked undefined.
  /// The variable's refCount is incremented to
  /// reflect the "reference" from its namespace.
  /// </summary>

  public enum VarFlags
    SCALAR = 0x1,
    ARRAY = 0x2,
    LINK = 0x4,
    UNDEFINED = 0x8,
    IN_HASHTABLE = 0x10,
    TRACE_ACTIVE = 0x20,
    ARRAY_ELEMENT = 0x40,
    NAMESPACE_VAR = 0x80,
    SQLITE3_LINK_INT = 0x100,
    SQLITE3_LINK_DOUBLE = 0x200,
    SQLITE3_LINK_STRING = 0x800,
    SQLITE3_LINK_WIDE_INT = 0x1000,
    SQLITE3_LINK = 0x10000,
    SQLITE3_LINK_READ_ONLY = 0x20000,

  * Implements variables in Tcl. The Var class encapsulates most of the functionality
  * of the methods in generic/tclVar.c and the structure TCL.Tcl_Var from the C version.

  public class Var
    /// <summary> Used by ArrayCmd to create a unique searchId string.  If the 
    /// sidVec Vector is empty then simply return 1.  Else return 1 
    /// plus the SearchId.index value of the last Object in the vector.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="">None
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> The int value for unique SearchId string.
    /// </returns>
    protected internal int NextIndex
        lock ( this )
          if ( sidVec.Count == 0 )
            return 1;
          SearchId sid = (SearchId)SupportClass.VectorLastElement( sidVec );
          return ( sid.Index + 1 );


    //          internal const int SCALAR = 0x1;
    //          internal const int ARRAY = 0x2;
    //          internal const int LINK = 0x4;
    //          internal const int UNDEFINED = 0x8;
    //          internal const int IN_HASHTABLE = 0x10;
    //          internal const int TRACE_ACTIVE = 0x20;
    //          internal const int ARRAY_ELEMENT = 0x40;
    //          internal const int NAMESPACE_VAR = 0x80;

    // Methods to read various flag bits of variables.

    internal bool isVarScalar()
      return ( ( flags & VarFlags.SCALAR ) != 0 );

    internal bool isVarLink()
      return ( ( flags & VarFlags.LINK ) != 0 );

    internal bool isVarArray()
      return ( ( flags & VarFlags.ARRAY ) != 0 );

    internal bool isVarUndefined()
      return ( ( flags & VarFlags.UNDEFINED ) != 0 );

    internal bool isVarArrayElement()
      return ( ( flags & VarFlags.ARRAY_ELEMENT ) != 0 );

    // Methods to ensure that various flag bits are set properly for variables.

    internal void setVarScalar()
      flags = ( flags & ~( VarFlags.ARRAY | VarFlags.LINK ) ) | VarFlags.SCALAR;

    internal void setVarArray()
      flags = ( flags & ~( VarFlags.SCALAR | VarFlags.LINK ) ) | VarFlags.ARRAY;

    internal void setVarLink()
      flags = ( flags & ~( VarFlags.SCALAR | VarFlags.ARRAY ) ) | VarFlags.LINK;

    internal void setVarArrayElement()
      flags = ( flags & ~VarFlags.ARRAY ) | VarFlags.ARRAY_ELEMENT;

    internal void setVarUndefined()
      flags |= VarFlags.UNDEFINED;

    internal void clearVarUndefined()
      flags &= ~VarFlags.UNDEFINED;

    /// <summary> Stores the "value" of the variable. It stored different information
    /// depending on the type of the variable: <ul>
    /// <li>Scalar variable - (TclObject) value is the object stored in the
    /// variable.
    /// <li> Array variable - (Hashtable) value is the hashtable that stores
    /// all the elements. <p>
    /// <li> Upvar (Link) - (Var) value is the variable associated by this upvar.
    /// </ul>
    /// </summary>

    internal Object value;

    /// <summary> Vector that holds the traces that were placed in this Var</summary>

    internal ArrayList traces;

    internal ArrayList sidVec;

    /// <summary> Miscellaneous bits of information about variable.
    /// </summary>
    /// <seealso cref="Var#SCALAR">
    /// </seealso>
    /// <seealso cref="Var#ARRAY">
    /// </seealso>
    /// <seealso cref="Var#LINK">
    /// </seealso>
    /// <seealso cref="Var#UNDEFINED">
    /// </seealso>
    /// <seealso cref="Var#IN_HASHTABLE">
    /// </seealso>
    /// <seealso cref="Var#TRACE_ACTIVE">
    /// </seealso>
    /// <seealso cref="Var#ARRAY_ELEMENT">
    /// </seealso>
    /// <seealso cref="Var#NAMESPACE_VAR">
    /// </seealso>

    internal VarFlags flags;

    /// <summary> If variable is in a hashtable, either the
    /// hash table entry that refers to this
    /// variable or null if the variable has been
    /// detached from its hash table (e.g. an
    /// array is deleted, but some of its
    /// elements are still referred to in
    /// upvars). null if the variable is not in a
    /// hashtable. This is used to delete an
    /// variable from its hashtable if it is no
    /// longer needed.
    /// </summary>

    internal Hashtable table;

    /// <summary> The key under which this variable is stored in the hash table.</summary>

    internal string hashKey;

    /// <summary> Counts number of active uses of this
    /// variable, not including its entry in the
    /// call frame or the hash table: 1 for each
    /// additional variable whose link points
    /// here, 1 for each nested trace active on
    /// variable, and 1 if the variable is a 
    /// namespace variable. This record can't be
    /// deleted until refCount becomes 0.
    /// </summary>

    internal int refCount;

    /// <summary> Reference to the namespace that contains
    /// this variable or null if the variable is
    /// a local variable in a Tcl procedure.
    /// </summary>

    internal NamespaceCmd.Namespace ns;

    public class SQLITE3_GETSET
      string name = "";
      int _Integer = 0;                   // Internal integer value
      StringBuilder _StringBuilder = null;   // Internal string value
      public SQLITE3_GETSET( string name )
        this._Integer = 0;
        this._StringBuilder = new StringBuilder( 500 );
        this.name = name;
      public int iValue
          return _Integer;
          _Integer = value;
      public string sValue
          return _StringBuilder.ToString();
          _StringBuilder.Length = 0;
          _StringBuilder.Append( value );
      public void Append( byte[] append )
        _StringBuilder.Append( Encoding.UTF8.GetString( append, 0, append.Length ) );

      public void Append( string append )
        _StringBuilder.Append( append );
      public void Trim()
        _StringBuilder = new StringBuilder( _StringBuilder.ToString().Trim() );

      public int Length
          return _StringBuilder.Length;
    /// <summary> Reference to the object the allows getting & setting the sqlite3 linked variable
    /// </summary>
    internal object sqlite3_get_set;
    internal TclObject sqlite3_get()
      TclObject to;
      if ( ( flags & VarFlags.SQLITE3_LINK_READ_ONLY ) != 0 && ( flags & VarFlags.SQLITE3_LINK_INT ) != 0 )
        if ( sqlite3_get_set.GetType().Name == "Int32" )
          to = TclInteger.newInstance( (Int32)sqlite3_get_set );
          to = TclInteger.newInstance( ( (SQLITE3_GETSET)sqlite3_get_set ).iValue );
      else if ( ( flags & VarFlags.SQLITE3_LINK_INT ) != 0 )
        if ( sqlite3_get_set.GetType().Name == "Int32" )
          to = TclInteger.newInstance( (Int32)sqlite3_get_set );
          to = TclInteger.newInstance( ( (SQLITE3_GETSET)sqlite3_get_set ).iValue );
        to = TclString.newInstance( ( (SQLITE3_GETSET)sqlite3_get_set ).sValue );
      return to;
    internal void sqlite3_set( TclObject to )
      if ( ( flags & VarFlags.SQLITE3_LINK_READ_ONLY ) == 0 )
        if ( ( flags & VarFlags.SQLITE3_LINK_INT ) != 0 )
          ( (SQLITE3_GETSET)sqlite3_get_set ).iValue = Convert.ToInt32( to.ToString() );
          if ( ( flags & VarFlags.SQLITE3_LINK_STRING ) != 0 )
            ( (SQLITE3_GETSET)sqlite3_get_set ).sValue = to.ToString();
            ( (SQLITE3_GETSET)sqlite3_get_set ).sValue = to.ToString();

    internal bool isSQLITE3_Link()
      return ( ( flags & VarFlags.SQLITE3_LINK ) != 0 );

    /// <summary> NewVar -> Var
    /// Construct a variable and initialize its fields.
    /// </summary>

    internal Var()
      value = null;
      //name     = null; // Like hashKey in Jacl
      ns = null;
      hashKey = null; // Like hPtr in the C implementation
      table = null; // Like hPtr in the C implementation
      refCount = 0;
      traces = null;
      //search   = null;
      sidVec = null; // Like search in the C implementation
      flags = ( VarFlags.SCALAR | VarFlags.UNDEFINED | VarFlags.IN_HASHTABLE );

    /// <summary> Used to create a String that describes this variable
    /// </summary>

    public override string ToString()
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      sb.Append( ns );
      if ( sb.Length == 2 )
        // It is in the global namespace
        sb.Append( hashKey );
        // It is not in the global namespaces
        sb.Append( "::" );
        sb.Append( hashKey );
      return sb.ToString();

    /// <summary> Find the SearchId that in the sidVec Vector that is equal the 
    /// unique String s and returns the enumeration associated with
    /// that SearchId.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="s">String that ia a unique identifier for a SearchId object
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> Enumeration if a match is found else null.
    /// </returns>

    protected internal SearchId getSearch( string s )
      SearchId sid;
      for ( int i = 0; i < sidVec.Count; i++ )
        sid = (SearchId)sidVec[i];
        if ( sid.equals( s ) )
          return sid;
      return null;

    /// <summary> Find the SearchId object in the sidVec Vector and remove it.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sid">String that ia a unique identifier for a SearchId object.
    /// </param>

    protected internal bool removeSearch( string sid )
      SearchId curSid;

      for ( int i = 0; i < sidVec.Count; i++ )
        curSid = (SearchId)sidVec[i];
        if ( curSid.equals( sid ) )
          sidVec.RemoveAt( i );
          return true;
      return false;

    // End of the instance method for the Var class, the rest of the methods
    // are Var related methods ported from the code in generic/tclVar.c

    // The strings below are used to indicate what went wrong when a
    // variable access is denied.

    internal const string noSuchVar = "no such variable";
    internal const string isArray = "variable is array";
    internal const string needArray = "variable isn't array";
    internal const string noSuchElement = "no such element in array";
    internal const string danglingElement = "upvar refers to element in deleted array";
    internal const string danglingVar = "upvar refers to variable in deleted namespace";
    internal const string badNamespace = "parent namespace doesn't exist";
    internal const string missingName = "missing variable name";

    /// <summary> TclLookupVar -> lookupVar
    /// This procedure is used by virtually all of the variable
    /// code to locate a variable given its name(s).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="part1">if part2 isn't NULL, this is the name of an array.
    /// Otherwise, this is a full variable name that could include 
    /// a parenthesized array elemnt or a scalar.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part2">Name of an element within array, or null.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">Only the TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY bit matters.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="msg">Verb to use in error messages, e.g.  "read" or "set".
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="create">OR'ed combination of CRT_PART1 and CRT_PART2.
    /// Tells which entries to create if they don't already exist.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="throwException">true if an exception should be throw if the
    /// variable cannot be found.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> a two element array. a[0] is the variable indicated by
    /// part1 and part2, or null if the variable couldn't be
    /// found and throwException is false.
    /// <p>
    /// If the variable is found, a[1] is the array that
    /// contains the variable (or null if the variable is a scalar).
    /// If the variable can't be found and either createPart1 or
    /// createPart2 are true, a new as-yet-undefined (VAR_UNDEFINED)
    /// variable instance is created, entered into a hash
    /// table, and returned.
    /// Note: it's possible that var.value of the returned variable
    /// may be null (variable undefined), even if createPart1 or createPart2
    /// are true (these only cause the hash table entry or array to be created).
    /// For example, the variable might be a global that has been unset but
    /// is still referenced by a procedure, or a variable that has been unset
    /// but it only being kept in existence by a trace.
    /// </returns>
    /// <exception cref=""> TclException if the variable cannot be found and 
    /// throwException is true.
    /// </exception>

    internal static Var[] lookupVar( Interp interp, string part1, string part2, TCL.VarFlag flags, string msg, bool createPart1, bool createPart2 )
      CallFrame varFrame = interp.varFrame;
      // Reference to the procedure call frame whose
      // variables are currently in use. Same as
      // the current procedure's frame, if any,
      // unless an "uplevel" is executing.
      Hashtable table; //  to the hashtable, if any, in which
      // to look up the variable.
      Var var; // Used to search for global names.
      string elName; // Name of array element or null.
      int openParen;
      // If this procedure parses a name into
      // array and index, these point to the
      // parens around the index.  Otherwise they
      // are -1. These are needed to restore
      // the parens after parsing the name.
      NamespaceCmd.Namespace varNs, cxtNs;
      int p;
      int i, result;

      var = null;
      openParen = -1;
      varNs = null; // set non-null if a nonlocal variable

      // Parse part1 into array name and index.
      // Always check if part1 is an array element name and allow it only if
      // part2 is not given.   
      // (if one does not care about creating array elements that can't be used
      // from tcl, and prefer slightly better performance, one can put
      // the following in an   if (part2 == null) { ... } block and remove
      // the part2's test and error reporting  or move that code in array set)
      elName = part2;
      int len = part1.Length;
      for ( p = 0; p < len; p++ )
        if ( part1[p] == '(' )
          openParen = p;
          p = len - 1;
          if ( part1[p] == ')' )
            if ( (System.Object)part2 != null )
              if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
                throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, msg, needArray );
              return null;
            elName = part1.Substring( openParen + 1, ( len - 1 ) - ( openParen + 1 ) );
            part2 = elName; // same as elName, only used in error reporting
            part1 = part1.Substring( 0, ( openParen ) - ( 0 ) );

      // If this namespace has a variable resolver, then give it first
      // crack at the variable resolution.  It may return a Var
      // value, it may signal to continue onward, or it may signal
      // an error.

      if ( ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY ) != 0 ) || ( interp.varFrame == null ) )
        cxtNs = interp.globalNs;
        cxtNs = interp.varFrame.ns;

      if ( cxtNs.resolver != null || interp.resolvers != null )
          if ( cxtNs.resolver != null )
            var = cxtNs.resolver.resolveVar( interp, part1, cxtNs, flags );
            var = null;

          if ( var == null && interp.resolvers != null )
            IEnumerator enum_Renamed = interp.resolvers.GetEnumerator();
            foreach ( Interp.ResolverScheme res in interp.resolvers )
              var = res.resolver.resolveVar( interp, part1, cxtNs, flags );
              if ( var != null )
        catch ( TclException e )
          var = null;

      // Look up part1. Look it up as either a namespace variable or as a
      // local variable in a procedure call frame (varFrame).
      // Interpret part1 as a namespace variable if:
      //    1) so requested by a TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY or TCL.VarFlag.NAMESPACE_ONLY flag,
      //    2) there is no active frame (we're at the global :: scope),
      //    3) the active frame was pushed to define the namespace context
      //       for a "namespace eval" or "namespace inscope" command,
      //    4) the name has namespace qualifiers ("::"s).
      // Otherwise, if part1 is a local variable, search first in the
      // frame's array of compiler-allocated local variables, then in its
      // hashtable for runtime-created local variables.
      // If createPart1 and the variable isn't found, create the variable and,
      // if necessary, create varFrame's local var hashtable.

      if ( ( ( flags & ( TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY | TCL.VarFlag.NAMESPACE_ONLY ) ) != 0 ) || ( varFrame == null ) || !varFrame.isProcCallFrame || ( part1.IndexOf( "::" ) != -1 ) )
        string tail;

        // Don't pass TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG, we may yet create the variable,
        // or otherwise generate our own error!

        var = NamespaceCmd.findNamespaceVar( interp, part1, null, flags & ~TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG );
        if ( var == null )
          if ( createPart1 )
            // var wasn't found so create it

            // Java does not support passing an address so we pass
            // an array of size 1 and then assign arr[0] to the value
            NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] varNsArr = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
            NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] dummyArr = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
            string[] tailArr = new string[1];

            NamespaceCmd.getNamespaceForQualName( interp, part1, null, flags, varNsArr, dummyArr, dummyArr, tailArr );

            // Get the values out of the arrays!
            varNs = varNsArr[0];
            tail = tailArr[0];

            if ( varNs == null )
              if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
                throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, msg, badNamespace );
              return null;
            if ( (System.Object)tail == null )
              if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
                throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, msg, missingName );
              return null;
            var = new Var();
            varNs.varTable.Add( tail, var );

            // There is no hPtr member in Jacl, The hPtr combines the table
            // and the key used in a table lookup.
            var.hashKey = tail;
            var.table = varNs.varTable;

            var.ns = varNs;
            // var wasn't found and not to create it
            if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
              throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, msg, noSuchVar );
            return null;
        // local var: look in frame varFrame
        // removed code block that searches for local compiled vars

        if ( var == null )
          // look in the frame's var hash table
          table = varFrame.varTable;
          if ( createPart1 )
            if ( table == null )
              table = new Hashtable();
              varFrame.varTable = table;
            var = (Var)table[part1];
            if ( var == null )
              // we are adding a new entry
              var = new Var();
              SupportClass.PutElement( table, part1, var );

              // There is no hPtr member in Jacl, The hPtr combines
              // the table and the key used in a table lookup.
              var.hashKey = part1;
              var.table = table;

              var.ns = null; // a local variable
            if ( table != null )
              var = (Var)table[part1];
            if ( var == null )
              if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
                throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, msg, noSuchVar );
              return null;

      // If var is a link variable, we have a reference to some variable
      // that was created through an "upvar" or "global" command. Traverse
      // through any links until we find the referenced variable.

      while ( var.isVarLink() )
        var = (Var)var.value;

      // If we're not dealing with an array element, return var.

      if ( (System.Object)elName == null )
        var ret = new Var[2];
        ret[0] = var;
        ret[1] = null;
        return ret;

      // We're dealing with an array element. Make sure the variable is an
      // array and look up the element (create the element if desired).

      if ( var.isVarUndefined() && !var.isVarArrayElement() )
        if ( !createPart1 )
          if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
            throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, msg, noSuchVar );
          return null;

        // Make sure we are not resurrecting a namespace variable from a
        // deleted namespace!

        if ( ( ( var.flags & VarFlags.IN_HASHTABLE ) != 0 ) && ( var.table == null ) )
          if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
            throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, msg, danglingVar );
          return null;

        var.value = new Hashtable();
      else if ( !var.isVarArray() )
        if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
          throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, msg, needArray );
        return null;

      Var arrayVar = var;
      Hashtable arrayTable = (Hashtable)var.value;
      if ( createPart2 )
        Var searchvar = (Var)arrayTable[elName];

        if ( searchvar == null )
          // new entry
          if ( var.sidVec != null )
            deleteSearches( var );

          var = new Var();
          SupportClass.PutElement( arrayTable, elName, var );

          // There is no hPtr member in Jacl, The hPtr combines the table
          // and the key used in a table lookup.
          var.hashKey = elName;
          var.table = arrayTable;

          var.ns = varNs;
          var = searchvar;
        var = (Var)arrayTable[elName];
        if ( var == null )
          if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
            throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, msg, noSuchElement );
          return null;

      var ret2 = new Var[2];
      ret2[0] = var; // The Var in the array
      ret2[1] = arrayVar; // The array (Hashtable) Var
      return ret2;

    /// <summary> Query the value of a variable whose name is stored in a Tcl object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">the interp that holds the variable
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="nameObj">name of the variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> the value of the variable.
    /// </returns>

    internal static TclObject getVar( Interp interp, TclObject nameObj, TCL.VarFlag flags )

      return getVar( interp, nameObj.ToString(), null, flags );

    /// <summary> Query the value of a variable.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">the interp that holds the variable
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="name">name of the variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> the value of the variable.
    /// </returns>

    internal static TclObject getVar( Interp interp, string name, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      return getVar( interp, name, null, flags );

    /// <summary> Tcl_ObjGetVar2 -> getVar
    /// Query the value of a variable.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">the interp that holds the variable
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part1">1st part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part2">2nd part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> the value of the variable.
    /// </returns>

    internal static TclObject getVar( Interp interp, TclObject part1Obj, TclObject part2Obj, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      string part1, part2;

      part1 = part1Obj.ToString();

      if ( part2Obj != null )

        part2 = part2Obj.ToString();
        part2 = null;

      return getVar( interp, part1, part2, flags );

    /// <summary> TCL.Tcl_GetVar2Ex -> getVar
    /// Query the value of a variable, given a two-part name consisting
    /// of array name and element within array.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">the interp that holds the variable
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part1">1st part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part2">2nd part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> the value of the variable.
    /// </returns>

    internal static TclObject getVar( Interp interp, string part1, string part2, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      Var[] result = lookupVar( interp, part1, part2, flags, "read", false, true );

      if ( result == null )
        // lookupVar() returns null only if TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG is
        // not part of the flags argument, return null in this case.

        return null;

      Var var = result[0];
      Var array = result[1];

        // Invoke any traces that have been set for the variable.

        if ( ( var.traces != null ) || ( ( array != null ) && ( array.traces != null ) ) )
          string msg = callTraces( interp, array, var, part1, part2, ( flags & ( TCL.VarFlag.NAMESPACE_ONLY | TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY ) ) | TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_READS );
          if ( (System.Object)msg != null )
            if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
              throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, "read", msg );
            return null;

        if ( var.isVarScalar() && !var.isVarUndefined() )
          return (TclObject)var.value;

        if ( var.isSQLITE3_Link() )
          return var.sqlite3_get();

        if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
          string msg;
          if ( var.isVarUndefined() && ( array != null ) && !array.isVarUndefined() )
            msg = noSuchElement;
          else if ( var.isVarArray() )
            msg = isArray;
            msg = noSuchVar;
          throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, "read", msg );
        // If the variable doesn't exist anymore and no-one's using it,
        // then free up the relevant structures and hash table entries.

        if ( var.isVarUndefined() )
          cleanupVar( var, array );

      return null;

    /// <summary> Set a variable whose name is stored in a Tcl object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">the interp that holds the variable
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="nameObj">name of the variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="value">the new value for the variable
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>

    internal static TclObject setVar( Interp interp, TclObject nameObj, TclObject value, TCL.VarFlag flags )

      return setVar( interp, nameObj.ToString(), null, value, flags );

    /// <summary> Set a variable.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">the interp that holds the variable
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="name">name of the variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="value">the new value for the variable
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method
    /// </param>

    internal static TclObject setVar( Interp interp, string name, TclObject value, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      return setVar( interp, name, null, value, flags );

    /// <summary> Tcl_ObjSetVar2 -> setVar
    /// Set the value of a variable.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">the interp that holds the variable
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part1">1st part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part2">2nd part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="newValue">the new value for the variable
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method
    /// </param>

    internal static TclObject setVar( Interp interp, TclObject part1Obj, TclObject part2Obj, TclObject newValue, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      string part1, part2;

      part1 = part1Obj.ToString();

      if ( part2Obj != null )

        part2 = part2Obj.ToString();
        part2 = null;

      return setVar( interp, part1, part2, newValue, flags );

    /// <summary> TCL.Tcl_SetVar2Ex -> setVar
    /// Given a two-part variable name, which may refer either to a scalar
    /// variable or an element of an array, change the value of the variable
    /// to a new Tcl object value. If the named scalar or array or element
    /// doesn't exist then create one.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">the interp that holds the variable
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part1">1st part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part2">2nd part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="newValue">the new value for the variable
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method
    /// Returns a pointer to the TclObject holding the new value of the
    /// variable. If the write operation was disallowed because an array was
    /// expected but not found (or vice versa), then null is returned; if
    /// the TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG flag is set, then an exception will be raised.
    /// Note that the returned object may not be the same one referenced
    /// by newValue because variable traces may modify the variable's value.
    /// The value of the given variable is set. If either the array or the
    /// entry didn't exist then a new variable is created.
    /// The reference count is decremented for any old value of the variable
    /// and incremented for its new value. If the new value for the variable
    /// is not the same one referenced by newValue (perhaps as a result
    /// of a variable trace), then newValue's ref count is left unchanged
    /// by TCL.Tcl_SetVar2Ex. newValue's ref count is also left unchanged if
    /// we are appending it as a string value: that is, if "flags" includes
    /// TCL.VarFlag.APPEND_VALUE but not TCL.VarFlag.LIST_ELEMENT.
    /// The reference count for the returned object is _not_ incremented: if
    /// you want to keep a reference to the object you must increment its
    /// ref count yourself.
    /// </param>

    internal static TclObject setVar( Interp interp, string part1, string part2, TclObject newValue, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      Var var;
      Var array;
      TclObject oldValue;
      string bytes;

      Var[] result = lookupVar( interp, part1, part2, flags, "set", true, true );
      if ( result == null )
        return null;

      var = result[0];
      array = result[1];

      // If the variable is in a hashtable and its table field is null, then we
      // may have an upvar to an array element where the array was deleted
      // or an upvar to a namespace variable whose namespace was deleted.
      // Generate an error (allowing the variable to be reset would screw up
      // our storage allocation and is meaningless anyway).

      if ( ( ( var.flags & VarFlags.IN_HASHTABLE ) != 0 ) && ( var.table == null ) )
        if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
          if ( var.isVarArrayElement() )
            throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, "set", danglingElement );
            throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, "set", danglingVar );
        return null;

      // It's an error to try to set an array variable itself.

      if ( var.isVarArray() && !var.isVarUndefined() )
        if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
          throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, "set", isArray );
        return null;

      // At this point, if we were appending, we used to call read traces: we
      // treated append as a read-modify-write. However, it seemed unlikely to
      // us that a real program would be interested in such reads being done
      // during a set operation.

      // Set the variable's new value. If appending, append the new value to
      // the variable, either as a list element or as a string. Also, if
      // appending, then if the variable's old value is unshared we can modify
      // it directly, otherwise we must create a new copy to modify: this is
      // "copy on write".

        if ( var.isSQLITE3_Link() )
          var.sqlite3_set( newValue );
          return var.sqlite3_get();
          oldValue = (TclObject)var.value;

          if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.APPEND_VALUE ) != 0 )
            if ( var.isVarUndefined() && ( oldValue != null ) )
              oldValue.release(); // discard old value
              var.value = null;
              oldValue = null;
            if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LIST_ELEMENT ) != 0 )
              // append list element
              if ( oldValue == null )
                oldValue = TclList.newInstance();
                var.value = oldValue;
                oldValue.preserve(); // since var is referenced
              else if ( oldValue.Shared )
                // append to copy
                var.value = oldValue.duplicate();
                oldValue = (TclObject)var.value;
                oldValue.preserve(); // since var is referenced
              TclList.append( interp, oldValue, newValue );
              // append string
              // We append newValuePtr's bytes but don't change its ref count.

              bytes = newValue.ToString();
              if ( oldValue == null )
                var.value = TclString.newInstance( bytes );
                ( (TclObject)var.value ).preserve();
                if ( oldValue.Shared )
                  // append to copy
                  var.value = oldValue.duplicate();
                  oldValue = (TclObject)var.value;
                  oldValue.preserve(); // since var is referenced
                TclString.append( oldValue, newValue );
            if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LIST_ELEMENT ) != 0 )
              // set var to list element
              int listFlags;

              // We set the variable to the result of converting newValue's
              // string rep to a list element. We do not change newValue's
              // ref count.

              if ( oldValue != null )
                oldValue.release(); // discard old value

              bytes = newValue.ToString();
              listFlags = Util.scanElement( interp, bytes );
              oldValue = TclString.newInstance( Util.convertElement( bytes, listFlags ) );
              var.value = oldValue;
              ( (TclObject)var.value ).preserve();
            else if ( newValue != oldValue )
              var.value = newValue.duplicate();
              ( (TclObject)var.value ).preserve(); // var is another ref
              if ( oldValue != null )
                oldValue.release(); // discard old value
          if ( array != null )

          // Invoke any write traces for the variable.

          if ( ( var.traces != null ) || ( ( array != null ) && ( array.traces != null ) ) )

            string msg = callTraces( interp, array, var, part1, part2, ( flags & ( TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY | TCL.VarFlag.NAMESPACE_ONLY ) ) | TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_WRITES );
            if ( (System.Object)msg != null )
              if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
                throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, "set", msg );
              return null; // Same as "goto cleanup" in C verison

          // Return the variable's value unless the variable was changed in some
          // gross way by a trace (e.g. it was unset and then recreated as an
          // array).

          if ( var.isVarScalar() && !var.isVarUndefined() )
            return (TclObject)var.value;

          // A trace changed the value in some gross way. Return an empty string
          // object.

          return TclString.newInstance( "" );
        // If the variable doesn't exist anymore and no-one's using it,
        // then free up the relevant structures and hash table entries.

        if ( var.isVarUndefined() )
          cleanupVar( var, array );

    /// <summary>  TclIncrVar2 -> incrVar
    /// Given a two-part variable name, which may refer either to a scalar
    /// variable or an element of an array, increment the Tcl object value
    /// of the variable by a specified amount.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="part1">1st part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part2">2nd part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="incrAmount">Amount to be added to variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method
    /// Results:
    /// Returns a reference to the TclObject holding the new value of the
    /// variable. If the specified variable doesn't exist, or there is a
    /// clash in array usage, or an error occurs while executing variable
    /// traces, then a TclException will be raised.
    /// Side effects:
    /// The value of the given variable is incremented by the specified
    /// amount. If either the array or the entry didn't exist then a new
    /// variable is created. The ref count for the returned object is _not_
    /// incremented to reflect the returned reference; if you want to keep a
    /// reference to the object you must increment its ref count yourself.
    /// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    /// </param>

    internal static TclObject incrVar( Interp interp, TclObject part1, TclObject part2, int incrAmount, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      TclObject varValue = null;
      bool createdNewObj; // Set to true if var's value object is shared
      // so we must increment a copy (i.e. copy
      // on write).
      int i;
      bool err;

      // There are two possible error conditions that depend on the setting of
      // TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG. an exception could be raised or null could be returned
      err = false;
        varValue = getVar( interp, part1, part2, flags );
      catch ( TclException e )
        err = true;
        // FIXME : is this the correct way to catch the error?
        if ( err || varValue == null )
          interp.addErrorInfo( "\n    (reading value of variable to increment)" );

      // Increment the variable's value. If the object is unshared we can
      // modify it directly, otherwise we must create a new copy to modify:
      // this is "copy on write". Then free the variable's old string
      // representation, if any, since it will no longer be valid.

      createdNewObj = false;
      if ( varValue.Shared )
        varValue = varValue.duplicate();
        createdNewObj = true;

        i = TclInteger.get( interp, varValue );
      catch ( TclException e )
        if ( createdNewObj )
          varValue.release(); // free unneeded copy

      TclInteger.set( varValue, ( i + incrAmount ) );

      // Store the variable's new value and run any write traces.

      return setVar( interp, part1, part2, varValue, flags );

    /// <summary> Unset a variable whose name is stored in a Tcl object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nameObj">name of the variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>

    internal static void unsetVar( Interp interp, TclObject nameObj, TCL.VarFlag flags )

      unsetVar( interp, nameObj.ToString(), null, flags );

    /// <summary> Unset a variable.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">name of the variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>

    internal static void unsetVar( Interp interp, string name, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      unsetVar( interp, name, null, flags );

    /// <summary> TCL.Tcl_UnsetVar2 -> unsetVar
    /// Unset a variable, given a two-part name consisting of array
    /// name and element within array.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="part1">1st part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part2">2nd part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// If part1 and part2 indicate a local or global variable in interp,
    /// it is deleted.  If part1 is an array name and part2 is null, then
    /// the whole array is deleted.
    /// </param>

    internal static void unsetVar( Interp interp, string part1, string part2, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      Var dummyVar;
      Var var;
      Var array;
      //ActiveVarTrace active;
      TclObject obj;
      TCL.CompletionCode result;

      // FIXME : what about the null return vs exception thing here?
      Var[] lookup_result = lookupVar( interp, part1, part2, flags, "unset", false, false );
      if ( lookup_result == null )
        if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
          throw new TclRuntimeError( "unexpected null reference" );

      var = lookup_result[0];
      array = lookup_result[1];

      result = ( var.isVarUndefined() ? TCL.CompletionCode.ERROR : TCL.CompletionCode.OK );

      if ( ( array != null ) && ( array.sidVec != null ) )
        deleteSearches( array );

      // The code below is tricky, because of the possibility that
      // a trace procedure might try to access a variable being
      // deleted. To handle this situation gracefully, do things
      // in three steps:
      // 1. Copy the contents of the variable to a dummy variable
      //    structure, and mark the original Var structure as undefined.
      // 2. Invoke traces and clean up the variable, using the dummy copy.
      // 3. If at the end of this the original variable is still
      //    undefined and has no outstanding references, then delete
      //          it (but it could have gotten recreated by a trace).

      dummyVar = new Var();
      //FIXME: Var class really should implement clone to make a bit copy. 
      dummyVar.value = var.value;
      dummyVar.traces = var.traces;
      dummyVar.flags = var.flags;
      dummyVar.hashKey = var.hashKey;
      dummyVar.table = var.table;
      dummyVar.refCount = var.refCount;
      dummyVar.ns = var.ns;

      var.value = null; // dummyVar points to any value object
      var.traces = null;
      var.sidVec = null;

      // Call trace procedures for the variable being deleted. Then delete
      // its traces. Be sure to abort any other traces for the variable
      // that are still pending. Special tricks:
      // 1. We need to increment var's refCount around this: CallTraces
      //    will use dummyVar so it won't increment var's refCount itself.
      // 2. Turn off the TRACE_ACTIVE flag in dummyVar: we want to
      //    call unset traces even if other traces are pending.

      if ( ( dummyVar.traces != null ) || ( ( array != null ) && ( array.traces != null ) ) )
        dummyVar.flags &= ~VarFlags.TRACE_ACTIVE;
        callTraces( interp, array, dummyVar, part1, part2, ( flags & ( TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY | TCL.VarFlag.NAMESPACE_ONLY ) ) | TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_UNSETS );

        dummyVar.traces = null;

        // Active trace stuff is not part of Jacl's interp


      // If the variable is an array, delete all of its elements. This must be
      // done after calling the traces on the array, above (that's the way
      // traces are defined). If it is a scalar, "discard" its object
      // (decrement the ref count of its object, if any).

      if ( dummyVar.isVarArray() && !dummyVar.isVarUndefined() )
        deleteArray( interp, part1, dummyVar, ( flags & ( TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY | TCL.VarFlag.NAMESPACE_ONLY ) ) | TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_UNSETS );
      if ( dummyVar.isVarScalar() && ( dummyVar.value != null ) )
        obj = (TclObject)dummyVar.value;
        dummyVar.value = null;

      // If the variable was a namespace variable, decrement its reference count.

      if ( ( var.flags & VarFlags.NAMESPACE_VAR ) != 0 )
        var.flags &= ~VarFlags.NAMESPACE_VAR;

      // Finally, if the variable is truly not in use then free up its Var
      // structure and remove it from its hash table, if any. The ref count of
      // its value object, if any, was decremented above.

      cleanupVar( var, array );

      // It's an error to unset an undefined variable.

      if ( result != TCL.CompletionCode.OK )
        if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ) != 0 )
          throw new TclVarException( interp, part1, part2, "unset", ( ( array == null ) ? noSuchVar : noSuchElement ) );

    /// <summary> Trace a variable whose name is stored in a Tcl object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nameObj">name of the variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="trace">the trace to add.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>

    internal static void traceVar( Interp interp, TclObject nameObj, TCL.VarFlag flags, VarTrace proc )

      traceVar( interp, nameObj.ToString(), null, flags, proc );

    /// <summary> Trace a variable.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">name of the variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="trace">the trace to add.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>

    internal static void traceVar( Interp interp, string name, TCL.VarFlag flags, VarTrace proc )
      traceVar( interp, name, null, flags, proc );

    /// <summary> TCL.Tcl_TraceVar2 -> traceVar
    /// Trace a variable, given a two-part name consisting of array
    /// name and element within array.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="part1">1st part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part2">2nd part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="trace">the trace to comand to add.
    /// </param>

    internal static void traceVar( Interp interp, string part1, string part2, TCL.VarFlag flags, VarTrace proc )
      Var[] result;
      Var var, array;

      // FIXME: what about the exception problem here?
      result = lookupVar( interp, part1, part2, ( flags | TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ), "trace", true, true );
      if ( result == null )
        throw new TclException( interp, "" );

      var = result[0];
      array = result[1];

      // Set up trace information.

      if ( var.traces == null )
        var.traces = new ArrayList( 10 );

      var rec = new TraceRecord();
      rec.trace = proc;
      rec.flags = flags & ( TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_READS | TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_WRITES | TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_UNSETS | TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_ARRAY );

      var.traces.Insert( 0, rec );

      // FIXME: is this needed ?? It was in Jacl but not 8.1

      // When inserting a trace for an array on an UNDEFINED variable,
      // the search IDs for that array are reset.

      if (array != null && var.isVarUndefined()) {
      array.sidVec = null;

    /// <summary> Untrace a variable whose name is stored in a Tcl object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nameObj">name of the variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="trace">the trace to delete.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>

    internal static void untraceVar( Interp interp, TclObject nameObj, TCL.VarFlag flags, VarTrace proc )

      untraceVar( interp, nameObj.ToString(), null, flags, proc );

    /// <summary> Untrace a variable.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">name of the variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="trace">the trace to delete.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>

    internal static void untraceVar( Interp interp, string name, TCL.VarFlag flags, VarTrace proc )
      untraceVar( interp, name, null, flags, proc );

    /// <summary> TCL.Tcl_UntraceVar2 -> untraceVar
    /// Untrace a variable, given a two-part name consisting of array
    /// name and element within array. This will Remove a
    /// previously-created trace for a variable.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">Interpreter containing variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part1">1st part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part2">2nd part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="proc">the trace to delete.
    /// </param>

    internal static void untraceVar( Interp interp, string part1, string part2, TCL.VarFlag flags, VarTrace proc )
      Var[] result = null;
      Var var;

        result = lookupVar( interp, part1, part2, flags & ( TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY | TCL.VarFlag.NAMESPACE_ONLY ), null, false, false );
        if ( result == null )
      catch ( TclException e )
        // FIXME: check for problems in exception in lookupVar

        // We have set throwException argument to false in the
        // lookupVar() call, so an exception should never be
        // thrown.

        throw new TclRuntimeError( "unexpected TclException: " + e.Message, e );

      var = result[0];

      if ( var.traces != null )
        int len = var.traces.Count;
        for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
          TraceRecord rec = (TraceRecord)var.traces[i];
          if ( rec.trace == proc )
            var.traces.RemoveAt( i );

      // If this is the last trace on the variable, and the variable is
      // unset and unused, then free up the variable.

      if ( var.isVarUndefined() )
        cleanupVar( var, null );

    /// <summary> TCL.Tcl_VarTraceInfo -> getTraces
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">Interpreter containing variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="name">name of the variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> the Vector of traces of a variable.
    /// </returns>

    static protected internal ArrayList getTraces( Interp interp, string name, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      return getTraces( interp, name, null, flags );

    /// <summary> TCL.Tcl_VarTraceInfo2 -> getTraces
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns> the list of traces of a variable.
    /// </returns>
    /// <param name="interp">Interpreter containing variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part1">1st part of the variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part2">2nd part of the variable name (can be null).
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">misc flags that control the actions of this method.
    /// </param>

    static protected internal ArrayList getTraces( Interp interp, string part1, string part2, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      Var[] result;

      result = lookupVar( interp, part1, part2, flags & ( TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY | TCL.VarFlag.NAMESPACE_ONLY ), null, false, false );

      if ( result == null )
        return null;

      return result[0].traces;

    /// <summary> MakeUpvar -> makeUpvar
    /// Create a reference of a variable in otherFrame in the current
    /// CallFrame, given a two-part name consisting of array name and
    /// element within array.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">Interp containing the variables
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="frame">CallFrame containing "other" variable.
    /// null means use global context.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="otherP1">the 1st part name of the variable in the "other" frame.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="otherP2">the 2nd part name of the variable in the "other" frame.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="otherFlags">the flags for scaope of "other" variable
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="myName">Name of scalar variable which will refer to otherP1/otherP2.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="myFlags">only the TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY bit matters, 
    /// indicating the scope of myName.
    /// </param>
    /// <exception cref=""> TclException if the upvar cannot be created. 
    /// </exception>

    protected internal static void makeUpvar( Interp interp, CallFrame frame, string otherP1, string otherP2, TCL.VarFlag otherFlags, string myName, TCL.VarFlag myFlags )
      Var other, var, array;
      Var[] result;
      CallFrame varFrame;
      CallFrame savedFrame = null;
      Hashtable table;
      NamespaceCmd.Namespace ns, altNs;
      string tail;
      bool newvar = false;

      // Find "other" in "frame". If not looking up other in just the
      // current namespace, temporarily replace the current var frame
      // pointer in the interpreter in order to use TclLookupVar.

      if ( ( otherFlags & TCL.VarFlag.NAMESPACE_ONLY ) == 0 )
        savedFrame = interp.varFrame;
        interp.varFrame = frame;
      result = lookupVar( interp, otherP1, otherP2, ( otherFlags | TCL.VarFlag.LEAVE_ERR_MSG ), "access", true, true );

      if ( ( otherFlags & TCL.VarFlag.NAMESPACE_ONLY ) == 0 )
        interp.varFrame = savedFrame;

      other = result[0];
      array = result[1];

      if ( other == null )
        // FIXME : leave error message thing again
        throw new TclRuntimeError( "unexpected null reference" );

      // Now create a hashtable entry for "myName". Create it as either a
      // namespace variable or as a local variable in a procedure call
      // frame. Interpret myName as a namespace variable if:
      //    1) so requested by a TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY or TCL.VarFlag.NAMESPACE_ONLY flag,
      //    2) there is no active frame (we're at the global :: scope),
      //    3) the active frame was pushed to define the namespace context
      //       for a "namespace eval" or "namespace inscope" command,
      //    4) the name has namespace qualifiers ("::"s).
      // If creating myName in the active procedure, look in its
      // hashtable for runtime-created local variables. Create that
      // procedure's local variable hashtable if necessary.

      varFrame = interp.varFrame;
      if ( ( ( myFlags & ( TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY | TCL.VarFlag.NAMESPACE_ONLY ) ) != 0 ) || ( varFrame == null ) || !varFrame.isProcCallFrame || ( myName.IndexOf( "::" ) != -1 ) )

        // Java does not support passing an address so we pass
        // an array of size 1 and then assign arr[0] to the value
        NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] nsArr = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
        NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] altNsArr = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
        NamespaceCmd.Namespace[] dummyNsArr = new NamespaceCmd.Namespace[1];
        string[] tailArr = new string[1];

        NamespaceCmd.getNamespaceForQualName( interp, myName, null, myFlags, nsArr, altNsArr, dummyNsArr, tailArr );

        // Get the values out of the arrays!
        ns = nsArr[0];
        altNs = altNsArr[0];
        tail = tailArr[0];

        if ( ns == null )
          ns = altNs;
        if ( ns == null )
          throw new TclException( interp, "bad variable name \"" + myName + "\": unknown namespace" );

        // Check that we are not trying to create a namespace var linked to
        // a local variable in a procedure. If we allowed this, the local
        // variable in the shorter-lived procedure frame could go away
        // leaving the namespace var's reference invalid.

        if ( ( ( (System.Object)otherP2 != null ) ? array.ns : other.ns ) == null )
          throw new TclException( interp, "bad variable name \"" + myName + "\": upvar won't create namespace variable that refers to procedure variable" );

        // AKT var = (Var) ns.varTable.get(tail);
        var = (Var)ns.varTable[tail];
        if ( var == null )
          // we are adding a new entry
          newvar = true;
          var = new Var();
          // ATK ns.varTable.put(tail, var);
          ns.varTable.Add( tail, var );

          // There is no hPtr member in Jacl, The hPtr combines the table
          // and the key used in a table lookup.
          var.hashKey = tail;
          var.table = ns.varTable;

          var.ns = ns;
        // Skip Compiled Local stuff
        var = null;
        if ( var == null )
          // look in frame's local var hashtable
          table = varFrame.varTable;
          if ( table == null )
            table = new Hashtable();
            varFrame.varTable = table;

          var = (Var)table[myName];
          if ( var == null )
            // we are adding a new entry
            newvar = true;
            var = new Var();
            SupportClass.PutElement( table, myName, var );

            // There is no hPtr member in Jacl, The hPtr combines the table
            // and the key used in a table lookup.
            var.hashKey = myName;
            var.table = table;

            var.ns = varFrame.ns;

      if ( !newvar )
        // The variable already exists. Make sure this variable "var"
        // isn't the same as "other" (avoid circular links). Also, if
        // it's not an upvar then it's an error. If it is an upvar, then
        // just disconnect it from the thing it currently refers to.

        if ( var == other )
          throw new TclException( interp, "can't upvar from variable to itself" );
        if ( var.isVarLink() )
          Var link = (Var)var.value;
          if ( link == other )
          if ( link.isVarUndefined() )
            cleanupVar( link, null );
        else if ( !var.isVarUndefined() )
          throw new TclException( interp, "variable \"" + myName + "\" already exists" );
        else if ( var.traces != null )
          throw new TclException( interp, "variable \"" + myName + "\" has traces: can't use for upvar" );

      var.value = other;

    * TCL.Tcl_GetVariableFullName -> getVariableFullName
    *  Given a Var token returned by NamespaceCmd.FindNamespaceVar, this
    *   procedure appends to an object the namespace variable's full
    *   name, qualified by a sequence of parent namespace names.
    * Results:
    *  None.
    * Side effects:
    *  The variable's fully-qualified name is returned.

    internal static string getVariableFullName( Interp interp, Var var )
      StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();

      // Add the full name of the containing namespace (if any), followed by
      // the "::" separator, then the variable name.

      if ( var != null )
        if ( !var.isVarArrayElement() )
          if ( var.ns != null )
            buff.Append( var.ns.fullName );
            if ( var.ns != interp.globalNs )
              buff.Append( "::" );
          // Jacl's Var class does not include the "name" member
          // We use the "hashKey" member which is equivalent

          if ( (System.Object)var.hashKey != null )
            buff.Append( var.hashKey );

      return buff.ToString();

    /// <summary> CallTraces -> callTraces
    /// This procedure is invoked to find and invoke relevant
    /// trace procedures associated with a particular operation on
    /// a variable.  This procedure invokes traces both on the
    /// variable and on its containing array (where relevant).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">Interpreter containing variable.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="array">array variable that contains the variable, or null
    /// if the variable isn't an element of an array.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="var">Variable whose traces are to be invoked.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part1">the first part of a variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="part2">the second part of a variable name.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">Flags to pass to trace procedures: indicates
    /// what's happening to variable, plus other stuff like
    /// </param>
    /// <returns> null if no trace procedures were invoked, or
    /// if all the invoked trace procedures returned successfully.
    /// The return value is non-null if a trace procedure returned an
    /// error (in this case no more trace procedures were invoked
    /// after the error was returned). In this case the return value
    /// is a pointer to a string describing the error.
    /// </returns>

    static protected internal string callTraces( Interp interp, Var array, Var var, string part1, string part2, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      TclObject oldResult;
      int i;

      // If there are already similar trace procedures active for the
      // variable, don't call them again.

      if ( ( var.flags & VarFlags.TRACE_ACTIVE ) != 0 )
        return null;
      var.flags |= VarFlags.TRACE_ACTIVE;

      // If the variable name hasn't been parsed into array name and
      // element, do it here.  If there really is an array element,
      // make a copy of the original name so that nulls can be
      // inserted into it to separate the names (can't modify the name
      // string in place, because the string might get used by the
      // callbacks we invoke).

      // FIXME : come up with parsing code to use for all situations!
      if ( (System.Object)part2 == null )
        int len = part1.Length;

        if ( len > 0 )
          if ( part1[len - 1] == ')' )
            for ( i = 0; i < len - 1; i++ )
              if ( part1[i] == '(' )
            if ( i < len - 1 )
              if ( i < len - 2 )
                part2 = part1.Substring( i + 1, ( len - 1 ) - ( i + 1 ) );
                part1 = part1.Substring( 0, ( i ) - ( 0 ) );

      oldResult = interp.getResult();

        // Invoke traces on the array containing the variable, if relevant.

        if ( array != null )
        if ( ( array != null ) && ( array.traces != null ) )
          for ( i = 0; ( array.traces != null ) && ( i < array.traces.Count ); i++ )
            TraceRecord rec = (TraceRecord)array.traces[i];
            if ( ( rec.flags & flags ) != 0 )
                rec.trace.traceProc( interp, part1, part2, flags );
              catch ( TclException e )
                if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_UNSETS ) == 0 )

                  return interp.getResult().ToString();

        // Invoke traces on the variable itself.

        if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_UNSETS ) != 0 )
          flags |= TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_DESTROYED;

        for ( i = 0; ( var.traces != null ) && ( i < var.traces.Count ); i++ )
          TraceRecord rec = (TraceRecord)var.traces[i];
          if ( ( rec.flags & flags ) != 0 )
              rec.trace.traceProc( interp, part1, part2, flags );
            catch ( TclException e )
              if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_UNSETS ) == 0 )

                return interp.getResult().ToString();

        return null;
        if ( array != null )
        var.flags &= ~VarFlags.TRACE_ACTIVE;

        interp.setResult( oldResult );

    /// <summary> DeleteSearches -> deleteSearches
    /// This procedure is called to free up all of the searches
    /// associated with an array variable.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">Interpreter containing array.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="arrayVar">the array variable to delete searches from.
    /// </param>

    static protected internal void deleteSearches( Var arrayVar )
    // Variable whose searches are to be deleted.
      arrayVar.sidVec = null;

    /// <summary> TclDeleteVars -> deleteVars
    /// This procedure is called to recycle all the storage space
    /// associated with a table of variables. For this procedure
    /// to work correctly, it must not be possible for any of the
    /// variables in the table to be accessed from Tcl commands
    /// (e.g. from trace procedures).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">Interpreter containing array.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="table">Hashtbale that holds the Vars to delete
    /// </param>

    static protected internal void deleteVars( Interp interp, Hashtable table )
      IEnumerator search;
      string hashKey;
      Var var;
      Var link;
      TCL.VarFlag flags;
      //ActiveVarTrace active;
      TclObject obj;
      NamespaceCmd.Namespace currNs = NamespaceCmd.getCurrentNamespace( interp );

      // Determine what flags to pass to the trace callback procedures.

      flags = TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_UNSETS;
      if ( table == interp.globalNs.varTable )
        flags |= ( TCL.VarFlag.INTERP_DESTROYED | TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY );
      else if ( table == currNs.varTable )
        flags |= TCL.VarFlag.NAMESPACE_ONLY;

      for ( search = table.Values.GetEnumerator(); search.MoveNext(); )
        var = (Var)search.Current;

        // For global/upvar variables referenced in procedures, decrement
        // the reference count on the variable referred to, and free
        // the referenced variable if it's no longer needed. Don't delete
        // the hash entry for the other variable if it's in the same table
        // as us: this will happen automatically later on.

        if ( var.isVarLink() )
          link = (Var)var.value;
          if ( ( link.refCount == 0 ) && link.isVarUndefined() && ( link.traces == null ) && ( ( link.flags & VarFlags.IN_HASHTABLE ) != 0 ) )

            if ( (System.Object)link.hashKey == null )
              var.value = null; // Drops reference to the link Var
            else if ( link.table != table )
              SupportClass.HashtableRemove( link.table, link.hashKey );
              link.table = null; // Drops the link var's table reference
              var.value = null; // Drops reference to the link Var

        // free up the variable's space (no need to free the hash entry
        // here, unless we're dealing with a global variable: the
        // hash entries will be deleted automatically when the whole
        // table is deleted). Note that we give callTraces the variable's
        // fully-qualified name so that any called trace procedures can
        // refer to these variables being deleted.

        if ( var.traces != null )
          string fullname = getVariableFullName( interp, var );

          callTraces( interp, null, var, fullname, null, flags );

          // The var.traces = null statement later will drop all the
          // references to the traces which will free them up

        if ( var.isVarArray() )
          deleteArray( interp, var.hashKey, var, flags );
          var.value = null;
        if ( var.isVarScalar() && ( var.value != null ) )
          obj = (TclObject)var.value;
          var.value = null;

        // There is no hPtr member in Jacl, The hPtr combines the table
        // and the key used in a table lookup.
        var.hashKey = null;
        var.table = null;
        var.traces = null;

        // If the variable was a namespace variable, decrement its 
        // reference count. We are in the process of destroying its
        // namespace so that namespace will no longer "refer" to the
        // variable.

        if ( ( var.flags & VarFlags.NAMESPACE_VAR ) != 0 )
          var.flags &= ~VarFlags.NAMESPACE_VAR;

        // Recycle the variable's memory space if there aren't any upvar's
        // pointing to it. If there are upvars to this variable, then the
        // variable will get freed when the last upvar goes away.

        if ( var.refCount == 0 )
          // When we drop the last reference it will be freeded

    /// <summary> DeleteArray -> deleteArray
    /// This procedure is called to free up everything in an array
    /// variable.  It's the caller's responsibility to make sure
    /// that the array is no longer accessible before this procedure
    /// is called.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="interp">Interpreter containing array.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="arrayName">name of array (used for trace callbacks).
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="var">the array variable to delete.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="flags">Flags to pass to CallTraces.
    /// </param>

    static protected internal void deleteArray( Interp interp, string arrayName, Var var, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      IEnumerator search;
      Var el;
      TclObject obj;

      deleteSearches( var );
      Hashtable table = (Hashtable)var.value;

      Var dummyVar;
      for ( search = table.Values.GetEnumerator(); search.MoveNext(); )
        el = (Var)search.Current;

        if ( el.isVarScalar() && ( el.value != null ) )
          obj = (TclObject)el.value;
          el.value = null;

        string tmpkey = (string)el.hashKey;
        // There is no hPtr member in Jacl, The hPtr combines the table
        // and the key used in a table lookup.
        el.hashKey = null;
        el.table = null;
        if ( el.traces != null )
          el.flags &= ~VarFlags.TRACE_ACTIVE;
          // FIXME : Old Jacl impl passed a dummy var to callTraces, should we?
          callTraces( interp, null, el, arrayName, tmpkey, flags );
          el.traces = null;
          // Active trace stuff is not part of Jacl
        if ( el.refCount == 0 )
          // We are no longer using the element
          // element Vars are IN_HASHTABLE
      ( (Hashtable)var.value ).Clear();
      var.value = null;

    /// <summary> CleanupVar -> cleanupVar
    /// This procedure is called when it looks like it may be OK
    /// to free up the variable's record and hash table entry, and
    /// those of its containing parent.  It's called, for example,
    /// when a trace on a variable deletes the variable.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="var">variable that may be a candidate for being expunged.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="array">Array that contains the variable, or NULL if this
    /// variable isn't an array element.
    /// </param>

    static protected internal void cleanupVar( Var var, Var array )
      if ( var.isVarUndefined() && ( var.refCount == 0 ) && ( var.traces == null ) && ( ( var.flags & VarFlags.IN_HASHTABLE ) != 0 ) )
        if ( var.table != null )
          SupportClass.HashtableRemove( var.table, var.hashKey );
          var.table = null;
          var.hashKey = null;
      if ( array != null )
        if ( array.isVarUndefined() && ( array.refCount == 0 ) && ( array.traces == null ) && ( ( array.flags & VarFlags.IN_HASHTABLE ) != 0 ) )
          if ( array.table != null )
            SupportClass.HashtableRemove( array.table, array.hashKey );
            array.table = null;
            array.hashKey = null;
  } // End of Var class